Total Non-Stop Action Wrestling: Rebelling Against Authority

I really enjoyed the opening promo from Anderson when he was in the ring alone. He furthered the issue between he and Styles and offerred up a great explanation as to why he joined Fortune. Why wouldn't he want to be apart of a group mentored by Flair? The switch from Styles to Anderson in Fortune is a BIG deal because Styles, for me, is only suited to be apart of that stable when he's a face, and Anderson is the more natural heel. It was good to see him get sufficient promo time to start rather then being interrupted right away, and also good how you had him shift his focus quickly from Styles to his opponents that night.

All three opponents in the match that night delivered very good mic work, and played on their strengths as wrestlers. But the star of the segment was Anderson, the way it should have been after he just joined Fortune. The other 3 established themselves well and made good cases as to why they would win, but Anderson provided the best, perhaps a nice job of foreshadowing what would happen in the main event.....

Good match establishing Morgan as being fairly dominant in a glorified squash match against Eric Young. Its not the match I would have started with to get the crowd hot, as Id have used the tag match with Styles/Sting vs WOlfe/Daniels based on the match listing personally to get the crowd hot, but the opening promo probably did that already. But it was a well-written match that made Morgan look dominant, as he should.

Really solid backstage segment with the MCMG. They made a compelling argument to be in consideration for the tag title shot at Sacrifice, and had a legitimate beef in not being on the show to showcase why they belonged. Good to see the emphasis on each match matterring with Bischoff mentioning the house show. You have the Guns snarkiness down pat, as it was a segment I could easily picture both in.

I didn't care for the backstage promo by the BP, only because I feel that act was played out by mid-2010. Still, you established the issues between the two teams, and establishing Love as the primary opponent for Rayne. The match furthered that notion, although it wasn't as well laid out as the first, but that's somewhat difficult to do in a six-person tag. Angelina getting the pin was the sensible move as she moves towards likely challenging Madison at Sacrifice.

Solid, typical Team 3D promo. One of your biggest strengths is ABSOLUTELY nailing the verbage of how a particular wrestler speaks in a promo, as you've done that very efficiently with Anderson, the Guns, and Team 3D. Nice touch having them use Flair's catchphrase before facing his stablemates. And speaking of the match, this is more like it with the match description. Excellently laid out, with a nice build, solid tag team action, and a very good finishing sequence. Team 3D looks strong heading into their title match at Sacrifice.

The Sting/Flair segment made me groan a little bit, because I dont care for the mentions of WCW and events that happened 15 years ago. I think this would have been more effective if Styles had confronted Flair himself and told him he didnt need him, and he was his own man, etc. But interesting line of Sting questioning when Flair became like Hogan, so it wasn't a wasted segment.

Good big man match between Joe and Abyss. You did a nice job of establishing it as a "big match" from the beginning, and the action was believable between the two men. Normally Id want to see more submission attempts from a "submission machine", but this match actually worked better with Joe using his quickness to wear down Abyss and make him more vulnerable for the rear naked choke, and was successful. I always like a promo that focuses on a wrestler's goal toward winning the World Championship, so Joe's post-match promo hit all the right notes with me.

Really nice tease backstage about who Nash' potential partner could be for Sacrifice with Wolfe, although me thinks it a red herring. Still, nice teaser.

Best match of the night thusfar with Sting/AJ vs Daniels/Wolfe. I understand know why this match was placed where it was due to the interesting storyline development with Sting accidentally hitting Chelsea in the face. This is how you book a tag match. Opponents who know each other with counters and kickouts of the others signature moves, believable near falls, and several false finishes. Im a huge fan of up-tempo tag team wrestling and this match played out well in my head. Good use of the red to sell the drama in the match, and a nice job of turning the match deadly serious after Sting accidentally hit Chelsea. Color me extremely interested into where they go from here. Sting/Wolfe at the next PPV? The seeds are planted.

Good job of Bischoff selling both frustration over what happened with Chelsea on the apron, and interesting hook to see how he'll deal with it the following week. Then the exasperated Bischoff made the smart move by booking the multi-man tag match the next week instead of worrying about a plethora of teams continuing to beat down his door, having far bigger worries.

Really nice flow to the main event. You foreshadowed Anderson winning the match at the beginning of the show, but thats not necessarily a bad thing, as Styles vs Anderson for the title is the logical match at Sacrifice. I like how the four way match wasn't the typical match where two men go at it with the other two selling on the floor, but there were several nice sequences where all 4 men were involved with rapid fire sequences and reversals. Really hot finish with Christian returning and getting physical with Angle this week after their verbal altercation last week. Nice job of setting Anderson up as the opportunist who stole the pin. This was a fun match, and the right man won.

Final Thoughts: This was a very good show. The biggest stories that came out of it were obviously Christian returning and screwing Angle, and Anderson winning the number one contender's match to go on to face Styles at Sacrifice. Anderson laid the groundwork at the top of the show with a great promo, and several prospective feuds were furthered. Joe vs Morgan looks like a logical next step for the PPV with both coming off big wins this week, the tag title situation is even more intriguing. Probable grudge matches were set up between Angle/Christian, Sting/Wolfe following Sting nailing Chelsea with the bat, and possibly Dinero/RVD as well, and a KO title match between Angelina and Madison. Really nice job of moving feuds along, and the backstage segments weren't as drawn out as last week. Most of the matches were very good, with hot endings for both main event matches. Interesting decision leaving Jeff Hardy and Kaz off the show, but a fairly large roster with only so much time means some people are inevitably going to be left off. Definitely looking forward to next weeks show. B overall.
#1Peep's Impact Review

Time to review the second show of your new thread Proph. Nice promo from Anderson to open the show and I don't think you needed all four men out at once, could have just had Kurt to come out and argue and give RVD and Pope a small promo or interview later in the show. Pretty obvious that Anderson is going to win but there is nothing wrong with that. I'm undecided on how I like Morgan, heel or face but it doesn't matter as you put him over well here against Young. Loved that promo from the Guns, made them out to be the lads they are and hope they go a title shot/do well in the tourny. Maybe create a way to break up your segments, the Guns and BP promos looked kind of merged. BP give a typical promo, maybe time to break them up? Don't really like the little comments they are throughout the show - don't really make a lot of sense. Love looking good and her against Rayne would be a nice match for the PPV.

Really enjoyed that Team 3D promo, great stuff Proph. I'm not a big fan of 3D so I don't like that they went over Beer Money but you needed to do it to give them some momentum going into Sacrifice as they are the only team guranteed a title shot. Not sure who Nash's partner is going to be but it isn't going to be a wrestling classic with Sexy and 3D featuring. You could go a number of ways with this. Love Flair's intensity but not so sure on the WCW comments, still a good promo. This next match made Joe look like a beast! Making Abyss tap is not easy feat and I hope you give the Samoan some direction as the real TNA has been lost on him for a while. Wolfe? Red herring for sure. Awesome match and this will set up a (great) feud between Wolfe and Sting, great decision. Daniels is another man without much direction. Nice match set up by the Bisch' for next week. It was obvious Ken was destined to win but you allowed Angle to dominate so he could be screwed by Cage. Great show Proph and I am pumped for Sacrifice, if these matches take place:

-Anderson vs. Styles
-Wolfe vs. Sting
-RVD vs. Pope?
-Cage vs. Angle
-Tag titles
-Love vs. Rayne

Should be awesome and once again great show!
Fantastic show Proph. I won't give you a live review. Just a touch-up on the main points.

- The opening promo was "WOW!". Especially Anderson's lines. They seemed real. Something that would happen on TV.

- The matches were all so awesome. Especiall the main-event. It turned me into an Anderson fan.

-Nice to see Anderson in the main-event at Sacrifice. Also, I could see a feud between Sting and Flair. That would be epic consdering the fact that you build your stories so well. And that line "When did you become Hogan?" stole the show. It was a classic.

- The only thing I didn't like about the show was the tag-team thing. I can't keep up with who's going where. Until the fatal-4-way tag team match was announced. Umm, I'm not a big fan of TNA and don't know about their lower/mid-carders much but I can sure sense MCMG winning considering the fact that their young and upcoming talent.

Overall, great show dude. Hope to see more. Also, what about the PM I sent you yesterday?? Please reply.
#1Peep's Impact Review

Nice promo from Anderson to open the show and I don't think you needed all four men out at once, could have just had Kurt to come out and argue and give RVD and Pope a small promo or interview later in the show. Pretty obvious that Anderson is going to win but there is nothing wrong with that.

I just wanted to try and explain a couple of things that came from your review Peep. I agree that Anderson should really have just been the only man in the ring. However I wanted to give the chance that somebody other then him could win the match. It was clear Anderson vs Styles was coming but by throwing all the others guys into the opening promo I thought it could make people believe somebody else could win. Again that is why Angle dominated the main event of the night. It had been written for Anderson to clash with Styles to open the show but I thought that would make the main event useless.

Maybe create a way to break up your segments, the Guns and BP promos looked kind of merged.

Didn't think this was happening, I'll check out some ways to fix this. Thanks for pointing it out Peep.

BP give a typical promo, maybe time to break them up?

The BP keeps three women on TV which is easy for me. I'm not breaking them up anytime soon.

Don't really like the little comments they are throughout the show - don't really make a lot of sense.

Can you explain this please or point out the comments? I think I understand and if it is what I'm thinking it is just me having fun and pointing out random things. Nothing big, just me messing around. Please give me an example.

- The only thing I didn't like about the show was the tag-team thing. I can't keep up with who's going where. Until the fatal-4-way tag team match was announced. Umm, I'm not a big fan of TNA and don't know about their lower/mid-carders much but I can sure sense MCMG winning considering the fact that their young and upcoming talent.

This is something I thought would come up. I understand some people might not watch TNA and understand the characters and know the people. However when writing a WWE thread you can have the same problem. I'm not going to explain every single character to allow for others to understand the roster. Thanks Icon for getting this posted as I have been waiting for this to come up.

Thanks guys.
I like the show, but pelase forgive me for a short review, Im using a public computer due to mine having problems, so I am on a timer...

Great promo, seemed like something I can see on TV... Anderson really really stood out in this segment for me.

I liked the work you are doing with Matt Morgan, as a monster type character.

I saw nothing special in the BP promo, but I do like the MAdison and Angelina feud that could be big to keep me especially interested in the KO division.

I loved the 3D promo, very realistic, making the team look strong. One thing I see from MANY BT writers, everything is written around the matches, you balance that out nicely.

Ahh my favorite part of the night, was when you seemed to start pushing Joe to monster heel, later this year.. I loved it, and the match was amazingly promoted, and laid out. Overall, this was my show stealer, because I am excited to see this side of Joe. Just hoping you do not make him to close to a Justice figure, and let him play it out solo for a bit.

very creative part in the Sting/Desmond segment, I know there were AJ and Daniels, but the sting and desmond were the main players for me here, as I am intersted to see what happens next week with this...

I loved the main event, I loved Cage returning, and Making Anderson seem like more of an "edge" persona to me as he stole the win. I am looking forward to next week man, great show overall.

My favorite parts of tonight,

1. Samoa Joe
2. Christian screws Kurt
3. Anderson capitalizes on the win

Keep up the work

Thursday Night Impact Preview| May 6th 2010

"Wanted Man"

It is signed and official, AJ Styles vs Mr Anderson for the TNA Championship at Sacrifice in a match that is sure to change things around TNA. However we are still two shows out from the event and anything can happen in the wrestling business. This week the champion and challenger will clash in a huge tag team match. AJ Styles will team with Rob Van Dam and Amazing Red as they take on Mr Anderson, Kazarian and D’Angelo Dinero. Tension is going to be high this week as this match combines three men who wanted to take the title away from AJ Styles at Sacrifice. We are just over a week away from one of the best PPV events you will ever see. Mr Anderson and AJ Styles will clash tonight!

Speaking of clashing two superstars who have been clashing as of late of Christian Cage and Kurt Angle. After making his return to TNA Cage made his way down to the ring interrupting Angle. From there a fight broke out and the rest is history. This week Cage makes his in ring return by going up against a man on a mission. Samoa Joe is looking to kick it into another gear and will start with Cage. But what about Angle, will he have something to say? We can confirm that KURT ANGLE WILL BE IN THE IMPACT ZONE! Get ready for fireworks because these two might get physical. Can Cage stop the submission machine or will he be forced to tap out?

In the Knockouts division we have a number one contenders match between Tara, Velvet Sky and Angelina Love. Who is going to face Madison Rayne at Sacrifice? Love had had problems and wants to get her hands on Rayne, will that chance come at Sacrifice? A huge match in the knockouts division, be sure to tune into Impact to see it!

Last week Bischoff made the decision to keep all angles covered. Should Kevin Nash not have a partner for Sacrifice we will need a replacement team. This week we have a four corners elimination match with the winning team going to Sacrifice should Nash not be able to compete. If he does have a partner then the winning team will get a shot at a later date. It is going to be exciting as The Motor City Machine Guns go against British Invasion, Generation Me and LAX. Every single team has a shot to win here and they will not go down without a fight. I ask you to find me a better tag team division in the world.

This is TNA, it is better than any show or PPV that you might see this week or next!


