Triple H heel turn


Now it's no surprise to anyone that Triple H has wanted to turn heel again for some time now. He's pretty much had the crowd behind him since WM 22 or even a little before that when people started getting sick of Cena winning and thinking that HHH would dethrone Cena. Enter DX. I'm a fan, you're a fan, even the guy that says he's not a fan is really a fan. This put Triple H as a face again and he's been in that frame ever since. Enter dilemma. Look at the current state of Smackdown! In my eyes, you're only got three serious faces in the brand in a roster LOADED with heels. Triple H, Jeff Hardy, and Taker. I believe this poses quite the problem. Now there's no indication yet at all in Triple H turning heel even though he's wanted to since he was injured almost 2 years ago. Do you believe the state of the roster poses a problem for Triple H to turn heel in the near future on a roster loaded with heels like Big Show, Edge, MVP, Shelton, THE Brian Kendrick, Kozlov, and possibly the biggest (and arguably best heel on the show)...Vicki. I mean I personally can't see Jeff Hardy and Taker taking on the whole damn roster by themselves. So my post concludes with these two questions for discussion.

1.) Does this pose a problem for a heel turn for Triple H in the present time and impending future (at least until the next draft)?

2.) If he were to turn heel before that, how do you think it will be done?
as you said i dont see hhh going heel soon. reasons thath you already explained tells that. but if it were to be done edge would have to go face to cancel it. i dont see that happeining either. hhh would probably do it by first losing the tittle to hardy in the future. we all know that dam tittle means everythig to the game. he could have rematches and still not win. finally he gets so angrey that he snaps and brings the sledgehammer with him. he nails hardy time after time and injures him for months. hhh then steals the tittle. then hardy comes back down the road and seeks revenge. thats how i would do it. or do it the old fashion way. attack hbk his friend. that would turn him heel almost instantly. that always works if need be. i just dont see it anytime soon. but like you said maybe at the next draft again.
I think the best way for HHH to go heel would be if Edge turned face by attacking Chavo, show and vickie with taker then HHH could go heel by taking out Jimmy Wang Yang or forming a an alliance with koslov or hitting jeff with a sledge hammer again and again he could go heel at no mercy by ambushing Jeff or HBK before there matches then with imense heat going in to the match lose the title then hit Hardy with a sledgehammer some more
As it stands right now, Smackdown has too many heels and not enough faces, so a heel HHH wouldn't work. If you had MVP, Shelton (upper midcard it seems), Umaga (when he returns), Big Show, HHH, and Edge all on the heel side (with a demotion for Kozlov and Kendrick) and only Jeff Hardy, the Undertaker, and Kennedy on the face side (cause let's face it, Helms and R-Truth are midcarders right now and don't have a shot at moving up to the main event any time in the immediate future) overload. The three faces would be the injury/suspension prone ones. Kennedy, Hardy, and Undertaker are 3 of my favorites, but let's face facts - they aren't exactly the most reliable people to perform on a very heavy schedule, as Undertaker takes time off every couple of months and doesn't wrestle too often on TV and Kennedy is currently inactive.

Smackdown won't be able to survive if it only has 2 midcard faces, 3 main event faces, and the rest are heels or jobbers like Jimmy Wang Yang and Scotty Goldman. The ECW talent exchange helps out a little bit, but not in the main event, especially how they have more heels than faces too. The same goes for Raw: more heels than faces.

It'd be foolish to turn Edge, MVP, or Umaga face. They're working too well as heels. Big Show JUST turned heel, so I doubt they'd turn him face again that quickly. The only way I can see Smackdown being able to withstand HHH turning heel is if the WWE turned 2 - maybe 3 - heels in the upper midcard/main event face without putting too much of a dent into their three programs. For instance, you can't suddenly turn Orton face and put him on Smackdown because that hurts Raw's roster. The only person I can think of that could turn face in a way that it wouldn't kill a roster would be Morrison, and as much of a fan as I am of Morrison, he'd need to be pushed pretty hard and pretty fast to be able to carry that extra responsibility. Undertaker/HHH, Hardy/Edge, Kennedy/MVP, Morrison/Umaga (not exactly an even match-up in size, but I'm talking about in terms of what level), leaving Kozlov to be demoted to the midcard and Big Show to once again be without anything to do. In which case my recommendation would be to ship JBL over to ECW and send Big Show over to Raw, that way Raw can have a "monster big guy" and JBL can have less of a chance of being on ppvs and such lol.

So yeah, HHH isn't going to be turning heel for a while. The earliest I can see it happening is around WrestleMania so they don't have an exorbitant (albeit still a long stretch) amount of time before the 2009 Draft can mix things up and balance things out.
A Triple H heel turn wouldn't make the slightest bit of difference. He works exactly the same as a heel or a face. As a face he's presented as being very cool, somebody who squashes everybody. He does exactly the same as a heel. The only difference is how J.R. reacts to him.
Jake hit the nail on the head. He's the same as a heel and as a face, its just how the annoncers react. Also it changes the people he feuds with. There are more heels than faces, so there is no real point to a HHH heel turn.

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