Triple H- Unsung Hero Of WWE?


Cody Rhodes is an excellant
Triple H - The unsung hero of the WWE


There aren’t many wrestlers in the history of the business as polarizing as Triple H. Fans and wrestlers alike have strong opinions of the self-proclaimed king of kings. Being the son-in-law of the most powerful man in professional wrestling gets you a lot of things. A misunderstood reputation would be right at the top of the list for Triple H.

It is amazing as to how many people on the outside of the wrestling business claim to know Triple H. Fans, journalists, and reporters don’t actually know him, but most don’t like him. The top superstar in the business has a reputation as being a manipulator, a politician, and as someone that puts himself before the company. A more objective look at Triple H would tell you that he is anything but selfish.

Pro Wrestling is a lot different than it has ever been. The Internet has changed the way fans watch and follow pro wrestling. Locker room disputes of the past were always settled inside of the locker room. On any given day a fan could find up to 20 stories on the Internet of backstage rumors, gossip, and insider information. Unfortunately most of the news is rarely sourced and it becomes impossible to decipher from hearsay and fact.

Triple H has been the number one target of these sites for a long time. Daily stories may include Triple H holding back an aspiring young wrestler, Triple H refusing to lose, Triple H demanding a title, etc, etc. As the husband of Stephanie McMahon, it is easy to blame Triple H for the lack of a wrestler’s success. However, the last few years tells a different story about one of the unsung heroes in professional wrestling.

The outcome of a wrestling match may be scripted, yet there are some wrestlers who refuse to lose. If you ever wondered why Roddy Piper and Hulk Hogan never had that big match in their primes, it is because neither man wanted to lose. Even Ric Flair and Steve Austin who have outstanding reputations in and out of the business, have both refused to lose on more than one occasion. As much crap as Triple H gets, it is almost rare for him to get a big win in a critical situation over the last few years.

Triple H is without question the most powerful wrestler in the business. He could make the case every time he wrestles that he should win. Considering the fact he would be making those arguments to his wife and father-in law, he has a good shot of avoiding the loss. Yet, Triple H has done what is right for business more than anyone else in the last few years. This from a guy who was refused a win by Bret Hart when he needed it most in 1997 because Bret didn’t want to put Trips over.

WrestleMania 24 was just another example of Triple H putting the business before himself in a big-time situation. Nobody predicted anything other than a Triple H going into WrestleMania. I even fell into the trap of thinking that he just wasn’t going to lose on arguably the most historic WrestleMania ever. Yet, it is actually rare over the last few years for Triple H to win than lose.

It never even dawned on me until I watched his new DVD. Triple H recounts the classic series he had a few years ago with Batista. The trilogy was one of the most successful series of matches of the decade. Triple H credits the success to the fact that he lost three straight matches to Batista. Triple H says the reason people kept buying the matches is because nobody expected him to lose three straight without a redemption win. He was right and it is fair to say that Batista wouldn’t have achieved superstardom if he had lost the third and final match to Triple H. See Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle for the political antithesis of this theory.

The last meaningful title reign that Triple H had was his win over Kane and Bill Goldberg at Armageddon 2003. Triple H has had three title wins since then, which were all set up to get others over. Triple H was the sacrificial lamb for Randy Orton, John Cena, and Batista with those title wins and losses. So much for a guy that demands titles over the good of the company.

WrestleMania is undoubtedly the biggest wrestling event of the year. Wrestlers dream about having great matches on WrestleMania. As silly as it may sound, a lot of wrestlers will sulk and attempt to manipulate their way out of losing on the big show. I had to check twice because I didn’t even believe this one. I had to go back to WrestleMania 19 in 2003 to find the last time that Triple H won at WrestleMania. Since 2004, Triple H has been the number one star in the WWE and he hasn’t won a match on WrestleMania. Triple H put over Chris Benoit, John Cena, Batista, and Randy Orton since 2003. Don’t tell me this isn’t a guy that doesn’t do what’s right for business.

Take a look at Triple H’s current run. Triple H came back after a 9-month absence at SummerSlam with a win over King Booker. Anything but a win wouldn’t make much sense in that match. Beginning with No Mercy in October, Triple H has put over Randy Orton and Jeff Hardy on two of the biggest shows of the year. Take a look at the pattern. Triple H isn’t going to sacrifice a logical win to a veteran like King Booker. However, when it comes to building young stars for the future Triple H is all business.

So the next time you read a post on an Internet board, a newsletter article, or an interview with an unnamed source blaming Triple H for holding someone back take an objective step back. The Rock, Hulk Hogan, Roddy Piper, Randy Savage, Steve Austin, Bret Hart, and Ric Flair never did more jobs to get younger talent over in their primes than Triple H.

Watch WWE television and take a look at the common denominator of the top stars on Raw and SmackDown. What is it? Triple H put them over and did the right thing for business. I think it is fair to say that the future of the WWE would be in a lot of trouble without Triple H. Triple H truly is the unsung hero of pro wrestling and his impact will be felt for years to come.