AJ Styles, Rob Van Dam and Amazing Red vs Mr Anderson, Kazarian and D’Angelo Dinero

Christian Cage makes his in ring return against Samoa Joe

Kurt Angle will be in the Impact Zone

Desmond Wolfe set to call out Sting on his actions last week

Knockouts Triple Threat
Winners faces off against Madison Rayne at Sacrifice
Velvet Sky vs Angelina Love vs Tara

Four Corner Elimination Match
Winners gets a future tag title shot
LAX vs British Invasion vs Motor City Machine Guns vs Generation Me

Thursday Night Impact - May 6th 2010
TNA Impact Zone - Orlando, FL

Wanted Man

As normal the TNA cross the line package is played to start the night. It shows some of the amazing talent that is signed to TNA wrestling, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Sting and Desmond Wolfe. After the package has finished playing we get a shot of the Impact Zone which is filled with all the TNA fans. The announcers for tonight, Don West and Mike Tenay, are standing by to run down what is in store for all the TNA fans inside the arena and watching at home.

Mike Tenay: Welcome to TNA Wrestling, the hottest wrestling company in the world today. We have the best talent, we have the most exciting shows and we have the greatest fans in the world today. Mike Tenay here with you and I’m joined by my broadcast partner Don West. What an exciting night we have for you all tonight ladies and gentleman. Firstly we will find out which team will get a future tag team title match when LAX, British Invasion, Motor City Machine Guys and Generation Me face off in a elimination match. The great talent in the tag team division will be on show here tonight.

Don West: Not only that Mike, but we will see the in ring return of the Instant Classic, Christian Cage. He is the most high profile free agent in history, nobody has created more buzz then Christian Cage when he signed with TNA for a second time. What an honour it will be to see Cage face off against the Samoan Submission Machine, Samoa Joe.

Mike Tenay: Speaking of high profile, one of the most high profile wrestlers ever, Sting will be faced by Desmond Wolfe about his actions last week toward Chelsea. The baseball bat to the face that was heard around the world, what is going to be the answer Sting provides?

Don West: I think he did it on purpose.

Mike Tenay: How can you say that? Sting was in a bad situation and it was an accident. He wouldn’t hit a women Don.

Don West: That’s what Sting wants you all to believe. But I spoke to Desmond Wolfe and he believes that Sting was aiming for Chelsea. He wanted to hit her in the face. I hope that Wolfe gives Sting everything he deserves tonight. I want Desmond to make Sting pay for what he did.

Mike Tenay: With that said tonight we do have a huge main event for you all. It will be TNA Champion AJ Styles, Rob Van Dam and Amazing Red vs Mr Anderson, Kazarian and D’Angelo Dinero. You will not find a bigger main event anywhere else. It is happening here in TNA. For tonight only you have a great 6 man tag match. Stay tuned for an amazing night of wrestling!

Don West: Bring it on!

“Fortune 4" blasts over the arena and gets instant heat. Surprisingly Mr Anderson makes his way to the ring without any other member of Fortune. He is all alone for tonight and looks to be in a very happy mood. With great success last week on Impact the cocky Mr Anderson appears to be ready to gloat about his wonderful achievement.

Mr Anderson: For those of you without the opportunity of seeing me gain the number 1 contendership last week, allow me to show you how I guaranteed a NEW TNA Champion at Sacrifice.

Replay of the fatal four way is shown. It focuses of the last five minutes and interference by Christian Cage. The final frame of this package shows Mr Anderson standing inside the ring staring down AJ Styles who was on top of the ramp.

Mr Anderson: That was magnificent.

Big heat from the crowd.

Mr Anderson: Don’t hate what you want to be. I’ve heard some groans from you fans about how I didn’t earn my spot as the number 1 contender. Well once again you people are all wrong. I did earn it. I earned it by beating Kurt Angle, Rob Van Dam and The Pope. But I don’t need to justify myself to you people.

Anderson nods in approval and mocks the men and women sitting in the arena.

Mr Anderson: Each and every one of you pays to see me wrestle. If you like or you hate me, it really doesn’t matter in the end. I am the most talented guy on the roster and therefore I should be the TNA World Champion. It is my right to hold that gold in my hands at Sacrifice. Not you, not Kurt Angle, not RVD, not Sting, not even AJ Styles can stop me. It’s my time to become the legend that I deserve to be. I should have been handed the titles the day I walked into this company. But because of the fools who think AJ Styles is truly phenomenal I have been pushed back.

A loud AJ chant begins.

Mr Anderson: He isn’t in my league and that is the truth. I have beaten more world champions then he has seen on DVD. I have made kittens out of men who were considered to be animals; I have made fools of men who thought they were genius. Nobody has broken more men than me. And at Sacrifice I add AJ Styles to the list of men who have fallen to Mr Anderson. He can attempt to use his flashy moves to tame the crowd but in the end it will all be in vain.

Small pause by Anderson as he adjusts his collar.

Mr Anderson: AJ Styles will not win at Sacrifice. I cannot put it any clearer to you people. He isn’t going to win; he has no chance in hell. I promise… … no better yet I swear that at Sacrifice by the end of the night I will be holding the TNA World Championship above my head in victory.

The classic “You Suck” chant breaks out toward Anderson. Arrogant as ever Anderson chuckles at the response from the crowd before continuing.

Mr Anderson: Since Lockdown 2010 I have told the world that I will take the TNA World Championship away from AJ Styles. When you turn your back on Fortune you pay for your actions. Nothing can save AJ Styles from what I plan on doing to him. Not only will I take his title but I’ll take his pride, his honour and his confidence. When you have someone like the legendary Ric Flair by your side, you can do anything. I have the ability to take TNA to levels that AJ Styles hasn’t dreamed of. This company has been wasting away in the same little pond for 8 years. No more. No longer will TNA be the house that AJ built, TNA will be forever known as the dynasty that Mr Anderson brought to the top.

“Get Ready to Fly” hits over the arena to a very loud pop from the fans. With the majority of the crowd standing and cheering, TNA World Champion, AJ Styles appears at the top of the ramp. The two competitors lock eyes as AJ makes his way down to the ring for this confrontation. Styles makes sure to keep an eye on Anderson as he enters the ring. Once again the two men keep their focus on each other, both of them standing their ground. The arena is filled with a mix between tension and excitement as AJ grabs a microphone.

AJ Styles: I’ve been listening in the back to everything you’ve had to say. To be honest some of it is true. You did earn the title match at Sacrifice. I can’t take that away from you and nobody in this building can. Some people don’t like you, some do. That’s not my place to tell them what to like and what to hate. Personally I do have a problem with you.

Anderson takes a step back and leans against the ropes.

Mr Anderson: Oh really. Well AJ what’s your big problem with me? Is it that I’m the only person that called you out? You turned your back on a group that helped you stay at the top. How dare you say you have a problem with me. I told the truth about you. I did what everyone else is thinking. You turned on Ric Flair because you’re a selfish, backstabbing little man. I---

Styles cuts Anderson off.

AJ Styles: I’ve explained my actions already Anderson. I don’t need to continue to beat the dead horse. I broke away from Fortune because I didn’t like what it was becoming. It started as four young guys getting a chance to shine in front of the TNA audience and it has become the Ric Flair band of misfits. I left because I was being used by Ric Flair. He treated me like a puppet. I will not be treated like that ever again.

Mr Anderson: If not for Ric Flair you wouldn’t be at the point you’re at.

Styles begins to shake his head while extending the TNA Championship in front of him.

AJ Styles: In case you forgot I was already a champion without Flair. I have worked hard to get to this point. It wasn’t because of Flair, it wasn’t because of anyone else, I’m at this point because of me. I worked hard. If you think Ric Flair is going to get you to the top without wanting the spotlight for himself, then you’re nuts. He will drink the well dry and then walk away leaving you with nothing. I know what type of guy Ric Flair is. He seems to be a legend up front but when you get to know him you find out that he is no more than a leach.

Mr Anderson: Well isn’t the pot calling the kettle black.

The two men get right up against one another with the crowd beginning to cheer.

Mr Anderson: They call you the phenomenal one. You’re the guy that leaches off more talent than anyone in professional wrestling. Nobody gets the respect they deserve when they face you. All the praise goes to you. Everyone else is left with nothing but broken bones. This ends at Sacrifice AJ. No longer will the guys be left out in the cold while the golden boy gets to sleep under the shelter. I’m here to take charge. I’m here to make a stand against you.

Slowly Anderson backs away.

Mr Anderson: I’m here to take the TNA Championship from you at Sacrifice and you can’t do anything to stop me.

“Fortune 4” hits again as Mr Anderson drops the microphone at his feet. Both the champion and challenger lock eyes with each other as the impact zone collectively lean forward. What could be a disappointment for some both Anderson and Styles do not get physical. Instead AJ hoists the World Championship above his head, getting a big pop, while Anderson has his eyes fixed on the gold.

*Commercial Break*

Back from the break “Wings of a fallen Angel” can be heard playing as Christopher Daniels makes his way down to the ring. Daniels reaches the ring apron, climbs onto the turnbuckle and spreads his arms out like angel wings. As Daniels does this “Static” plays which brings out Jay Lethal. The young man is very excited, probably because he has been on the show in a while, but he knows that this upcoming match isn’t going to be easy. Quickly Lethal enters the ring and locks eyes with Daniels. Before the bell rings Daniels extends the hand in a sign of respect which Lethal accepts.

Match One
Christopher Daniels vs. Jay Lethal
Singles Match

With the experience factor firmly in his corner Christopher Daniels looked extremely good inside of the ring against Jay Lethal. That’s not to say that Lethal didn’t look good but it was Daniels that shined through on this night. Seemingly forgotten in the eyes of management Daniels took this chance to remind people that he still has it. In the opening stages of the match Daniels attempted to control the high flying offence of Lethal and was able to get good results. He had Lethal down on the mat for several minutes and was able to slowly wear him out.

Throughout the contest both men had signs of superstardom. Lethal countered a possible BME, Daniels had gone to the top rope for something it wasn’t to clear what move he was preparing for, and Daniels himself had been able to ground the high flyer. The contest kept the fans entertained and the finish had that surprise strike to end the match on a high note.

Finish: The seven minute mark has just pasted as Lethal pulls himself back to a vertical base. Looking over to Daniels the youngster can sense that this is his chance. The match has been back and forth and now Lethal is in the driver’s seat. Lethal grabs the arm of Daniels and slings him across the ring and into the turnbuckle. Quickly Lethal runs over to the corner, looking for the flying forearm… it misses… Daniels moves out of the way. The crowd stand up as Daniels grabs Lethal, who is stumbling back, and places him in position for the Angels Wings. He hoists Lethal up and slams him down with the finisher before hooking the legs for the cover - …1 …2 …3!

Result: Christopher Daniels @ 06:52

Knowing that he has scored a victory tonight Daniels screams out the word yes! “Wings of a fallen Angel” play throughout the arena as Daniels has his hand raised by the official. While it may be all smiles for Daniels his opponent Jay Lethal isn’t too happy about the result. He sits in the corner shaking his head and wondering what went wrong. The music plays as out as Daniels stands triumphant on the top turnbuckle.

*Backstage – Interview Area*

Backstage Christy Hemme is standing by with both Angelina Love and Tara.

Christy Hemme: Ladies and gentleman I’m here with two women who will compete in the upcoming triple threat match against Velvet Sky for the number one contendership for the TNA Knockouts Championship. To my left is Angelina Love and to my right is Tara.

Small pop for the girls.

Christy Hemme: Angelina, I’ll start with you, do you have any reservations going into this triple threat match? Since you’re return it is pretty clear that you’re after the Knockouts Championship and a win would get you to Sacrifice. Are there any fears that a loss could see you without a title match anytime soon?

Visibly confident Angelina Love grabs the microphone from Christy.

Angelina Love: Reservations? No. I don’t have anything like that Christy because tonight is my night. I’ve been waiting for this since I returned and I’m not going to let this chance pass me by. It doesn’t matter if it is a triple threat or if it was one on one with Tara. I’m here to win back my Knockouts Championship and I’ll do it at Sacrifice after I win here in the impact zone.

Love hands the microphone back to Christy and the red head now turns to Tara. Before Christy can ask a question however Tara grabs the microphone and moves toward Angelina.

Tara: Wait a minute Angelina. You act like this match is over before it has started. This isn’t you vs. Velvet Sky. I’m in this match and I want the shot at Madison Rayne. I’ve worked long and hard to get this shot and I’m not going to let you just walk in a talk what I want.

Angelina Love: You think I haven’t worked hard? I was beaten up by those girls and now I’m getting back what was taken from me Tara. This is TNA, this is my house and you’re not stealing my shot woman.

Tara: Don’t get up in my face.

Angelina Love: Stay out of my way tonight Tara or we will have a problem. This is my shot…

Tara: No it isn’t. This isn’t your shot, it’s mine. And I don’t plan on giving it up quietly.

Christy gets in between the two women to try and stop a fight breaking out. Surprisingly no physical altercation breaks out instead Tara drops her microphone and walks away from the situation. The camera stays with Angelina Love who watches Tara walk away. We go to commercial with Angelina Love heading off the ramp for her triple threat match.

*Commercial Break*

When TNA returns from the break the graphic “Knockouts number one contendership” appears across the screen. When the graphic disappears "Angel On My Shoulder" begins to play and the introduction for the former Knockouts Champion begins. Walking with a purpose Angelina Love steps out and quickly heads down to the ring.

Don West: I gotta’ say that I’m very disappointed by the actions of Angelina Love in the past couple of weeks.

