Troubling Times Ahead For Sheamus


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I've felt all along creative have been building to a Sheamus vs Mark Henry world title match at Wrestlemania, probably with Sheamus winning the Rumble along the way, but what happens if Daniel Bryan really starts taking off with this David vs Goliath story?

If you look at the way Sheamus has been booked since the minifeud with Mark Henry you can see they are keeping him strong whilst he treads the storyline water. Given that Sheamus is the only Smackdown superstar that Henry didn't dominate during a feud since he took off (crazy when you realise Orton is included in that list) I think I'm safe in my assumption that Sheamus was being put on hold to be the guy that could stand up to Henry and tear down the Hall of Pain at Wrestlemania.

That obviously had a hitch in that Bryan has said he would cash in his MitB at Wrestlemania and face the champ. I didn't think that would be a massive problem up uintil recently as I never thought the WWE would have the faith in Bryan to be in a banner match at their top PPV. But with recent developments I think you could easily start looking at Bryan vs Henry as a money match at Wrestlemania, the perfect case of David vs Goliath that could give a real feel good ending to at least one of their feuds.

But if that were to happen where would that leave Sheamus? I doubt the WWE would go with anything other than Punk as the main face in the WWE Title match and, to be honest, a face vs face title match between Punk vs Sheamus wouldn't do either man any good at this stage of their careers.

He could win the Rumble and make the world title match a Triple Threat between himself, Henry and Bryan, but that would really take the shine off the whole David vs Goliath storyline, especially as you know they'd book Bryan to capitalise on Sheamus knocking out Henry to steal a win, not exactly the stuff of fairytales.

Looking away from the title picture isn't really an option for him, he needs that last bit of a push to cement himself as a headliner for years to come, he won't get that off a feud with the likes of Rhodes, Christian, Ziggler (who I feel will face Punk at Wrestlemania) or any other mid-card talent at present. He won't be the guy to end Taker's streak, I doubt they'll derail Reborn Kane so quickly and there's no desire to see another feud with Triple H.

Really the only viable option open would be if Orton turned heel to put Sheamus over at Wrestlemania, but even that wouldn't amount to that final push Shemaus needs I feel as Orton's tweener character doing a turn on Sheamus wouldn't get enough heat on either man.

Could be troubling times ahead over the next few months for the Irishman, as neither he, nor the WWE, can really afford to drop the ball on another top level feud.
WWE has a plan. Sheamus is a LOT more over than DB. WWE books based on who's over. They don't book like marks. It's why they're good at their job believe it or not. I don't think there is anything troubling in Sheaus' future. He's very over and is really good at his character, he'll be fine. If anyone may be in trouble, it's probably DB. He's gotten a pretty damn good push since being brought in, if he doesn't get main event-level over, it'll be really sad.
I wouldn't say troubling times are ahead for The Great White. Right now sure Sheamus doesn't have a feud so he has been taking out low card guys lately. I think it pretty much boils down to Christian's injury. I expected they'd continue it as it kept each superstar busy and while repetitive it got the job done. As for Sheamus in the future, I still think he is going to be in the WHC match against Mark Henry if he is still champion come Mania. Like TWJC said Sheamus is way over with the people and thus the reason he turned face. The fans forced that turn.

However even if he isn't going for the title at WM, there are still two options. Number one (being the most likely) is a battle with Wade Barrett. The WWE is building Barrett back up again and making him look like a real force. Him and Sheamus are likely two stepping stones to the future on SD and arguably the most world title ready guys other than Orton, Henry, and Show. A feud between the two would do nothing but further each other's career. And number two, Kevin Nash. I know it ain't a sexy match up, but it works. Nash believes he still has it and him and Sheamus are both portrayed as badasses. It would be a sheer battle of strength and power and would give Sheamus a nice rub by defeating a legend. That option is the least likely of the three as I see Nash vs. Big Show going down at WM leaving Sheamus with a WHC match against Henry or a one on one contest with Wade Barrett.
I can see the point of the OP, but it's doubtful WWE is in any hurry with Sheamus. His youth works in his favor for the long run; I think they expect the "fella" to be around for a long time. In the short run, I think management wants to deal with the rest of Mark Henry's title run, Daniel Bryan's day in the sun, and the specter of Randy Orton always present at the top of the division.

