TUF Season 9 Finale this Saturday on SpikeTv!


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Main card

  • Lightweight bout: Diego Sanchez vs. Clay Guida
  • Lightweight bout: Joe Stevenson vs. Nate Diaz
  • Welterweight bout: Chris Lytle vs. Kevin Burns
  • Welterweight Finale bout: DaMarques Johnson vs. James Wilks
  • Lightweight Finale bout: Andre Winner vs. Ross Pearson

Preliminary card

  • Lightweight bout: Melvin Guillard vs. Gleison Tibau
  • Welterweight bout: Brad Blackburn vs. Edgar Garcia
  • Light Heavyweight bout: Mike Ciesnolevicz vs. Tomasz Drwal
  • Lightweight bout: Cameron Dollar vs. Jason Dent
  • Welterweight bout: Frank Lester vs. Nick Osipczak

The event is this Saturday, June 20, 2009 @ 9:00 PM Eastern American time. Before it airs, Spike will be showing each episode from this season in a marathon that starts early Saturday morning.

This card is really, really good. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to catch any of the episodes since around the sixth week, but I plan on watching the marathon on Spike to catch up. All I know from looking at the names who made it is that DaMarques Johnson was a huge douche when I was watching the show, so I hope he gets his ass handed to him. But other than that, I don't have an opinion as of yet as far as the TUF finale fights are concerned. However, I am very much looking forward to the other three main events on the show.

Diego Sanchez vs. Clay Guida is without a doubt a Fight of the Year candidate. I love both these guys, so I'm not rooting for anyone in particular; I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the show. Clay's on a bit of a winning streak, and this is only Diego's second time fighting at 155, after a decent first showing against Joe Stevenson. My prediction for this though is Diego Sanchez by decision. Clay's strong suit is his wrestling and fast pace, and unfortunately for him, he's going to be in there with someone who is superior at wrestling, and in just as good of shape as he is. I think Diego will be able to keep the fight on its feet and control it that way, as he's a much improved striker and Clay's never shown himself to be good at striking whatsoever. However, I still wouldn't be shocked if The Carpenter is able to pull off a victory.

I'm most looking forward to the Nate Diaz vs. Joe Stevenson fight. Nate is one of my favorite fighters and I'm going to be rooting for him hard in this fight. I have nothing against Joe Stevenson and I hate to see Joe continue his losing streak, but Nate is just superior in every way except wrestling. On stand-up, Nate has a HUGE reach advantage and knows how to use it. And on the ground, Nate's one of the very best in MMA, just like his brother. The only way Joe wins this fight is by taking Nate down and holding him down for 3 rounds, but I don't think he'll be able to do it. Nate's just to slick once the fight goes to the ground, and besides... in Stevenson's last three fights he's been hell bent in having stand-up wars, so I don't think he'll try anything different this time around.

And I hope Chris Lytle kicks Burns ass. Lytle is fucking awesome and also one of my favorites. I think he's superior in every way when compared to Burns, so I see no reason as to why he would lose this fight. So hopefully he takes care of business quick and gets back on the right track to becoming one of the best Welterweights in the UFC.
It is a solid card. I am really pulling for Guida against Sanchez. I like Diego, but Guida is just awesome. Also, I am not sure who I want to win between Joe "Daddy" and Diaz, but i think that Diaz will submit him. I just don't see Joe being able to escape any submission if he gets caught in one against Nate. I hope Lytle destroys Burns. Lytle is a warrior. Honestly, I really didn't enjoy this season of TUF, so I could care less who wins the TUF Finals. If I had to pick who I would want to win, I would pick DeMarques and Winner.
Diego Vs Guida, Great fight, a lot better then i expected it would be. I was really pulling for Guida in this one. I thought his run for the title might have finally started. Sadly this will set him way back. Impressive stand up by Diego, i honestly thought the flurry in the first round was gonna be the end of Guida, but props to Guida for hanging in there. He has a iron chin, even after that flurry he took a head kick and some vicious elbows. The guy may be one dimensional, but you have to admire his heart to keep pushing the pace even after taking all those blows. It was a surprise to see Guida was able to take the fight to a split decision. When Buffer announced that the first judge judged it in favor of Guida i started getting anxious wondering if the next judge will decide it in Guida's favor. Sadly Diego ended up winning, and rightfully so. Now i have yet to rewatch the fight, but the first round was clearly Diego's. The second i would give to Guida, and the third I'm not sure, but unless Guida dominated this round he wasn't gonna win. The third was close, or if someone won it, it wasn't by much. Guida needed a dominant round, since Diego dominated the first round. Sadly Guida wasn't able to pull a takedown in the 3rd to probably sway the judges to his favor. Congratulations to Diego, one more win over a credible opponent should earn him a title shot. I would love to see a fight with him against Edgar.

Joe Stevenson vs. Nate Diaz, damn happy to see Joe pick up the win here. I like the Diaz bros and all, but Joe was probably gonna get cut if he lost this one. Which i don't think he deserved. His last 3 loses came to the current champion BJ, and current title contender Kenflo. So i see no shame in that. Anyway, Joe looked fuckin great last night. I don't think i have ever seen such a Impressive performance by Joe. His ground control of Diaz was just amazing, as was his jiu jitsu defense. Controlling a Diaz on the ground is pretty impressive. Guess working with Greg Jackson really paid off. I'm glad he went back to using his strength, his wrestling and Jiu Jitsu. Instead of trying to be a kickboxer. Hope to see him continuing improving over at Jackson's.

