True or False: The kiddies should be made to play the retro games


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OK so after conducting the video games tournament I noticed a severe lack of love for pre 5th gen games, even then the PSX didn't get much love. So I was thinking should todays "hardcore gamers" be made to play the hardcore retro games as a learning tool to them. Just the same as hardcore music fans should listen to music from an earlier time and film buffs should be made to watch earlier films should the gamers be made to play earlier games?

I for one send a resounding YES there are so many classics out there, even from before the third gen that people should play, whilst I feel 3rd and 4th is a must for the kiddies to learn, the first two are rather important as well. There's more to retro gaming than Mario Bros and Sonic!
I don't think they should be forced to play the classics of gaming Lee. Some people just don't care much for older works of art. It's incredibly saddening. I can't tell you how sad it makes me when someone says something like "Oh that movie's from the 60s? Screw that I hate old movies black and white sucks blah blah blah". It saddens me that people won't go back and acquaint themselves with the classics. Be it video games, film, or literature, everyone should take the time to discover the classics. But we can't exactly force the kids to play them can we? Some people just don't care about history. Sucks, but it's the truth.

I really wish they WOULD play the retro games though. Because at the very least it would give them a whole new appreciation for just how far gaming has evolved.
No, In short.

They can't be made to play them, Because nine times outta ten they will hate the game on principle. I can't stand it when something is pushed on me.

The real question here is SHOULD they research, And play the games that precedethose that they played now? And the anwser is HELL FUCKING YES! Would they be playing Halo, Or Killzone if Doom, And Wolfenstein hadn't have paved the way. The same can be said for every genre.

The only ones who are affected by this are the gamers in question, We have had a richer gaming experience because we have played the "classics", But then again people are picking up those classics in the form of all of the remakes that are appearing now.
Well, you obviously are well intentioned Lee, but here's the problem. So many of the older games suck. Don't get me wrong, they were GREAT for their time and fun as hell. I still play Little League Baseball on a NES emulator all the time. But, at the end of the day, Mario is still an 8 bit side-scroller, with no concept of artificial intelligence. So it goes for all the old games, which were incredibly fun for their time, but just don't objectively compare to games like Call of Duty or Fallout.
Clearly saying there's more to retro than Mario and Sonic, I obviously mean that the kiddies shouldn't be made to play Mario, chances are most of them HAVE played it. I'm talking about the likes of the earlier Final Fantasy games, the earlier Zelda's the likes of Doom, Mega Man etc games that paved the way for the modern generation.

Obviously they shouldn't be MADE to do it, anyone made to do anything is a violation of free will, that fundamental principle. What I'm saying is that if anyone calls themselves a hardcore gamer and thinks Goldeneye comes on a disk for example then there is something seriously wrong there.
I think the best way to put it, is that Kiddies should play retro games like Sonic the Hedgehog and Super Mario, but not forced to, otherwise that completely beats the objective of playing computer games, which are designed to be a fun experience. Sonic the Hedgehog is well known and popular with the kiddies today, only the games the majority of youngsters have played have been games like Sonic Unleashed. The original Sonic games are 10 times better, even now so older gamers should at least educate younger gamers about games like Sonic 1 or Sonic 2, and who knows, they may end up falling in love with the classics.
no, let the "kiddies" live in their own time - their youth will have memories of GTA etc, as opposed to Mario Bros, but who cares? No one forced the kids who played Mario to play primitive video games. Appreciating and even preffering the classics is fine, but not when you let it obstruct or overshadow the "art form's" current progression - because by doing so, you'll just encourage recycling of ideas etc and probably a stagnation of the industry.

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