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Triple H Is Officially A WWE Executive


As of this morning, it's been reported that the WWE's headquarters in Stamford, Connecticut is undergoing some slight renovation. The purpose for this renovation is building an office for Triple H as he's reportedly been promoted to an executive role within the company.

As of right now, Triple H serves as creative advisor to Vince McMahon. As everyone here knows, Triple H has been extremely close to McMahon over the years but he never held any sort of official power within the company. However, if this is all true, then that will have changed as Trips will have a great deal of authority towards performers and the company's creative direction.

I'm not surprised that Triple H is an executive with WWE and I'd imagine that Triple H has been thinking a lot about his career since he's been out. While he's not exactly an old man, Triple H is getting older and it looks as though the wear and tear of the road and old injuries are starting to take their toll. Also, if I'm not mistaken, didn't Triple H tear a biceps muscle? There hasn't been a huge amount of talk about that over the last little while and, the last I heard anyone talking about it, they weren't sure if it was a rumor or if it was legit. Stephanie recently gave birth to another daughter so it looks like Triple H's role as an active wrestler could be all but over. If the WWE is building him an office, then it makes sense to assume that his job will require him to spend a great deal of time at the office.
I think this is a great although not terribly surprising development. While there is no timetable for Vince McMahon stepping down or even scaling back his authority, that day has to come eventually, it does with everyone in all facets of life. It has always been speculated that whenever that happens, Triple H and Stephanie would assume control. If that is truly the case, this is a logical first step in the progression of transition.

Really, who else could step in in it weren't these two (or Shane had he not left)? Perhaps the realization that this would occur is the reason why Shane left in the first place. I know the Triple H haters will be out in droves to criticize this occurrence, but I for one have no problem with it whatsoever.
I can see HHH if he comes back as a wrestler going into an HBK/Undertaker type role as a veteran who only shows up in the later months of the year and leave after Wrestlemania. He doesn't really need to be on Raw for every week out the year now. He has nothing left to do and the WWE is building new stars quite nicely to replace his spot. It seems as if HHH may be the replacement for Vince when he leaves the WWE.
This is good news...

WWE don't need HHH every week..especially on Raw, the young wrestlers are doing good and they are moving pretty fast...When HHH said he was going to take time off after WM, I knew this is where he will start to take it easy and take time off for a few months every year...He should take on a more relaxed role now...
I think this is a good thing. Now people can see exactly what he does behind the scenes, and he'll have to do what's right for the company. He has to have a mind for the business and this is preparing him to take over the company when Vince dies. I'd rather know he has an official role in the company rather than hear rumors about the backstage influence he has.

Trippy is a veteran. He's devoted to the business and has been for a very, very long time. He seems to have a pretty good eye for talent, as evidenced by Sheamus, and with that much experience I'm sure he'll be a good member of Creative. Sure you can talk about "burying" and things that he did to Benoit in the past, but let's face it - the past is the past. I'm going to give him a chance before condemning him.

As for his new job limiting his TV time, I don't see a problem with that. Triple H may still have no parallel when it comes to working but he's getting old. The injuries are racking up, and this way he can have a schedule of occasional appearances while still being heavily involved in the company's creative direction.

Good move all around.
I think this is a great although not terribly surprising development. While there is no timetable for Vince McMahon stepping down or even scaling back his authority, that day has to come eventually, it does with everyone in all facets of life. It has always been speculated that whenever that happens, Triple H and Stephanie would assume control. If that is truly the case, this is a logical first step in the progression of transition.

Really, who else could step in in it weren't these two (or Shane had he not left)? Perhaps the realization that this would occur is the reason why Shane left in the first place. I know the Triple H haters will be out in droves to criticize this occurrence, but I for one have no problem with it whatsoever.

shane left to buy into zuffa(ufc) and to help linda with his run. he didnt liek the direction wwe was going, and he saw that wwe was decling number wise while mma was going up. shane is an avid fight fan and has tried to get vince to buy in several times which vince declined. shane saw opputurnity and he tried to take it... he sold off something like 70 percent of his wwe stock to try to buy into zuffa. unfortunaly shane got beat out and what share he would of purchased went to a shiek from abu dahabi.......zuffa can not afford to give out any more percent in the company, which zuffa inturn offered shane a regular job within but shane declined as he was looking to be part owner. the last heard from shane was zuffa is opening an office in nyc, which is rumored shane would head...nothing has been heard since and this hasnt been made offical..only a rumor for now........

ontopic tho: hhh knows his wrestling career is declining,we all know that...i think this is starting the transition from hhh the wrestler to hhh the company man and future head of wwe(he'll likely split it with steph, as i said b4 shane has very minimal stake in the company now)
My view on Triple H has changed over the past few years. He seems to genuinely be interested in creating new stars for the company. He also seems to be stepping away from the lime-light and letting younger talent have their moment in the sun. It's a well known fact that he's friends with Sheamus and he was (reportedly) one of the reasons for Sheamus' main-event push and judging by where Sheamus is now, I have to say that it was a good move by Triple H. He has a good knowledge for the business and seems to understand when it's time for him to step away from the spotlight. I say that it's a good move.
We all have known for years that Triple H would eventually take one of the leading roles in the WWE. Love him or hate him, he lives, breathes, sleeps, eats, and dreams of wrestling.

