Triple H's match at Wrestlemania 34

Triple H has now become a special attraction for Wrestlemania as he returns every year to wrestle at the big event.

At the past Smackdown, we saw Kevin Owens brutally beat down Vince McMahon. After the assault, Stephanie McMahon came out in the aid of her father. And at HIAC Owens will be facing Shane McMahon.
Shane and Stephanie have been at "war" ever since WM 32, but now it seems like Stephanie will be supporting her brother to beat Kevin Owens which makes me wonder..

Are we in for a Owens vs Triple H match at Wrestlemania? Owens will most likely beat Shane at HIAC and a big spot might occur which could take Shane off TV and this Owens vs McMahon feud suddently turnt into Owens vs McMahons and it got very personal.

I would most definately welcome a Triple H vs Owens match for Wrestlemania. What do you think?

And if not Owens, who do think HHH will/should face at WM 34?
I'm going with Kurt Angle.

As the OP pointed out, Triple H has pretty much settled into an Undertaker-esque role for different reasons, where he only returns for the big match at Wrestlemania.

When Stephanie finally returns, it's only a matter of time before she verbally castrates Angle week after week. Angle reaches a boiling point, where he feels the need to stand up for himself, he crosses a line with talking back to Stephanie, and HHH returns to put Angle in his place. Angle's WWE in ring return is a big deal, and going up against HHH gives Vince another big, blockbuster match.

I just can't see Owens happening. That match leads too far in the direction of Triple H being a face, where he's out to play the role of a defender for the McMahon family, and it's something we've seen before in his matches with Orton at 25 and Brock at 29.
I would much prefer a program between Triple H and Kevin Owens, than Triple H against another part time guy. Owens has had an alright year, and I think people criticise the feud with AJ Styles more than necessary. So when I consider his accomplishments on Raw and what he has done so far on SmackDown, he's well on his way to being a significant main-stay on WWE television. I think that a story with Triple H at WrestleMania then takes it to that next level for Owens, which is exactly what I wish for him. My problem with this is exactly what the above post said. We have seen Triple H come to the aid of Mr McMahon and the McMahon family before, and while they were great feuds (particularly in 2009 with Orton), we don't need to see it again. BUT, as I pointed out in a separate thread, this feud between Owens and Shane reminds me so much of the one Orton had with Shane in 2009, which was leading to the WrestleMania match between he and Triple H. Sure, there are significant differences too, but it reminds me a lot of it and makes me wonder if this is indeed the direction that WWE plans on going in. It brings attention to the SmackDown brand for a change too.

Right now it makes sense for it to be Owens. But then there are almost six months to go before WrestleMania, and anything can happen between now and then. Indeed, as the above post said, we could get that match between Triple H and Kurt Angle. I'm not interested one little bit, but that's my problem I guess. Plus, I'd rather they not shoehorn in a Triple H match just for the sake of it. I'd much prefer logical stories than ones out of the blue just so we can say Triple H will fight at WrestleMania. And right now, the only logical match I see for Triple H is against Owens. After all, he practically handed Owens the Universal Championship, so there's history beyond this current story. But, things change.

I would love a Kevin Owens vs. Triple H match and I'd take a rehash of an older storyline to benefit a younger talent over Triple H potentially facing a part-timer who he has already had countless great matches with, in their prime.
Just some numbered thoughts based on points others have made:

1. I'm not at all against part timers and I'm not a HHH hater but HHH is a guy who WM doesn't need and HHH doesn't need WM. We have so many part timers as it is at Mania. UT may be gone but now Cena is somewhat of a part timer. What about Angle? I'd much rather have Angle and Cena than HHH. Same with Rocky. I'd also prefer HHH spreads the part timer thing out by working lesser PPVs. His story right now lends itself more to working a Takeover than a Mania. He just doesn't need to be there unless they can truly do something meaningful with him.

2. Who does he wrestle? Let's face it. He can only put so many guys over for so long before he either needs a few meaningful wins or he just faces other guys who are not title bound (i.e. other part timers). He lost to Rollins, Bryan, UT twice, and Reigns. He's got a win over Lesnar but basically lost that feud in the end. The man has lost some of his heat over the years while getting older and putting over others. It just doesn't seem like winning over him means that much anymore. Right Kingslayer?

3. Owens v. HHH is the opposite direction this story should go. Playing on #2, wouldn't it make more sense for HHH to be the brains behind Owens' attack on Vince as HHH tries to get the old man out? What do we get from a face HHH going against a heel Owens? Wouldn't it make more sense to have HHH be the mastermind behind Owens physically destroying the McMahons? If HHH is going to fight someone at Mania, shouldn't it be Shane so that we have some unpredictability and meaning in a match.

