Triple H: Heel WWE COO?

"Cool Guy" Jensen

Undertaker for Champ!
Ok, so Triple H has been the COO of the WWE for about 3 months now. At the start of his tenure, it seemed like a nice change of pace and it seemed like WWE would be getting better. While I have slightly changed my opinion on that, I still think Triple H can take the WWE to new heights as the COO of the company. Since taking over, it has been very noticeable, the changes that we've seen in WWE storylines.

Now, we all know that this "Conspiracy Angle" has spawned from Triple H being named the COO. However, what if Triple H had been hired as COO as a heel? How would the outlook of the WWE be now? This 'conspiracy' issue most likely wouldn't have existed had HHH been a heel.

I understand the Triple H isn't exactly a face, but he's definitely not a heel. If Triple H had been a heel COO, he likely would have other heels like Christian, Cody Rhodes, R-Truth, The Miz, Alberto Del Rio, Dolph Ziggler, etc. would have likely been on his side. Also, it might also be a possibility that John Laurinitis would play a much different role.

So, my question is how would a heel Triple H COO play out? How would superstars react to it? Would there be more complaints or less? Which superstar(s) would play the biggest role in the angle? Would it be better or worse for WWE product going forward?
Please note, I don't mean HHH turning heel, I mean how would it be if he had given the job while playing a heel?
What happens if we get heel COO Triple H?

Get ready for wave after wave of Cena, Orton and Punk in boring handicap, heels-only lumberjack or gauntlet matches. which always seemed to happen whenever we had an evil GM in the pre-PG era.

And let's hope Triple H doesn't start a "kiss my ass" club.
How about...
You don't turn up you're striped of the championship.
You don't turn up and you won't be paid.
You don't want to be here? well don't let the door hit you on the ass as you leave.

I don't believe HHH should change, current storylines pretty much look like he's being back stabbed and he's the only one yet to realize. WWE need to have him take a hard stance and do what I said above, you don't turn up say goodbye to your pay, championships and job and come Vengeance have Punk/HHH vs Miz/Truth with the stipulation HHH/Punk lose HHH resigns as COO, Miz/Truth win and ... becomes COO. And have HHH set some "rules" to keep the Divas and ref's safe.
Keep in mind that there were rumors of the script of one of the RAW's being changed last second, and he was supposed to pedigree CM Punk. Would have been the heel turn.
Heel and face turns shouldn't be decided by management. They should let the fans decide who to root for and who to boo. However, WWE WON'T let that happen in today's era for some reason. The current casual fanbase is also too stupid to intelligently root for anyone they're not told to root for. Triple H should've turned heel and aligned with Nash a while back. I know it would have been predictable, but it was the right move to make. It would have effectively catapulted Punk into megaface status.

I also think the storyline should've been drawn out longer. WWE majorly F'ed up that storyline.
Wasnt Vince already a heel CEO of WWE?????

WWE dropped the ball MAJORLY by rushing HHH vs PUNK and having HHH go over took away so much of Punks steam.

Triple H needs to stay as a face COO or WWE run the risk of alienating even more fans who are sick to death of the shopw revolving around him, especially as he is a non competitor these days(not counting one off matches),.
Trips as a heel COO would likely see him being behind everything. It would give Punk more support from fans, but what about all of the heel guys currently getting more over thanks to the conspiracy angle? They would be overshadowed by Trips. It's better for someone like Laurinaitis or Stephanie to be leading them. Perhaps a group of faces would join Punk to take down Trips instead of what we are seeing with Otunga and the group who are pursuing legal actions. What The Miz and Truth would be doing though is the harder part to figure out. It would be worse going forward because things are falling into place with this angle with having Trips closer to the face side of the spectrum than it would had he been a heel at the start. The Otunga group as well as Truth/Miz all trying to take Trips down combined with the unanswered questions about Laurinaitis all outweigh what a face faction trying to take down Trips would accomplish right now.
Bad Idea,we had too many heel bosses,he just wouldove been one more,the fact that he's doing thing fair is something that we haven't seen in a while,he should be a face coo but with an agressive twist,the way that he handeled the cena/punk feud was great,he did not got intimidated,and the fact that he told them to stop complaining like little girls put an agressive twist,it was refreshing seing something like that,he should still be a face coo with an ocational boo from the crowd every time he makes a not so popular decition,the fact that the wwe has a smash mouth,agressive,bruttaly honest and dedicated boss it's something they should keep doing,and finaly,unlike Teddy Long,have a boss who's not affraid of evil guys like Mark Henry,a boss who will not take any crap from anyone,they should keep this angle and something innovating with it,like i said,the wrestling bussines had evil bosses in any company,a change like this is good,fress,at least that's my opinion......
I would be all for a Heel COO HHH... But from what I understand that is what WWE wants, because remember WWE wanted all the superstars that walked out on Triple H too be boo'ed. So yeah, I don't see it happening even tho as much as it would be groovy

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