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Triple H: The Last Great Superstar


Getting Noticed By Management
Triple H's recent return has me thinking that he might be the last great superstar in the WWE. He's the definition of main event player. The look, the charisma, the mic skills, no one else on the roster has that combination. Triple H is that last active wrestler that proved himself when the business was hotter and more competative than it has ever been. No one else in the WWE can even touch his accomplishments right now. He had great feuds with Austin, Rock, Taker, Kane, Kurt Angle, Mick Foley, Shawn Michaels, and Chris Jericho while most of the current roster was just out of high school. He has had amazing sucess as a prankster, ceriberal assasin, and the top superstar on the roster. He's managed to get to the level where fans will cheer him no matter what he does. Some people might think I'm crazy and say that there are other guys on the roster that are just as big. Lets take a look at them.

The Undertaker - Taker is certainly an all time great, but he's become an attraction. The role he plays in the company now is similar to what Andre did in the late 80's. His gimmick has always been that he's indestructable. Unfortunatly, age and injuries have more than taken their toll on the Deadman.

John Cena - No one can argue that Cena is the face of the WWE right now. However, as hard as they try, the WWE still can't get more than half the audiance to cheer him. The kids love him, and the adults hate him. Cena will always have his doubters saying that he could have never made it if the WWE wasn't TVPG. He will always struggle to get the respect from fans that came so easily to other main eventers.

Randy Orton - Triple H made Randy Orton in Evolution. Just like no one would say Arn Anderson is better than Ric Flair, no one will say that Randy Orton is better than Triple H. Promo wise, they can't even be compared. Orton just isn't the star that Hunter is.

A lot of people claim that Triple H only got sucess because he married Stephanie. This is nonsense. He didn't have a relationship with Steph until 2000. Before he was with her he had already been a major star, formed and lead the most popular version of DX, had an amazing feud with the Rock, and won the world title. Remember, he had already done more than most wrestlers could dream of before he ever became involved with the boss's daughter.

Triple H is also probably the most over wrestler in the last ten years. (I'm not counting guys like Austin, Rock, and Hogan who only showed up a few times, or Cena who splits the crowd). Like Jim Ross said, the ovation he got when he returned in 2002 is still one of the biggest in the history of wrestling. You can't make fans cheer someone. Hell, everyone saw him get a bigger pop than the returning Undertaker on RAW this week.

Triple H is the type of person you think of when you think of pro wrestling. Huge, intimidating, and full of charisma. There is no one is the WWE right now that can hope to replace him. He has the type of total package that is very rare in wrestling. He's also had more mainstream exposer than almost anyone else in the WWE. He's been on talk shows, TV shows, and major Hollywood movies.

Triple H is the last great superstar, and the WWE won't be the same when he's gone.
I agree completly and i hope the rumours are not true that he ain't going to be retiring soon.

He brings so much to the buisness and i dont see anyone like him anytime soon.
I agree with what you said, but based on overall ability in the ring, I haven't been able to get behind Triple H since around the end of Evolution. The last time I actually cared and supported for Triple H in a match was against John Cena at Wrestlemania 22, as I didn't want Cena to have the WWE Championship or the spotlight.

That being said, he does have everything else. He has charisma, to a degree but it isn't as believble to me as some others. He obviously has the muscle, he has the look and he has had more succesful feuds with bigger names than anybody on the roster, possibly, asides The Undertaker.

I'm not going to be very sad to see him leave. I think it gives room for someone else to come in and take his place, and hes only going to be around until Mania so its doubtful he'll push anybody out of the way.

Also another positive I have about Triple H, is the way he put over Sheamus. He's what made people realize Sheamus was the real deal. Big props to Paul on that one.
False, John Cena is a great superstar. You really exaggerate how many people boo him and he's been cheered for in most arenas since he whole Nexus debacle began. He's good in the ring, outrageously talented on the mic, and as dedicated as anyone to the industry. And it's not like Triple H was never the center of any controversy during his WWE career. While he was never as dividing as Cena, he still has his fair share of haters and detractors and has been accused of holding back talent for years. If Triple H is going to be considered a great superstar, Cena will easily surpass him.
False, John Cena is a great superstar. You really exaggerate how many people boo him and he's been cheered for in most arenas since he whole Nexus debacle began. He's good in the ring, outrageously talented on the mic, and as dedicated as anyone to the industry. And it's not like Triple H was never the center of any controversy during his WWE career. While he was never as dividing as Cena, he still has his fair share of haters and detractors and has been accused of holding back talent for years. If Triple H is going to be considered a great superstar, Cena will easily surpass him.

