Trips lands KANA!


Cena is no Bruno & Cole is no Solie
When I saw this on the WZ front page, I almost put my head through the ceiling at 2 AM (scaring the bejeezus out of my Wife and Mother-in-Law) i jumped so high out of my computer chair. The Divas just got a MASSIVE credibility boost with the addition of one of the greatest female wrestlers in history. Kana brings not only skill and talent in the ring, she can also bring gifts that can help the business end as well. Not only is she a great wrestler, she is a Master programmer (years working for Nintendo). But, who cares about XBOX ONE. This is about a woman who, if VKM just leaves it alone, a woman who could dominate the Divas for years to come. Folks, she is THAT DAMN GOOD!

BTW, Kana speaks English, and has worked SHIMMER and Shine. So, I hope to God they do not try to bury her. Here are some of her matches:

Kana vs Melissa in SHIMMER from 2011


Kana vs Syuri in REINA 12/26/14


And, vs Sirota for Wave, July 6 2015

Fuck yes.

Kana is probably the only Japanese women's wrestler that I could see becoming successful in today's WWE. She's absolutely gorgeous for one. Was a huge fan of WWE's Attitude Era growing up, so she's familiar with WWE's form of sports entertainment. She'd probably be able to easily adjust both her ring style to the more choreographed nature of WWE, which is something that I know allot of puroresu stars have struggled with over the years. She speaks pretty decent English already so the language barrier won't be an issue like I KNOW it's going to be with Hideo Itami. And to top it all off she's a natural showman. Very much in the same vein as Great Muta.

What an amazing acquisition, and clear sign that WWE is very much serious about improving their women's division.
PFFFT. :lmao:

You people think she'll make a difference? They've already fucked up 5 women that shown themselves capable of being stars. Inside their own brand. Are we aiming for 6? Honestly, unless she's contracted for NXT and nothing more, I'd say she made a bad choice as far as being able to be booked on worthwhile pro wrestling storylines. Or we could just say she switched careers to Sports Entertainment. It's like wrestling except less sporting. Or entertaining.

Don't get your hopes up.
PFFFT. :lmao:

You people think she'll make a difference? They've already fucked up 5 women that shown themselves capable of being stars. Inside their own brand. Are we aiming for 6? Honestly, unless she's contracted for NXT and nothing more, I'd say she made a bad choice as far as being able to be booked on worthwhile pro wrestling storylines. Or we could just say she switched careers to Sports Entertainment. It's like wrestling except less sporting. Or entertaining.

Don't get your hopes up.

:( Don't you do it. Don't you kill my dream!

Actually I'd disagree with WWE having "ruined" the women that they've brought in recently. I argued in another thread that having three teams of women fight each other for supremacy is actually a good thing because A.) it gets all the new girls exposure, and B.) It gives WWE an excuse to bide time and extend Nikki's reign without actually hurting any of the new girls credibility. Because the alternative would probably be having all the new girls job to the Bella's one on one. And to my knowledge none of them have. In fact it's the opposite. Brie has jobbed left, right, and center, and Charlotte tapped out Nikki a few weeks ago.

By the time Kana is ready to actually make the jump to the main roster, the WWE will more than likely have the division booked a little more organized. With Kana, I could see 7 other mainstay talents for the division, which is pretty balanced.
Acctually, you would see same booking as today. Meaning that Sasha, Charlotte and others would still beat Nikki 1 on 1(just like on RAW), just not for title. Same booking you see now and that you saw in years before. And you would acctually see some feuds and some development instead of meaningless matches with no story at all. Hoping after all this "Revolution" noncense they can acctually build some single feuds that are worth.

Oh and from what I saw can agree with Killjoy. She hjas more the good set of skills for ring but cant picture her as someone in WWE in current state of division.
I don't know much about Kana, but I do know a lot about WWE's stereotypical gimmicks for foreign/ethnic wrestlers and the constant poor booking of female wrestlers. Unfortunately, she has two things working against her.

Not trying to be cynical, I just want to see her get a fair shot and not just job out to the Bellas while dressed like a geisha. WWE just doesn't have a great track record with foreign stars, particularly Japanese wrestlers.
:lmao: typical IWC, shitting on how she will be ruined on the main roster before she is even on NXT

Who gives a fuck about all that. There will be plenty of time for gnashing of teeth on the subject when that time comes. Let's be happy for what is sure to be a fantastic run on NXT, and furthermore how huge this is that they are still shooting for major Indy/Japanese stars, and extended such attentions to the womens division.