Owens/HHH just feels like he is just putting over another full time roster guy. Then again the show is seven hours so they could use as much help as possible.
Yeah what if Owens & HHH are in cohoots. Then at Mania you have a tag match.

Kevin Owens & HHH vs. Shane McMahon & Chris Jericho (Streetfight - Falls count anywhere).

Already have real heat between Jericho & Owens and past heat between Jericho & HHH.

Make it for control of the company!!!

HHH & Owens win when Jericho turns on Shane. Jericho becomes the new GM on Smackdown!!!
I don't want part-timer vs. part-timer, I also don't want one of the full-timers to fall foul to the typically poor HHH ego show. How can a guy who lives and breathes wrestling, who has so much control over his character, fail most years to effectively book his bout?

Leave him off the show, he's not needed.
Triple H will always be welcome at Mania for me. In general, his classic entrance of the multi-color lights on him at the top of the ramp, followed by the march to the ring, capped off by the water spraying under the spotlight--the whole thing just reeks of awesomeness. Last year's entrance with Steph for the Rollins match looked great. A few in the past have been not so hot. But overall, it is a spectacle. His history, his role in the company--both in real life and in what remains of kayfabe--along with the incredible shape he is still in, I find his matches more interesting than most. They have fascinating possibilities. Whether or not they come through, that varies. But his presence is undeniable.

I acknowledge that many full-timers are hurt by a few things that are out of their control--scripted promos/interviews, way too many hours of TV/PPV throughout the year (and the consequent repetition of Wrestler A vs. Wrestler B)--but part-timers bring something special to Mania. Like I said, I don't think it is fair to simply say "The full-timers had all year to make themselves more of a draw." While that is true, the full-timers also suffer from overexposure. So, as someone who does not watch every week and simply wants to be entertained at Mania, bring me Triple H, Brock, Rock, whoever.
I agree with a few previous posters... I would be all for HHH being behind the Owens attach to get the McMahons out of control... Even Steph being in on it too... even tho she came out to Vinces Aide.
I think you can run a HHH Owens versus Shane and maybe Angle? As your match... or HHH versus Shane and Angle versus Owens something there I think
I'd rather not see a McMahon power struggle as those storylines never end up being any good, and if it is simply Owens vs McMahons then Trips wouldn't really be needed as they could easily have a Shane vs KO rematch with Shane playing the revenge card.

For Triple H IMO the best option would be Braun Strowman. With the way Strowman has been booked you need a big name to work with him as it will be hard for the fans to buy into someone like Rollins or Ambrose or Finn Balor or Bray Wyatt being a credible threat to Strowman after how he has spent basically all year manhandling Lesnar and Reigns
In this case I'm going with the opinion this year of we don't need him. Sure he has put on great matches in the past, but let's face it we haven't seen him in the ring since Mania I believe. He is far too busy of taking care of NXT, the Mae Young Classic and other projects.

Besides it looks like Shane will be taking his spot anyway, the last thing we need is 3 McMahon's taking spots at Mania. Cause you know if HHH shows up, Stephanie will too. Besides it's a shame that wrestler's that could have a spot on the card end up in the useless ATGBR. Even with 6 hours worth of wrestling that day they still don't have room on the card for some of them.
Not interested in Triple H fighting another part-timer. That won't do any favours to the present and future so why do it?

Other than Kevin Owens, I don't see anyone viable for the Wrestlemania match against Triple H. Dean Ambrose? Done. Seth Rollins? Done. Roman Reigns? Done. Bray Wyatt could've been something if he was a face. But that's asking too much from Vince.
At this point does a HHH match really make a difference in the career of his opponent? Does is even matter if he's on the cardor not. He not really a big draw anymore.

Sure he can still wrestler a great match but it serve what purpose. Seth rollins isn't better off because he beat HHH this year. Roman reigns isn't better off because he beat him the year before. So personally, I don't see how putting anybody off the main roster against him will help the performer long run.

Personally, if HHH still wants to wrestles at mania, I rather see him with a part timer like his sting match at mania 31, then have him wrestled a guy for the main roster since it would hinder the guy's career more then help him. So I would love to see him wrestle a kurt angle or even do a family angle and wrestle shane mcmahon at mania. It would be an attraction instead of just another match on the card that doesn't feel special and does nothing for his opponent.
I don't think Mania needs Triple H and I don't think Triple H needs Mania. His place in wrestling history is set in stone; he's won 23 titles in WWE, 13 of which have been World Championships, he's won the Royal Rumble twice, he's event fixture at numerous WrestleMania events and there's very, very strong chance that he'll be the one ultimately in charge of WWE once Vince steps down either by choice or necessity.