Actually when it comes to in-ring ability, although Triple H is no Bryan Danielson or Bret Hart, Triple H is much better than John Cena. Cena isn't good in the ring, that isn't an anti-Cena follower saying that it's just the way it is. If you can prove me wrong, I'm opening up the way for you to do it but I don't think you can.

Cena has muscle, again as I said in another thread I think his microphone stuff is a bit overrated, he seems to have a system he goes by each week. He comes out, all riled up and he pumps everyone up, then he talks about last week, he'll stick a joke in, rub his head and go all serious, say his thing before either continuing to be serious or just getting all threatening and angry and pumped.

I actually watched his promos from three RAWs in a row during the summer, that's exactly how they went.

And yeah, Triple H is known for being a bit of a ******** behind-the-scenes, unlike John Cena but John Cena has never been fully over with a crowd. Example is last weeks RAW, he got a mixed reaction. At EC he got booed, the boos actually out-weighed the cheers and then there are the odd arena where he gets a great, all-round ovation, but hes never going to be able to get everyone on his side.
I am normally a spectator in this forum but I had to reply to this thread;

I believe Triple H is a great superstar, and he is the total package when it comes to the standards of typical main event players in the WWE, but he is not the last great superstar. Here is my theory the creative team has gone down hill, because when the character of Triple H was created the creative team was motivated because the WWE had competition in WCW. Today they have no motive, and they know they can throw any character onto the screen and he doesn't have to be a quality character, if they don't work they just move onto another gimmick with another superstar. I believe Triple H was the last product of a good writing team. I believe that there are a lot of guys in the WWE's system that have the potential to reach the success of Triple H, and the rest of the superstars of the Attitude area, but the WWE have taken all creative ability from the superstars and have created generic superstars who they script everything for. I think that one guy with the potential to be another Triple H like success story is currently being under used is Drew McYintire he has the look, but they don't let him talk enough. Another I see who can be successful is Skip Sheffield. The WWE isn't utilizing these superstars properly. They need to give them more serious gimmicks instead of a guy running around saying "can i get a yip yip yip". Triple H never ran around with terrible slogans like these. Also I think the WWE needs to give their characters more story development, like Triple H when he first arrived in the WWE he was the blue blood. The WWE needs to make the gimmicks more detailed and give them as much detail as they could possible spice them up with. So to answer the question is Triple H the last great superstar, No!
False, John Cena is a great superstar. You really exaggerate how many people boo him and he's been cheered for in most arenas since he whole Nexus debacle began. He's good in the ring, outrageously talented on the mic, and as dedicated as anyone to the industry. And it's not like Triple H was never the center of any controversy during his WWE career. While he was never as dividing as Cena, he still has his fair share of haters and detractors and has been accused of holding back talent for years. If Triple H is going to be considered a great superstar, Cena will easily surpass him.

Outrageously talented to whom?

He isn't good in the ring.

He IS dedicated.

Just making a few observations.

John Cena is predictable, he has grown stale and is has not changed in the last two years.

As it stands, I agree with the initial implication that HHH is the LAST Great Superstar on the roster.

A lot of people claim that Triple H only got sucess because he married Stephanie. This is nonsense. He didn't have a relationship with Steph until 2000. Before he was with her he had already been a major star, formed and lead the most popular version of DX, had an amazing feud with the Rock, and won the world title. Remember, he had already done more than most wrestlers could dream of before he ever became involved with the boss's daughter.

Said it right there. He'd already done some pretty damned great things BEFORE Steph.

No one is as intimidating or unique on the Mic right now in the company... We are suppose to take John Cena as being intimidating? (rolls eyes)

I don't have all hate for Cena by the way, I just think its a shallow comparison between a wrestling great, and somebody who's still ten years away from proving himself.

I reckon he's one of the last veterans in the business that can still possibly draw but he isn't great. Yeah his pop for the return in 2002 was big, but one reaction doesn't make him great. He specifically asked for the N.A.O to join DX because it would enhance him, a lot of people have negative things to say about him, they even fed his ego by getting Eric Bischoff to say if he could've had anyone in WCW it wouldv'e been HHH, not Austin, not The Rock, but HHH. His relationship with Steph definitely enhanced his career, although I do agree he would've been a champion but not to the extent he has now.

