Triple H On WWE Magazine February Cover


Occasional Pre-Show
I was at Walgreens last night and I noticed they had the February edition of WWE Magazine on the shelf. I'll let the photos speak for themselves... question to you guys is...

1. Do you think this confirms Triple H's return at the Royal Rumble?

2. How do you think WWE should book Triple H's return?

Personally I think it does confirm his return at the Rumble because EC would be too short of time to build a program for Mania. He's also one of my picks to win the Royal Rumble, because as someone who is attending the big show this year, I'm really not all that interested in seeing Triple H Vs. Sheamus again. Nothing against either of them, I just didn't see anything special in their match last year at Mania. Anyway, I see one of three people winning the Rumble...John Cena, Randy Orton, or Triple H.
I hope Taker returns at the Rumble and out of no where Triple H shows up and eliminates him setting up a match between the two at Mania. Triple H as the heel with the excuse of Taker having retired his best friend.
That's actually one that I haven't thought of, and it would be a great match. Unfortunately I have a feeling that they're going to go with Undertaker Vs. Wade Barrett, although I would LOVE to see Undertaker Vs. Triple H.
HHH vs Taker would be great, but I don't see it happening.

I'm gonna say HHH does return at the rumble, but he won't win(Punk will), but he will eliminate Sheamus and finish off their feud at mania.
I'm more curious to know how Mr. Fuji can improve my love life.

Taker/HHH could make some sense at Wrestlemania if it was HHH that made Nexus attack Undertaker. And after all HHH and Taker have NOT been against each other one on one in 10 years. The closest was the Elimination Chamber match in 2009 where they did go at it.
All interesting comments...but more importantly what did the rest of the article say!!!!! That magazine will take a couple of months to come to NZ probably.

I want HHH to return at the rumble, not to win it at number 30 (although 40 this year) though, that has been done to death, maybe he will go against Taker, but that is assuming Taker up to Wrestlemania. HHH/Punk or Cena are really the only options for Taker to face. For Hunter though I suspect it will be against Sheamus, but I hope not. I would like to see him feud against Punk as they are my two favs now HBK is gone...Punk is a fanatic so it wouldn't be hard to set up a feud between them.
I'm more curious to know how Mr. Fuji can improve my love life.


Dammit! I was gonna say the same thing lol.

I wish WWE would realize that they should stop "spoiling" things so far ahead. For example, they're advertising on tv here that Orton will face Miz for the WWE Title (Miz as champ) in Feb.. now come on, if I already know Miz is limping out of RR with the belt, then what's the point in me watching?

As far as the magazine goes- couldn't they use that cover for March? Just waited a month after we did see Triple H on tv? Ugh..
Yeah I imagine that is what will happen, but it is a waste of HHH's talent IMO. They have Jerry Lawler wrestling mainevent for crying out loud that is how desperate they are for talent (no offense to Jerry he is awesome), dont waste Trips on Sheamus, he needs to wrestle JOMO, and leave Trips for the main events.

And I agree with Safeco, bad timing with magazine...way to spoil it
We've had people in the past that have been on magazine covers without anything happening to them. However, Triple H might just as well have the potential of making a return and winning the Royal Rumble, but I don't quite see it.

There's plenty of other superstars that could make a whole lot more sense. First of all, Triple H will be returning to feud with Sheamus, it's in the cards. So why would WWE want Triple H to return, win the Royal Rumble and then go on to main event Wrestlemania in the middle of a feud? And I don't see WWE giving the belt to Sheamus for a 3rd time, at least not right now.

Currently there's a good handful of superstars that seems to have the bigger potential than the rest to go on and win this one, and while a lot of the "Oh he's returning, he's gotta win the Royal Rumble" situations have been speculating around Triple H, I just don't see WWE going that way.
Anyway, I see one of three people winning the Rumble...John Cena, Randy Orton, or Triple H.

Orton's in the WWE Championship match buddy...I guess you didn't hear about that...

I do think HHH is returning at the Rumble, and I think they should book him to lose the Rumble and feud with Sheamus until Elimination Chamber, then face off against CM Punk at Mania. (Maybe have Nexus attack Trips.)
Um not to burst your bubble or anything but the "tv spoiler" is not soemthing new and always comes with a subject to change stip.
They always announce matches as if the champ would still be champ I mean if they Say Miz defends that means nothing
but if they announce its Shemaus defending against Punk they just gave away the main event.
Future ads past a PPV never give away title changes so even if they plan for Orton to RKO Miz into the next county they will list the match as Miz defending till at least the Royal Rumble
Dammit! I was gonna say the same thing lol.