Triple H is not an old man, but he is no longer the young man he once was. His injuries have begun to catch up with him. His match quality is still excellent, but a body can only take so much before that can no longer be the case. Triple H probably realizes that, and also realizes that Vince is in his mid 60's and will sooner than later have to step down.

I still see Triple H wrestling. However, as mentioned, he'll start to take a Undertaker or HBK type role where he'll be out for four to six months. I expect we'll see a few more world title reigns by Triple H so he can match Flair's number before his ultimate retirement five years down the road.
Well trips it's been a good run. It's a bittersweet thing for me because on one hand we will lose a true tweener who has not changed his gimmick no matter heel or face and the fans decided his role for him. We'll also lose a great veteran and a great worker and the last of the Attitude Era after Taker. On the other hand, it's great that Trips is getting a job as an exec because he can make some fantastic storylines and this is a great renovation of creative because lets face it, creative WWE is shit at this point. Trips can put his input in and be the one that changes all that.
I agree this is a good move. Knew it would happen sooner or later, and this may lead to some changes in WWE programing. Whether they are noticeable or not is to be seen, but if anyone knows how it works on and off camera, it's HHH.
If the WWE is building him an office, then it makes sense to assume that his job will require him to spend a great deal of time at the office.

WWE isn’t building him an office, he's designing & constructing it himself; by hand.

After all he is the Cerebral Architect.

Seriously though, I'm sure they aren’t actually putting in walls or an extension, it’s just a case of shipping someone out and someone else in, or putting up temporary dividers in an already existing office.

Steph will have time off for maternity/raising the baby, with HHH being on site at the office it means she can relay everything through him, he is her proxy.

As soon as HHH is fit again I’m 99% sure he will be full time travelling as part of the roster, could you imagine HHH not going after Flair's title haul? Or not getting in JUST 1 MORE Wrestlemania main event?

If anything HHH will want to go out with Jericho's spot of putting people over, which right now he hasn’t had the best reputation of doing.
Wow I think this is a great idea! I believe Triple H could give us some good stuff. I really hope this isn't the end of his wrestling career though. I would like to see him in the ring a few more times before he hangs up his boots. He still hasn't got his revenge on Sheamus.
As much as I like Triple H being an active wrester, I think a spot behind the scenes is better for him. Triple H is good at spotting young talent and could really help the WWE when it comes to creating new stars.

I can't see him on Smackdown! and he's not needed on Raw so maybe he is an executive. We all saw this day coming. When he hangs up his boots for good, he won't disappear from the business.

When he does return though, I won't be suprised if he stays in the ring for a little while longer.
I welcome this like almost everyone else. The HHH of 10 years ago would have not be fit for this role and it possibly would have blown up in everyone's faces. The HHH of today is now a family man, accomplished superstar and like so many have already stated, has nothing left to prove. So what he MIGHT not be the one to break Ric Flair's record? The fact of the matter in that regard is that after title reign number 10 (when he beat Vader in 1993) Ric Flair's regins weren't that important and were more inflated numbers just because he was Ric Flair. That being said, HHH doesn't really need that and so taking this job is a good thing not only for himself but for the company.

Let's face facts. While McMahon is a great business mind, everybody gets passed by something, and it appears that time may be passing ol' Vince by. Bringing in a younger person, ala HHH, it gives the WWE new direction going into the future, although to be honest, we don't really know what his position will be right now.

I personally think this is a great move since the company is heading into new phases with title unifications, SmackDown! changing stations (once again I may add) and the arrival of NXT (although everyone knows those guys are NOT rookies in the grand scheme of things). Having HHH in his "role" will improve greatly so that when the time comes for Vince to actually step down (though I don't see him completely walking away, he'll probably be more of an advisor or ambassador to his own company), then HHH would have already had untold number of years to prepare for his first day as chairman of WWE. Great move!
Dosent change anything since according to Pat Patterson, Triple H has had a say in almost every storyline since 2002, this just makes it official.

I cant pretend to like it, but i think wrestling fans have forced themselves to simply accept that this man has had alot of power in that company, there is no point whining about it, you either accept it or walk away.

I just hope in vain i feel that Triple H takes the next few years and builds new stars by finally putting Orton over at a major event, Sheamus etc. Both him and Taker should have been doing this for the past 4-5 years, yet instead they have been used as a special attraction that steamrolls anyone in their path.

I dont see HHH ever doing what Jericho has done for alot of these guys and even what his friend HBK has done for alot of them.

Maybe in time but i just dont see neither him or Taker truly making 4-5 guys throughout a year in major feuds where they win cleanly.
I disagree that it means his active career is virtually over, but I can almost guarantee he has seen his last title run. No need for it anymore. I suspect when HHH returns, it will be in a limited role, mainly to help get younger wrestlers over. Having his own office in the WWE HQ pretty much means he doesn't need the spotlight at all.
Really, who else could step in in it weren't these two (or Shane had he not left)?

I could have stepped in just fine, but strangely enough Vince hasn't asked me to.