Mike Tenay: I know I’m going to regret this but why Don?

Don West: She has been very disrespectful to the Beautiful People. I would expect Angelina to be happy for the success of her former friends but instead she bitches about it. What type of women does that Mike? She needs to get over it and move on. The Beautiful People don’t need her dragging them down anymore.

Mike Tenay: She was beaten up by them Don. How in the world would she not be angry about that?

Don West: She started it.

Mike Tenay: She came back wanting to be with her friends and they threw her away. I don’t think Angelina had any intention of fighting Madison Rayne when she returned.

While the married couple of Don West and Mike Tenay argue away "Broken" blasts over the speakers. Like a Glamazon, yeah I went there, Tara steps forward from the curtain. Looking dominate as ever Tara eyes off her competition standing inside the ring. She steps up onto the steps and enters the ring where Angelina Love is waiting. The two glares at each other for a moment but their little meeting is interrupted by…"Amazing" blasting over the arena and the arrival of the trio of women known collective as the Beautiful People. The name tells the entire story of what these three are all about. With the Knockouts Champion Madison Rayne and Lacey Von Erich by her side, Velvet Sky walks down to the ring confidently. She will have the support of the BP throughout this contest as they will be sitting at the announcer’s desk while the match is underway. Seductively Velvet Sky steps onto the ring apron and the entire male section of the audience stand up. They all lean forward, their jaws hitting the ground, as Velvet grinds up against the middle rope. After that Velvet steps through and she heads to a corner awaiting the bell to sound.

Match Two
Angelina Love vs. Tara vs. Velvet Sky
Triple Threat Match

It’s a pretty “meh” type of contest with nothing really being too interesting about it. The result was basically written in stone since the return of Angelina Love to TNA. Yeah that’s who won the match, it was Angelina Love. The contest involved Love vs. Tara for the most part with Velvet being bashed by both of the women. Still the winner was Angelina Love and she won the match by rolling Tara up for the three count. The crowd went nuts, well maybe not nuts but you get the idea, as Angelina Love fell to the ground. Overjoyed that she will get her shot Angelina climbed onto the top rope and pointed toward the Knockouts Champion. Both Champion and challenger locked eyes as Tenay and West could be heard chiming in.

Result: Angelina Love @ 05:23

Don West: No, no, damn it Velvet was robbed!

Mike Tenay: You can’t be serious Don? Angelina was smart enough to take advantage of the situation inside the ring.

Don West: Bull.

Mike Tenay: Well no matter what we think about the outcome of the match the situation still stands. It will be Madison Rayne defending her Knockouts Championship against Angelina Love at Sacrifice in a couple of weeks.

*Backstage – Locker room*

The scene goes to the locker room of TNA wrestler Samoa Joe who sits on a chair getting ready for his match tonight against Christian Cage. While Joe is wrapping tape around his wrist Jeremy Borash walks into the room with a microphone in hand. JB steps up to Joe and cough softly to get his attention. Slowly Joe turns to see JB standing in the room and he doesn’t look all too happy with the intrusion.

Samoa Joe: What do you want?

Jeremy Borash: Would I be able to get a quick word with you Joe?

Not really thinks Joe but he doesn’t say anything about kicking JB out of the room. Stupidly JB takes Joe’s silence as an invitation to have a conversation. Like a mad man Borash takes a seat next to Joe.

Jeremy Borash: Joe a couple of weeks ago you made a claim that you would hold the TNA World Championship by the end of 2010. It’s a pretty big claim to make considering that you haven’t been near the title scene for the last few months. What makes you so confident that you’re going to be in contention for a title match?

Joe throws the rest of his athletic tape on the ground before turning to Borash. The wild eyed Samoan gets right up close to JB, probably a little too close for even Borash to enjoy. Then Joe slowly places a hand on the microphone and he pulls it forward to his lips.

Samoa Joe: That was no claim JB, it was promise. I will hold the World Championship because it is what I want. I always get what I want and it doesn’t matter who holds the gold. I’ll face AJ or Anderson, all that matters is that I will defeat them. I will be champion and I will be unstoppable. Now you can talk about me being away from the main event all you want but at the end of the day I’m still the most dominate force in TNA. I am still the submission machine and I am still Samoa Joe.

JB pulls the microphone back.

Jeremy Borash: One more question Joe?

Samoa Joe: If you must.

Sensing that his time is numbered JB hurries to get the question in.

Jeremy Borash: Any words for Christian Cage tonight?

… … …

After a delayed response Joe looks up toward the camera with fire in his eyes. He turns to Borash and in a menacing tone says…

Samoa Joe: Joe’s gonna’ kill you.

Almost immediately after those words leave Joe’s lips, we go to a commercial break.

*Commercial Break*
As the show returns from the break "Menacing" throbs over the arena to a loud amount of heat. Right on cue Desmond Wolfe walks out and heads onto the top of the ramp. Tonight he is without Chelsea who is recovering from a baseball bat to the face from Sting. Visibly angry Wolfe slides into the ring and demands that a microphone be handed to him. Unfortunately a crew member has a problem finding one and he is sprayed with abuse from Wolfe. Clearly off his rocket Wolfe rips a microphone from the hand of the worker who finally finds one. Wolfe then steps into the middle of the ring and points toward the entrance ramp.

Desmond Wolfe: Sting, you no good son of a bitch, get down here right now!

Loud amount of heat from the crowd for that.

Desmond Wolfe: Where are you Sting? Come on. After what you did last week you’re lucky I don’t have you fired you coward. Get out here Sting. Come face me like a man or are you two weak to fight a man? Do you only hit women now Sting?

More boo’s from the people.

Desmond Wolfe: I see how it is. You can hit women with a baseball bat but you can’t come out here and face me tonight. How pathetic you are Sting. These people may cheer you now but I promise they will know what two of person you really are. I will make it my mission to expose you for the woman beating son of bitch that Steve Borden really is. You struck Chelsea in the face with a bat and now she could require surgery. Her face was bleeding for hours. She may never recover because of your actions Sting. Because of what you did Chelsea may never be the woman she once was.

Wolfe points to the fans in the arena.

Desmond Wolfe: All of you people feed into his ego. You all make Sting think he can get away with anything but that stops tonight. I will not allow you to get away with this Sting. You are a sick man. You are a menace to society and you need to be locked up in a prison to guarantee the safety of all the women here tonight. Who knows maybe you’ll attack one of them next Sting.

Wolfe then motions to a group of young women in the crowd.

Desmond Wolfe: Maybe you’ll strike one of them with your bat because they don’t cheer you. You’ve got a problem Sting and you can’t help yourself so I need to stop you. I need to put an end to your reign of terror and I will. I will make sure you never harm another woman again. With or without Chelsea in my corner I will be doing it for her. I promised her that you would not get away with this. And…

“Slay Me” blasts over the arena to a loud pop from the crowd. Immediately Wolfe, looking very nervous, turns to the entrance ramp and sees what could be his worst nightmare in Sting. Unlike in weeks past Sting does not have his signature baseball bat with him. Some of the audience is a little weary of Sting, mainly the women, but the majority still see this man as the hero he has portrayed for the last 20 years. Another major change in Sting’s appearance is that he is not covered in face paint. Tonight Sting’s face clear and shows the true man inside him. After grabbing a microphone from the steps Sting enters the ring and meets Wolfe for the first time since the incident last week. Sting stands in front of Desmond and raises the microphone up to his mouth. Sting seems to be struggling with his words tonight as he lowers the microphone a few times before finally speaking.

Sting: I’ve been listening to everything you’ve had to say tonight Desmond and trust me when I say that I’m sorry. I never meant for anything to happen to Chelsea and I certainly never meant for anyone of these people to feel unsafe when I’m around. It was an accident Desmond, it’s that simple. It wasn’t supposed to happen…

Desmond interrupts with rage in his voice.

Desmond Wolfe: Wasn’t supposed to happen? Of course it wasn’t supposed to happen but it did happen. It happened because you were careless and nothing you say will make up for it Sting. No matter how much garbage you spill about being sorry it will never erase the image of poor little Chelsea crying for help with blood covering her face. No matter what you say to me it means nothing. You attacked a woman last week and you can never take it back.

Sting’s head lowers a little; Wolfe moves in closer.

Desmond Wolfe: You make me absolutely sick. Soon enough all these people, no matter how stupid they are, will see the true man you are. They will see the man that hides behind the face paint. They will see the man that uses a baseball bat as a weapon. Soon enough they will see what you really are Sting. I know what you are and they will to.

Wolfe pauses for a moment as the crowd boo.

Desmond Wolfe: Your actions cannot go unpunished.

Sting: Desmond you need to understand that…

Shockingly Wolfe knocks the microphone out of the hand of Sting. The crowd is stunned at this act the so is Sting. He looks up at Wolfe who points his finger right at the face of Sting.

Desmond Wolfe: You need to shut up and listen to what I’m saying. These are not mindless threats but they are promises. When I say I will not forget… you better believe that I mean it. As you stand before me Sting I can see the rage in your eyes. I can see what you have become. You are not only violent against women but you are a danger to society.

Sting: It was an accident Desmond!

Sting yells at the top of his lungs that the incident was not his fault. The crowd watch on, glued to the ring as Wolfe looks a little taken back. So shaken up Sting finds it hard to contain himself. He may just blow through the roof at this moment.

Sting: It wasn’t my fault and no matter how much time you spend talking to these people they will never believe you. They all saw what happened and everyone else has been able to accept what happened as an accident except you Desmond. You’re the only person who has been harassing me all week about this. I understand Desmond that you’re angry but cannot blame this on me. Chelsea made the decision to get onto the ring apron and she entered the match herself. I didn’t go looking to hurt her but these things happen when you get inside the ring.

Desmond Wolfe: Excuses, excuses and more excuses.

Sting: They’re not excuses Desmond, it’s the truth. The truth is that you blame yourself for what happened but you can’t accept that. You go looking for someone else to blame and it so happened to be me this time. You act like it is always someone else but deep down you know that it wasn’t my fault. Deep down Desmond you know that what happened to Chelsea isn’t my problem. You know that this is pointless. I’m willing to forgive and forget Desmond but you need to be able to do the same.

Sting extends his arm and offers a hand to Desmond Wolfe. The crowd response is a mild amount of heat. This doesn’t worry Sting in the slightest as he just shakes his head. Wolfe doesn’t respond by accepting, in fact he steps back a little.

Sting: Come on Desmond. Shake my hand like a man and this is over.

The anticipation rises for what could happen next. Desmond looks out at the crowd; they boo constantly before moving forward and shaking Sting’s hand. The crowd is stunned, you’re probably stunned, and even Sting himself is a little stunned. Thinking that the problem is resolved Sting nods and goes to walk away… but is blasted from behind with a microphone. The heat coming from the crowd is huge as Sting falls to the ground with a cut across the back of his head. Quickly Desmond jumps on top and he begins to hammer away with right hands to the head. Shot after shot Wolfe beats the life out of Sting. With blood dripping from the back of his head Sting tries to escape the wrath of the wolf however he being totally dominated.

Now Wolfe steps back off Sting and he watches as the icon attempts to crawl toward the bottom rope. Blood continues to cover the back of his head and now runs down his hair. While it may be in vein Sting pulls himself back to a vertical base. The crowd cheer him on as Sting stumbles around and turns back into a huge shot with the microphone again by Wolfe. The sound of the microphone striking the skull is like that of a sledgehammer hitting stone. The shot was so hard that Sting crumbles and his legs turn into spaghetti. The crowd are horrified by this attack but the end may not be in sight yet as Wolfe stalks Sting. He grabs Sting by the head and looks right into his eyes.

Wolfe whispers something which the audio doesn’t pick up. After that Wolfe delivers a strong slap to the face before placing Sting’s head on his shoulder. With a sadistic grin on his face Wolfe nails Sting with a cutter to finally put him down. Wolfe stays down to admire his handy work before sliding to the outside of the ring. Slowly Wolfe takes steps backward to the top of the entrance ramp as Sting is out cold inside the ring. TNA goes to a commercial with Sting covered in blood and Wolfe heading to the back.

*Commercial Break*

Returning from the break TNA’s fan base is greeted by the voices of Mike Tenay and Don West.

Mike Tenay: Ladies and gentleman what we have just seen is disgusting. In all my years I have never understood how someone could do something like that to another human being. Sting was looking to forgive and forget. It was over. Yet Desmond Wolfe took it that step to far and assaulted someone who wasn’t ready. It was a cheap shot and I just don’t know how someone could do that.

Don West: Did you not watch TNA last week Mike? Did you miss what Sting did to Chelsea? He attacked a woman last week and what happened tonight was retribution for Desmond Wolfe and Chelsea. Sting deserved everything he got tonight and nothing less. While the attack may have been brutal for someone like you to watch it had to be done. Sting needed to be taught a lesson and maybe after tonight Sting will learn to control his anger and not put citizens such as myself in danger.

Mike Tenay: Have you ever felt threatened by Sting before this Don? I’ve never seen anyone say anything about Sting being dangerous and to say otherwise is ridiculous. The man is a legend in this business and I can’t stand what Desmond Wolfe is trying to do to this man’s legacy.

Don West: He’s exposing Sting for what he really is Mike. Desmond is showing us all what Sting does behind the scenes and now the world can truly see what this man is. I thank Desmond Wolfe for exposing Sting because I always wondered why I felt worried when I was around Sting. Now I know. I know about the violent outburst and after tonight I don’t think Sting is going to be hurting anyone else.