Sheamus has a world title in his future; one that he's earned, rather than the rush job he received a couple of years ago. The man is electric.....and I never would have believed he'd be used as a face, yet it's turned out great.

If they want to do something in the near future with Sheamus, I'd send him back to Raw and let him tangle with guys like Miz and R-Truth, whom I don't see in the title picture after the new year. Those two will always be around to make life miserable for John Cena and C.M. Punk; I believe Sheamus would be a powerful ally for them. Understand, I'm not suggesting he be a tag-team partner for Cena or Punk.....just an ally.

In any case you can name, Sheamus has a terrific future in WWE.
I don't see any issues for Sheamus anytime soon. He could become Smackdown's next top face at the rate he has been going. I wouldn't be against the idea of them pushing him to win the Royal Rumble and challenging whoever is the World Champion by that point. I hope it's no longer Henry by then. So what if Bryan is already going to be in the same match? It can be a triple threat. A Sheamus VS Bryan feud could follow, where Sheamus eventually emerges victorious. Or they could swap the belts. Punk could face Bryan while Sheamus faces the World Champion. That's the route I could see as being more likely to happen because then Sheamus can stay a face to go up against a heel champion. He's been great in both the heel and face roles and therefore he has more world title reigns ahead of him to look forward to. He will be around for a long time and it's not like they HAVE to rush him into a world title feud. Fans can be so impatient.
Besides Orton, no one is as over with the crowd as Sheamus is on the Smackdown roster. Daniel Bryan isn't even close. Their turning Sheamus into the 2nd dominant babyface on Smackdown. If you notice Sheamus rarely loses a match anymore. Raw has Cena and Punk, SD has Orton and Sheamus.

He isn't doing anything right now because Christian got hurt. He was probably going to finish the year feuding with Christian. I bet Sheamus beats Henry at the Royal Rumble or Elimination Chamber.

Daniel Bryan doesn't even get booked for PPV's right now. He has a long way to go to get on Sheamus level.
Sheamus is arguably the second biggest face on Smackdown. And thats without the world title. That's not worrying to me. Thats showing that WWE have built the guy up without the title to be a main player.

As for Wrestlemania, don't assume that Henry will be champ by then. He may be, yes. But maybe WWE have other plans for the WHC. Henry could lose the belt to Sheamus, setting up Sheamus vs Bryan (the very match we lost out on at last years Mania). hat being said, I hope this doesn't happen. At least not face vs face, and I don't wanna see sheamus as a heel again for a while, nor do I wanna see Bryan as a heel. No, I feel that something else will be for Smackdowns main event.

But, Sheamus not in Smackdowns title match is NOT a bad thing. Look at how well recieved he is with the fans; he doesn't need the title at the moment, and his time will certainly come. But my belief is that we're gonna see Sheamus vs Barrett at Mania. Orton and Barrett are having their match at TLC, so I seriously doubt it'll happen at Mania. And for me, that'd be a great match; Barrett is being rebuilt to be a force to be reckoned with (A win over Orton at TLC would aid further to that, but isn't vital). A match between these two guys would benefit both by showcasing them on the grandest stage of them all, and will probably point us towards Smackdowns next champion. Hell, make the winner the number one contender.

My point is, Sheamus is a very big deal on Smackdown now. He will be at Wrestlemania in some capacity, somehow, and he doesn't need the title to be relevant. He is doing very well for himself. Your worry is misplaced, my friend.
I'm going to assume WM28 is still going to be Sheamus vs Henry for the WHC, with winner facing Danial Bryan cashing in his MITB brief case.


We will be treated to a lovely triple threat match featuring the Bryan, Sheamus and Henry with Bryan pulling the victory off at the end
I personally dont like Sheamus as a face... but having said that I do still like the fact they have given him this "TEMPER" which makes him kind of Tweener I suppose....ish.
I dont know if WWE have an actual plan for Sheamus but as a previous poster said I LOVE the idea of a Sheamus Vs Barrett match at Mania.... I dont think he should be going after the title, and I dont think he should win the RR ither, as I have said in other threads... a Heel will win the RR I can see it now.
Having said that though what will Orton be doing at Mania..... WWE have so many people in the Main event or in PUSH status that WrestleMania is going to be a really hard PPV to squash all the right guys into.

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