Triple H's "Pet Projects" and Beyond

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CM Steel

A REAL American
Many people may say or have said that Paul LeVesque aka Triple a McMahon. Trip & his wife Stephanie McMahon-LeVesque will be taking over the McMahon family business that is the WWE in a few years. So right now Triple H has his own office up there at the WWE headquaters in Stamford, CT. From his new lead position talent wise of the WWE.

From over the last few years Triple H has gone down to the WWE developement spots hand picking wrestlers to get big pushes as talent in the WWE.

Sheamus: Former spotted for Triple H in the gym. A two-time WWE champion, and former U.S. Champion.

Drew McIntyre: Resembles a young Triple H. A former IC champion, and a former WWE tag team champion. And has a rub from Trip's father-in-law Vince McMahon.

Sin Cara: The WWE are looking for more latino talent from Mexico. And Mistico aka Sin Cara (CMLL TM) is the first of a new breed in the WWE from Mexico. That was chosen by non other than Triple H.

Many people within the WWE see these talent's picked by Triple H as his "pet project's" as of late. So with Triple H's backstage position evolving into the chairmen's seat in the WWE. Is this a taste to come in the future and Beyond?
Personally i dont see a big deal...Every promoter from Vince, to eric to back in the old territories has had pet projects.
Off hand I know guys like Warrior, Zeus and Lex Luger were pet Vince projects and by that list you see that being a Pet does not mean anything
With HHH we already see that Drew is one step from getting a pink slip to Sheamus who has had ok time but a bit quick to Sin Cara too soon to judge
Sure they may get opportunties first but if they dont have it it will eventually show through
agreed, it isn't anything new. it will be interesting to see who hhh likes though as Sin Cara, McIntyre and Sheamus are all different in terms of look and background so obviously he isn't going for just the jacked-up big guys that Vince liked.
in my opinion, thats a good thing that he is doing. many top stars like edge and shawn have, will also leave in the next couple of years. so they need new guys that can fill in and take the spot.. but they need more than sheamus or alberto for that.
I think the bigger question is whether Triple H's pet projects have worked. I think we can say that Sheamus has been a success in WWE. He's been a multiple time WWE champion, a US champion, and one of the top heels in the company. He has also steadily improved both in the ring and on the mic, and he seems to have a very bright future.

Drew McIntyre has, in my opinion, been a disappointment. He started out strong, and he has held both the Intercontinential and Tag Team titles. But for the last 6 months, he has done absolutely nothing, and in fact has seemingly been forgotten by the powers that be. What is his future exactly? Can his character be saved? Time will tell.

Sin Cara hasn't really been around long enough to judge whether he'll be a success or failure. The crowd is behind him, but he has also been slow to adapt to the WWE style, and he's had quite a few mistakes in his matches. Apparently, WWE has had to bring in someone he worked with in Mexico to help get him over.

Overall, Triple H has had mixed results in his short time behind the scenes. This doesn't mean he will fail, but it also doesn't mean he is guaranteed to be a success. We really don't know whether his having "pet projects" is good or bad for the WWE.
Vince himself failed 9 times out of 10 with his projects. The key is that one being big enough to make up for all the failures. I think Sheamus was a good pick on HHH's part, but I doubt he's the only one who saw the potential there.

Drew McIntyre has potential, he's got the "it" factor and the look as well. Problem is though he dropped the ball with his initial push. He never had any stand-out feud or match that brought him above the rest. I do think that they could use the fact he's the "forgotten chosen one" as an effort to bring him in to the spot light.

