Truth,Rumour or Myth?!


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Ok this is a random enough thread but what the hell. Basically, the Wrestling business has been plagued with many tragedies such as suicides, steroid scandles and sordid affairs. For all the well-known stuff, there's a ton of rumours and hearsay relating to past and present stars.

Examples I've heard or read would include:

Jerry 'The King' Lawler having a foot-fetish. This of course makes his 1995 King of the Ring match with Bret Hart especially disturbing as it was billed as a Kiss My Foot match. The loser would be forced to kiss the victor's foot. Could that alleged fetish have anything to do with this match being made?

The Kliq taking a dump in Sunny's sandwich on a tour. The Kliq had a notorious rep backstage but could they have gone this far?

Pat Patterson (an openly-gay guy) having Virgil take out his own manhood and place it on his desk in order to gain employment. I wonder...

Those are just a few examples that I've come across through the years. Can anyone Confirm or Debunk these stories? Are there any others you've heard or wondered about?
:lol: ''Savage fucking Stephanie''

Well yes this is a major one most definitely. The fact Randy Savage rarely gets a mention on WWE TV and has yet to return in any capacity at all would suggest it could be true. Savage has yet to be inducted into the Hall Of Fame also so it poses the question Why Not.

Stephanie would have been under-age at the time also...
Did you see savages last ever raw? McMahon was almost in tears.

Savage won the WWF belt in 1992, if he fucked stephanie when she was 13/14 why would they put the WWF belt on him after this? Good grief people are stupid.
For the record, Macho man left WWE on November 7, 1994.
Steph turned 18 on september 24th, 1994.

Macho Man could have quite legally done something to her in that time, which would explain why no charges were filed.
Vince punished him by firing him.

Vince was upset because he knew what Macho had done.

In an interview Savage said that if you're an internet wrestling fan you already know why he isn't in the HOF.
Supposidely Andre once called Kamala a N****r and Kamala responded by pointing a gun at Andre's face. After that Andre was always nice to Kamala
I was once told that Stone Cold and Goldberg were brothers because they had shaved heads and black trunks. That wasn't on a site, just a dumbass kid with nappy hair that lived down the street
For the record, Macho man left WWE on November 7, 1994.
Steph turned 18 on september 24th, 1994.

Macho Man could have quite legally done something to her in that time, which would explain why no charges were filed.
Vince punished him by firing him.

Vince was upset because he knew what Macho had done.


The rumour has always stated stephanie was 13/14
While that has been the the most popular form of the rumor, sometimes there is also a part about introducing Shane to cocaine, it seems to have many holes in it in that form. However, if that is just an exaggeration of what really happened then I have always felt what what sxe presents is at least plausible.
Davey Boy once asked Dynamite Kid about steroids. Dynamite responded by giving Davey Boy what he thought was his first dose of steroids. It was actually a syringe full of milk.

Also during the 90's Lita ran off to Mexico and would do sexual favors for people who would "train" her to wrestle.
I was once told that Stone Cold and Goldberg were brothers because they had shaved heads and black trunks. That wasn't on a site, just a dumbass kid with nappy hair that lived down the street

:lmao:Dude same thing happened to me except my neighbor claims they are cousins.
In keeping with the theme of the thread:
Going into Wrestlemania 3, Andre the Giant was in need of a major back operation and the main event was ALMOST derailed!

Andre went on with the show and when he DID have the surgery, special tools had to be constructed because the surgeon had NOTHING to do such an operation on a man his size.

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