Triple H - better heel or face?


On A Break From Sig Requests
Another potential series I'm looking at starting.

I personally like him much better as a heel.
A lot of new fans (I've only been a fan of wrestling for like 3 years, but I've watched A LOT of older stuff and I really know my stuff) wouldn't be familiar with his heel work, as he hasn't really been one since Evolution.
Prior to that, he had been a heel most of his career. Especially once HBK was sent into retirement and he took the top spot. He really was the top heel for years. Whether it was the McMahon-Helmsley era or just his cocky blueblood character, he was hated by fans everywhere.

However, Degeneration-X and their 2006/9 revivals have leveled the scales a bit. Plus, he was always one of those heels that purists loved, so he still got some cheers.

I think there's an argument for both sides, but basically I want your opinion.

Was Triple H better as a heel or a face?
I personally think The Game was better as a heel. I loved the fact that although at times he displayed cowardly tendencies (like all heels do) he was never really the definition of a coward (unlike Orton in 09 or Sheamus/Miz now). He was always the big bad bully who was ready to beat down on poor faces (like Rock, Goldberg & Orton) with his crew regardless if it was DX, the McMahon-Helmsley Regime, Two-Man Power Trip, or Evolution.

He's pretty good as a face but I don't think he has the same charisma as a face that he does as the monster heel. Triple H is probably my personal 2nd or 3rd favorite heel of all time, but he doesn't even make the top 10 in my favorite face list.
Without doubt HHH is much better as a heel.

He has probably been the best heel in the business for years, probably since the Ric Flair days of the 70's.

When I began re-watching wrestling in 2000 he was the most hated man in the company. He played the part so well, the guy who got to the top by marrying the boss's daughter and then just taking over. A few face turn teases later and it looked unstoppable, especialy when he returned from his injury to win the rumble. However, all he needed to do was turn on HBK and back as the most hated man in the business again.

Probably my most favourite Wrestler of the last decade.
Definately he is better as a heel.

Triple H looks like a bad ass who would beat anyone up for looking at him the wrong way. He just looks like a heel and I thought he was very convincing as a jerk heel in Evolution and mega heel during the McMahon-Helmsley run. His move set isn't very flashy aswell, it suits a heel more than a face.

That being said there's nothing wrong with face Triple H, I just think that he was better as a heel and I would love to see a final Triple H heel run before he hangs up the boots and retires from his active status.
When hes playing a face, he has 2 sides, Comedic, or Respect.

DX was one of the most iconic stables of the Attitude era, and they pretty much represented what Attitude meant. Triple H fit his role with them so well, and it definitely what I think of when I think of his face run.

The 2 failure revivals from Degernation X to QVC-X really hurt his image as a face. I think having him and HBK try and sell merchandise during promos was pretty dirty, and hurt what could of been 2 of his major face runs.

On the other hand, Evolution did an amazing job of getting 2 new stars over, and Triple H/ Ric Flair really showed how much of a rub 2 veterans can give. Triple H played a mentor great, and having him turn on his "student" once he reached his level, that story had the makings of a biblical epic.

That's the heel I think of when I think of Triple H, and I think his ability to tell a story from the heel side is better.
As a young one before I was interested in the whole reality of wrestling I detested HHH he was brilliant as a heel.

I'm a big fan of his in general but theres no doubt in my mind he's a better heel. His promos were great and Evolution was almost the perfect example of how two pros can get two young guys over.

Heel HHH for me all the way.
As great as Hunter is at playing a face as a member of D-Generation X, and he is very funny in that sophomoric humour based role, I much prefer him as a heel.

My earliest days as a big-time wrestling fan came just as HHH was becoming a main eventer in the WWE, calling himself The Game and then forming the McMahon Helmsley regime alongside Stephanie and Vince and getting into a bitter rivalry with The Rock.

I much prefer HHH's promo's as a heel. He calls himself the "Cerebral Assasin" and I have to see there are very few better than HHH for getting inside his opponents heads. He can be extremely evil when playing a heel, and you always knew he would do anything he could to screw the face, even resorting to the sledgehammer to get the job done.

I remember really getting behind The Rock during their feud, I HATED HHH at that point which showed just how good he was. Even during his time in Evolution he was the best heel in the business. I loved how he tried to stop Batista from challenging him for the title, and how he expected Orton to give him the title belt after Randy had beatedn Benoit the night before.

I doubt we will see another long term HHH heel run, but I hope we do. He suits the role so well, even his face looks like a bad guy when he gets pissed off. I like him as a face, but I LOVE his work as a heel.
He has to be the best heel of the last decade, When he started of with the McMahon-Helmsley Faction, he was really hated.. He went through soo many matches and put on some good ones aswell.. He was the most hated wrestler from mid 2002 to 2005, no doubt.. Evolution showed us that he was a leader, the group was great and HHH was the leader... He was the biggest heel at the time aswell..