April 7, 2008 8:53 AM


I saw this article on another site, figured I'd post it here since we have another thread comparing Trips to Hitler, only seems fair to make a thread that puts Trips in a more positive light. Personally I think the article is spot on, and is saying the same thing I've been trying to tell people for years, however people are so consumed by their blind hatred for the man that they fail to listen and take note of all that he has done to better the WWE, I especially love how they point out that Hogan, Piper, Bret Hart, Flair, Austin, Rock, and HBK have all refused to lose, yet they get praised as being the best in the business, yet Triple H takes endless amounts of heat from the IWC and the media because he's successful, and married to the bosses daughter, appearently if your married to the bosses daughter, then no matter how succesful you where before, your automatically suppose to become the Brooklyn Brawler, and job to every single guy that walks through the curtain

Anyway I'm sure there will be plenty of people blasting this article, so yeah...
There's sort of a catch here, though. Triple H does do a lot of help for some people - but only those that he likes, it seems.

We've heard for a long while that Triple H is a fan of John Cena and so is Vince, so he puts him over. Good for the business? Yeah. Bad for Triple H in a sense? Yeah. Is it really going so far out of the box? No. Wrestling's always been a give and take business. If your opponent doesn't do his job in the ring, you don't look good and neither does he. Its your job as a performer to make others look good as well, so Triple H is just doing his job, not being the next Buddha or something.

We hear of the opposite as well, and if it proves true, we have the footage to back it up. Reports went around that Triple H doesn't like Jericho and was ridiculing his return and so forth. Triple H supposedly wanted Hardy over Jericho. So what's happened since then? Jericho was given one title match which he didn't gain the belt, wasn't given a rematch, has had a horrible feud with JBL, and since then has won the IC title on a fluke due to Hardy's suspension, now he's left without a program. What's Hardy done? He's been put over by HHH, had a title shot at the Royal Rumble which he dominated until a quick ending, was given a much better spot and showing in the Elimination Chamber (and by default of the pedigree on the chair, was being put over in the process), and now he's in the dog house a little because of his suspension, but he was pretty much guaranteed a Money in the Bank title shot. Now, I'm a fan of both Jeff Hardy AND Jericho, but I feel Jericho's gotten screwed out of his return.

So, its wrong to say that Triple H is only concerned with putting himself over, as he clearly does put others in front of himself at times. But, its wrong to say that Triple H puts the business as a whole over himself, because if that were true, he'd run with the ball and not just put over his friends and such. Basically, you need to take all gossip (wrestling related or not) in the world with a grain of salt...but a few shady reports here and there doesn't immediately discredit them all, and a few positive reports doesn't immediately credit other reporting. If major networks and news stations can lie on a whim, others can too, but that doesn't mean something as ridiculous as "Triple H was mad that Umaga was using his ring attire colors" is 100% fiction without a doubt.

If Triple H let go of his Kliq-like mentality, he'd help out the business an overwhelmingly massive amount. Until he does that, only the strings he wants to pull up will rise and he'll either help convince McMahon to cut the strings of the people he doesn't like or to just intertwine them in a futile dance.
Is this suppose to change people's minds about Triple H?

Firstly I think he's a great worker beyond a shadow of a doubt and a top heel.

But when it comes to doing the right thing for business he usually does what suits him rather than what's good for business.

I mean the guy made himself WWE champion for about 2 hours at No Mercy and it didn't accomplish anything,it was just a shallow attempt to get closer to Flair's 16 title reigns.

Also remember when RVD was supposed to beat him at Unforgiven 2002 and it was vetoed by HHH at the last minute? A loss wouldn't have hurt him but that wasn't going to happen.

Also it's worth noting how often he's done a clean job? not often is it?
This article is partially correct in the fact that Triple H as put over people in the past, he does allow people to beat him, my only problem is that in most of his losses he manages to make himself look like the stronger man, even in the loss. Lets take a look:

1. Wrestlemania 24-Okay so who didn't expect to see Triple H win, almost everybody thought that he would, but he didn't. Now this could be used as an example of him putting Orton over, but did he, not really. Triple H is the one who hit the pedigree on Cena, then Orton kicked him in the head and pinned the man Triple H had knocked down. So yes, Orton got the win, but HHH is the one who inflicted the damage on Cena, not Orton.

2. HHH vs. Jeff Hardy-Again, who would have thought that HHH was going to lose, he had to get his title shot right? Wrong! HHH allowed Hardy to beat him, giving Hardy a big push in the process, but how did Hardy beat him? With a role up. HHH made it look as though Hardy was lucky by rolling him up, if Hardy would have beaten Triple H with a Swanton, then I would give HHH props, but he didn't. Getting roled up didn't make HHH look weak at all, again he comes out looking good in a loss.

3. HHH vs. Orton at No Mercy-Here we see HHH win the title at the beginning of the show over Orton, only to lose it later on. The thing is, they basically blamed his loss on the fact that he had to wrestle Umaga earlier in the night. If you really wanted to make Orton look good, let him beat you straight up the first time, why do you have to look weakened in order for Orton to beat you. That didn't put Orton over at all, hell all it did is make Triple H by almost overcoming the odds.

Those are just three examples of Triple H making himself look strong while "putting other people over." I will give him credit for putting over Cena and Batista, them are two examples of where he actually put them over, the way you should put somebody over. My main problem is that he was in all of those Mania' main events. He has been in the last 4 Mania' Main Events that he has been healthy enough to be in. Why not give somebody else that spotlight.