Just as the fat one stops talking “Take Over” hits and the impact zone comes to life. Finally Christian Cage has arrived and will be taking part in a match here in TNA after a long absence. From the back Christian steps out wearing his instant classic shirt which he hasn’t worn for a year. The crowd are split at the moment on the arrival of Cage as it is both exciting to see him back but they prefer Kurt Angel. Christian soaks in all of the responses, both good and bad, as he makes his way down to the ring. He slaps his chest before entering the ring and mouthing off to some of the fans in the front row.

“Samoan Style” hits and the crowd all turn to the entrance ramp for the arrival of the toughest man in TNA. Like a gladiator Samoa Joe steps up onto the ramp with his towel covering his head. The crowd break out a Joe chant but it doesn’t bother Joe if they cheer him or not. All the big man cares about is winning and as we heard earlier tonight Joe has his sights set on winning the TNA World Championship. Tonight it isn’t about titles but it is about impressing the right people. Joe enters the ring and eyes of Cage before climbing on the turnbuckle and throwing his towel out onto the floor.

Match Three
Christian Cage vs. Samoa Joe
Singles Match

The bell sounds and straight away Joe rushes forward at Christian Cage. With wild fist Joe attempts to hammer away but Cage thinks quickly and he heads into the corner and backs into the ropes. The official reacts quickly and orders Joe to step away from the corner to allow Cage the chance to get to a fighting position. Of course Cage himself is in no hurry to get into action in fact he looks happy playing in the ropes. Frustrated by the lack of action Joe once again rushes forward, again the official stops him, and again Cage points to his head, saying he has outsmarted Joe in the opening moments. Now the official is getting frustrated and he turns to Cage and asks him to get out of the ropes. Like a child Cage refuses until Joe turns his back and then Cage comes rushing out from the corner looking or a cheap shot, but Joe senses something coming and he swings his arm around for a clothesline, but Cage ducks underneath and strikes with a fast neckbreaker to put Joe down. Cage then jumps onto Joe for the first cover of the contest …1 …NO.

After the quick kick out Cage strikes with a few punches to the body and head of Joe. Keeping the mount position Christian blatantly grabs hold of Joe’s neck and begins to choke him in front of the official. Cage screams out for Joe to give up before breaking at the count of four. Christian gets back to his feet, backing up into the corner quickly, as he waits for Joe. Once Joe is standing Christian runs forward, looking for a clothesline, but Joe is able to catch Cage coming in and nail him with a fast scoop slam in the middle of the ring. He hooks the leg of Christian …1 …2 …No! Christian gets the shoulder off the mat and the crowd collectively groan. Joe lands a couple of elbows to Christian but doesn’t stay on the ground for long. Up on his feet Joe grabs Christian, whips him into the ropes, bends down for a backdrop and successfully executes the move. Christian goes flying high in the air, hits the ground hard and Joe quickly rushes against the ropes and runs back with a big elbow drop across the chest. Again Joe hooks the leg of Christian …1 …2 …kick out!

The shoulder is off the mat again and Joe shakes his head in frustration. As Christian pulls himself back up Joe comes rushing over and nails the Instant Classic with a strong kick to the back of the leg, which puts him down again. Still on the offense Joe grabs the leg of Christian and he stretches it out before dropping an elbow across the knee joint. Still holding onto the leg Joe gets back up and does the same move two more times as he tries to wear Christian down enough for one of his famous submission moves. Joe drops down onto the mat and appears to be going for a type of leg lock, but Christian is fighting with everything he has. The Instant Classic throws wild punches in an attempt to cause separation, it works to an extent but Joe is still coming forward and quickly.

Christian scrambles to his feet, showing a small limp as he does, while Joe comes forward with a strong forearm shot to the face. This has Christian stumbling back and he ends up against the turnbuckle. Seemingly out matched here tonight Christian slumps in the corner. He watches on as Joe charges forward… Christian slides to the outside of the ring... Joe cannot stop and he rams into the turnbuckle. Even with his bad leg Christian looks to take advantage as he grabs Joe by the head and drops down off the apron causing the ring rope to ram itself into the neck of Joe. He bounces away from the ropes and falls onto his face inside the ring. As quick as he can with his hurt leg Christian climbs back onto the apron and then onto the top rope. He looks out at the ground and yells “Classic” before diving off and landing on top of Joe with a splash. Still Christian doesn’t hook the legs as he goes for the cover …1 …2 …NO.

It isn’t enough to put Joe down and Christian is a little surprised. Christian holds his leg as he moves back into a corner to try and cut down the possible ways Joe can get to him. It’s pretty smart and Christian looks a little more confident now that he is protected from the back. He stares at Joe, who is pushing him back off the ground, and then Christian climbs onto the second rope from the inside of the ring. He looks back at Joe and waits for him to be completely set in a vertical base. Once Joe is standing Christian jumps backward but is caught by a recovering Joe who had it scouted. The TNA fans cheer him on as Joe smirks before smashing Christian down onto the mat with a big slam. Another cover by Joe and he does hook the legs …1 …2 …kick out. That isn’t what Joe wanted and now he looks toward the official for some answers. Joe wants to hear that he just won the match but it isn’t so. The official tells Joe this but still the Samoan contests that he just won the match.

Unfortunately while Joe has been arguing with the official, Christian Cage has been recovering and he takes the chance presented to him to surprise Joe with a roll up, …1 …2 …kick out! So very close and Joe was almost caught by a quick thinking Christian with that move. Both men get back to their feet quickly and they both go for an offensive move. Joe attempts to grab Christian but that doesn’t work as Cage was able to hit a dropkick that sends Joe stumbling back into the ropes and to the outside of the ring. The top and middle rope separated and Joe fell in between them and to the outside canvas. The crowd watch on as Christian checks on his handy work. He peers over the apron and notices that Joe is slowly getting to his feet. With a sense of urgency Christian “runs”, doing his best with the bad leg”, and launches himself over the top rope and onto Joe! Both men are down and the official is now forced to count. He gets to a count of 4 without a single movement from either man but Christian begins to stir at 5. With a hand on the rope Christian pulls himself off the outside mat and back into the ring. The official continues to count and so do the fans. Everyone in the arena is counting along with the official as he gets to a count of 7. Can Joe make it back? He’s trying his best at the moment. Joe grabs onto the middle rope and pulls himself up onto the apron. With Joe standing on the apron of the ring he is very vulnerable. Christian looks to take advantage as he comes rushing toward Joe with a forearm, but Joe gets out of the way and pulls down the top rope which sends Christian going over the top and back onto the outside of the ring.

The fans pop as Joe gets off the apron and goes after Christian on the outside. He grabs a hold of Christian’s head and drags him over to the steel steps. Joe attempts to slam Christian head first but the instant classic counters by pushing off the steps with his foot. Quickly Christian strikes with a few elbows, he tries to push Joe into the ring post, but Joe gets his hands up and is able to save himself. Quickly Joe turns around where he is takes a punch from Christian. The shot doesn’t put him down though and Joe fires back with a forearm to the face. This sends Christian stumbling back and he falls down near a bunch of crew members operating the cameras. After breaking the count Joe slides back outside and he goes right after Christian. Joe walks past the group of crew workers at ringside and grabs Christian by the head… but is struck with a steel chair to the ribs! Cage strikes again to the ribs and has Joe stumbling backward. At this point the official calls for the bell.

Result: Samoa Joe by disqualification @ 09:39

BAM! Cage smashes the chair into the head of Joe. He goes down but Christian doesn’t let up. With the chair in hand Christian slams the chair into the body of Joe. It looks to be a dangerous situation for Joe as he tries to fight back but it is all pointless. With Christian using the chair it is a miss match and things could be getting worse. All hope is lost… or is it?



“Gold Medal”


Don West: What the hell is this? Kurt Angle has no business being out here!

Mike Tenay: Angle is coming to the aid of Samoa Joe! It’s about to explode between Christian Cage and Kurt Angle ladies and gentleman.

Don West: Get security, this mad man is going to hurt him.

Kurt Angle is here, he is here ladies and gentleman. The crowd is going crazy as Angle, dressed in a suit and tie, appears at the top of the entrance ramp. Inside the ring Christian Cage is screaming at Angle to come down and fight him. Cage of course is a little cockier considering he is in possession of a steel chair but that is how it goes. Back on the ramp Angle isn’t backing down as he takes of his shirt and tie before running down to the ring to meet Cage in battle! All hell breaks loose as Angle enters the ring, immediately tackles Cage to the ground and strikes with punches to the face. At this point the chair has gone flying to the outside of the ring and now it is a fair fight between two warriors here in the impact zone. This crowd loves what is happening and things could be getting better as Cage is able to break free and he runs for the ropes!

But Samoa Joe has entered the ring and he blocks Christian Cage from making an escape. The atmosphere in the impact zone is insane, everyone is standing, and Christian Cage is shitting himself. The self-proclaimed instant classic’s eyes nearly pop out of his head as Joe, with a massive bruise on his head, moves in from one end while Angle closes in on the other. Christian begins to look back and forth frantically. With no options left Cage goes to his last resort… he throws a right hand at Joe and then runs! But he doesn’t get past Joe who pulls him back and then throws Christian into Angle. Then, in what looks like one motion, Angle is able to bend down enough that he gets Cage in position and is able to connect with the Angle Slam! No! He doesn’t connect, Cage counters and is able to roll off the shoulders and to the outside of the ring and to safety. Cage is over the moon that he escaped but inside the ring Angle and Joe looked pissed off. Angle is so mad after the counter that he yells at a crew member to pass him a microphone.

Kurt Angle: Hey, Christian, you son of bitch!

Big pop.

Kurt Angle: You better get your ass back into this ring and fight.

On the outside Cage shakes his head and shows he has no intention of getting back into the ring.

Kurt Angle: Oh you don’t want to fight when the odds aren’t in your favour right?

Angle moves over to Joe and gives him a pat on the back.

Kurt Angle: Then why don’t we make the odds even? In two weeks TNA presents Sacrifice. At that event how about we make it Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe vs. Christian Cage and a partner of your choosing. Now I know that I have no problem sharing but Joe do you mind?

Samoa Joe: Oh hell no, I’ll enjoy kicking your punk ass Cage!

Angle chuckles a little.

Kurt Angle: Well then, it’s up to you Cage, what about it?

At this point Christian has gotten a microphone from the ringside area and now holds it in his hand at the top of the entrance ramp.

Christian Cage: I’ve felt that since I returned to TNA that you’ve been causing me problems Kurt. I felt like you were trying to screw up my return and this is the perfect chance I need to end you once and for all. Because I’m sick of hearing about Kurt Angle and what he is doing in TNA. This is my house.

Cage walks back into the middle of the ramp.

Christian Cage: I accept!

With “Take Over” playing in the background Christian nods his head before walking backstage through the curtain. This leaves Angle and Joe inside the ring looking at each other. They shake hands to cement their alliance for the Sacrifice pay per view. TNA goes to another commercial break.

*Commercial Break*
*Backstage – Locker room*

Back on impact Rob Van Dam is standing with Amazing Red in the backstage area. Both men will be in the big tag team match later on tonight and they appear to be discussing that.

Rob Van Dam: Keep it cool tonight and things should go down the right way.

Amazing Red: It’s a big match Rob, you nervous?

Van Dam shakes his head.

Rob Van Dam: Nervous? No way. You’re talkin’ to the Mr P-P-V!

The crowd pops.

Rob Van Dam: Tonight we’re in a big match kid, just stick with me and you’ll be fine.

Amazing Red: You know Bischoff told me that if I can pin Kazarian tonight I’ll be granted a title match at Sacrifice.

Van Dam smiles.

Rob Van Dam: Well then, looks like you’re going to pay per view.

The two men continue to chat back and forth as the camera fades away from the backstage are and back to ringside.

*Ringside Area*

The ring is empty but soon finds an incomer when “Saturn” blasts over the speakers and Kevin Nash begins to make his way down to the ring. He walks very slowly, probably so he doesn’t rip a quad. Once Nash is in the ring he pulls a microphone from his back pocket, leans over the ropes, and begins to speak. The majority of the crowd is booing but this is Kevin Nash. This is Big Sexy and he will always get some love from the fans.

Kevin Nash: You know I’ve been sitting at home, drinking beer, when something happened.

A drunken fan yells “You tore your quad you old prick.”

Kevin Nash: Not that but I realised that I’m going to be one half of the tag champions very soon.

Small amount of heat from the crowd and the drunken man continues to ramble on.

Kevin Nash: Now it’s been awhile since I’ve been able to hold gold but once I get these titles I don’t plan on losing them anytime soon.

Nash steps back into the middle of the ring.

Kevin Nash: Team 3D, I’ve got a message so you better listen up, at Sacrifice you two will next walk out with my gold. In just two weeks my partner and I will be recognised as the best tag team in the world. Trust me boys, at Sacrifice, Big Sexy will be champion again.

“Saturn” kicks back in and Nash begins to step out of the ring. Who will his partner be seems to be the main question floating around the impact zone and for good reason. Nash has put Team 3D on notice and Sacrifice just got a whole new twist added. The show rolls on into an advertisement for Sacrifice.

TNA Sacrifice | May 16, 2010| Impact Zone | Orlando, Florida

Narrator: What would make you leave everything behind?