Sin Cara's biggest problem will be when the entrance and blue-light matches get old so they get rid of all the extras in production value for him. He'll be a good worker and a high flyer, but I'm guessing he's not going to ever cut good promos so he'll be stuck in the midcard.
i am interested to see if these pet projects work as well as vinces ie john cena or bomb out like vinces lol like zeus. but i will say i like that triple h isnt just going for the jacked up big guys although it does seem like he has it big for the foriengers.
Triple H is one of the best wrestlers of the 2000s, both in terms of promo and match quality, so it's safe to assume that he has an eye for talent. He's also in a position where it is his job to control who needs pushes or not, so I see nothing wrong with the fact that he gives some of his favorites more time than others. Let's not forget, Triple H isn't going to push someone simply because they complimented his new tie, he's only going to push someone if he sees the ability to make money off of them. After all, Triple H isn't going to be getting a fat holiday bonus check if WWE Shareholders are selling off their stock because television ratings are going down.

Let's look at Trip's track record.

Sheamus- Is one of the best heels in wrestling today. Has had a several memorable matches and feuds, and has prominently featured on many PPVs. His WWE Championship reigns were not the best we've seen in the past couple years, but they were still quite good.

Drew McIntyre- I don't know why you think he's a Triple H pet project. He hasn't gotten a push in months, so even if he was a Triple H protege, it appears Trips knows when to fold 'em.

Sin Cara- Was a standout star in Mexico, and has managed to captivate audiences in the US. He's not on the verge of being the next huge megastar, and he probably never will be, but there's still a lot of time for him to develop into a huge asset to the WWE. Keep in mind, he's only been there for a little over two months, and very few wrestlers are able to make a huge impact on the WWE in such little time (look at CM Punk for an example).

All in all, the idea of someone in power choosing his favorite competitors for pushes is nothing new. Not only has this been happening in the WWE since Vince McMahon took the reigns over from his father, it's been happening throughout the history of professional wrestling. On occasion you'll see pushes of unworthy wrestlers due to backstage politicking, but nine times out of ten its a worthy wrestler being pushed due mostly to work ethic and skill.
i am interested to see if these pet projects work as well as vinces ie john cena or bomb out like vinces lol like zeus. but i will say i like that triple h isnt just going for the jacked up big guys although it does seem like he has it big for the foriengers.
What do you mean by the foriengers? The company is called WORLD wrestling entertainment for a reason RoseFire! Are you prejudice towards foriengers in wrestling?

Are you one of those wrestling fans who goes to WWE events chanting USA-USA and stuff? You must be a real big fan of Jack Swagger huh?

But next time R.F. Can you try to be more politiclly correct?
Sheamus was supposedly pushed due to his friendship with Hunter, and we already know that Sin Cara is the first signing which has been placed under Triple H's wing, but where the hell did you come up with the Drew McIntyre observation? Or did you just stick him in the list to make the comparison of the fact they look marginally similar.

I think anyone that judges his job performance off two people are still fairly dim up in the ol' cranium. Once he actually gets a handful of people under his guidance up into the main roster then maybe an analysis on his job performance can be made.

Also, instead of McIntyre who has nothing to do with the Triple H movement in the talent division, you should have used Awesome Kong. It was Triple H's idea to run the promos hyping her eventual debut and for her to destroy Diva's at will.
It's obvious to me that Triple H has an eye for talent. I mean, over the past 10 years he's had a huge hand in getting 2 or 3 of the biggest names in wrestling over(Batista, Orton, and somewhat Cena.) Then there's Sheamus and Sin Cara who have already been covered quite thoroughly in this thread so no need for me to delve into that further.

I also have a feeling that he may be the one who was pushing for Punk to get this title match. If he has the eye for talent that I think he does then he has to see that Punk is a one of a kind performer. It seems as if they're trying to duplicate his last go round in ROH, and I highly doubt Vince is aware of what they're doing down there. I'd say HHH is more likely to know what other promotions have done/are doing.

If he really is the one behind this and we continue to see new stars get the proper build, I'd like to think that Hunter is the right man for the job. So far, so good.
sorry meant no disrespect. guess it just came out wrong i just meant that sin cara is from mexico drew from scottland? i believe and shamues is irish right, so maybe thats the train of though triple h has now. to look outside the states and capture the best from all the contries. no im not predujice and no i cant stand jack swagger lol .
I think Triple H is doing a good job so far, I hope to see him continue to look for the next generation of WWE superstars. Hunter is a smart guy and knows that the company needs some new stars for when the old guard retire. Without new talent, WWE will die. Simple as. It is the same for any company.