Now, this article does point out that Triple H may not be as bad as some people say he is, but there is no denying that he pretty much puts himself over in every big match that he is in, whether he wins or loses. Triple H is a valuable asset to the company no doubt, but I wouldn't consider him an unsung hero of the WWE.
Is this suppose to change people's minds about Triple H?

Firstly I think he's a great worker beyond a shadow of a doubt and a top heel.

But when it comes to doing the right thing for business he usually does what suits him rather than what's good for business.

I mean the guy made himself WWE champion for about 2 hours at No Mercy and it didn't accomplish anything,it was just a shallow attempt to get closer to Flair's 16 title reigns.

Also remember when RVD was supposed to beat him at Unforgiven 2002 and it was vetoed by HHH at the last minute? A loss wouldn't have hurt him but that wasn't going to happen.

Also it's worth noting how often he's done a clean job? not often is it?

Your right he is a great worker. I think he does whats good for business now more than ever.

He was made WWE Champ to legitimize the title again. It was handed to Orton just simply handed it too him Triple H made that title worth something that night by defending it on 2 different occasions. He also made Orton look like gold at the end of the night. I also believe that it has been stated many times that Triple H doesnt want to break flairs record. I may be wrong on that though.

As for Rob Van Dam hes a damn good worker i just dont think he would draw well as a champ. He was even given his chance and screwed it up. Triple H beat him because it was good for business.

As for putting guys over clean. Let's see......Benoit, Batista, Cena, Orton, Shelton Benjamin, and he didnt put him over but i remember a heat match that Trips was in where he faced Maven for the title he actually made me believe that maven was going to beat him how many guys could do that??
HHH woulnt be the wrestler he is if not putting the dick to Steph n kissin Vinces ass!He is not a unsung hero,they have no one else big thats why it seem like he a hero!Like last week at Mania surprised he aint champ good move but Backlash he will get it,he wanna seem like the man.They built Orton up,JBL keep sayin "I was the longest WWE Champ in Smackdown history",Cena a Hogan wanna be,he will win at Backlash so he looks like the man.He not a unsung hero when WCW was kickin they ass he was a big part of it him n HBGay.When HBGay lost to SCSA is when WWF started winnin ratings!I use still a lil that Kurt is bashing them but I see he has a reason cuz no1 is going over but them 2 which is unfair!!Punk will neva go over,Morrison,MVP,Hardys,Kennedy n more cuz these guys have to have their way!
This is a good article, it shows the other side of a story that I wish more people would believe. Triple H is not half as bad as people make him out to be, if everything the haters said were true, then Trips would have won at Mania', he would have won the Royal Rumble, he would have won the Last Man Standing Match at No Mercy against Orton, and he would have beaten Jeff Hardy at Armageddon. At the end of the day, there is only 1 man who decides who wins and who loses, Vince McMahon.

People hate Triple H because he is married to the bosses' daughter and he has some say in what happens on RAW with his "politics", but yet those same people say they only hate Trips because he "buries" the younger guys, but the fact is, a lot of other wrestlers does the same damn thing. It doesn't matter who decides the outcome of a match, it doesn't change the fact that a wrestler got buried. Taker buries wrestlers all the time, most recently Hawkins and Ryder, but do anybody complain? No. When Trips Pedigreed both London and Kendick a few months back, people were all up his ass because they assumed it was Triple H's politicking that was the reason for it, but they don't know that.

Wrestlers get buried nearly every week on WWE programming, does it really matter who is the mastermind behind it all? I don't think so.
Lawlz, someone get the violin and start playing the sad song for Triple H, the guy is so hated by the IWC, waaa, waaa waaa.

triple H putting guys over is the most ludicrous statement I have ever read in my life. He puts over guys that he feels he made so he doesn't lose his spot. As said earlier, his amazing roll up loss to Jeff Hardy, that was sure a big put over. Yup, nothing like making the guy the next big thing in the business beat you with a cheap victory. See the Shawn Michaels match from Raw vs. Jeff Hardy a month later, that's someone lying down and putting someone over.

Laughable about Hogan never wanting to lose. If Hogan didn't want to lose, then strike those losses to guys like Warrior, Rock and Goldberg from the record book. This article is a joke, plain and simple. Waa, let's give support for a guy that runs people he doesn't like out of the WWE, waaa, lets hold down guys because they are getting hotter then me, waaa let's bitch about guys wearing the same color trunks, or having long hair, or look left before they look right.

Triple H deserves all the shit he gets.
Taker buries wrestlers all the time, most recently Hawkins and Ryder, but do anybody complain? No. When Trips Pedigreed both London and Kendick a few months back, people were all up his ass because they assumed it was Triple H's politicking that was the reason for it, but they don't know that.

Wrestlers get buried nearly every week on WWE programming, does it really matter who is the mastermind behind it all? I don't think so.

Taker and Triple H are not the same when it comes to "burying talent." Your example was the Edgeheads and London and Kendrick. The Edgeheads are Edge's lackies and have been nothing but jobbers since they moved to Smackdown. Taker beating them isn't burying them anymore than they already were. HHH however, buried the WWE's PREMIER tag team. He made London and Kendrick look like fools when they saved him, reached for a high five, and got laid out just for the hell of it. Thats burying someone.