If he does wrestle at WrestleMania next year, something I think quite likely, then I've no interest no interest in him going up against a part time guy. Taker's done, or if he isn't then he should be, Goldberg's gone, praise the lord, the Rock and Batista are both busy with movie careers, Sting will never wrestle in a WWE ring again due to concerns about his health and the fact that the man's almost 60 and we've seen Trips vs. Lesnar 3 times already and while I personally thought they were good matches, I think I'm in the minority. Plus, if WrestleMania next year does turn out to be Lesnar's last match, then I sure as hell don't want it to be against another Attitude Era guy.

I wouldn't mind at all if his opponent was Kevin Owens; Trips is someone that's long since recognized Owens' ability and I have a feeling that Trips would just let the guy go nuts during the build for the match and the match itself. Going over Triple H at WrestleMania next year could be a great way of reintroducing Owens into the WWE Championship picture or back into the Universal Championship scene.
Reading these responses, I have to you guys enjoy watching wrestling? I know that sounds silly. But SO MANY responses, on this thread and others, are based on where a possible future event is leading. You guys don't seem to live in the present. Hell, you don't even live in the future. You live in the future of the future. Why must you know where this is going or what that is leading to? Holy hell. Try watching and reacting to what you've seen rather than getting upset over something that hasn't--and often never does--happened yet. I mean false rumors send you guys into tizzies. I do see that this is how the world is now--not just wrestling fans. But this sweating will NEVER be happy in life or, in this case, enjoy wrestling. Just enjoy the show and react--as crazy as this sounds--AFTER something actually happens. Stop mapping out a fantasy future. You will always be let down and this is why so many people are miserable. Anyway, just some advice from someone who once got a lot of enjoyment from watching that way.

* I think everyone would love to see 1 more chapter in this epic struggle.
I don't see how they could make the feud between Owens and the Mcmahons drag for so long, from now until Wrestlemania, like someone said, it's basically 6 months away. However, the did drag like 4 months I think for the rivalry between Rollins and HHH.

I wouldn't mind seeing the match, but I think it would take too long until Mania, maybe Survivor Series could be the PPV where KO and Trips face each other.

I'ts true that defeating HHH doesn't do much, but I think for KO, just the simple fact of being in the list of guys that beat the crap of VKM, and plus having a feud with Trips would do great things for him.

As far HHH's Mania match, Finn Balor maybe? I don't know... As long as it isn't part timer vs part timer, I think it would be a good idea whoever he face.
Just some numbered thoughts based on points others have made:

1. I'm not at all against part timers and I'm not a HHH hater but HHH is a guy who WM doesn't need and HHH doesn't need WM. We have so many part timers as it is at Mania. UT may be gone but now Cena is somewhat of a part timer. What about Angle? I'd much rather have Angle and Cena than HHH. Same with Rocky. I'd also prefer HHH spreads the part timer thing out by working lesser PPVs. His story right now lends itself more to working a Takeover than a Mania. He just doesn't need to be there unless they can truly do something meaningful with him.

2. Who does he wrestle? Let's face it. He can only put so many guys over for so long before he either needs a few meaningful wins or he just faces other guys who are not title bound (i.e. other part timers). He lost to Rollins, Bryan, UT twice, and Reigns. He's got a win over Lesnar but basically lost that feud in the end. The man has lost some of his heat over the years while getting older and putting over others. It just doesn't seem like winning over him means that much anymore. Right Kingslayer?

3. Owens v. HHH is the opposite direction this story should go. Playing on #2, wouldn't it make more sense for HHH to be the brains behind Owens' attack on Vince as HHH tries to get the old man out? What do we get from a face HHH going against a heel Owens? Wouldn't it make more sense to have HHH be the mastermind behind Owens physically destroying the McMahons? If HHH is going to fight someone at Mania, shouldn't it be Shane so that we have some unpredictability and meaning in a match.

Owens/HHH just feels like he is just putting over another full time roster guy. Then again the show is seven hours so they could use as much help as possible.

Alright #3 just blew my mind. That is one awesome idea. HHH being the one behind Owens taking out Shane and Vince so that Triple H can take full control of the company, also building heat up between HHH and Steph, who wouldn't know anything about it, which would lead to Steph backing up Kurt Angle which would lead to Angle vs HHH or maybe even Shane vs Triple H, where Triple H can get a meaningful win, as you point out.