This is probably a good thing. Triple H has been (falsely) accused of holding down talent to keep himself at the top for a long time now. Now with a more important role behind the scenes it would behoove him to look to elevate talent throughout the roster rather than worry about only himself. When guys like Kevin Nash and Dusty Rhodes were booking they figured they would make more money if they themselves were on top of the card rather than if the promotion as a whole was successful. HHH is going to be more financially rewarded if WWE succeeds long term whether he’s on top or not.

This doesn’t mean he can’t be active anymore. I’m sure he’ll be at every raw and ppv anyway so he can still have his own program. He just won’t tour on the house shows anymore which I’m guessing he was hardly doing anyway. I doubt we'll notice much change at all.
This is an unsurprising move, but it does show that the 2 most powerful men in WWE are starting to plan ahead AND realise their physical limitations. Vince is aging quicker each year and remember those two torn quads... it all takes a toll on a man rapidly approaching his 70's...

As for Trips this smells like the last injury being too much to bounce back from, and he no doubt will subscribe to Shawn's example that he wouldn't WANT to keep performing if he can't be at his best... his bicep is crucial to what he does, lifting men, controlling their weight safely and keeping his body in shape... If it's not going to allow him to do either of those as he once did then this is the best move... get out while relatively young and learn the business end of running WWE... Spend the hours he would spend on the road with his family or shadowing Vince and John Laurinitis (there is no doubt Trips will get this role soon, in fact I think this "office" will be about him taking over Talent Relations as a first step.) I fully expect an office for Mark Callaway being built soon too as Trips's VP)

Did Shane get screwed in this, I don't think so... I think Shane got all he wanted from the WWE and knew he was never going to be the right guy to run it after Vince... Shane is clearly a smart business man, he can always come back to assist if needed...
One thing i like is that the longer hhh is out and not on wwe tv, the more legit sheamus becomes, HHH has been out for months now and it makes it seem like DAMAGE was done.

I think hhh has a decent creative mind, he could help in tht aspect.
I do think Hunter is a good future creative writer and booker.
He knows the business well and has the right mindset to take the business forward. Sure he will push his favorites forward (as if its never happened before) but he does listen to the audience and will make more out of the young talent.
For one, he has already said that 'Punk will become a huge star in the WWE'.
He doesn't just prefer the big guys like the man in the office on the top floor, he will look to make good, stellar champions who aren't shooting up in Gold's Gym but toiling on a wrestling mat in Wikapoo.
Maybe in time but i just dont see neither him or Taker truly making 4-5 guys throughout a year in major feuds where they win cleanly.

If they put over 4-5 guys a year then that would mean they would lose every feud they are involved in. It'll get to the point where it wont mean anything to beat them because they cant win anything. They do need to put over the future stars, but they have to win a lot too, otherwise, they just make jokes of themselves.

OT: I think its good that he has official power, you know he cares about the product, so its success will be very high on his list of priorities. Anything that can lead to better wrestling is okay by me.
I don't think this comes as a surprise to anyone, given the amount of stroke we all knew HHH had behind the scenes at WWE (even BEFORE marrying Steph). I doubt HHH will be taking a very hectic on-screen schedule again, given his new daughter (and new role of authority at WWE Corporate).

I know this next part isn't the point of this thread, and I hope it doesn't count as SPAM, but I was thinking about what might happen on-screen once Vince steps down. Would the PG era end? Would HHH assume the "Mr. McMahon"-esque character from 10+ years ago? Would there be a rehash of the McMahon-Helmsley Era? Do you think HHH & Steph would keep the WWE marketable to the "largest audience possible" (children of all ages)? Those are the questions that popped into my head immediately when just reading the title of this thread. Again, sorry if this is considered spam.
I think PaperGhost has a point. I think the biggest impact from HHH moving into an executive role would be the KIND of stars that WWE pushes for their new generation. I think we will see the entertainers... the Punk's, Miz's, del Rio's.... those types of performers... begin to see the bigger pushes (which i think is part of the reason the SES will not be around much longer, but thats another topic).

Also, I don't think the timing of this is a coincedence. We've all heard about the unifying of the championships and the possible brand unification. I think its obvious that there will be talent cuts and guys that just won't be able to get TV time. I think Trips knows that, and maybe feels that now is the time to elevate the talent of the future instead of lame-ducking a spot for himself when the unification takes place. I also hope that another poster was correct in saying that Taker will be the next one hanging it up... has anyone noticed that this year's Survivor Series will be the 20th year anniversary of the Undertaker's debut? Maybe he retires at Survivor Series?
If this is true it's not surprising. Was going to happen sooner or later. Triple H is definitely trying to help the WWE in any way shape or form. It's his life so I'm glad there is someone as passionate as Vince about the WWE. It will be in good hands when Vince finally steps down.
Not really a shock. HHH was never going to leave the WWE after he stopped wrestling. After all, his wife works there and chances are that Steph is going to talk to Hunter about the tallent, the creative direction etc at home, so why shouldn't he get paid for helping decide the company's direction. At the very least it'll ensure that somebody in creative understands how the buisness works, rather than how to pad their resume and move onto a real TV show.

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