Total Package?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Who in the WWE do you see as being the most complete worker in the company? Who has the total package of in ring work, mic skills and drawing ability?

For me it has to be Randy Orton. After his match with Ziggler a few weeks ago on the first Raw supershow and now his match with Rhodes tonight on Smackdown! Orton has proved he can hang with the best of them in the ring. His mic skills are above average by most standards and he blows the roof off the place every time he enter an arena. Randy Orton is the closest thing to a total package that the WWE has and he should make Vince a lot of money for years to come.

Sheamus is my choice. This guy is getting huge pops as a face. Every time I see him I think of Trips. By that I mean a future star that is going to be over as a face as well as Trips is/was. Sheamus is good on the mic, he is fierce and tough in the ring, and he has the ability to draw if he is pushed right as he has been. Sheamus being turned face has really worked out well for him. I thought his heel run was good but he lost a ton of steam. This has built him up nicely and he is feuding with all the right people. I think Sheamus is going to be a major cash cow as long as he is pushed right this time. So to me Sheamus is the most complete worker in the WWE right now.

Major props too:
Cody Rhodes
Dolph Ziggler
Wade Barret
Daniel bryan is my pick. fantastic technical wrestler and above average on the mic. maybe begger pops and his cash in is sure to be a sucess! he truly is the best wrestler to ever come ou of the indies. I hope he is world champion soon
Dolph Ziggler is the total package and SHOULD be the future of the WWE.

A decent size, a great look, an excellent in-ring worker, the ability to make a mid-card title look like a relevant championship belt, solid and dedicated to his character, a great mic worker, and the ability to draw and sell a match. He's not on the same level of a lot of main event talent in terms of drawing power, but that's clearly because he's a mid-card talent. Give him a few years and the right creative decisions and he is the future of the company.
HEATH SLATER!.......:lmao: Just Kidding. My pick would have to be Mister Sinister himself, Cody Rhodes. His match with Mysterio at Wrestlemania really sold me on his ring work. This guy can really go. Plus ever since he adopted the whole super villian mask thing, his character has really developed. His promos are great and the crowd really hates him. Give him a chance at the top spot and he'll run with it
I would have to say Jack Swagger and the reason why I say Swagger is because the man even though his mic skills are average, you can't help but look at his wrestling ability, he is so much like Kurt Angle in a sense but also in terms of his size he can compare to that of Brock Lesnar in terms of his technical wrestling skills, submission style wrestling
Christian no doubt.. So talented yet underrated. One of the best wrestlers on the roster and a great talker. And you can't forget Punk either. Their the only two guys I consider to be total packages right now
What I like about this topic is that I agree with every wrestler suggested so far. WWE has a lot of talent with potential. I don't know who my favourite is, probably Cody Rhodes but Dolph Ziggler has been a favourite of mine since his debut either one of those two.
If given a decent storyline to work with, and maybe some mic lessons or a manager, I think John Morrison could be the future of the WWE. The fans love him, his in ring work is the best imo. ( credit to Dolph, Bryan, and a few others.) If he can`t do any better on the mic, why not do something like Shawn Michaels did first when he broke free of Janetty. Turn him heel, have vicky be his Sherri and do most of his talking. Play to his strenghts. have him as a narcissist thinking he`s better then everyone in looks and wrestling ability. There`s a lot that can be done with this guy, even if the mic work is not up to par. I think it is time for him to start winning, getting him noticed by guys like Cena and Orton, who see him as threat to there position in the bussiness. Personally, I think he would do better as a heel, at least at first. He needs to get more attention, and what better way then to turn on his fans and possibly call out Cena or Orton. By time Wrestlemania 30 I could see this guy on top of the bussiness, if they use him properly. Either way I would love to see Morrison get a giant push. There have been those like Jim Ross who have comparred him to a young Shawn Michaels, I believe. A great way to get heat on him is to come out and say he is the new or the next HBK and that he will be better then the original. Add insult to injury and have him use the sweet chin music, bring a mirror to the ring, have vicky by his side. Bassically, make this guy relavant, because I think it will pay off down the road.
I agree with the OP, you can't really get better then Randy Orton. Randy Orton has shown he can work with just about anyone and give us a good match. Over the last few months, I have been really impressed with the way Orton is handling himself. He doesn't seem all uptight like he was on Raw, he seems more relaxed on Smackdown. He's shown fair amounts of charisma, wrestling ability, and when he talks the crowd gets behind him. He definitely over and he's as marketable as they come. Randy Orton is a great example of a total package.
Daniel bryan is my pick. fantastic technical wrestler and above average on the mic. maybe begger pops and his cash in is sure to be a sucess! he truly is the best wrestler to ever come ou of the indies. I hope he is world champion soon
There's no way you can say Daniel Bryan is the total package. Daniel Bryan is a phenomenal wrestler; he puts on great matches, he knows in ring storytelling, he's pretty much got everything down as a performer. Yet, he lacks charisma in the WWE. I'm not saying it isn't there, but he doesn't seem like he's as comfortable in the WWE as he was in ROH or other independent promotions. I don't think he very marketable. He's a great in ring worker and I'll mark out as hard as anyone will when/if he wins a World Title, but to say he's the perfect total package is a bit of a stretch.
I would have to say Jack Swagger and the reason why I say Swagger is because the man even though his mic skills are average, you can't help but look at his wrestling ability, he is so much like Kurt Angle in a sense but also in terms of his size he can compare to that of Brock Lesnar in terms of his technical wrestling skills, submission style wrestling
Jack Swagger is good but he's not a total package, and far from it. Swagger has never been that over even when he was a World Champion. People just couldn't get behind him. He's boring. Jack Swagger needs to develope his own character a bit and stick to it in hopes of geting some heat. Swagger is fine but not a total package.
I would have to say Jack Swagger and the reason why I say Swagger is because the man even though his mic skills are average, you can't help but look at his wrestling ability, he is so much like Kurt Angle in a sense but also in terms of his size he can compare to that of Brock Lesnar in terms of his technical wrestling skills, submission style wrestling