Everyone has their favourites, and wrestlers that they believe can make a difference to the WWE, and Triple H is no different except that he is in the position to make it happen. Sheamus has proven a success and I think McIntyre and Sin Cara will both prove to be stars in WWE, but success does not come overnight.

Triple H seems determined to put alot of effort into his new role and I think he will doa great job. Not every one of his pet projects will be a success, but I think its great that he is lookintg far and wide for new talent and not just sticking to the cookie-cutter wrestlers that WWE has churned out in recent years. All 3 of his projects so far are completely different, and he looks like he realises that WWE needs variety.

I say good luck to Trips, I hope to see him continue in bringing in more fresh faces to the WWE. He obviously has an eye for talent, as he was instrumental in getting Batista and Rany Orton into Evolution and helped to make them into main event level superstars. Hopefully we will see more of the same, as Triple H passes on his knowledge to his new prodigees
Diversity is great. The more characters, the more styles... leads to more possibilities. I'm surprised that Triple H, who experienced such fame as a member of DX, isn't working to revive the tag team scenario. Imagine a Sin Cara style wrestler teaming up with a Shameus type bruiser, for example. Interesting move combinations abound, that's for sure.
Triple H has done a very good job in my opinion in his short time in the front office. A few things:

Foreigners as one person called them, I love this. Shaemus is a great Irish wrestler, I think he will be a centerpiece in the WWE for a long time. I am hoping Trips will go after some British talent, and more from Europe, I love that type of wrestling.

The Developmental System. Trips is overhauling it putting Kevin Nash in charge of the development with Sean Waltman also as an evaluator. Kevin Nash knows the Business and is very intense, he comes from the territories era and wont be afraid to tell Trips who sucks or when he is wrong. That type of accountability has been missing since Jim Ross was in charge. Did anyone see the look on Marion Fontaine's face when Justin Labar said he would face Kevin Nash? He looked like he was about to shit himself. Imagine some young kid just getting started looking at that, he'd know right then that he/she would be in the big time and had better shape up or ship out. His presence itself would be a huge boost.

I don't know what Trips has planned overall but quite frankly bringing in well known guys who know the business inside and out, who know how to work in the ring, work on the mic, who know how to be main eventers, is a huge improvement when it comes to working with young guys.
I think Naitch hit it on the head with the observation that the three people mentioned by the OP (Sheamus, McIntrye, and Sin Cara) are all different. Granted, not sure how much of a pet project McIntrye was/is of HHH's but the other two are widely known.

It speaks volumes that he isn't limiting himself to one style or type of wrestler and, in my opinion, gives hope that when he and Stephanie take over complete control from Vince (hopefully in the near future) we will see some diversity within the WWE (like has been displayed in recent weeks on Smackdown! with some good tag-team matches).
HHH didn't sign Sheamus or Drew. He just put Sheamus out there because Sheamus was the only young guy watching all the matches and getting to work early to get workout with HHH and Arn Anderson. Sheamus created his own opportunity with his work ethic. Drew is more a Stephanie McMahon project because she loves tall men with long hair(HHH).

HHH should be given credit for Sin Cara, Awesome Kong's push and probably the hiring of Tyler Black, Jon Moxley and Averno. What is great about his involvement in the hiring of these talents is that NONE of them is cookie cutter model, body builder types. They are real wrestling stars and WWE will only benefit from taking interest in and hiring more along these lines.
This is 100% a sign of what the future holds. He will be the one who holds all the power in the years to come and quite frankly I don't see this as a bad thing. He is a knowledgable man who knows what he is doing. He was a decorated champion and if he feels he knows who the future stars are I say more power to his picking. All the stars he has picked have the star power to become great as the OP says one two time World Champion, one IC and Tag Champion and one high flyer. Generally all good picks I see.
What do you mean by the foriengers? The company is called WORLD wrestling entertainment for a reason RoseFire! Are you prejudice towards foriengers in wrestling?

