Triple H popularity


Pre-Show Stalwart
Here is a theoretical question for everyone

If Stone Cold or Rock were still wrestling, and 1 of them married Stephanie, would they get trashed as much as Triple H does for his success. I'd say no, simply because both men became popular off their unbelieveable mic skills and ability to connect with the crowd.

What about Undertaker or Kurt Angle? Would they get shit if they married her?

I'm not saying she is responsible for HHH remaining at the top, but it makes you wonder if he'd be where he is without her.

Let's put it this way. Triple H was already a two-time world heavyweight champion and the top heel in the company even before the Stephanie McMahon/Triple H/Test love triangle fiasco. He was the best heel the company had during the first few years of the new millennium, and evident by that reaction he got upon returning in 2002, he was over as hell. The guy was and is a hard worker who deserves the success he's gained, and I think if he hadn't married the bosses daughter that it would'nt be all that different.
When I bash Triple H I never bring up Stephanie McMahon. Why? Beacause I don't need to, and I really don't see that many other people doing it. It's an urban myth, almost.

People don't like him because he'll destroy the whole Raw undercard, he's hardly ever pinned, he never puts anybody over, he's not changed at all in nearly 10 years, his title reigns are unimportant, he doesn't elevate anybody and numerous other reasons.

But if Austin married a McMahon then maybe. But Kurt Angle & The Rock would happily put over anybody and do whatever was asked of them. So no with regard to those two.
When I bash Triple H I never bring up Stephanie McMahon. Why? Beacause I don't need to, and I really don't see that many other people doing it. It's an urban myth, almost.

People don't like him because he'll destroy the whole Raw undercard, he's hardly ever pinned, he never puts anybody over, he's not changed at all in nearly 10 years, his title reigns are unimportant, he doesn't elevate anybody and numerous other reasons.

But if Austin married a McMahon then maybe. But Kurt Angle & The Rock would happily put over anybody and do whatever was asked of them. So no with regard to those two.

^ This. The Stephanie McMahon thing is pretty much an urban myth created by Triple H fans to try to discredit almost every rationale and well thought out argument against their godking Triple H.

Triple H's problem is a history of burying people. Triple H's problem is a history of not putting anyone over without something to gain in the end. Triple H's problem is a problem with not wanting to get out of the spotlight and let the younger guys come up. People try to make a list of names of guys that Triple H has made, and the list in reality is a short one, actually, one is the key word. The only person that Triple H has ever made look good was Batista, and that's because they are friends, that's it.

There's a list of whose who in the business over the last decade that have mentioned Triple H's burial of guys backstage, yet instead of actually listening to that criticism, the little gamers try to come up with reasons as to why so and so wrestler sucks and is just jealous.

Triple H was good, and he was good until the quad injury, the first one. After that, he's been a dull, repetitive bore in the ring, and outside of the ring. He's essentially a one trick pony that carries a sledgehammer and can break kayfabe as he please, without fear of being punished.

Triple H may not directly benefit from a McMahon marriage. Stephanie might not say, make sure to push Triple H, but I ask you, Steph is head of creative, what writer in their right mind is going to bring up a scenario that involves the complete destruction and burial of the Game and his character?

Triple H has been back in the company for nearly two years since his last injury, and in that time hasn't lost a one on one match where he took the finisher of another man. That alone is enough to raise concern and question the Game.
Forgetting all the backstage politics and what have you, the thing that riles me the most about HHH is his in ring style. I watched The Rock DVD and the first match is an IC title match against HHH when he had his snob gimmick. His in ring moves were EXACTLY the same as they are now. He hasn't bothered to tweak his style at all, unlike, say, Undertaker who has experimented around with different moves and styles to keep it a bit more fresh.

Backstage, he obviously has a problem with his ego. I heard a rumour from a friend once, that I will not try and claim is true at all, that stated HHH would rather win a world title match in front of 20 people than lose a thrilling one in front of 100,000. I have issues with that statement as he often loses at Mania, but it does bare thinking about.

He is a babyface, and they are meant to lose, be screwed over and get beaten up on tv shows, and win at the PPVs, but HHH tends to just win. In his current storyline he is actually getting beaten up a lot, which means he probably will win at Mania.

When he does put people over only Batista got a big rub. Last year at Mania, Orton didn't look dominant, he was just opportunistic, and HHH took the punt and still attempted to break the pin up if you watch closely.

The Stephanie thing doesn't hold much, as plenty of people have refused to job in the past. Hogan, Warrior, Austin and HBK weren't married to a McMahon. It is the standing he has in the company. Taker could have it too if he wanted it, but he chooses to help put people over.
I think I stated this before, but a few years ago (can't recall when) but Cena was battling HHH for the title and they had a war of words. And during this, HHH WAS on the ball the whole way through, he was really eating it up because the crowd was hot that night and were behind his every word. He even broke kayfabe a few times and pretty much made Cena look bad. Cena was visibly uncomfortable and said, "Oh thank you, I just won 50 bucks in the "What HHH is going to say next contest." This was met with a chorus of boos and HHH had this slight grin on his face knowing he just punked out Cena.
I do agree that HHH does make others look bad and flat out buries them. And he only made Batista look good. Hell, he pretty much made Orton's first title win look like shit the night after Orton won it on Raw. The only other wrestler I can think of that HHH doesn't bury is the Undertaker, but that is for obvious reasons.
He was a dick before Sephanie the only difference now is that he can be an even bigger dick and get away with it. I personally think he's a hypocrite I've seen him a few times on dvds and what not trash the hardcore/garbage match style of wrestling and how it doesn't take much talent to swing a chair or use some sort of foreign object....but yet every week he's on tv walkin around and swinging a fuckin sledge hammer at someones head or how bout half the ppv matches hes involved in are some sort of gimmick match. If he wants to have an opinion about things that's fine by me but don't belittle "hardcore/garbage/gimmick matches and then participate in them. Besides he should love that shit because alot of that stuff he despises is where alot of his title reigns and success came form.

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