1.) He's not the TOTAL PACKAGE if he's lacking in one certain area...

2.) Jack Swagger is only "like" Kurt Angle because the WWE has tried to package him that way. Yes, he's a phenomenal amateur wrestler, but the rest of it is in the gimmick! The annoying patriotism and the use of the ankle lock are park of a gimmick, and could have easily been ANYTHING else. He's not half the entertainer that Angle WAS, and he certainly hasn't shown me that he can wrestle a 10th of what Angle pulled off in his sleep!

3.) He's not the same size as Brock Lesnar. Go google image a picture of the former WWE Champion and I'll think his shoulders will speak for himself.

I'm not trying to take a dump on Swagger, but I just don't think he needs to be anywhere near a list of "total packages" in the WWE today. People have spent so much time WANTING him to be Kurt Angle that they haven't taken the time to realize he's not even in the same league as Christian, let alone a former WWE champion and Olympic gold medalist.
This many posts in, and no one has mentioned John Cena. But hey, he's only the most complete worker on the roster, the guy who has shown the ability to put on great matches with all sorts of wrestlers in all sorts of matches, the biggest draw in the company and one of the few guys in the wrestling world who has proven he can go toe to toe with the Rock on the mic.

When I read things like Ziggler, Daniel, Swagger, Cody Rhodes, etc., it just shows how silly some of you people are.
Definitely see Lex Luger being right there for some reason

-holds nose- I was just waiting for that one. The total package these days? You have the obvious Orton, Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, CM Punk, John Cena yadda yadda. No need to cover them any further here.

I'm surprised that Del Rio hasn't been mentioned yet. He's got quite a bit of technique in the ring, he gets good heat on the mic even without Ricardo yelling his praises. All he has to do is beep that car horn and the crowd erupts in boos.

Another entry for the total package race is the Miz. If you asked me this time last year I would have laughed off the idea, but he has made AWESOME leaps and bounds in his in-ring work. His charisma goes without saying, especially the house show thing where he just holds a mic up to his mouth and gets thundering boos.

Drew McIntyre: The only thing stopping that guy is the dreaded "creative has nothing for you" syndrome. Technique, decent heat (most of the time), very powerful on the mic without having to say much. And he has the vicious mean streak that any good heel needs.

Of course since I named 3 heels, I suppose I should balance it with 3 faces.

Daniel Bryan: I don't think ANYONE will deny his in-ring abilities. His clean technique and straightforward promo cutting reminds me of one Arn Anderson, who I have found to be one of the best promo guys of all time. Simple, intelligent, straightforward. Lets the in-ring work tell the story.

Zack Ryder: A little too early to call this one? I think not. He's a young talent with good technique and can only improve. His charisma is through the roof or else his Youtube show wouldn't be that big a hit. Time will tell.

....Errr... -racks brains- I can't find a third non-obvious face... No, not Morrison. He's very flashy and charismatic but even Scott Steiner has better personality on the mic. Fine I'll go with Sheamus. Bit early to call him a total package but we'll see. I love his mic work, but I think he could stand to improve his technique just a little.

Side note: Sly, I don't deny Cena's contributions to the business even though his face gimmick makes me physically ill. Let's be honest, the days of the megastars are over. Cena is a big fish the little pond WWE has become. Undertaker is the last of the megastars. Besides, I'm making it clear that I was trying to go with non-obvious choices.
Not to state the obvious, but Cena. Hands down. When you combine his talent, his charisma, his drawing power and his in-ring ability... yes I said his in-ring ability seeing as he's far and away better than any of the internet darlings whether they wanna admit it or not, Cena is the obvious choice for being the WWE's total package.
I am quit surprised that no has taken the name of CM PUNK.If you are looking for a total package in WWE or even in whole pro wrestling then look no further than PUNK.This guy has got it all. Best mic worker, charisma, in ring skills, character. Any one debating he is not what i say he is will be an idiot.