Shots of the TNA World Championship

Narrator: What would make you turn against a brother?

Daniels vs AJ Styles is shown

Narrator: Turn against a woman?

Doctor Stevie turning against Daffeny

Narrator: Turn against the family?

The Main Event Mafia break up

Narrator: How far will they go?

The fans all cheering

Narrator: With the world watching

The clips of some memorable moments in the Impact Zone

Narrator: Everything is on the line

The official logo for Sacrifice

Narrator: What will they SACRIFICE?

AJ Styles and Mr Anderson staring at each other

TNA Sacrifice | May 16, 2010| Impact Zone | Orlando, Florida

*Commercial Break*

Impact returns from the break with Generation Me already inside the ring as they wait for the upcoming match. “Dawgz” blasts and out comes the team of Hernandez and Homicide. The crowd cheer LAX as they make their way down to the entrance ramp. At about half way down “1967” begins to play, getting the biggest pop, for the arrival of Alex Shelly and Chris Sabin. Out come the guns and they run down into the ring ready for battle. Lastly “The British Invasion” blares and British Invasion slowly step out from behind the curtain. Being the major heels in the match the Brits get the largest amount of heat from the four teams. Magnus and Douglas Williams step into the ring and head for a corner. At this point all four teams are spread around the ring in a corner waiting for the official to ring the bell. Soon enough the official moves one person out of the four teams into the middle of the ring. The official flicks a coin to decide who will start the tosses are won by LAX and British Invasion.

Match Four
Generation Me vs. LAX vs. Motor City Machine Guns vs. British Invasion
Four Corner Tag Team Elimination Match

This was one of the more exciting contests on impact this week as four teams looked to gain a tag team title shot in the future. In the opening minutes the British Invasion was very hot and strong. They were able to keep Generation off the top rope and keep them grounded. The Brits maintained control for the majority of the time they spent in the ring and were able to keep the match pure wrestling. As the match progressed the Brits used ground wrestling to and a few cheap shots. To nobody’s surprise Generation Me did get a chance to fight back and were able to mount some offense. After a few slips and dips Generation Me were able to get a near fall on the Brits. This could have worked against the youngsters as the Brits fired back quickly with some stiff offense. It ended up with Magnus slamming Max down off the second rope for the three count and to eliminated them from the match.


For the next several minutes it was the Brits looking strong, it soon became a running theme throughout the match to be honest. At times the Brits were caught out by the Guns who managed to tag themselves into the ring for a brief period of time but nothing much was happening for them vs. LAX who took it to their street style of fighting. With Hernandez being the biggest man in the match he used several of his big power moves to send the littler guys tumbling out of the ring. In a comical scene Hernandez had Chris Sabin up in a military press and proceeded to throw him over the top rope onto the Brits who had taken a step down from the apron for some recovery. As it were LAX was not destined to walk away with the victory tonight as they were the next team eliminated in the contest. Once again it was the Brits who took advantage. Magnus distracted the official and Douglas struck with a low blow and then a roll up using the tights for the three count.


Then it came down to the final two teams in this match. After battling it out for ten minutes so far the Brits vs. Guns was the final match up. Possibly the two best teams in the entire company going at it here tonight and the crowd loved it. They were all standing; well not all because they are mostly tourist but you get it. The ending of the match saw Alex Shelly as the legal man taking on Magnus. Oh how hard they fought for their team. It was something to see as Shelly fired away shot after shot and received the same from a tough as nails Magnus. Nothing could stop these two teams from giving it their all but only one could walk away with the victory. In the end it was the Guns. Shelly countered out of a suplex, grabbed the head, and nailed Sliced Bread off the corner for the 3 count and to give the Guns a title match!


Result: Motor City Machine Guns will receive a tag title shot!

With this victory under their belt the Guns have the opportunity of a lifetime as they will either face Team 3D at Sacrifice, should Kevin Nash not find a partner, or they will receive their title match following that event at a time of their choosing. No matter what goes down with the Nash situation it is certain that at some stage Alex Shelly and Chris Sabin with have the chance to become the top dogs in the tag division here in TNA with this victory. At this point both Shelly and Sabin are sitting inside the ring, still recovering from the match. Suddenly Shelly raises his arm in the air and Sabin does the same. They get to their feet and embrace centre of the ring. The Guns raise their hands in the air as the crowd cheer them on and with that TNA goes to a commercial break.

*Commercial Break*

Back from the break Ric Flair, Kazarian, Beer Money and Mr Anderson are all seen sitting, well with the exception of Flair, inside their private locker room. Flair is standing, probably giving one of his speeches when the door flies open and in walks Eric Bischoff.

Ric Flair: This is a private locker room Bischoff which means you don’t get to just come in here without knocking first. This is for Fortune members only.

Bisch rolls his eyes.

Eric Bischoff: Ric, I run this joint, so don’t go telling me where I can and can’t go.

After telling Flair off Bischoff encounters the defence as Mr Anderson gets off his seat and moves toward Bischoff.

Eric Bischoff: I suggest you take a seat before you do something we both regret.

It doesn’t look like Anderson is going to back down but Flair gives him the nod. Hesitantly Anderson sits back down.

Ric Flair: What is it you want Eric?

Eric Bischoff: Well before I received this warm welcome I wanted to tell you that next week Mr Anderson will not be competing.

Big and exciting news apparently for Mr Anderson who has a grin on his face.

Eric Bischoff: Instead I’ll be holding the official contract signing for you and AJ. It’ll take place right in the middle of the ring here on Impact.

The once confident Anderson is now a little taken back at the thought of being just inches away from his rival next week. He looks toward Flair, probably for some opposition against the contract signing but he gets nothing. Flair doesn’t say a word. With that said and done Bischoff steps out of the room and Impact rolls on.


*Video Package*

Jeff Hardy, wearing a black jumper and jeans, is sitting outside of a petrol station having a smoke as cars drive past. With the smoke in his hand Hardy takes a large puff and then blows it out his mouth.

Jeff Hardy: In this world I can do what I want.

As Jeff says that he takes a puff of his smoke almost like he is sticking it to authority by doing so.

Jeff Hardy: Authority is a myth because nobody can tell me what to do. I do whatever I want when I want to do it.

Arrogant as ever Jeff stands up.

Jeff Hardy: These other guys don’t have the will to fight like I do. I stand up to anyone who tries to tell me what to do.

Jeff takes one last puff of his smoke.

Jeff Hardy: This is my life and I live by my rules.

In an old school style Jeff flicks the cigarette at the camera. We fade to black and head to commercial soon after.


*Commercial Break*

Returning from the break for the final time tonight the impact zone is already presented with D’Angelo Dinero standing inside of the ring. The Pope marches around the ring yelling at the fans, screaming that he was robbed of a victory last week by Rob Van Dam (oh, potential spoilers…). In the front row a small section of people laugh at the antics of Dinero and he doesn’t find the same comical enjoyment as they do in the situation. He jumps down out of the ring and begins to yell at the group. “Don’t ya’ laugh at da Pope, you nothin’ I say” yells Dinero. While Dinero continues to “converse” with the fans his partners are on their way to the ring. As always "Fortune 4" plays for the arrival of multiple members of the group. This time it marks the appearance of, the number one contender for the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Mr Anderson and, the reigning X Division Champion, Kazarian. After the earlier interaction with Styles one would think that Anderson isn’t as cocky but that this not the case. Still the blonde one showers the crowd with his overconfidence heading into the main event of the evening. As Anderson, Dinero and Kazarian await their opponents the audience in the arena can be heard chanting “AJ”. It’s like they were giving the people what they want as “Get Ready to Fly” hits and AJ Styles storms out onto the stage with his little red hoodie/jacket/thing on. The Phenomenal One looks focused, more than usual to be honest, and he has a look of determination unlike anything we have seen from the TNA Champion in a long time. Even as awesome as Styles may be tonight he will not be alone and even as he makes his entrance he is supported by his team mates Amazing Red, should he pin Kazarian he will get a X Division title shot at Sacrifice, and Rob Van Dam.

Match Five
AJ Styles, Rob Van Dam and Amazing Red vs. Mr Anderson, Kazarian and D’Angelo Dinero
Tag Team Match

Pretty good main event this week with six talent workers out in the ring. As you would expect Anderson was involved very little and spent more time on the ring apron then in the actual ring itself. The match followed the basic formula of bad guys beat up good guys until the end for the most part. The main aggressor for the heels was Kazarian who targeted his possible opponent Amazing Red. It was not surprising to see the smallest man in the match being beaten down by the shifty team of Anderson, Kaz and Dinero. Throughout the match the heels traded back and forth as they remained in control of the contest for the most part. With Kazarian beating down his possible challenger it looked like nothing was going the way of Styles and his partners. With very little happening and the end looking near Amazing Red launched one last attack as he pushed for his partners. With a series of strong elbows to the head Red seprated from Kaz and barrel rolled toward the corner.

The tag was made and the match began to swing in the favour of the good guys. With Rob Van Dam as the legal man he used his quick feet to kick Kaz right in the face before slinging him into the corner. After connecting with two strong knees, copying Dinero, Van Dam pulled back and dropped Kaz with a spinning back kick. Down went the X Division Champion and his partners were not happy at all. On the apron Anderson was pleading with Kaz to get up and fight and so was Dinero. Moving forward to the final section of the match now and after failing to get the three count on Kaz it was RVD looking for something special. Tags were made in and out from both teams the final combination, or so we thought at that time, was Van Dam and Dinero. After Styles was in the ring for a good couple of minutes, he never made contact with Anderson, the tag was made to bring Van Dam back into the match for the possible end.

It was Van Dam and Dinero going back and forth like true men. Nobody was backing down and Dinero looked like a man on a mission as he wanted to show that he was not a loser like Van Dam had said. The Pope looked strong and was able to get Van Dam in position for the double knee to the back in the corner. It was all set, so much so that Dinero rushed forward in an attempt to hit the move but Van Dam was able to pull himself up and out of the ring. Dinero was left to crash into the turnbuckle and slam hard on the canvas. With Van Dam on the apron and looking like he was in position to set up the Frog Splash, the quick thinker Kazarian leaned forward and tags himself in but he did not enter the ring. He was able to do so without Van Dam seeing as he was looking the other way. With Van Dam on the top rope, preached for victory, he dove forward and nailed the frog splash on Dinero. The cover was made but it was not legal. Van Dam asked the ref what was up but he didn’t get the chance to receive an answer as Kaz rushed into the ring from behind. In one of the more entertaining spots of the night Van Dam was able to matrix backward and avoids the contact. He stood back up and kicked Kaz right in the head once again. No cover was made instead Van Dam looked over to the apron and pointed toward Amazing Red whose face lit up with a huge smile. The crowd could smell what was coming as Van Dam tagged in Red who went up to the top rope and splashed onto Kaz for the three count and to send him to Sacrifice!

Result: AJ Styles, Rob Van Dam and Amazing Red @ 12:50

The crowd busted out with cheers as Amazing Red jumped to his feet with joy. The young kid is going to Sacrifice and will face Kazarian for the X Division Championship. The victory is huge for Red and it shows as he stands on top of the turnbuckle punching the air with excitement. His team mates cheer him on, especially AJ who glances over at Anderson and smiles. AJ knows that this victory gives him the edge going into Sacrifice as it will put Fortune off their game, even if it is just a little. With the TNA Championship in his hand Styles steps over to the ropes closest to the ramp, leans over, smiles, and raises the title high in the air while looking directly at Mr Anderson who shakes his head back and forth. Van Dam stands on a turnbuckle doing his trademark pose, Red is still in a state of shock and Styles holds his title in his hands as the show goes off the air.

*End Show*

May 16, 2010

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match:
‘Phenomenal One’ AJ Styles © vs. Mr Anderson

X Division Championship Match:
Kazarian © vs. Amazing Red

TNA Tag Team Championships Match:
Team 3D vs. ‘Big Sexy’ Kevin Nash and ???? or Motor City Machine Guns

Blockbuster Tag Team Match:
Kurt Angle and ‘Samoan Submission Machine’ Samoa Joe vs. ‘Instant Classic’ Christian Cage and ????

TNA Knockouts Championship Match:
Madison Rayne © vs. Angelina Love
The GS Review

Great to see another TNA show from you. Your format goes from story telling to a review style which although doesn't totally confuse but it doesn't flow as well as it could. Joe/Christian was written in the story teling style while all the others had a strange review to it, with the KO match even saying it was a boring match or something like that...

Any way as far as you progressing the storylines go, it's pretty fun show. And I'm stoked that Anderson is a heel in your reality and is aligned with Ric Flair. As a heel group and Anderson actually ahving the bleached hair, it kind of works well. I liked the heel promo from Hardy, and the direction of Joe/Angle/Christian.

The Sting/Wolfe segment was very strong, it went around in circles for awhile, and I thought maybe Sting instead of offering his hand, should have started out with his last rant saying that it was Wolfe's fault and for him to shut his mouth as it kind of made Sting look a little weak. The attack though was well done and elevates Wolfe to that next level.. a level he deserves to be in! Great stuff.

Main event time and having the X guys rub shoulders with the top guys not only makes for an entertaining match but it elevates them also, so that was great too.