Now, check out Unforgiven last year. Taker returns to take on Mark Henry and HHH goes against Carltio. They both win their matches but in two completely different styles. Taker had trouble and put Henry over as a threat to his dominance by having Henry get control for a good portion of the match. In Triple H's match their was a stipulation where Carilto could cheat and HHH couldn't. Yet, he still convincingly beat Carilto, hence burying him. At no point did Carltio seem like he had a chance.

Hell, even look at RAW this week. He beat the WWE champ and no 1 contender in a handicap match. When it looked like it was his turn to take the loss with the man advantage, it took outside interference to have Cena win. HHH always looks strong, its fucking ridiculous.
Hell, even look at RAW this week. He beat the WWE champ and no 1 contender in a handicap match. When it looked like it was his turn to take the loss with the man advantage, it took outside interference to have Cena win. HHH always looks strong, its fucking ridiculous.

Didn’t he refuse to accept a tag in the match he partnered with JBL in?

And in his first match-up didn’t he obtain his victory because Orton was distracted? I may have to review the match again to see if anything there suggested that he was better than his opponents combined. However, as far as I can recall, he was about to lose to JBL until Orton’s ego got a hold him and that cost them the match. How does taking an advantage make him appear stronger?

I don’t have a real problem with Triple H. No Mercy was the last time he won the championship and that victory was obtained from a roll-up maneuver. And yes, he was weakened for his Last Man Standing match with Orton but the latter still looked dominant and ruthless. In addition, he tapped out to the crossface at Wrestlemania 20. It does appear that he’s selective when it comes to who should be put over. However I do feel at times people over analyze his actions.

Side note: Didn't Rock put over a few people?
He does lose at Mania from time to time as you pointed out, but he never puts anyone above himself, Cena and Benoit are the only exceptions.

He loses at Mania, but with all the momentum he steals from everyone else throughout the year it just brings one or two people up to his level. Then, he proceeds to bury them throughout the year to make himself stronger. Then he'll lose a strong showing at Mania to keep people from thinking he's TOO good. Wash, rinse, repeat.
I've been a long-time lurker but I feel I have to make a post on this garbage about him only being at the top because of who he's married to.

Lets see, HHH joined the company in 1995, before that he was in WCW for two years. His relationship with Steph didn't start until some time in the early 00's. So he had at least seven years of getting himself to the top without it being because he was 'humping the bosses daughter'. Sure, there might have been a bit of politics going on backstage to help along the way, but who here honestly wouldn't want to make sure they had the best of things for themselves by any means necessary?

His first title reign? Mid 1999, a good few years before his relationship with Steph was serious. In fact since they were married in late 2003, he's held the WWE title for little over an hour or so, and the World title on three occasions, each reign lasting for 3-4 months. So thats four of his eleven title reigns.....

As has been said, he hasn't won at Wrestlemania since WM19, thats hardly the record of someone who refuses to put anyone else over is it? Hell, by the time WM25 comes around, it'll have been 6 years since his last WM victory, thats over half a decade, and there's no guarantee that that losing streak won't continue next year.... And then people say that 'Taker isn't as bad at burying people'. Hello? 16-0 ringing any bells????
I've been a long-time lurker but I feel I have to make a post on this garbage about him only being at the top because of who he's married to.

Lets see, HHH joined the company in 1995, before that he was in WCW for two years. His relationship with Steph didn't start until some time in the early 00's. So he had at least seven years of getting himself to the top without it being because he was 'humping the bosses daughter'. Sure, there might have been a bit of politics going on backstage to help along the way, but who here honestly wouldn't want to make sure they had the best of things for themselves by any means necessary?

His first title reign? Mid 1999, a good few years before his relationship with Steph was serious. In fact since they were married in late 2003, he's held the WWE title for little over an hour or so, and the World title on three occasions, each reign lasting for 3-4 months. So thats four of his eleven title reigns.....

As has been said, he hasn't won at Wrestlemania since WM19, thats hardly the record of someone who refuses to put anyone else over is it? Hell, by the time WM25 comes around, it'll have been 6 years since his last WM victory, thats over half a decade, and there's no guarantee that that losing streak won't continue next year.... And then people say that 'Taker isn't as bad at burying people'. Hello? 16-0 ringing any bells????

Already stated this, but in response, yes HHH hasn't won at Mania' sense WM19, but how many main events has he been in since then. Lets see, I think all but one that he was healthy enough to compete in. He has been in the Main Event at Wrestlemania 20, 21, 22, and 24. If it wasn't for his injury, he would have been in the main event at 23 also. So yeah maybe he loses, but why not give somebody else a shot at a Mania' main event?

Regarding Taker', the Wrestlemania streak is not a creation of Taker'. He did not come to the WWE and say, "I never want to lose at Mania'." The streak is something created by WWE that is currently probably the best thing running in WWE right now. Every year WWE is guarnteed a big match from Taker' at Mania because his streak is on the line. The streak has nothing to do with Taker' refusing to put people over, it is simply a creation of the WWE.
I don't care what anyone thinks about Triple H, he is a great addition to WWE's product. He's a real creative guy. He comes up with some great material that I'm sure the writers didn't. Just like the DX run in 2006, that had some of the funniest stuff ever.