Are you one of those wrestling fans who goes to WWE events chanting USA-USA and stuff? You must be a real big fan of Jack Swagger huh?

But next time R.F. Can you try to be more politiclly correct?

Politically correct? you were seriously offended by this remark? It's an AMERICAN company for pete's sake. Go rub some ointment on your ass and get over yourself. They call the Major League Baseball championship the "WORLD SERIES", and it's a mostly American league owned by Americans and considered the American pastime.

But to stay on topic, I think Triple H is a good influence, as he's been through the process himself, trying to make it in the business and ultimately succeeding. He'll have a better perspective than someone who just watches, in my opinion.
Triple H, while he was wrestling was notorious for holding people down, and burying them...Well, not really. You see the guy has an eye for talent, and at the time he was "burying" people, he really wasnt. That eye for talent he has, he had back then as well. I am starting to love the new approach he is bringing to the business, and that his "pet projects" are better than anyone Vince has wanted to debut in about 8 years. Mark my words, when Vince steps down, and Trips and Steph take over, the WWE will be a much better program. All due to HHH having a mind like none other for the business.
HHH did not sign Drew or Sheamus or plan their pushes in the WWE. However I can see why the OP has labelled them as his pet projects because HHH has backed them since the start of their careers and it could be an indication of the type of superstars that HHH prefers. Although guys with good and somewhat unique looks are preffered by most wrestling promoters around the world and HHH by having been such a huge star in the business for so long understands that pretty well. So, as far as these two guys go I do not think that HHH backing them is really a huge deal. They would have gotten noticed eventually.

What I have been more impressed by is the manner in which HHH has handled the characters of Kharma and Sin Cara. It has been rumored that HHH has been the guy who has been behind the signing and pushes of both these performers and if that is true, I think that WWE is in pretty safe hands. HHH has tried to set apart the characters of both these wrestlers from the other superstars in the WWE which is what has helped both performers get over. Kharma's push worked beautifully and even though Sin Cara is somewhat green when it comes to the WWE style of wrestling, he has also managed to get over with the fans quite quickly. Some of the aspects of Sin Cara's booking may be overdone like his trampoline entrance and the lighting in his matches but it is an indication of HHH's style of booking which is impressive to say the least and something that I hope does not change with time or with a few failures.
If the reports are true that Triple H is seeking for diversity in regards of talent, and his friends Nash and Waltman are helping him out, then it sounds like a good idea. Just the one thing I'm a little skeptical about would be "Has Kevin Nash learned from his mistakes during his days in WCW?" Other than that, diversity is a good thing for the business.
Getting new talent is always a risk, it doesn't matter who's in the position lol.

Drew - Did well and he was an established superstar in the WWE, the badass Scottish bastard lol. He hasn't been around for a while which is never good for a superstar!

Sheamus - He's made a name for himself and he's improved alot since his debut both in the ring and on the mic. He has a very promising future.

Sin Cara - Too early to tell what the future holds for him, he's botched quite a bit but he just needs time to adjust to the WWE's style.
I think alot of it also comes down to the numptys in creative RE: the American Nightmare!?! Drew McIntyre is actually a sound performer in the ring has been with the WWE for a few years, once as a kilt wearing Scot and repackaged as the chosen one gimmick. If creative have nothing for you then your stuffed!

Look at R-Truth alot of people said he is going to be shown the door yet the last few weeks, he has actually been given the ball and he is running with it. JIMMY!!

As for HHH's pet projects. I think Sin Cara will get established eventually, I do think they may of hyped him a bit too much before he is comfortable with the WWE style but best way to learn is to be thrown in the deep end, so we shall see!

Sheamus..he impresses me, has a unique look, can put on some pretty good matches, his WWE title runs were a little rushed but saying that most get trail runs if you look at Ortons first title run that was relatively short and he is now a 8 time world champion. Has the tools to be a great if he keeps improving the way he has.
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