He ruined Ortons career that took a lot of time to rebuild, he buried Sheamus at Mania, he continously mocks The Miz on a daily basis (shoot) he has no class in my opinion. His wrestling skills weren't great, but he was good in the ring, better than most people give him credit for. I just feel he shouldn't be considered one of the greatest of all times. And yeah he had a bigger pop at RAW when with Taker, only because he's only been seen once in like 8 months, and Takers return was advertised.
Your last paragraph made me like HHH even more.

He didn't ruin Orton. He didn't ruin Sheamus at Mania and the fact he mocks Miz... I find that hilarious. The Miz is not credible in any way, the fact he is a World Champion, as Kevin Nash has said, de-valued the title. For him to win cleanly means his opponent is dis-credited.

He is very opinionated and his backstage antics make him legendary.
He will always be hated by the IWC for his backstage politics, jealousy, and bringing down stars like Kurt Angle and Edge (when he champ in the beginning of 06 with Lita and RAW was having huge ratings at the time to the dismay of HHH) and so many other things I can't think on the top of my head.

But he is a hell of a wrestler and preformer. I will truly miss him if he does retire. I admire how some people say they despise him but when he's gone they all of a sudden miss him. In 04 HHH was a guy who couldn't put people over, in 06 HHH was the guy who should be the WWE champion over the crappy Cena, in 08 HHH was a shit champion who is boring and the WWE needs younger/new talent, etc. It's like a roller coaster. But if one things certain, people will always miss the guy when he's gone.
I agree Triple H is definatly one of the greats, I hope he doesn't retire this year (maybe next) because a star of that caliber can really help get some of the struggling talent over. I mean were losing everyone Edge, Mysterio, Taker, and possibly Trips we don't have anyone really memorable...>.>
Are you kidding me?? What makes Trip H a great talent?? The only reason he got over in the 1st place was bcuz of HBK.. HHH is really good at what he does but I wouldnt say great.. He married into this legend that he is and Idk, just not buying it.. HHH got the rub by taker, HBK. austin and the rock! Who else can say that?? The guy was handpicked and strategically placed in this position.. And Ill close with this, if anyone thinks this guys ego isnt that big dont be surprised when he ends the streak.. Takers about done and more ready to retire than anyone in that lockerroom.. HHH has enough stroke backstage to say " well taker, the payoff will be HUGE for us to headline mania and for me to avenge shawn" Im telling you guys HHH is gonna end the streak..
Triple H is one of the last great superstars, but by no means is he the last. If The Undertaker isn't regarded as a great superstar, I just don't know what is then. Taker is easily up there with Trips, look at his Wrestlemania feats. Saying his age is catching up with him, mabye, but it didn't stop him from stealing the show last year with HBK. Also, John Cena IS a great superstar, stop with the whole "He can't wrestle" stuff, this man right here, has helped WWE for the last few years to stay popular and mainstream, so therefore he has to be considered as a great Superstar, and he is, end off. He's great on the stick too, look at Monday, he completed owned The Rock, yeah, The Rock, who is possibly the greatest WWE star to touch a mic. Rey also in my mind is one of the great superstars, you may not like him in recent years, but the man is a legend.
So no, Triple H is not the last great superstar, there are other great superstars in WWE.
I'm failing to understand why the original poster thinks that the Undertaker isn't the last great superstar... Injuries don't strip him of being a superstar.. Have you forgotten how many injuries HHH has had over the last several years?

John Cena has already exceeded HHH in popularity and merchandise... He is a superstar whether you like him or not.. As for his in-ring moves, have you guys not watched HHH over the last 5 years.. Same wrestling moves in every non-gimmick match just like Cena... And Cena is the most popular star in the WWE since Austin and the Rock..

When Chris Jericho comes back, and he will, he's a better wrestler and better on the mic than HHH ever was.. Jericho is a legit superstar...

Randy Orton will be the face of the company in the next few years.. He's still young enough to surpass anything HHH has ever done...