Chris Lytle vs. Kevin Burns, pretty exciting fight. When Lytle goes into a fight, expect this guy to throw caution into the wind and go blow for blow. Not much to say here, both stood and banged through out the whole fight. A close call came for Lytle in the first round where it looked like Burns was gonna TKO him, but Lytle managed to weather the storm and move on to the next round. From there it was pretty much Lytle for the rest of the fight. Although i never expect Lytle to become a title contender, I'm sure he'll be around in the UFC for awhile due to all the exciting fights he puts on.

As for the TUF winners. I didn't bother to watch this season, i had enough of TUF really, but decided to watch the marathon today. I was only able to catch the last 5 episodes before the fight night. Wasn't very impressed by the Americans really, not by the Brits too much either. Except for this Wilks fellow. Who ended up winning his fight tonight against DaMarques in a impressive fashion. Congratulations to Wilks and Pearson.
FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just got done typing a full fucking review and now all that shit is gone. I have to start all over. Jesus I hate it when that fucking happens.

Anyway, I really like and respect Joe Stevenson and I wanted him to put on a good show so he wouldn't get cut from the UFC, but he pissed me off last night. With the exception of the the Guillotine Choke he went for in the 1st Round, not one time after that did Stevenson try to finish the fight. All he did from that point on was grab a single leg, hold on to it, and throw a knee here and there. That was it. No submission attempts, and whenever Diaz was able to free himself, either Stevenson ran away or went for the redundant single leg, just to hold on it. Nate Diaz, on the other hand, went for a submission attempt every time he got a dominate position. Hell, even when he was on bottom he was throwing constant punches and looking to lock in a Kimura or Triangle. In my opinion, because of that, Nate Diaz deserved to win the decision. I'd give Joe the 1st Round, but the 2nd and 3rd belong to Nate Diaz because he was the only one going for the win. If it was on the ground, he was looking for submissions, and if it was on the feet, Diaz was the one pressing the action throwing punches. Just because Stevenson is able to hold on to a leg for two rounds does not mean he won them. Bullshit decision last night, in my opinion.

Chris Lytle vs. Kevin Burns was a great fight and I was very pleased to see Lytle pick up the win. He had me worried in the 1st Round for a bit, but in typical Chris Lytle fashion, he kept his composure and was able to come back and completely dominate the 2nd and 3rd Rounds. Hopefully, this is the start of Lytle climbing his way back up the Welterweight ladder. I really hope he gets a bigger fight next. Dan Hardy, maybe? I've been wanting to see him get his ass kicked and if Marcus Davis isn't the one to give him that beating, then I certainly wouldn't mind Chris Lytle being the person to do so. I know he'd be able to.

The two finale fights were alright. After watching the Marathon, Ross Pearson was definitely my favorite fighter/person in the house. I really dug his attitude and fighting style. I was happy to see him win the contract. Hopefully he keeps improving and is able to make something of himself in the Lightweight division. And while Ross Pearson was my favorite in the house, DaMarques Johnson, on the other hand, was by far the person I couldn't stand the most throughout the show, so I was glad to see him get his ass handed to him. Don't really have an opinion one way or another on James Wilks, just that he's a very talented fighter, and that I was happy to see him beat the hell out of Johnson. Not so sure if Wilks will ever make an impact in the Welterweight Division in the UFC, though.

And finally, Diego Sanchez vs. Clay Guida was fucking AWESOME. That 1st Round was the best Round I've seen in a very long time. It was unbelievable. Diego was just a man on a fucking mission. And boy did it work for him. There are two reasons why I think he came out like that: 1. He had zero respect for Clay's stand-up, and 2. He was probably disappointed at how dull his fight against Joe Stevenson was and wanted to show the fans that he is indeed one of the most exciting fighters in MMA. But man... how tough is Clay Guida? Diego hit that dude with everything he had, but Clay just kept getting up and coming back for more. I thought he was gone after that head kick, but Clay was able to recover and go the full three rounds, clearly winning the 2nd, in fact. Dude is just a tough, tough motherfucker. And personally, I had the fight as a draw. I would've scored the 1st Round 10-8 for Diego, but since Clay got that takedown and stayed on top for a while, that made it 10-9. And then Clay won the second, undoubtedly, 10-9, and the 3rd Round was 10-10, in my opinion. No one clearly won it. But at the end of the day, I don't mind the decision too much. I applaud Diego for his fire and Clay for his toughness. They both showed they're at the top of the food chain in the UFC Lightweight Division in that fight and I don't think Clay was set back at all with the decision.

Overall, it was truly a great show, especially for free TV. Can't wait for UFC 100, now.
Meh, I fell asleep watching it. The latest season of TUF was a real let down IMO so I didnt give a shit about the finale. I wanted to stay up for Sanchez/Guida but I was too tired for it. I heard it was a great fight though. Hopefully we get to see a BJ Penn vs Diego Sanchez fight in the near future. For some reason I think that'd be awesome.
damarques johnson was a prick and overrated. im glad he got beat. he needs to change his attitude and work on his submissions and wrestling.
I was happy with Diego's intensity in this fight... by the way the first 30 seconds was the best action I have seen in any fight, it was quick and aggresive.

Chris Lytle is the bomb, he throws hard hands, his striking reminds me actually of Dan Hendersons.... the way he comes and throws down recklessly, if that lands though night over.

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