I wish WWE would realize that they should stop "spoiling" things so far ahead. For example, they're advertising on tv here that Orton will face Miz for the WWE Title (Miz as champ) in Feb.. now come on, if I already know Miz is limping out of RR with the belt, then what's the point in me watching?

As far as the magazine goes- couldn't they use that cover for March? Just waited a month after we did see Triple H on tv? Ugh..
Yeah i think this year since they changed it to 40man, they are shaking things up and gonna give someone else a rub that wouldn't win otherwise, anyone could win and still get written out of the main even come Mania if it doesn't pan out.

They need new main eventers anyway and have been pushing several all last year, so what better time to start then winning the first big PPV match of the year and heading straight to WrestleMania.

If they do go for an odd person i'd say the likely candidates at this stage are Punk, Ziggler, Dibiase, or Jo Mo., Del Rio.
and out of those only really Punk, Ziggler are ready to carry the big one.

Personally don't want to see an obvious person winning this year, seen it way too many times.

Haha just throwing it out there though, what if HBK came in as a suprise entrance and won ;) then he can equal Austin's record of 3 wins. Or shudder Warrior enters and wins. ewwwww
With or without Triple H's appearance on the cover of the magazine, I feel he will finally return at the Royal Rumble. There's no way in hell he is going to win it. He will enter late, last until near the end, but ultimately lose at the hands of the guy who he will feud with next, that being the resumption and conclusion of his feud with Sheamus.

John Morrison will win the Royal Rumble 2011.
I have that issue, and if you actually read the interview inside he talks about not wanting to return unless he can go 100%. It's not an article about Triple H's return - It's an interview with him giving thoughts on new stars and the business in general.

That said, I do think he'll be returning at the Rumble. He'll want to finish his program with Sheamus, after all.
I'd be more surprised if Triple H didn't return at the Royal Rumble than if he did. That said, I don't think he'll win it. I hope he doesn't win it. Is the set-up to the conclusion of a feud that will have soon spanned two WrestleManias not significant enough? Does it have to the focus of the Royal Rumble and/or be a title feud? No, it doesn't. Of course it doesn't.

Ominous magazine covers aside, I don't think there's anything to be afraid of.
I don't think he wins it, but a Rumble return would be expected.

I could see him starting face and having an EPIC heel turn post-mania, probably the last of his career. He's said many times he prefers being heel, and it's been a LONG time since he has been thanks to the reunited DX.
cboedeker2..I hate to break it to you but none of the people you chose Is gonna win. Triple H doesn't need to win the rumble, his return will be big enough already. John cena doesn't need to win the royal rumble he can build up a title match story line without it and orton doesn't need it, He doesn't need a title match at WM period because he can work up a grudge match with someone else. They need to have someone new win it this year. I was hoping it was gonna be Jericho but he's not coming anytime soon for that. I'd say CM Punk should win or John morrison, or Alberto Del Rio should take it honestly
cboedeker2..I hate to break it to you but none of the people you chose Is gonna win. Triple H doesn't need to win the rumble, his return will be big enough already. John cena doesn't need to win the royal rumble he can build up a title match story line without it and orton doesn't need it, He doesn't need a title match at WM period because he can work up a grudge match with someone else. They need to have someone new win it this year. I was hoping it was gonna be Jericho but he's not coming anytime soon for that. I'd say CM Punk should win or John morrison, or Alberto Del Rio should take it honestly

Well, I would agree, but look at 2009. Orton didn't need it then either. They already had a good personal rivalry going on with him and Triple H, with the title already involved, yet they gave it to Orton anyway. That being said, I do agree. Thinking about it a little more now, I think you may be right. Triple H probably won't win but I think he'll eliminate Sheamus, and then Sheamus will probably cost him the win somehow. Cena I can see winning it, however. With the talk of Cena Vs. Miz (especially after their promo on Raw), and Orton Vs. Punk, what I could see happening is Nexus getting involved with Orton Vs. Miz (thus Miz becoming co-leader of Nexus) at RR, thus setting up Orton Vs. Punk at Mania, and Cena wins the Rumble, setting up Cena Vs. Miz. This is all, of course, provided Miz doesn't drop the title to Orton at the Rumble. I could be wrong, but that's how I see it going. Everyone is entitled to their opinion though.

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