If you will remember, HHH has been a main eventer every since about 1999. He has surpassed most of those stars back then, like The Rock, Stone Cold, and Mick Foley. And he is still going 100%, full time, and still gives us great performances.

Triple H is also responsible for the greatest feuds, and thrilling matches in the last 10 years. For example, HHH vs Austin, which had the great 2 out of 3 falls match. He faced The Rock in classic matches such as the Iron Man match at Judgment Day 2000. He defeated Foley in a Hell in A Cell match in early 2000. He was involved in Shawn Michaels comeback feud in 2002, which led to a great match at SummerSlam.

Since then he has put over superstar, after superstar, even at the biggest shows of them all.

This just goes to show, he isn't out for himself, he is out to build the product that is, World Wrestling Entertainment.
I don't care what anyone thinks about Triple H, he is a great addition to WWE's product. He's a real creative guy. He comes up with some great material that I'm sure the writers didn't. Just like the DX run in 2006, that had some of the funniest stuff ever.

If you will remember, HHH has been a main eventer every since about 1999. He has surpassed most of those stars back then, like The Rock, Stone Cold, and Mick Foley. And he is still going 100%, full time, and still gives us great performances.

Triple H is also responsible for the greatest feuds, and thrilling matches in the last 10 years. For example, HHH vs Austin, which had the great 2 out of 3 falls match. He faced The Rock in classic matches such as the Iron Man match at Judgment Day 2000. He defeated Foley in a Hell in A Cell match in early 2000. He was involved in Shawn Michaels comeback feud in 2002, which led to a great match at SummerSlam.

Since then he has put over superstar, after superstar, even at the biggest shows of them all.

This just goes to show, he isn't out for himself, he is out to build the product that is, World Wrestling Entertainment.

Two problems:

1.) Just because he let them win doesn't necessarily mean he necessarily put them over completely. Did he really put Orton over himself at Mania', No, John Cena put Orton over by having Orton pin him, HHH hit the finishing move, he just didn't get the pin, so he leaves looking like the guy who nailed the knockout punch, Orton leaves looking like he lucked into a win. Did he put over Hardy, really, No, he let Hardy beat him, by a roll up. Fast forward to the elimination chamber, who got the pin, oh yeah HHH on Hardy.

2.) Okay, maybe Triple H's fueds have been good, some of the best in recent memory persay, but not the greatest by any means. Austin vs. The Rock is the best fued in the past 10 years. And when it comes to most thrilling matches, what do you mean. If you mean partaking in a Hell In A Cell match a couple times, well there you go, a gimmic made his matches thrilling. If you are talking about being the in the best matches, wrestling wise, he is not even close. Those matches belong to guys like HBK and Kurt Angle over the past 10 years.

What you have to understand is that people are not saying that HHH is not a valuable part of the WWE, obviously he is, but by no means is he WWE's unsung hero. This article was trying to say that a number of the bad things people say about him aren't true, but they are. He doesn't ever really put people completely over, sure he might let them win, but he always comes out looking strong. I am not going to go through the examples again, but if you haven't read them, they are on page 1 of this thread, then you will understand what I mean.
I am so sick and tired of hereing people put HHH and HBK and any other older star down because they wont job enough or in the way we would like. It is complete crap. The facts are all these guys have tried to pass the torch on multiple occassions and the guys picked could not run with it. Look at the facts. Ratings are still down with Orton as champ, they were down with Cena as champ, The facts are since WCW went belly up and was sold, ratings have been down since then. HHH and everyone else would love a new Rock or Stone cold, but the truth is there is not one on teh horrizon.

For people to say the older guys dont wnat to lose their spot is ridiculas. They would make more money and have better fueds if there were future big names comming. Plus what does HHH have to hold people back for his spot is walys safe. He is family. HBK while not married into the family is basicly family. Same could be said for the Undertaker. But to blame HHH for everything wrong in the company is ******ed. Blame the writers who can't come up with intresting story lines, develope chracters that appeal to the mainstrea. Blame Vince for hiring hollywood writers that have no clue about wrestkling, instead of using people he had under contract like Heyman and Bischoff.

Or blame teh guys who could cause big ratings by comming back. Blame the Rock for not giving a crap about wrestling even though it is what made him. Blame Stone Cold for not wanting to look like Ric Flair in a few years. Blame Hulk Hogan who only comes in when he needs to hide money from his wife. Finaly blame yourself, for disrespecting a guy who has given everything he has for your entertainment while you piss on him and his accomplishments.
As much as Triple H annoys me, he has paid his dues. He deserves respect from up and coming wrestlers. Keeping people down when your at the top is the name of the game. Would you want to lose that spotlight. I'm sure being married to Stephanie has its benefits, but also a assload of pressure. As far as the unsung of the WWE "no way". Hes doing know more than any of the other top stars.
This article is partially correct in the fact that Triple H as put over people in the past, he does allow people to beat him, my only problem is that in most of his losses he manages to make himself look like the stronger man, even in the loss. Lets take a look:

1. Wrestlemania 24-Okay so who didn't expect to see Triple H win, almost everybody thought that he would, but he didn't. Now this could be used as an example of him putting Orton over, but did he, not really. Triple H is the one who hit the pedigree on Cena, then Orton kicked him in the head and pinned the man Triple H had knocked down. So yes, Orton got the win, but HHH is the one who inflicted the damage on Cena, not Orton.