I'm not taking anything away from his face runs, because he is loved as a face, and if we saw him as a heel now, he would still get cheers.
I'm not taking anything away from his face runs, because he is loved as a face, and if we saw him as a heel now, he would still get cheers.

I loved HHH as a HEEL but Ruthless says it all as a HEEL he wud still be cheered and a HEEL just cant be cheered they have to be HATED i think HHH has a face run at the moment that is pretty much the same as SCSA as in he just doesnt care about any1 he will put a beat down on any1 who gets in his way so HEEL or FACE he's always gona be 1 of my top 5 WRESTLERS of the last 16years Peace Out Dlowand :worship:HHH
I like him better as a heel..well I think, I dunno, I like crazy sledge hammer HHH, and when he was on a tear with orton he wasnt really a heel was he...

but I will say I like him better as a heel...
I always liked HHH as a heel, especially during his Evolution days. He was ruthless, destroyed everything in his path. As a face, yes he can be funny but its just not the same.
Triple H is certainly much better as a heel. The things he has done as a heel in the WWE are a part of the company's lore. He was the perfect foil to babyfaces like Rock and Austin in the early part of his heel career and the leader of a great stable in the latter part which helped make the superstars of today like Orton and Batista. Heel Triple H also helped Cena get over.

He is not bad as a face but he is not someone overly special as one. In the Attitude Era his brand of humor was considered revolutionary but guys like Rock and Austin were better at it. His most recent runs as a face have obviously relied a lot on the nostalgia of the original DX and his legendary status. Like I said earlier his work as a heel trumps anything he has had to offer as a face.

I know that Triple H is in the twilight of his career and he probably wants to go out as a face but I think that a heel Triple H is absolutely essential for the company at this point. I am a huge advocate of the belief that the old guys need to be the heels and the young ones need to be the babyfaces.

Actually I would go on to say that Triple H is a better option for a heel turn than Cena. You never know how a Cena heel turn is going to go down with the kids. But in Triple H you have a pretty big face who has not been heel in a while and someone who has a proven track record as a heel.
Another potential series I'm looking at starting.

I personally like him much better as a heel.
A lot of new fans wouldn't be familiar with his heel work, as he hasn't really been one since Evolution.
Was Triple H better as a heel or a face?

Hey man, just wanted to let you know, kinda feel mean for pointing it out, but Triple H's actual heel turn ended in 07 after the fueds with edge and cena, when he opposed The Mcmahons, leading into the original DX Reunion. Was just trying to help you out.

But as for whether triple h is a better heel or face, there is without a doubt he is a better heel. He made himself as a heel, all of his "nicknames" The king of kings (Vs Cena WM22) Jr naming him the cerebral assassin after his brutal attacks, and most of his matches that made him he was heel, the only accomplishment face he was able to achieve was with Shawn as the Originial DX, and even then it had some spice to it, when you go back to SS where he came to fight booker as a face, or his other face work, it just seems to be boring as it seems Triple H has to watch and think more carefully about what he says on the mic. So all in all, triple h is just a natural heel.
Azane are you completly insane or just ******ED???? The revivals of DX were in no way a failure. I have been through several "era" changes in this buiness. I love the attitude era I love the golden era. The revival was a critical, comercial and a fiscal triumph. So they haqwked stuff that was the genius of it these two anti "man" icons selling out in a way. Was pure genius. Check the stats their segments even then were very very well received.
And those are facts from DA GURU. Or for you NBA fans LOS GURU
He's definitely a better heel, he's probably one of if not the greatest heel of all time next to Ric Flair in his prime. I'm not taking anything away from him as a babyface, he's great at that also. If he wasn't over as a face he wouldn't still be one since '06. He was such a great heel at times he would draw major heat and the fans truly hated him. At other times the fans would cheer him because he was so good.

He really knew how to draw major heat when fans started cheering for him, he would find away to get them to hate him again. Like in '02 when HBK came back they teased a DX reunion only to have him turn on HBK. The same thing happened in '05 when he did the same to Ric Flair. It seems like he will be retiring soon and we wont see him as a heel again. At least his match at Wrestlemania is a No Holds Barred match, which I'm sure he'll pull out some of his dirty heelish tactics.
I prefer him as a heel great matches got the crowd hating him etc especially against the rock and Austin . Now it doesn't matter hes got to that stage in his career when we as the fans just like seeing him same as undertaker, Kane etc

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