Pretty solid show mate and it worked towards what will be a solid Sacrifice ppv. Sting/Wolfe and Kurt/Joe/Christian were the highlights!
Jam's Review
Good to see you post a show Proph since you're one of the top guys around here. Well anyway, I'd like to comment on your formatting. It's spot on except that I didn't really like all the colors to be honest. They kind of distracted me but I still read them. It's probably just me nitpicking, but yeah.

Starting off the show was good since you started the last show with AJ. We needed to see why Anderson could win. In 2010, I wasn't watching TNA but I think that this was the year that they should have pushed AJ to truly make him the face of TNA. This matchup between AJ and Anderson has everything it needs to be great. Ric Flair added in there is a plus as well. The exchange between the two was excellent, you gave each guy a chance on the mic and I believe they delivered so good job here.

Daniels and Lethal is a good match to open the show as both guys will surely put on a good showing. Finally some X-Division action here. I'm a fan of both guys so I'm glad to see them get some time on TNA. Daniels screaming YES? New Daniel Bryan? Haha.

The KO's Division is still pretty good here with the Beautiful People still intact. Love gets her rematch against Rayne but hopefully this is the end of it and we see Rayne move on to other challenges ahead of her.

I like Joe proclaiming that he'll be champion again. I think Joe, AJ, and Anderson are a strong core to take TNA to the next level in my opinion. They can really go in the ring and their mic skills aren't bad with Anderson probably being the best one. Can't wait for Cage vs. Joe later.

That Sting/Wolfe segment was excellent. You have the intensity of Wolfe here, who in my eyes has been elevated because of this segment. Sting is a big name so for Wolfe to be feuding with Sting is a major thing. I felt the intensity between the two even if Sting was trying to compromise. I expected it to end in a brutal attack from Wolfe cause it involved Chelsea, so that was good to see. Probably the best segment of the night here, goodjob Proph!

Joe vs. Cage was a great match to read. As it got closer to the ending, I expected a fishy ending and that's what happened. I really like this feud between Cage and Angle because they're two of my favorite superstars. I didn't really like it when Joe just accepted to be Angle's partner, maybe there could have been a short time period where Joe would think about it. As for Christian's tag team partner, I have no idea who it would be. Edge? Haha hopefully not. Hopefully it's someone from TNA who you can really elevate.

Amazing Red is one of my favorite wrestlers in the X-Division so I'm glad you're giving him an opportunity. Him vs. Kaz would be a great matchup, one I'd like to see happen. This whole situation with Nash is pretty interesting as well. I really have no idea who his partner will be much like Christian's partner. So goodjob on keeping us all guessing.

TNA's tag division is really stacked with these four teams. I'm expecting MCMG and TBI to be the final two teams with TBI hopefully getting the win. And MCMG win, I don't really mind but I was hoping there'd be some other team have their chance to shine. But nonetheless, MCMG will deliver.

A confrontation between Ric and Bischoff was good to see. I never liked them together like how they were in the current TNA. Flair works better as a manager and Bischoff works much better as a heel GM. Looks like Jeff Hardy will be in for a push since he has his own video package. AJ, Anderson, Wolfe, Sting, Angle, Cage, Joe, Hardy are a great core of guys to really lead TNA into the future. TNA is in really good shape here, so I hope that you capitalize on that and do good with the thread.

Good main event here with the faces winning the math. The contract signing next week should be an intense one as we saw the confrontation between AJ and Anderson earlier. Sacrifice is looking good with AJ/Anderson and Kurt/Cage leading the way. I'm enjoying this thread a lot so I hope you continue to stick with it Proph. Will be reading the next show, cheers!
Peep's Impact Review

* I've always loved this thread as you picked a great time period and you're booking so far has been excellent. First of all, the main graphic looks great and I love having episode titles - I've started doing this too. However, I don't like all the different colours, it just looks ugly. The commentators do a nice job of running down what happened in the past two weeks but at times they sounded kinda pathetic, calling everything the best in the world, I hate when they do that in real life. Honestly, the opening part of Anderson's promo was very bland, but once he started to talk about Flair and AJ's legacy, it got a lot better, it actually had a purpose. The exchange was also nice, and I would love to see Anderson push the point bout AJ's preferential treatment in the company a bit further next week. Not much to say about the match between Lethal and Daniels, just a nice contest to garner Daniels some attention, nothing wrong with a solid, back and forth match. Solid interview with Tara and Love, perhaps foreshadowing a turn for Tara? She is a solid part of your division, but she shouldn't be in a premiere position imo.

* By pinning Tara, Love hasn't really taken down much of the BP, which was a good move. Hope to see you move away from this feud after Sacrifice though. Not to fond of the almost first person comments, but it's something different at least. I really liked Joe's promo here, and it's obvious you are keen to push him - which is a great decision, he hasn't been used well and he's such a unique star. I'm liking this storyline between Wolfe and Sting but I don't think you hit every point in this big promo. It seemed as they Sting was going to play the sorry, almost saddened veteran but then he turned in an instant, scolding Wolfe like a child. However, you got your point across and Wolfe deserves a great storyline, and he's getting one here. Bringing in Christian was a great move, both in his potential in TNA and it being a realistic transfer.

* A solid match-up that lead to a DQ finish, which was the perfect route to take. Wasn't too keen on more swearing from Angle (after Wolfe, which kind of suited his character) but a tag match at Sacrifice should be cool, a surprise for the PPV is a nice little bonus. Aside from Edge, I'm not so sure. Tomko? The smarky drunk guy was kinda annoying and I didn't see the point of Nash's promo, he didn't really add anything much to what we already know. I love MCMG so I'm glad they won the future title shot, the Brits looked strong as well - hope you push Magnus though, an accomplice for Wolfe would be cool. Why was Hardy gone again? Booking a heel version of the high flyer should be fun, wonder what you'll do with him? Nothing groundbreaking to end the show but a big tag match is always fun, and while AJ one ups Ken Anderson, Red gets his title shot.

Conclusion: Really solid show and Sacrifice is shaping up really nicely, hope to see that PPV up soon (hopefully not another eight months!) You're an excellent booker but at times, you're writing sometimes lets you down with lame description or stilted sentences. Some of the promos felt kind of generic, as if it could of been anyone speaking at times. But I love this thread, love your booking and hope to see much, much more of this. Great work Proph!
Great to see another TNA show from you. Your format goes from story telling to a review style which although doesn't totally confuse but it doesn't flow as well as it could. Joe/Christian was written in the story teling style while all the others had a strange review to it, with the KO match even saying it was a boring match or something like that...

Basically what I like to do is recap most of the matches each week but write one or two out in full. I find this keeps my match writing skills sharp but not burning out because of writing to much in full. It's a nice balance for me and allows the shows to be produced much quicker and better then they would with every match being in full.

It's spot on except that I didn't really like all the colors to be honest. They kind of distracted me but I still read them. It's probably just me nitpicking, but yeah.

I'm experimenting with a new format I found from another project and I've always liked using colours anyway. I hate when the writing is in red for description and black just seems like the perfect colour for it. The main problem for people on the forum with the format will probably be the fact that it is different to what everyone does around here. It's all the same format and doing this separates me for them. Once a couple of shows have been done like this I'm positive the opinions of many will change in terms of how the format is received.

I didn't really like it when Joe just accepted to be Angle's partner, maybe there could have been a short time period where Joe would think about it.

I'm using Joe as a killer type character. He doesn't care who he fights, all he wants is someone to beat up each week and he will be happy. Accepting the match so quickly made sense to me because Joe is all about fighting and doesn't care who it is. He has history with Christian Cage and I'll be using that in some of the packages I make for Sacrifice. Also Joe and Angle will not be friends during this thing, if anything it will generate thoughts of a feud between them.

As for Christian's tag team partner, I have no idea who it would be. Edge? Haha hopefully not. Hopefully it's someone from TNA who you can really elevate.

I picked his partner last year and he is already on the roster for this project. I've put a lot of thought into who his partner would be and if you go back to past shows it is pretty clear who I have picked. It's not Edge, sorry.


* However, I don't like all the different colours, it just looks ugly.

Again I know it is different but I'm positive that in time the format will look better. It takes time I guess.

The commentators do a nice job of running down what happened in the past two weeks but at times they sounded kinda pathetic, calling everything the best in the world, I hate when they do that in real life.

I hate commentary. I'll probably drop it from the shows all together and just do a recap of what they said. It's better that way as I'm terrible at it unless it is a turn, shock or return type deal.

Honestly, the opening part of Anderson's promo was very bland, but once he started to talk about Flair and AJ's legacy, it got a lot better, it actually had a purpose. The exchange was also nice, and I would love to see Anderson push the point bout AJ's preferential treatment in the company a bit further next week.

Just remember I wrote this promo last year. It has been ages since I started this show and I didn't go back over what was written. I know the promo wasn't anything great but I thought it did a good job of giving more legs to this program between AJ and Anderson. Don't expect the feud to end at Sacrifice as this still has a long way to go.

Wasn't too keen on more swearing from Angle (after Wolfe, which kind of suited his character) but a tag match at Sacrifice should be cool, a surprise for the PPV is a nice little bonus.

If it were WWE Kurt Angle then I would agree but this is TNA Kurt Angle. When in TNA Angle doesn't hold back and the language I used wasn't anything to big. It'll be a long time before you see bombs being dropped on impact or until I give Scott Steiner his job back.

The smarky drunk guy was kinda annoying and I didn't see the point of Nash's promo, he didn't really add anything much to what we already know.

This is all about having fun and I got a kick out of having a drunk guy in the front row yelling at Nash. Same with the first person comments, they get a chuckle out of me. Nash wasn't wrestling on the show and he didn't speak last week if I remember. I could be wrong about that but I don't think he did. I believe that Nash needed to get some air time to hype his match and make sure people knew what was going on. It was all about reinforcing.

Why was Hardy gone again? Booking a heel version of the high flyer should be fun, wonder what you'll do with him?

I didn't have a match for him this week as all the high profile faces were taken already. I wasn't going to have him doing a pointless jobber match so I gave him his own video package. It'll be something I build off with the smoking thing being the big key to this Jeff Hardy character I will be running with in the future of the project. I have always had problems writing with Hardy and this new direction I'm taking him should give me a solid base to work off.

Once again I would like to thank all three of you for the reviews you have given me. All the time you have given to write these is appreciated and I hope I was able to clear some stuff up for you tonight. Thanks a lot guys.
Rumours and News – 09.05.10

- On the May 13, 2010 edition of TNA Impact, following his confrontation with Sting, Desmond Wolfe will be in action against ‘The Whole Fuckin’ Show’ Rob Van Dam. Be sure to tune in next week as these two superstars go one on one.

- This past week Amazing Red scored a pinfall victory over the reigning X Division Champion Kazarian during the main event. This victory has secured Red a title match at the upcoming TNA Sacrifice event. Will Red take the gold or will Kazarian show the world why he is a part of the wonder group known as Fortune?

- Kazarian reacts to his match at Sacrifice

*Following his main event match on Impact Kazarian makes his way back to the Fortune locker room. Visibly angry about his loss Kazarian pushes past crew workers until he is confronted by the camera man.*

Kazarian: What the hell do you want?

Camera Man: Anything to say about what happened out there?

*Kaz throws down his title belt and grabs the camera man by his shirt.*

Kazarian: Anything to say. I’ve got something to say. You tell Red that he has just signed a death warrant. Nobody puts their hands on me. I’m the best in this division and that red chicken isn’t going to take my title away from me.

*Kaz loosens his grip on the camera guy but he still has him in a tense position.*

Kazarian: At Sacrifice Amazing Red isn’t going to have the help of Rob Van Dam and AJ Styles like he did tonight. It’s going to be me and him, one on one, with nobody there to help him. I thrive in these situations, Red will fall. I’m the X Division Champion for a reason and at Sacrifice I’ll prove it to the world.

*Slowly Kaz allows the camera man to wiggle out of his grip. The scene comes to an end with Kazarian picking up his title and continuing his walk back to the locker room.*

- May 6, 2010 edition of Impact scored a 0.9 rating. WWE RAW scored a rating of 3.05 on Monday.

- With just over a week until TNA Sacrifice officials have been meeting with Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff and Vince Russo to decide on several of the match finishes. The main topic of discussion between the group was the World Championship match involving AJ Styles and Ken Anderson. Many in the company feel that AJ Styles is the perfect champion leading into the anniversary of TNA and he should be featured as the main guy. Others feel that Ken Anderson is becoming the main heel in the company and he should head into the anniversary as the champion. While a decision hasn’t been made yet it would seem that Hulk Hogan will have a lot of say in the final decision as to who walks out of Sacrifice as TNA Champion.

- May 27, 2010 edition of TNA Impact will involve Hulk Hogan in some form. Hogan will appear on screen as an authority figure. We will report more as the story continues.