This signing is important and positive in many ways
PFFFT. :lmao:

You people think she'll make a difference? They've already fucked up 5 women that shown themselves capable of being stars. Inside their own brand. Are we aiming for 6? Honestly, unless she's contracted for NXT and nothing more, I'd say she made a bad choice as far as being able to be booked on worthwhile pro wrestling storylines. Or we could just say she switched careers to Sports Entertainment. It's like wrestling except less sporting. Or entertaining.

Don't get your hopes up.

Have to agree here. Sin Cara 2.0. LOL.. Seriously though, I have zero faith in WWE when it comes to the women.
:lmao: typical IWC, shitting on how she will be ruined on the main roster before she is even on NXT
Here, I'll be typical IWC, but in a completely different, and mocking, way:

"Yay! The WWE just signed my favorite wrestler nobody in America has heard of. Their name is *insert random name here*. I LOVE this wrestler's work and I just know they will be a MEGA superstar in the WWE because I have followed their career for almost a year through the various small time promotions they've worked in by downloading their matches from the Internet. I'm so excited the WWE has finally decided to start improving *insert division here*. I know they will be successful in the biggest wrestling promotion in the world because I've watched them a little bit and since you've never even heard of them, you can't tell me I'm wrong.

Oh, and if they turn out like most of the other wrestlers the WWE has signed and has a meager or even nonexistent WWE career, then it will TOTALLY be the fault of the WWE and will have nothing to do with the wrestler. Because I've watched the wrestler in high school gymnasiums for almost a year and I know what a REAL wrestler looks like."
:lmao: typical IWC, shitting on how she will be ruined on the main roster before she is even on NXT

Who gives a fuck about all that. There will be plenty of time for gnashing of teeth on the subject when that time comes. Let's be happy for what is sure to be a fantastic run on NXT, and furthermore how huge this is that they are still shooting for major Indy/Japanese stars, and extended such attentions to the womens division.

This signing is important and positive in many ways

Agreed. Whenever WWE signs someone that's well known in other countries and/or the indie scene, here come various net fans with their prophecies of gloom & doom despite good to fantastic use of such internet darlings over the years such as Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, Kevin Owens, Cesaro, Neville, etc.

I also agree that I have infinitely more faith in Triple H's booking decisions in NXT than in Vince McMahon's on the main roster.
Here, I'll be typical IWC, but in a completely different, and mocking, way:

"Yay! The WWE just signed my favorite wrestler nobody in America has heard of. Their name is *insert random name here*. I LOVE this wrestler's work and I just know they will be a MEGA superstar in the WWE because I have followed their career for almost a year through the various small time promotions they've worked in by downloading their matches from the Internet. I'm so excited the WWE has finally decided to start improving *insert division here*. I know they will be successful in the biggest wrestling promotion in the world because I've watched them a little bit and since you've never even heard of them, you can't tell me I'm wrong.

Oh, and if they turn out like most of the other wrestlers the WWE has signed and has a meager or even nonexistent WWE career, then it will TOTALLY be the fault of the WWE and will have nothing to do with the wrestler. Because I've watched the wrestler in high school gymnasiums for almost a year and I know what a REAL wrestler looks like."

Well its undeniable its a positive thing that they are clearly trying to pluck the top prospects from the Indy and foreign scene to make things work. Call it what you will, but since there are no territories, Mexico, Japan and the American Indies are really the only places they have to look for people who have worked in front of a crowd before.

If a great foreign worker who is a veteran can adapt their style and speak strong English, I don't see any reason to not be excited for it.
Eh. I am sure she is good enough to handle NXT (which frankly needs the new blood since 3 of the 4 badasses left), but I dont think she is going to tear the house down on the main roster. Just look how they fucked off such a good thing with this 'revolution'.

Dollars to donuts she has her time to shine in a few matches before ending up with Hideo. We all know this is very likely to happen. Once he wins the NXT belt there are two things that will happen, pairing him with her down the line is one. The other is the countdown to when they let him hit the GTS. After that I see both of them losing steam quite quickly especially if there is an issue between what Dunn wants & what HHH wants for his guys.

Here, I'll be typical IWC, but in a completely different, and mocking, way:

"Yay! The WWE just signed my favorite wrestler nobody in America has heard of. Their name is *insert random name here*. I LOVE this wrestler's work and I just know they will be a MEGA superstar in the WWE because I have followed their career for almost a year through the various small time promotions they've worked in by downloading their matches from the Internet. I'm so excited the WWE has finally decided to start improving *insert division here*. I know they will be successful in the biggest wrestling promotion in the world because I've watched them a little bit and since you've never even heard of them, you can't tell me I'm wrong.