2. HHH vs. Jeff Hardy-Again, who would have thought that HHH was going to lose, he had to get his title shot right? Wrong! HHH allowed Hardy to beat him, giving Hardy a big push in the process, but how did Hardy beat him? With a role up. HHH made it look as though Hardy was lucky by rolling him up, if Hardy would have beaten Triple H with a Swanton, then I would give HHH props, but he didn't. Getting roled up didn't make HHH look weak at all, again he comes out looking good in a loss.

3. HHH vs. Orton at No Mercy-Here we see HHH win the title at the beginning of the show over Orton, only to lose it later on. The thing is, they basically blamed his loss on the fact that he had to wrestle Umaga earlier in the night. If you really wanted to make Orton look good, let him beat you straight up the first time, why do you have to look weakened in order for Orton to beat you. That didn't put Orton over at all, hell all it did is make Triple H by almost overcoming the odds.

Those are just three examples of Triple H making himself look strong while "putting other people over." I will give him credit for putting over Cena and Batista, them are two examples of where he actually put them over, the way you should put somebody over. My main problem is that he was in all of those Mania' main events. He has been in the last 4 Mania' Main Events that he has been healthy enough to be in. Why not give somebody else that spotlight.

Now, this article does point out that Triple H may not be as bad as some people say he is, but there is no denying that he pretty much puts himself over in every big match that he is in, whether he wins or loses. Triple H is a valuable asset to the company no doubt, but I wouldn't consider him an unsung hero of the WWE.

1. Trips had the right not to get pinned as he has tapped out twice and got his asswope and pinned in the since Mania20. And he still didnt win the match

2. Do you think it would have be beleivable for Trips to get KO by Hardy and to get pinned by him ? No it wouldnt and he still let Hardy pin him.

3. You know that Trips vs Umaga was already confirmed match and the Street fight was a confrimed match ? We all know this all happned due to Cena's injury. Orton being handed the title didnt do much so he had to lose it to win again. Trips coudlve let Orton just get the title handed to him and move on. Now you might say why didnt Trips let Orton win the first match wich Trips lost by a roll up ? No Wreslter would let him self lose to a heel 'clean' twice in one night.

He tapped out to Benoit an Mania 20
He Lost to batista at Mania 21
He Tapped out to Cena at Mania 22
He put Orton over and he did and No Mercy
He lost to Hary at Armeggedon ,and if it wasnt for Hardy stupidity he would be one of the top stars.

All the names above are top stars due to Trips.

And you say why didnt he lose to RVD in 2002. Ok first of all It was Trips time to hog the spotlight after Austin and Rock. He had success in 2000-2001but he was never the top guy and in 2003 he allowed him self to it and he deserved it.

The WHC was coming new to the buisness and it needed a top name on it with a long reing to give it Credibilty. And if RVD won that match we would have not seen the beggining of the Evoltuion Era as Rick and Trips united on that day. And we all know that the Present WWE is revolving mostly around Evoltuion.
To all of you that said that Triple H put Hardy over: Go watch the damn match. To me that is pretty clear, when you watch the match the biggest spot Hardy got was a dropkick off the top rope and a Whisper in the Wind. Hardy won with a Jacknife Rollup. Triple didn't put him over, he just made himself look strong and gave Hardy a fluke win.

As for Triple not putting anyone over: That is also a lie. He has put over Batista, Cena, Benoit, just to name a few. So don't go out there and say he doesn't put anyone over, because he does. If only he would put over Y2J. So yes, Triple H is a great WWE Superstar, but no, he isn't the unsung hero of the WWE.
1. Trips had the right not to get pinned as he has tapped out twice and got his asswope and pinned in the since Mania20. And he still didnt win the match

Although I paritally agree with you on this, because he had been beaten all the times before. It is the fact that he was in on all those matches, instead of putting other people in them, that he is rightfully accused of not putting people over.

2. Do you think it would have be beleivable for Trips to get KO by Hardy and to get pinned by him ? No it wouldnt and he still let Hardy pin him.

Of course it would be believable, they were pushing Hardy as a Main Event star. He is, whether people like it or not, the most over star until he got suspended. HBK put Hardy over with the Swanton. That is putting someone over.

3. You know that Trips vs Umaga was already confirmed match and the Street fight was a confrimed match ? We all know this all happned due to Cena's injury. Orton being handed the title didnt do much so he had to lose it to win again. Trips coudlve let Orton just get the title handed to him and move on. Now you might say why didnt Trips let Orton win the first match wich Trips lost by a roll up ? No Wreslter would let him self lose to a heel 'clean' twice in one night.