I think you guys are also forgetting that Edge is a legit superstar... Who's proved himself as a tag-team and single's wrestler..
something We was fans need to look At isnt what is brung to the Table but what will be Brung with to the table,WWE's Ratings Barely Drop,Having Rock and Triple H and Undertaker Return just Raised it.now no Matter how much WWE Disapoints(AT times) Ratings never Drop to the Lv of TNA,What WWE needs to focus on is who will Carry the Biz After Our Current Stars Deside To Retire or Are FOrced To retire,We have a Good YOung Talent Who well is Dislike But Most but Liked by many as Champion in the Form of the Miz,soon we will have Del rio As champion What the Biz needs to do is Push the other Young Guns Like Drew,cody,Henning,Duke Rutondo(As in husky harris) Justin gabriel,Wade barret,wwe has Great Young talents instead of having them Job to the VEterans have the veterans job them for a while get them Over witht he fans in either heel or Face,give them Desent tittle wins and Runs and just Go Straight tothe Future and stop Dweling in the past cuz honestly how long will it last?
Triple H was not the last great superstar. Maybe Lesnar? Not a fan of his but others did rise after HHH's reign
This has turned into a Cena vs. Trips debate when we all know that Cena is the better performer: that's on the mic, in ring, and definitely in film. Why Cena anyway. What about Booker T or Nash or Edge or Orton or Kane?

Basically, John Cena's up there with Austin, Rock, Flair, Michaels, Hogan, Taker, Andre, and all of the other true stand outs. Jericho will go down as one of those stand outs, too--but Trips, no.

The last great superstar? You're downplaying Taker like that? Edge? Trips' good, but he ain't that damn good.
I laugh at all the people talking about how HHH got a bigger pop than Taker this past Monday. You can't compare the two because fans will always pop bigger for the element of surprise.

Jericho's debut...one of the loudest fan reactions EVER. Why...because they were surprised to see him.

Rock returning on Raw last week had the fans creaming in their pants because they didn't see it coming, especially when the lady stepped out of the limo making everyone believe it was a female.

Cena returning to the Royal Rumble in 08...again it was a surprise which made the people that much more excited.

This 2-21-11 promo playing for the past 3 weeks did not make Undertaker's return a surprise. In fact, I think the WWE should have done without those vignettes.

HHH is a bigger star than Taker? I beg to differ. Taker has been doing this much longer and has been involved in some of the most memorable matches and feuds EVER. I will prove to you that I'm right when Taker has the majority of the crowd on his side at Wrestlemania.
Triple H's recent return has me thinking that he might be the last great superstar in the WWE. He's the definition of main event player. The look, the charisma, the mic skills, no one else on the roster has that combination. Triple H is that last active wrestler that proved himself when the business was hotter and more competative than it has ever been. No one else in the WWE can even touch his accomplishments right now. He had great feuds with Austin, Rock, Taker, Kane, Kurt Angle, Mick Foley, Shawn Michaels, and Chris Jericho while most of the current roster was just out of high school. He has had amazing sucess as a prankster, ceriberal assasin, and the top superstar on the roster. He's managed to get to the level where fans will cheer him no matter what he does. Some people might think I'm crazy and say that there are other guys on the roster that are just as big. Lets take a look at them.

The Undertaker - Taker is certainly an all time great, but he's become an attraction. The role he plays in the company now is similar to what Andre did in the late 80's. His gimmick has always been that he's indestructable. Unfortunatly, age and injuries have more than taken their toll on the Deadman.

John Cena - No one can argue that Cena is the face of the WWE right now. However, as hard as they try, the WWE still can't get more than half the audiance to cheer him. The kids love him, and the adults hate him. Cena will always have his doubters saying that he could have never made it if the WWE wasn't TVPG. He will always struggle to get the respect from fans that came so easily to other main eventers.

Randy Orton - Triple H made Randy Orton in Evolution. Just like no one would say Arn Anderson is better than Ric Flair, no one will say that Randy Orton is better than Triple H. Promo wise, they can't even be compared. Orton just isn't the star that Hunter is.

A lot of people claim that Triple H only got sucess because he married Stephanie. This is nonsense. He didn't have a relationship with Steph until 2000. Before he was with her he had already been a major star, formed and lead the most popular version of DX, had an amazing feud with the Rock, and won the world title. Remember, he had already done more than most wrestlers could dream of before he ever became involved with the boss's daughter.

Triple H is also probably the most over wrestler in the last ten years. (I'm not counting guys like Austin, Rock, and Hogan who only showed up a few times, or Cena who splits the crowd). Like Jim Ross said, the ovation he got when he returned in 2002 is still one of the biggest in the history of wrestling. You can't make fans cheer someone. Hell, everyone saw him get a bigger pop than the returning Undertaker on RAW this week.

Triple H is the type of person you think of when you think of pro wrestling. Huge, intimidating, and full of charisma. There is no one is the WWE right now that can hope to replace him. He has the type of total package that is very rare in wrestling. He's also had more mainstream exposer than almost anyone else in the WWE. He's been on talk shows, TV shows, and major Hollywood movies.