Thursday Night Impact - May 13th 2010
TNA Impact Zone - Orlando, FL


Following a video that recapped the events of last week, specifically Styles/Anderson interacting throughout the night and the Bischoff/Flair confrontation backstage, the show begins in the typical TNA fashion. The arena is a little more energetic compared to last week and this looks to be a sign of good things for tonight. Opening the show is Kurt Angle who has been having problems with Christian Cage since his return. Once inside the ring Angle grabs a microphone and gets right to work. He begins by talking about how Christian has down nothing but bitch since he made his returned to the company. He has been doing nothing but cry about how he was treated and how he should be champion. Angle thinks that maybe Christian should do more wrestling instead of talking; he’d probably be champion if he did that. Angle continues by saying that last week he made a challenge which Christian accepted straight away and it surprised him. Initially Angle thought that Christian would deny the offer and it would take some taunting from Kurt but this is not the case it would seem. Angle goes on to say that he is looking forward to shutting Cage up come Sacrifice and nothing is going to get in his way. Almost on cue Samoa Joe’s music blasts out over the speakers and here comes the Samoan. Tag partners on Sunday but these two men are not friends by any stretch of the imagination. Inside the ring now and Joe grabs a microphone. We’re just in the first segment and Joe is already pissed off. Joe says that he doesn’t care what the problems between Cage and Angle are. It isn’t about them on Sunday, it is about Samoa Joe. Angle of course disagrees and he says that they are a team and fighting about things isn’t what they should be doing.

Joe doesn’t care as he pushes Angle and tells him to not get in his face. The team mates for Sunday may explode as Angle shoves Joe and they go head to head. Both men are yelling back and forth. Angle is trying his best to keep the situation under control but Joe is causing more trouble than Angle can handle. Joe can be heard saying that this isn’t his fight and he only agreed so he could get into the ring at Sacrifice. As it looks like a fight could break out Christian Cage appears at the top of the ramp and the attention of Joe and Angle slowly turns toward him. Cocky as ever Christian struts out and he can’t help laughing at his opponents for Sunday. In typical Cage fashion he goes over how awesome he is and how Joe and Angle can’t even get along with each other. The match is going to be a walk in a park for Cage and his partner. With that said Angle has to ask who the partner is but he doesn’t get a response. Instead Christian dodges the question and says that Angle will find out in due time. Soon enough everything will be clear and Angle will be made modest once again. Christian than drops the microphone and he walks backstage leaving Angle and Joe wondering who his partner is going to be and if they can get along this Sunday at Sacrifice.

*Commercial Break*

The first contest of night sees the number one contender to the X Division crown, Amazing Red, taking on one of the best in the division, Brain Kendrick. The two quick movers set the impact zone alight as they traded counters back and forth. With his big match up with Kazarian on Sunday Red was on a mission to look impressive and he did so as he took control here tonight. After Kendrick pushed Red over the top rope and onto the apron Red quickly struck back with a kick and then flipping back into the ring and hitting Code Red for the three count. Following the contest Red celebrated inside the ring until Kazarian step out. With a smug look on his face the champion stared down his challenger for Sunday and hoisted the championship high in the air. TNA rolled on and backstage to the office of GM Eric Bischoff. As usual Bischoff gets no time to relax as Team 3D burst into the ring. Devon and Ray demand to know who Kevin Nash has as a partner for Sunday but Bischoff says he has no idea. All he has been told is that Nash does have a partner and the match for this Sunday will be Team 3D vs. Kevin Nash and his mystery partner. He then informs Team 3D that the winners of that match will face off against the Guns the following night in the main event of impact.

*Commercial Break*

Ric Flair is backstage and cuts one of his famous interviews. The best thing is that Flair is by himself and has complete control over the microphone and this allows Ric to rant about how Fortune is the greatest thing walking the earth today. He puts over Anderson, Beer Money and Kazarian and says that all of his boys will make an impact at Sacrifice. As he says this James Storm and Robert Roode walk into the shot with beer bottles in hand. They say that all the focus is on the Guns, Team 3D and Nash when it should be on them. While they don’t have a match at Sacrifice everyone can be sure that Beer Money will be at the PPV and they will make an impact. Back to ringside and match number two for the night is Team 3D vs. Generation Me. This match comes off the younger team losing in the elimination match and wanting to prove they belong in the company. However tonight isn’t the best choice for them as Team 3D are just as fired up with their tag team match for the titles being this Sunday. The match was quick and saw Team 3D hit their tag team finisher to take out the victory and build some momentum for their match. After the match the camera goes backstage to see Madison Rayne, Velvet and Lacey heading down to the ring. We take a quick commercial break before the champ gives her announcement.

*Commercial Break*

When TNA returned from the break TNA Knockouts Champion Madison Rayne was already inside of the ring with Lacey and Velvet. The champ had reign over the ring tonight and she made it clear that her match at Sacrifice with Angelina Love was nothing more than a token title defence. Rayne went on to say that Love wasn’t good enough to lead the Beautiful People and that is why she was kicked out of the group. Now the group is stronger than ever because it is fronted by the most power woman in TNA; Madison Rayne. After speaking for a few minutes Rayne held the Knockouts Championship high in the air but her moment was interrupted by Angelina Love. The challenger came running down to the ring and she showed no fear. Quickly Love jumped into the ring and tackled Rayne down to the ground. She began to punch away at the face of Rayne but was dragged off by the other two members of the Beautiful People. Velvet and Lacey held Love by the arms as Rayne recovered. The champ made her way over and slapped Love across the face. Suddenly Love broke free and she went directly after Rayne again. More punches were thrown and this time Velvet and Lacey were unable to pull Love off the champion because Tara and ODB made their way down to the ring. It was knockout warfare as Love, Tara and ODB all fought side by side against the Beautiful People and soon enough they were heading for the hills. Rayne no longer stood tall inside the ring instead she found herself heading up the ramp as Angelina Love held the Knockouts Championship high in the air. Following that incident TNA continued with some in ring action as ‘Blueprint’ Matt Morgan faced off against former X Division Champion Jay Lethal. Unfortunately for Lethal his latest run of loses were not changed tonight. He was unable to stop the force that is Matt Morgan who over powered the little guy. The match was quick and saw Morgan end the contest with the carbon foot print for the three count. D’Angelo Dinero is interviewed backstage and he talks how Van Dam is nothing but a peasant compared to the pope. Dinero reveals that he has spoken to Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan and the decision has been made to have Dinero vs. Van Dam at Sacrifice. Dinero looks excited as impact goes to a commercial break.

*Commercial Break*

Impact returns with Christian Cage being chased by Jeremy Borash. JB asks the simple question of who is Cage’s partner for Sacrifice. As always Cage doesn’t give us all the facts and he says keep watching the time will come soon enough. Next on the card Desmond Wolfe faced off against Rob Van Dam in a very entertaining contest. The two men went back and forth until Wolfe seemingly had the advantage following a low blow that the official didn’t see. Wolfe looked set to hit the cutter but then the lights went out in the arena. Instantly the crowd went ape shit as they knew exactly what was coming in just mere moments. When the lights came back on Sting was standing behind Wolfe pointing his trademark baseball bat at him. Wolfe turned around and was struck with the baseball bat from Sting. The crowd cheered him on as Sting rammed his bat into the stomach and then smashed Wolfe again to send him stumbling through the ropes. Sting pointed the bat at Wolfe, who was coming to his feet, and then over to the Sacrifice sign on the ramp. He then grabbed a microphone and Sting said that if Wolfe wants to settle this issue then why not do it on PPV. The challenge was accepted and Sting vs. Wolfe was made official and will take place at Sacrifice.

TNA Sacrifice | May 16, 2010| Impact Zone | Orlando, Florida

Narrator: What would make you leave everything behind?

Shots of the TNA World Championship

Narrator: What would make you turn against a brother?

Daniels vs AJ Styles is shown

Narrator: Turn against a woman?

Doctor Stevie turning against Daffeny

Narrator: Turn against the family?

The Main Event Mafia break up

Narrator: How far will they go?

The fans all cheering

Narrator: With the world watching

The clips of some memorable moments in the Impact Zone

Narrator: Everything is on the line

The official logo for Sacrifice

Narrator: What will they SACRIFICE?

AJ Styles and Mr Anderson staring at each other

TNA Sacrifice | May 16, 2010| Impact Zone | Orlando, Florida

*Commercial Break*

AJ Styles is sitting on a staircase inside the impact zone while holding the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Styles doesn’t say a word, he’s just sitting and locking down at his title. The camera then goes to the announcers desk and the team of Don West and Mike Tenay run down the card that has been announced too far. The focus of this is to hype up all the matches but the Styles/Anderson clash gets a little more time than anything else. The final match of the night is Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe vs. British Invasion in a big tag team match. Surprisingly Joe and Angle were able to work together very well and took the Brits to the limit. The ending of the match came when Angle was distracted by Christian Cage’s music playing over the impact zone. He looked toward the entrance ramp and saw Cage make his way out. Angle was confused but soon realised what was happening as Magnus rolled him up and scored the three count thanks to Christian. Following the match Angle was livid and so was Joe. The tag partners yelled at each other as Angle blamed Joe for not coming into the ring for the save. The bickering had Cage laughing on the stage but he didn’t carry on all night. Cage grabbed a microphone and said he had left this announcement to the final moment because he’s a fan of the dramatics. Cage asked for a drum roll, which he didn’t get, before he announced his partner to be Jeff Hardy. Slowly Hardy made his way out onto the ramp with a smoke in hand. He took a puff and stood side by side with Christian as TNA took another commercial break.

*Commercial Break*

The final segment of TNA, and arguably the most important, saw AJ Styles and Mr Anderson take centre stage before their big match this Sunday at Sacrifice. Anderson was accompanied by the entire faction of Fortune and they surrounded the ring during the segment. Styles on the other hand was all by himself. The first man to start speaking was Anderson, shocker right, and he spoke about how important this match is to both of them. This is the chance for AJ to prove just how good of a champion he really is. Should AJ lose he isn’t going to be known as phenomenal anymore because they’ll be calling Anderson by that nickname. Anderson continued to talk himself up but the fans weren’t buying it. They booed everything he said and a loud you suck chant began to break out amongst the audience. When Styles grabbed the microphone the fans shut up and allowed their champion to speak. In true AJ fashion he talked about representing TNA as a proud champion. He said that no matter what he will always be the heart and soul of this company and he wouldn’t change that for anything in the world. AJ said the pressure isn’t on him, it’s on Anderson. It’s been Anderson doing all the talking and should he lose AJ thinks Anderson lose than he might find himself out of a job. Anderson shrugs it off and says he isn’t going to lose. AJ was happy to see that Anderson was so confident because pride always comes before a fall. After going back and forth and signing the contract for their match Bischoff made his way down to the ring. Eric grabbed the contract and wished both guys luck. The final word of the night went to AJ who raised the title high in the air before saying “you better be ready” as impact went off the air.

End Show

--- --- ---​

May 16, 2010

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match:
‘Phenomenal One’ AJ Styles © vs. Mr Anderson

X Division Championship Match:
Kazarian © vs. Amazing Red

TNA Tag Team Championships Match:
Team 3D vs. ‘Big Sexy’ Kevin Nash and ????

Blockbuster Tag Team Match:
Kurt Angle and ‘Samoan Submission Machine’ Samoa Joe vs. ‘Instant Classic’ Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy

TNA Knockouts Championship Match:
Madison Rayne © vs. Angelina Love

Singles Match:
‘The Icon’ Sting vs. Desmond Wolfe

Singles Match:
Rob Van Dam vs. 'The Pope' D’Angelo Dinero
Jam's Review
The night starts with Kurt Angle addressing Christian Cage. I think it was an alright segment but I think that maybe AJ Styles or Ric Flair should have started the night because I feel Cage and Angle have been the more important feud instead of Styles/Flair. And I believe that the World Title should always be the main feud. But the exchange was solid between the two. Here's the intensity from Joe that I expected and I'm glad you brought it up because I didn't really like the way Joe just accepted to be Angle's partner. Cage is my favorite part of your thread right now. He works really well as a heel but works really well as a face so it's pretty easy to write for him.

Ehh, just get rid of Kevin Nash already, aha. Anyway, it does look like this storyline has something up it's sleeve so I'll definitely see what happens. You've got a pretty good tag team division so losing Kevin Nash wouldn't be a problem. Plus, the X-Division is really good as well with Kendrick, Red, Kaz, Daniels, etc. These two divisions along with the KO Division really put TNA on the map so I'm glad that you're making them some good exposure.

And here's the Knockouts. I didn't really see much from TBP, but they remind me a lot of Lay-Cool. But anyway, a brawl breaks loose and good to see a lot of KO's get some exposure with Tara and ODB getting in on the fun. I'm a fan of Tara so whenever she's on, I'll be happy. However, I see TBP coming out on top of this feud as Madison Rayne is a fresh face and needs more wins to establish herself.

Also, we have a Pope sighting! I really like Pope and think that he can help the midcard division. He's being misued irl, so I hope that you have some plans for him. Plus, you need someone to carry the midcard title. If it's not Pope then probably RVD or Morgan or even Crimson would be good. Just don't bring in Robbie E please.

Well this is pretty interesting with Cage teaming up with Hardy. These two are great tag team wrestlers so it'll be fun to see them work together. Not sure about that part where Hardy comes out with a smoke. What's his gimmick here, is he the Anti-Christ or just a plain heel or something? Hope you clarify that soon. Anyway, Joe and Angle seem to be steaming as they lose their match. I wouldn't mind seeing these two go at it like their previous wars in the past. TBI gets a good win here over two credible guys. They're sure to be in line for a tag team title shot soon.

Hmm, not really a fan of contract signings as we've all seen how it goes down. Usually it's a staredown or a brawl ensues. And it's not your fault that these things become predictable because there's not much we can do about it. However, I like how you mentioned that AJ is the heart and soul of TNA, I really think he is. This is the time to push him right so I hope you do that.