This most definately could be a start of NXT vs WWE and it could be the next focal point, instead of RAW vs SD. You got me hyped for things that will never happen.
Reading these responses, I have to you guys enjoy watching wrestling? I know that sounds silly. But SO MANY responses, on this thread and others, are based on where a possible future event is leading. You guys don't seem to live in the present. Hell, you don't even live in the future. You live in the future of the future. Why must you know where this is going or what that is leading to? Holy hell. Try watching and reacting to what you've seen rather than getting upset over something that hasn't--and often never does--happened yet. I mean false rumors send you guys into tizzies. I do see that this is how the world is now--not just wrestling fans. But this sweating will NEVER be happy in life or, in this case, enjoy wrestling. Just enjoy the show and react--as crazy as this sounds--AFTER something actually happens. Stop mapping out a fantasy future. You will always be let down and this is why so many people are miserable. Anyway, just some advice from someone who once got a lot of enjoyment from watching that way.

You know, maybe us discussing for the future of an angle might mean that the angle is so hot that makes us daydream. At least that's my POV. We sure are enjoying it. If we weren't, there should be so much talk about it. Positive talk about Owens turining into a star and how it could happen.
Personally I would love to see hhh & stephanie mcmahon vs the rock & rounda rousey at mania. The history is already their with the segment they did at wrestlemania 31, they just to continue the build up from their. It's a easy story to tell and it would be the best way to use hhh at his point of his career. He's better use as a special attractions with other part timer then use to put somebody over from the main roster.
Not quite but I like the way you are thinking
I was thinking HITC KO win or lose does soemthing to take out Shane

This leads to Team Shane vs team Ko at SS...and in a shock Shane recruits his BIL HHH who when it coems down to the end SCREWS Shane over and raises KO's hand

HHH then goes on to say he hates how Shane was just handed his spot back with company....HHH has been the workhorse building NXT from the ground up and take his place in the company....then Shane who has been gone for years, who abandoed the family business wanders back in and is handed the keys to the Kingdom back and is put in charge of SD...HHH takes charge of SD leading to a match at Mania

HHH and KO vs Shane and his partner which ends up either being Kurt Angle or AJ
Only problem I have with him is predictability. His one time a year wrestling appearances usually end up very predictable. For example you just knew he would end up winning against Sting. Just as you knew he would end up losing against Reigns and Rollins. When story doesnt span out on multiple occasions its really predictable how it would end. That is why I dont like one time a year part time appearances. With multiples you can span a story, you can elevate someone by losing and then winning at the end of feud. On one time match you have to get the end of the story and that is finale of it.

That being said: Owens takes out Shane at HiAC. Owens continues to taunt McMahons in couple weeks after. Stephanie returns and they have confrontation after a while. Owens takes out Stephanie(wishfull thinking but it could happen). Then HHH shows up and they have Wrestlemania match. You would have young talent in need of win against fresh face HHH which could go either way. Though, who am I kidding, HHH would won that. :p
Reading these responses, I have to you guys enjoy watching wrestling? I know that sounds silly. But SO MANY responses, on this thread and others, are based on where a possible future event is leading. You guys don't seem to live in the present. Hell, you don't even live in the future. You live in the future of the future. Why must you know where this is going or what that is leading to? Holy hell. Try watching and reacting to what you've seen rather than getting upset over something that hasn't--and often never does--happened yet. I mean false rumors send you guys into tizzies. I do see that this is how the world is now--not just wrestling fans. But this sweating will NEVER be happy in life or, in this case, enjoy wrestling. Just enjoy the show and react--as crazy as this sounds--AFTER something actually happens. Stop mapping out a fantasy future. You will always be let down and this is why so many people are miserable. Anyway, just some advice from someone who once got a lot of enjoyment from watching that way.

Normally I might agree with you, but in this let's face facts. Wrestlemania is the WWE's biggest show of the year, they start the run up to it at the Royal Rumble and most of the matches are set up months in advance.

While Mania sells itself for a lot of people, I'm sure there are some out there that only decide to go after they see how the card is shaping up. In this case HHH is not a full time active performer and hasn't been for a couple of years now. He only competes in a few matches a year, usually ending up with the finale of the feud at Mania. So it's expected that fans would be wondering who he will be facing every year.

Personally as I said before they don't need him. There is more than enough on the roster to make Mania happen and put on a good show, so I think using him this year and taking the spot away from someone else is a bad idea.
AJ Styles is now established with WWE fan base and is a credible main eventer who could face Triple H at Mania. They are both big names in the wrestling business it is a dream match which probably wouldn't need tons of build up. However for the story line I think it could be similar to what we saw with the build up to the Triple H vs Daniel Bryan match. Triple H could bully Styles and say that he's not a prototypical WWE guy and he wasn't supposed to make it as far as he has. Bell to bell I have no doubt the match would be awesome, Styles can carry anyone to a good match and plays the underdog role well.
Kevin Owens or Samoa Joe, nobody else makes sense considering both were hand picked by Triple H as his enforcers.

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