Triple Threat Tag Team Matches


WWE World Everyweight Champion
Hey everyone,

so in the recent weeks we were able to see few triple threat tag team matches (just to make it shorter, TTTTM). There is one thing I don't understand about have three teams coming in, let's say, Gold and Stardust, Usos and Cena with Ambrose.

What I don't understand is, why the match begins with only 2 men in the ring? Like seriously..I think it would be way more attractive (and it would make more sense) if there were 3 men starting. I don't get why would Cena or Stardust (if they started the match) wanted to tag one of the Usos. If you tag another team you may lose the match, never get back to it, only by cheating..this is what I don't get..It would make more sense to me, if representative of every team would start. So it would be like normal Triple Threat Match but with the exception, that you can tag in your partner.

What do you guys think? Do you think it's better when there are just 2 men starting and then tagging in someone from another team, or it would be better if every team had someone starting?
I actually tried explaining this to my brother last night. Sometimes it’s 2 at a time, sometimes it’s 3 at a time, and sometimes it’s a 6 man / 3 team tornado match. I do like the idea of it being Triple Threat match rules with the option to tag your partner. It makes more sense than 2 at a time. You have to remember that this is the WWE. Sense and logic are thrown out the window.

One question, would the IWC be outraged if Goldust and Stardust lost the WWE Tag Team Championship Titles to Dean Ambrose and John Cena last night??
One question, would the IWC be outraged if Goldust and Stardust lost the WWE Tag Team Championship Titles to Dean Ambrose and John Cena last night??

Quite possible. Their run is still quite new, they haven't had much chance to do much outside of lose ever since they've won the titles, I think a lot of us would hate it if the tag titles weren't defended at HIAC due to the champs being busy with other matches,(had enough of that last year) and of course the Dusts are mostly well liked around here. Although I can't even imagine the number of people that would be overjoyed if Cena was regulated to the tag division

Not that it would be the first time they've done the whole "rivals become tag champs" thing, but those title runs tend to be pretty short so if it were to happen chances are it would go back to the Dusts before long anyway.
One question, would the IWC be outraged if Goldust and Stardust lost the WWE Tag Team Championship Titles to Dean Ambrose and John Cena last night??

I would, but on the other hand I wouldn't have been surprised. I predicted that Cena would pin Stardust last night, and, lo and behold, I was right. Another Cena burial. The only good thing last night was Cena actually lost to Ambrose and yet it took all 3 Authority members to do it. Anyway, that being said I like triple threat tag matches, but they really should keep it consistent, with only a few changes every so often.
The idea is to stay out of the match for as long as possible so the other teams are as hurt as possible when you get in, meaning it will be easier for you to score the victory.
As for the bit about not being in the ring so being unable to win when the other teams can, you can always enter the ring to break up the pin/submission. It is basically no DQ as there is only one winner so you can't DQ someone unless it's elimination. You might also tag in an opposing team member because your partner is hurting already and although you don't want the other teams to win you also do not want to remain in the ring while you are hurting as that could result in you getting pinned and losing, so you tag out to refresh.
It is also possible to get yourself into the match my tagging yourself in when somebody is hitting the ropes.
It's just kind of optional. Obviously, it would make sense for three guys in the ring, which I personally would like to see more often. But it's just a matter of storytelling. WWE usually features a slower, more methodical pace to really emphasize storytelling. That is easier accomplished with two people at a time than three. Now logically would you want to tag your team out of the match? Yes and no. If it was a realistic, logical thought process, a team could tag out to try to get the other teams to beat each other up so they can come in and capitalize. But if you're not in the match, you can;t win. That's why a lot of the time in these matches, you'll see blind tags.

In the end, it all depends on the story you want to tell in the ring. If the story is car wreck bodies all over the place, then that means more bodies. If it's a slower, teams grinding it out as opposed to flying everywhere type of story, then slow it down and use 2 guys at a time. Take a look at the Tag Title series that just happened on Impact. It started with a 2 guys in the ring tag match. Then it went into tornado tag stipulation matches. Each match telling a different story. Personally, I don't care. Just make the match good.
What I don't understand is, why the match begins with only 2 men in the ring? Like seriously..I think it would be way more attractive (and it would make more sense) if there were 3 men starting. I don't get why would Cena or Stardust (if they started the match) wanted to tag one of the Usos. If you tag another team you may lose the match, never get back to it, only by cheating..this is what I don't get..It would make more sense to me, if representative of every team would start. So it would be like normal Triple Threat Match but with the exception, that you can tag in your partner.

I disagree. They've experimented with having one man from each team in at a time (the WrestleMania 28 pre-show, to name one off the top of my head), and it's just a clusterf***. The match works much better as is, and it should stay that way.
I've always been frustrated with this type of match. It makes absolutely no sense. If there are more than two teams participating in the match, then someone from each team needs to be legally active in the match at all times. There is no logical reason whatsoever for a wrestler on Team A to tag in a wrestler from Team C to face the wrestler from Team B. Seriously, I know that things aren't meant to be realistic, but COME ON! This is just plain stupid. There is no reason AT ALL for a wrestler in one of these matches to tag in anybody other than their tag team partner. If it were me I'd rather risk losing the match than tag in someone from another team.

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