Even though Trips vs Umaga was scheduled, that doesn't take away from the fact that Trips made everyone look weak. I mean, it took 3 matches in one night to take him down. With several weapons involved, not to mention the fact that Trips almost got up and just didn't make the count. That, is not putting someone over in a match. He didn't have to lose clean twice in one night. He could have let Orton win legit, and then "Not be given a rematch again." Because he already had a match win Umaga scheduled. Plus that could be number one contender for Trips only, Orton interferes, etc etc. That is a little more legit to putting a heel over.

He tapped out to Benoit an Mania 20
He Lost to batista at Mania 21
He Tapped out to Cena at Mania 22
He put Orton over and he did and No Mercy
He lost to Hary at Armeggedon ,and if it wasnt for Hardy stupidity he would be one of the top stars.

All the names above are top stars due to Trips.

He was in all those main events. He may have lost, but couldn't he step aside, and let someone else take his place. I mean he was going to lose anyway, right? Hardy could have been put ovr by anybody, the crowds love him that much. He could have won legit, and be more ove than he was. The fact that he was in the ME put him over, not Trips.

And you say why didnt he lose to RVD in 2002. Ok first of all It was Trips time to hog the spotlight after Austin and Rock. He had success in 2000-2001but he was never the top guy and in 2003 he allowed him self to it and he deserved it.

You just used an argument against you post, in you post, congrats. He HOGGED the spotlight. You said it yourself. He takes all the spotlight for himself. He always allows himself to it, even if he doesn't always win at the big dance.

The WHC was coming new to the buisness and it needed a top name on it with a long reing to give it Credibilty. And if RVD won that match we would have not seen the beggining of the Evoltuion Era as Rick and Trips united on that day. And we all know that the Present WWE is revolving mostly around Evoltuion.

I won't argue that the title needed credibility. But I wouldn't say the whole of WWE revolves around Evolution. Nothing in wrestling, revolves around one thing as a great part.
I have mixed feelings about HHH. On one hand, I respect him as a performer, but on the other, I do hate the FACT that he has hardly put anyone over since 2002. I see people defend that, and it makes me laugh because it seems like some just don't know what truly putting someone over is.

HHH put Jeff Hardy over? No. Hardy beat HHH in a fluke way, and then HHH beat Jeff at No Way Out. That's not putting someone over.

Umaga? No. I mean, when did Trips put Umanga over in the first place? Last I remember, HHH beat Umaga in a little over 5 minutes at No Mercy.

Shelton? Yes and no. He gave Shelton that fluke win, but I really believe it wasn't ever the plan for him to make something out of that.

Chris Benoit? Yes, he did put over Benoit. Trips was obviously a huge mark for the dude.

Cena? HHH did put over Cena at Wrestlemania 22, but I’ll never forget a few weeks after that he single handily laid out both The WWE Champion (Cena) and the Number 1 Contender (RVD). He also had Cena beat at Backlash after WrestleMania 22. And just at Wrestlemania 24, he had Cena beat from what I read.

As far as Orton.... he let Orton beat him at No Mercy, but Orton only has that one win against Trips, out of like 5 matches. That’s not really putting someone over either.

Batista, Trips did put over. In fact, Batista and Cena are literally the ONLY wrestlers HHH doens't have a win over that he has faced in the company (even though he has had Cena beat on several occasions like I mentioned). Everybody that has beaten HHH since about 2002, Trips has always gotten that win back. It's pathetic.

So, again, the way I look at it, since he got the World Title in 2002, Trips has really only put over Batista and Benoit. NOBODY else benefited from their feud or match with Hunter. NOBODY.

Moreover, if you have it already instilled in your mind that HHH put all 7 of those guys over that I mentioned, then that’s fine; it’s your opinion I guess. However, you still can’t deny the fact that he has held down and buried more then he has ever put over. It’s going to be hard for certain fans to get over that because it involved some of their favorite wrestlers.

I don’t hate HHH as much as I use to. Like I said, I respect him as a performer, and I also think he’s one of the smartest men to ever enter the business, and I think outside of the business he is a good person, but still.... him burying the guys he has will not be made up for by not being champion or not going over at ’Mania for a couple of years. It’s going to take a lot more.

I’ll never, ever get over Hogan not putting Sting over clean at Starcade 1997. That was the biggest disgrace ever in pro wrestling and that alone is what ultimately killed WCW in my mind. HHH hasn’t done anything that despicable, but he has certainly done some rotten shit behind the scenes that was uncalled for. But at least he can still make up for it. But he has to really start putting people over. Once he is in the upper mid-card, putting over new names, that’s when I’ll get over his past behind the scenes nonsense and boring ass title runs.
Although I paritally agree with you on this, because he had been beaten all the times before. It is the fact that he was in on all those matches, instead of putting other people in them, that he is rightfully accused of not putting people over.

Of course it would be believable, they were pushing Hardy as a Main Event star. He is, whether people like it or not, the most over star until he got suspended. HBK put Hardy over with the Swanton. That is putting someone over.

Even though Trips vs Umaga was scheduled, that doesn't take away from the fact that Trips made everyone look weak. I mean, it took 3 matches in one night to take him down. With several weapons involved, not to mention the fact that Trips almost got up and just didn't make the count. That, is not putting someone over in a match. He didn't have to lose clean twice in one night. He could have let Orton win legit, and then "Not be given a rematch again." Because he already had a match win Umaga scheduled. Plus that could be number one contender for Trips only, Orton interferes, etc etc. That is a little more legit to putting a heel over.