Triple H is the last great superstar, and the WWE won't be the same when he's gone.

Well HHH is more like the 2nd to last of the great superstars cause despite the fact that Taker isn't active as much he is way above HHH so Taker will be the last of the great superstars unless :worship: The Rock & Y2J comes back full time. So everything else you said is pretty much spot on. I don't give a damn what some of these other jokers are posting about, Cena may be the face of the company but he is no where near the level of the ppl I named in my signature.
It's really a matter of opinion and definition.

HHH is a great wrestler for sure, one of the best of all time. But my girlfriend has no idea who he is. John Cena, on the other hand, is famous in the mainstream world as well.

But I don't think anyone would argue Cena is a better wrestler than HHH. HHH has been in countless classic matches.

As far as holding people down, I don't know for sure, but there was a period between 2002 and 2005 that HHH was on top, with seemingly no end in sight.

But HHH made Orton and Batista and put Benoit and Cena over in a huge way. How many guys did Hogan ever put over?
Triple H was an only option wrestler. He never will reach the heights of a Cena, Rock, Hogan, or Austin. Triple H has never been requested for anything mainstream. He was the only big name to hang around from the Attitude Era so naturally he was given the top spot. Triple H has been gone for awhile and the show still feels the same. When Cenas gone or Rock left or Austin you felt like a piece of the puzzle was missing.No doubt he has talent. Great No!!! Someone to be respected Yes!!!
John Cena has already exceeded HHH in popularity and merchandise... He is a superstar whether you like him or not.. As for his in-ring moves, have you guys not watched HHH over the last 5 years.. Same wrestling moves in every non-gimmick match just like Cena... And Cena is the most popular star in the WWE since Austin and the Rock..

I doubt Cena is the most popular since them. At Wrestlemania 26 the crowd barely cared about him and his match, and yet, they came to life for HBK vs Taker. Cena may be popular with the kids, but he's far from the most popular since Austin and Rock. Cena is stale, he does the same thing night in and night out, and him being booed at EC proves it. The majority of the audience didn't want to see him challenge for a title at WM again. Triple H was the biggest heel for a long stretch of time and now, he's still getting better reactions than Cena
I'm truly amazed at what some people think they see when looking at HHH.

A 'great wrestler'?!?!?!

The guy uses a move-set that I can count on one hand!

And you can stack him up against any of the greats from his era and he'll come up short.

Not close to the wrestler HBK was and never had the showmanship either.

Nowhere near as over as Austin, not on his best day, and never drew a fraction of the money he did either.

Can't compare to the Undertaker's gimmick, presence, and abilities for a man his size.

And he couldn't match up to the Rock in any way, shape or form.

He was a guy who always looked better than he was because he carefully manipulated 'the game' to where he worked with the best workers in the business, workers who could carry him to good matches.

Take a look at when he had to wrestle someone at or beneath his level, the match was a trainwreck. But oddly enough, it was always 'the other guy's fault' that the match was bad, never the son-in-law's fault.

One of his most brilliant manipulations was getting people to believe that 'his way' was the best way to work. Really? Punches and the same 4 lame moves is the 'best way to work'?

This guy will go down in history as one of the master manipulators, nothing more.

The only saving grace from the 'Wrestlemania 17 Rewind' match is that it might be the last time I have to endure watching another boring HHH snoozefest.
Triple H was one of the better if not the best ring generals from late 1999-2005. His move set doesn't compare to HBK or Kurt Angle or Eddie, but in terms of timing, psychology, and setting the right pace for his opponent, there was no-one better. HHH as a face kinda sucks but I would still cheer for him, as cerebral heel, unmatched.
Yea hes deffintily one of the last great veterans in the biz. When he goes hes going to be greatly missed by everyone. I hate it when people bring up his relationship with steph is the reason that hes so great. No hes great becuase hes a fan favorite, one of the best superstars to ever step in the ring, and has tons of charisma. I really find it hard to belive that he is retiring at Mania. Why would you have Sheamus take you out at Extreme Rules, come back 10 months later, and fight The Undertaker at WrestleMania, and then retire. I just dont see that happening. He has to end his fued with Sheamus. But if he does retire at WrestleMania, it will definitly have emotion to it just like HBKs last year. Not as much, but HHH will be missed. As for someone to take his place, i think it could be Sheamus to fill in his place. Sheamus has a great build, good in ring skill, just like HHH, and deffinitly think he can do it if givin the chance.

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