Others behind Punk will be Orton,Ziggler,Cena.
I would have to go with Dolph Ziggler. This guy showed he can handle the main event in his amazing match with Edge at Royal Rumble.

To the guy who said Del Rio, how do you see him working as a face? I can't see it myself otherwise I would have given him consideration.
It depends. IMO the most complete guy on the roster is Wade Barrett. He has the look, the mic skills, and the in ring skills. I think he can be a really good top heel, and he should be where ADR is right now.

The tricky think is you threw in the phrase "drawing power". So I guess my answer would have to be the biggest draw in WWE. John Cena. He has the look, he has mic skills (although I don't like his style), and he has the in ring work. Before someone jumps on me for that go watch his matches with Punk, Jericho, HBK, and even the triple threat cage match with JOMO and Miz. He can work, he just doesn't finish matches good. If he turns heel, even for just a little bit, he won't finish the same every week, and everyone will sing his praises.
How do you define total package? I would define it as being built like a brick house, being able to talk and entertain, being able to get people behind or against you with ease, and being capable in the ring. Using that definition, John Cena is the only true total package in the WWE currently.
Of course if we are talking about a complete package it is definitely Triple H. He can do all things even outside the ring by developing and recruiting young talents.

Well for young wrestlers, I believe Cody Rhodes has it. He got the skills, the mic, the draw and the pedigree :lmao:
oh and also CM Punk I totally forget about him.
If Mr. Kennedy was still in WWE, by now he would have been my pick. However, life doesn't quite work that way xD

If I had to say, CM Punk. Mainly because his mic skills, when he trys, is on par with anyone in the WWE. And obviously his in ring abilities are as good as anyone atm.

John Cena too. No question. My only wish with him, I wish he would loose some of the muscle he is rocking and go back to the guy he was when he first came to the WWE - he had such agility and intensity in the ring. If he was that way, in the ring, now - he would be one of the greatest wrestlers of all time. However, he's bulked up a lot, lost a bit of his moves and agileness since and I that drops him quite a bit on my list.

Suprised not to see more votes in for Punk so far.

CM Punk is the obvious choice. He is better in the ring than every member of the roster(except Bryan). He is as over as possible. His mic work is light years ahead of Orton's, and the best in the whole industry right now. The guy has been a catalyst for a fire being lit under the WWE product.

Basically, Punk is almost single-handedly making it "cool" to be a wrestling fan again, like Austin did back in '96/'97. Drawing power in 2011 is about being fully over inside the wrestling arena, and being relevant outside of it as well. No wrestler has generated as much buzz as CM Punk in such a short period(atleast not by doing anything legal) in a very long time.

All the criteria are met. Cm Punk really is the best in the world right now, it's not just a catchphrase for a t-shirt.
I would have to say Punk as well. Mic wise, I'm not sure how many of the current roster could do commentary like Punk did. He sounded like he had been doing it all his life. And I know it's not popular, but I think Cena is just a tad behind him, only a hair's breath tho. honestly, I don't think that there that many "bad" ones on the roster, some are stronger in different areas that others...if there was one guy that I would love to see explode, it's Dolph.....I look at him, and I see a later day Curt Henning....

When you stand back and have a real look, there are a lot of great ones on the mic on the current roster....not many people have mentioned Miz....I always get a giggle out of...really?.....Really?
Without talking about the obvious guys I'll say at the top of my list for a TOTAL package would be Wade Barret. He just has IT you know? Everything...I love the entrance with the jacket by the way..

I think Daniel Bryan will take off this year he's just so good in the ring and his mic skills are believable seeing as he is a pure wrestler and a face.

John Morrison is awkward with his promos (It didnt seem that way to me when he was johnny nitro but maybe I was too young.

I See Shamus as a top-middle guy(like rey) who can easily be face or heel ( I like him as a face) But I don't see him drawing in big bucks...

Miz is a HUGE draw but his in ring work is average (but always improving)...

The GOAT is Stone cold steve austin. Pure Attitude and no commercial/movie crap til his prime passed....
I must admit I laughed at some of the choices. Everyone is entitled to their opinion of course I just think some of those opinions have been so ridiculous. Did someone really suggest John Morrison? And Mr Kennedy haha.

In my opinion there are only 3 wrestlers with the full package - which really should have been defined better by the op. Do you want us to take into account drawing power, marketing, shirt sales???

Anyway My choices are Randy Orton, CM Punk and John Cena. In no particular order
You cant go much further than Orton at the moment! His in-ring work is very good lately, A great look, Good on the mic and the crowd always go crazy for him! Christian i think is up there, Great on the mic and brilliant in the ring, so underrated! Dolph Ziggler will definately be up there, a great look, great in the ring and can be decent on the mic.
And ofcourse Punk!!

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