He was in all those main events. He may have lost, but couldn't he step aside, and let someone else take his place. I mean he was going to lose anyway, right? Hardy could have been put ovr by anybody, the crowds love him that much. He could have won legit, and be more ove than he was. The fact that he was in the ME put him over, not Trips.

You just used an argument against you post, in you post, congrats. He HOGGED the spotlight. You said it yourself. He takes all the spotlight for himself. He always allows himself to it, even if he doesn't always win at the big dance.

I won't argue that the title needed credibility. But I wouldn't say the whole of WWE revolves around Evolution. Nothing in wrestling, revolves around one thing as a great part.

1. Theres no way in hell it would have been beliveable for Hardy to beat Trips normaly , Michealse jobbed to him normaly becuase he doesnt have this much bigger body , I know the matches are planned and shit but you got to make it look real , and Hardy KO Trips is not. Then at NWO Trips made Hardy look like a million bucks , he pinned out of a Pedegree and it took a Pedegree on a steel chair to finish him off. Oh and please as much as I am a Hardy fan dont tell me he shouldve won and ME Mania.

2. The first match were Trips won shouldve not happend , I agree on that , but Orton winning the Title made it way better then getting handed and defeiding the title.

3.He was in all these ME , well lets see
Mania 20 > That was a great feud and Benoit making Trips tap out is way better than seeing Benoit make any other wreslter tap out.

Mania 21 > Imo it was all for this feud with trips and the win over that Batista is what he is now. Batista is were he is is becuase of this match and this feud that put him over.

Mania 22 > He once again Jobbed and tapped out again to Cena , yo who else couldve cena beat other than HHH that coudlve made him look awsome. No young talent was on that height at that moment.

Mania 24 > I agree he shouldve stepped away from that match and let me be Orton vs Cena , but did anyone see the SHIT ratings Raw was getting when these 2 were feuding ? This would have been a Horrible Draw and yet Trips still didnt win.

And yes the WWE just doesnt revolve around Evoltuion , but to get this Faction over and look dominant and to make Orton and Batista the stars they are now they had no make look them dominationg and irritating with their heel tactics , wich was always make Trips win.
triple does deserve some credit when the rock,stone cold,shawn michaels,foley left he was the one the company depended on he was also given the WHC to give it value and when he was a heel everyone hated his guts and wanted him to lose the belt but i dont think hes the unsung hero but ill give credit where credit is do
AHHHHH Now I get it...

If H loses to Hardy with a roll up, then is a fluke win and H looks like an unstoppable beast, and Hardy is just a lucky moron who didn't get anything of that win... right... but when Hardy wins, appears in ME matches and is incredibly over, he is just a spot monkey...

Then if H beats a 42 year old HEEL junkie with a comedy gimmick, in his return match... then he is "burying great performers who deserve more than that" right... RVD in 2002???? yeah... but when RVD gets the title people complains and is bitching... because he, just as JHardy, is a spot monkey.... isn't he??

Somebody mentioned he did bury the PREMIER tag team in WWE... Londrick??? are you kidding me?? they have been jobbing since been in Raw... and that's a lot of time... ahh... now I remember something... 2 guys which combined weights are like 300 pounds??? like if they were the future of WWE... they are NOT the rockers!!! and neither London or Kendrick are the next HBK!!!

Then... H beats Cena before WM, Beats Benoit before WM, beats Batista before WM... OF COURSE he has to beat them before WM!!! He was the HEEL!!! you don't build a match around a stupid heel loser who cannot beat his face opponent (even with a chair or a sledgehammer), if he doesn't beat them before a PPV, the match doesn't mean anything...

H lost to the undertaker at Mania... and I supose he looked great while being lifted by taker for like 10 secs with just one hand (kayfabe obviously) and then chokeslamed to the crowd...

the IWC is just mad because he has never lost to shelton benjamin... oh wait a second... that happened TWICE... and nobody cared!!! Shelton's crowd reaction is as big as a peanut...

Maybe we are all just jelaous that H has steph's boobs for himself

but anyway... I guess we will se H winning and winning week over week... ahh... wait a sec.. nevermind...
Somebody mentioned he did bury the PREMIER tag team in WWE... Londrick??? are you kidding me?? they have been jobbing since been in Raw... and that's a lot of time... ahh... now I remember something... 2 guys which combined weights are like 300 pounds??? like if they were the future of WWE... they are NOT the rockers!!! and neither London or Kendrick are the next HBK!!!

That would be me. Yes, London and Kendrick WERE the premier tag team in the WWE at the time and the division needed all the momentum it could get. Londrick picked up a non title win over the tag champs and has beaten the WGTT after Haas and Benjamin nearly beat the Hardy's in a ladder match. In the two seconds it took HHH to lay them out their stock was cut down ten fold.

As for your King Booker example, its not just that he won, he dominated. He made Booker look incredibly weak just like he did Carlito. Actually the more I think about it, the worse I think HHH is in general. He can't do a promo without a lame joke or burying someone, and he can't make young talent look good.

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