Oh, and if they turn out like most of the other wrestlers the WWE has signed and has a meager or even nonexistent WWE career, then it will TOTALLY be the fault of the WWE and will have nothing to do with the wrestler. Because I've watched the wrestler in high school gymnasiums for almost a year and I know what a REAL wrestler looks like."

That. Was. Hilarious.
Agreed. Whenever WWE signs someone that's well known in other countries and/or the indie scene, here come various net fans with their prophecies of gloom & doom despite good to fantastic use of such internet darlings over the years such as Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, Kevin Owens, Cesaro, Neville, etc.

I also agree that I have infinitely more faith in Triple H's booking decisions in NXT than in Vince McMahon's on the main roster.

Ummm... None of the above names are women; the debutants in men and women's divisions are handled a bit differently. The women typically get featured in 2-minute matches and battle royals, while the men usually get a good run in the mid card, even a streak at times. Some of the latest male debutants got to fight the biggest star of the company for his championship; the female debutants are trading tag team match wins in a supposedly "revolutionary" scenario, where they've been told that their wins mean nothing. The two cases are just not comparable, in my opinion.
Also, the above posters too have expressed their doubt regarding Kana's future WWE booking (as opposed to NXT booking). One person has even suggested that she compete in NXT only. RAW's the bigger platform, after all, and that's where things usually get screwed up.

As for my opinion on Kana... what opinion? I don't even have a clue who she is, other than what I've read here and on Wikipedia. Anyway, hope things work out well for her, especially since WWE will definitely be going the NXT-route first, for a new wrestler from another country, and hopefully by that time Nikki's run will be long over too. Yeah, and I also hope that she won't have to cut her strikes down as much as Hideo Itami did.
Ummm... None of the above names are women; the debutants in men and women's divisions are handled a bit differently. The women typically get featured in 2-minute matches and battle royals, while the men usually get a good run in the mid card, even a streak at times. Some of the latest male debutants got to fight the biggest star of the company for his championship; the female debutants are trading tag team match wins in a supposedly "revolutionary" scenario, where they've been told that their wins mean nothing. The two cases are just not comparable, in my opinion.

I'm talking about how women are booked in NXT, or booking in general when compared to the main roster. In NXT, women have as much emphasis placed on them as the men do as Triple H seems to view that a product should be well balanced.

However, I don't think people are giving the Divas over the past 6 weeks or so enough credit. The "Divas Revolution" isn't perfect, no such thing as perfection, but, as usual, some fans are ragging on WWE because WWE hasn't done exactly what they believe should be done. You can't deny that the Divas Division has had VASTLY more emphasis placed on it than we've ever seen as a whole and we're also not seeing anymore 2 minute filler matches. Despite the reaction of the Brooklyn crowd, the tag team match on Raw was solid and the Diva matches have gotten far better reception in other cities. As for the "Revolution", I don't see anything revolutionary about a handful of girls coming to the main roster and decimating everyone else; we've seen that before in the past with male factions and it's been done to death.

When I think of the "Divas Revolution", I see it as a politically correct way of saying the women's division in WWE is no longer useless filler; that it's the beginning of women's wrestling gaining some actual prominence and relevance on the roster. Obviously, they're not going to come right out and say that women in WWE were worthless before roughly 2 months ago. There are going to be bumps in the road along the way, especially with Vince wanting Nikki Bella to say such asinine things as wins & losses don't matter; I think it's just another example of how out of touch Vince is with modern fan perspectives & attitudes in wrestling. To get the Divas Division generally on the same consistent level as what we see in NXT, time will be needed. Having the women in various matches trading wins, in my eyes, gives the impression of no faction having any particular advantage over the other and I personally dig it. As I alluded to, having one faction just run roughshod over every other woman on the roster isn't "revolutionary" in any way; plus, as I also alluded to, they're not going to depict the "veterans" of Team Bella as being weak, thereby admitting the general uselessness of the Divas Division before. I do think that they need to start putting more emphasis on the Divas Championship now that all three factions have been given some time to be well established fans to become generally familiar with them; I think they need to start by adding tension within each group to the point where they eventually go their own ways in order to pursue their own journey to being views as THE true face of the "Divas Revolution."

As to Kana herself, I don't know much about her. Like just about every other wrestler who comes from Japan and/or is well known on the indie scene, you have those who declare her to be the greatest thing since the invention of the week, that she's some sort of wrestling goddess, etc. I'll hold my opinion until I'm more familiar with her.

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