Overall, even if it was in recaps, it was still an enjoyable show. The Tag Team Division, X-Division, and Knockouts Divisions are surely getting heated up. I'm just really glad that they're getting decent time on the show. I wouldn't mind a new guy coming into the X-Division so spice things up, maybe bring in Austin Aries early? Or even Matt Sydal aka Evan Bourne from WWE. Good job Proph, will be reading.
***Sacrifice Preview***


Total Non-Stop Action Wrestling Presents;
TNA Sacrifice
May 16, 2010
TNA Impact Zone; Orando, Florida


As the sound of the closing steel cage door fades away, the image of Mr Anderson standing alongside Fortune at the end of Lockdown 2010 still remain burnt into the minds of TNA fans. With the help of their newest member Fortune left Lockdown victorious. Lockdown was a night never to be forgotten and by the end the world was talking about TNA. Fortune changed the company forever and not only did Anderson’s life change but so did the life of TNA World Champion AJ Styles. A member going into Lockdown AJ found himself without a friend in the world by the end of the night. He was left by himself as Ric Flair welcomed in Anderson to the very exclusive group. Post Lockdown Ric Flair set his sights on grooming Anderson to take the World Championship from AJ Styles. Flair pushed and pushed until Anderson found himself as the number one contender to the title held by Styles. It was a month of turmoil for AJ Styles who has yet to get the advantage over the up and coming challenger. The contract was signed on the final edition of Impact and while no physical contact was made the message sent out by both men was clear. This isn’t just a match, this is a game changer.

At Sacrifice AJ Styles must put out all of the mind games played by Ric Flair and Fortune. He needs to focus on the task at hand and believe that he can defeat Anderson on the big stage that is pay per view. With the TNA fans watching all around the world can Styles keep his spot as the TNA World Heavyweight Championship or will his reign finally come to an end? Is this the beginning of a new era? Anderson has spoken since his debut about taking the company to a new level and winning the title at Sacrifice would surely bring TNA to a new stage. As Fortune watch on can Anderson finally win a world title? It’s the main event of Sacrifice and it will feature two of the biggest stars in TNA. Styles will fight to represent TNA and Anderson battles to show how strong Fortune truly is. Who will come out on top when these two meet? Will it be AJ Styles or will Mr Anderson claim the gold he has been longing to hold since his arrival back in the early months of 2010.


Christian has come home to TNA and quickly made an impact as he targeted the ‘Olympic Hero’ Kurt Angle. It was the night after Lockdown 2010 and Kurt Angle stood inside the ring with an important announcement. The world had to wonder what Angle had to say. Questions flew around the wrestling world about the possible retirement of Kurt Angle. That night Angle delivered his speech but was interrupted by the returning Christian Cage. Picking up right where he left off Cage began to taunt Angle and made fun of Angle’s family. Unfortunately for Cage it would seem that Angle was not retiring but he had signed a contract to keep him with TNA for the foreseeable future. The crowd was stunned and so was Christian Cage as Angle burst into attack mode and he began to beat the returning superstar up. This began the ongoing saga that is Cage vs. Angle. These two would go back and forth over the next couple of weeks with Cage making his presence felt during a fatal four way. He would cost Angle the match and a shot at the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Angle was shattered and could not believe what Cage had done to him. Following this Angle took it upon his self to find a tag team partner and challenge Cage to a match at Sacrifice. Surprisingly Cage accepted immediately and the match would be set as soon as Christian Cage found himself a partner.

Angle and his partner Samoa Joe waited and on the final episode of Impact before Sacrifice Christian revealed his partner to be Jeff Hardy. The renegade that is Jeff Hardy will team with Christian Cage to take on Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe in a blockbuster tag team match for the ages. All four of these men have main event qualities and this kind of match doesn’t come around often. After seeing the inability to work together can Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle work together against Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy? Will they be able to coexist or will they implode? Former rivals Cage and Hardy will team for the first time ever, can they keep it together? It’s a match that has to be seen as four of the top superstars in TNA clash!


It’s arguably the most exciting division in TNA and has been for years. The X Division Championship will be on the line as Kazarian, representing Fortune, takes on the high flying challenger Amazing Red in what will be a very exciting contest. After successfully winning the title at Lockdown Kazarian hasn’t had the best path getting to this event. He failed to defeat AJ Styles days after surviving the triple threat cage match. Then Kazarian was pinned by Amazing Red just two weeks ago. All the momentum is with Amazing Red and going off that it would seem that Red is a sure bet to take the title from the Fortune member. However Kazarian should not be counted out as he is a devilish competitor and may have some help from two beer drinking guys who don’t have a match on the card. One thing is sure and is whoever walks out as the X Division Champion is going earn it big time. Two brilliant competitors going at it for the most exciting belt in TNA and its on PPV. Will Red reach his goal or will Kazarian show why he is a member of Fortune? Having the guidance of Ric Flair puts Kazarian at the top of the pack but will he be able to stop Amazing Red from taking the title? Find out when Sacrifice goes live on PPV!


“It wasn’t my fault.”

It’s a blood feud that has taken the wrestling world by storm. The new generation of superstars all want to step it up by taking out a legend and that is exactly what Desmond Wolfe wants to do. This feud started with an accident that left Chelsea suffering from serious injuries. During a tag team match Sting struck Chelsea with his signature baseball bat and instantly the war between Wolfe and Sting began. The next week on Impact Wolfe came out to the ring and called out Sting for his actions. Names like woman beater were thrown around by Wolfe as he bashed Sting verbally. The rant by Wolfe drew Sting out of the shadows and the Icon quickly defended himself. Sting pleaded with Wolfe to believe it was an accident but the cocky youngster was having nothing of it. It was clear that Wolfe wanted blood and on this night he got what he wanted. A cheap assault by Wolfe left Sting bleeding inside of the ring. Fans were shocked to see that Sting was dominated and many questioned if Sting could keep up with Wolfe. A week later Sting returned with a vengeance as he attacked Wolfe inside of the ring during his match with Van Dam. The once cocky Wolfe quickly ran for the hills as Sting stood inside the ring ready to fight it out.

Post the attack Sting made his intentions known as he demanded that Wolfe face him at Sacrifice. Even after running at this exchange Wolfe stepped up and accepted the match. Now these two rivals will meet inside the ring and the feud will final get physical while under rules of the TNA wrestling. Will Sting be able to recover from the injuries he suffered at the hands of Wolfe on Impact? Can Sting keep himself under control as Wolfe plays mind games? Will Chelsea make an appearance? Does Wolfe truly have the number of Sting and will he use the bat on Sting? All of these questions will be answered this Sunday at Sacrifice and many more. This is sure to be a crazy match when these two insane competitors go at it. It’s Desmond Wolfe vs. ‘The Icon’ Sting and it is coming soon!


“I AM DA’ POPE,” – “Who?”

Every time you tune into TNA you’ll be sure to find some interesting characters. One of those characters is the outspoken D’Angelo Dinero. As of late Dinero has been making his dismay known to management and has regularly spoken to the media about being held back. Now Dinero has a chance to prove to the world that he can walk the walk and not just talk the talk. This isn’t going to be easy as Dinero takes on a former champion in Rob Van Dam. The high profile buy for TNA looks to get back on a roll as he takes on Dinero in a little grudge match after recent weeks in TNA. These two men have clashed several times, the most important being in the World Championship fatal four way where Dinero believes he was screwed by Van Dam. With Dinero harbouring a grudge following that match he set out to cause Van Dam some harm but has been unsuccessful at getting under the skin of Van Dam. With his failed attempts Dinero has been screaming about getting this match signed for Sacrifice. Now Dinero gets what he has been calling for. Van Dam on the other hand isn’t nearly as on edge as Dinero. The extremist has laughed off all the attempts by Dinero and is totally focused on winning the match rather than playing mind games like Dinero is.

When Van Dam and Dinero meet at Sacrifice one thing is sure and that is total mayhem. What is going to happen when extreme meets… crazy? The master of the frog splash will look to connect on the controller of the congregation. Will Dinero make sure Van Dam remembers his name or will it be a case of say it again? These two superstars clash when Sacrifice airs on PPV.


When Madison Rayne captured the Knockouts Championship one would think that she never thought she would be facing Angelina Love at this event. After making her return to the company Angelina Love quickly set her sights on capturing the title which belongs to Madison Rayne at this point. Love earned the chance to face off against the Knockouts Champion by winning a triple threat match which also included fellow competitors Tara and Velvet Sky. After the winning the match Angelina Love locked eyes with Madison Rayne who refused to stand down against her challenger. The following week Madison Rayne would lead an attack on Angelina Love but would be ambushed by Tara and ODB who came to the aid of Love. It was Knockout warfare on Impact as three Knockouts representing TNA took it to the Beautiful People. The battle lines have been draw by Madison Rayne and it is clear that Love must win this match. It is all on the line when these two meet this Sunday. Who is going to walk out with the gold? Will Madison Rayne continue to dismantle the competition or will Angelina Love take back the title show lost? With Velvet Sky and Lacey Von Eric by her side will Madison Rayne sneak away with the victory like she has done in the past number of months when it has come to her matches?

Or is it time that Madison Rayne finally face what is coming to her? Is Angelina Love the woman to lead the revolution against the group known as the Beautiful People? Will the dominance of pink continue? It’s the Knockouts division in its best form when these two bitter rivals face off on Sunday. How will the match play out? Can Angelina Love handle the three on one situation that faces her or will it be too much for Angelina to handle on this night? It’s teacher vs. student, it’s Knockouts Champion vs. challenger, and most importantly it is Madison Rayne vs. Angelina Love.

TNA World Tag Team Championships Match:

No picture is available at this time because the match is not finalised because the identity of Kevin Nash’s partner is not known yet. Ever since the removal of Scott Hall from TNA the Tag Championships have been vacant with a pair of champions to represent the division. This has left Eric Bischoff looking around for potential challengers for the titles at Sacrifice. After weeks of speculation Bischoff confirmed that Team 3D would be facing off against Nash and a partner of his choosing. The only problem with that is that Team 3D have no idea who Nash has selected to be his partner. Speculation has run wild over TNA about who Nash has picked as his partner but so far nothing has been confirmed. Names like Booker T and Scott Steiner have been thrown around as the two most likely in the eyes of the fans. With Kevin Nash in control Team 3D are going to have a rough time dealing with the tricks and tactics of the most sinister mind in professional wrestling. Can Team 3D regain the titles they have held some many times? Will Kevin Nash and his mystery come out on top with the element of surprise in their corner? Anything can happen and probably will happen when Sacrifice airs live this Sunday!

*Special Bonus Match*


By order of Eric Bischoff two of the top teams in the TNA will clash live on PPV. After becoming the number one contenders for the TNA Tag Team Championships the Motor City Machine Guns face another test in the form of British Invasion. It came down to these two teams two weeks ago on Impact during the elimination match and tension is still high for these four men. Which team will come out on top? Can the Guns continue to look strong as they prepare for their title match on the upcoming Impact? Is it time for British Invasion to finally take out the Guns before they even get to the arena for Impact? Be sure to tune in as this special bonus match takes place.

~ Prediction Template ~

May 16, 2010

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match:
‘Phenomenal One’ AJ Styles © vs. Mr Anderson

X Division Championship Match:
Kazarian © vs. Amazing Red

TNA Tag Team Championships Match:
Team 3D vs. ‘Big Sexy’ Kevin Nash and ????

Blockbuster Tag Team Match:
Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe vs. ‘Instant Classic’ Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy

TNA Knockouts Championship Match:
Madison Rayne © vs. Angelina Love

Singles Match:
‘The Icon’ Sting vs. Desmond Wolfe

Singles Match:
Rob Van Dam vs. 'The Pope' D’Angelo Dinero

Tag Team Match:
British Invasion vs. Motor City Machine Guns

~ Bonus Questions ~

1. Who will be the partner for Kevin Nash?
2. Who scores the fall in the Angle/Joe vs Cage/Hardy match?
3. What part/if any will James Storm and Robert Roode have at Sacrifice?
4. Will AJ Styles walk out of Sacrifice as TNA World Champion?
May 16, 2010

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match:
‘Phenomenal One’ AJ Styles © vs. Mr Anderson

X Division Championship Match:
Kazarian © vs. Amazing Red

TNA Tag Team Championships Match:
Team 3D vs. ‘Big Sexy’ Kevin Nash and ????

Blockbuster Tag Team Match:
Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe vs. ‘Instant Classic’ Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy

TNA Knockouts Championship Match:
Madison Rayne © vs. Angelina Love

Singles Match:
‘The Icon’ Sting vs. Desmond Wolfe

Singles Match:
Rob Van Dam vs. 'The Pope' D’Angelo Dinero

Tag Team Match:
British Invasion vs. Motor City Machine Guns

~ Bonus Questions ~

1. Who will be the partner for Kevin Nash?
Scott Hall

2. Who scores the fall in the Angle/Joe vs Cage/Hardy match?

3. What part/if any will James Storm and Robert Roode have at Sacrifice?
Interference in a match

4. Will AJ Styles walk out of Sacrifice as TNA World Champion?
~ Prediction Template ~

May 16, 2010

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match:
‘Phenomenal One’ AJ Styles © vs. Mr Anderson​

X Division Championship Match:
Kazarian © vs. Amazing Red​

TNA Tag Team Championships Match:
Team 3D vs. ‘Big Sexy’ Kevin Nash and ????

Blockbuster Tag Team Match:
[Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe vs. ‘Instant Classic’ Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy

TNA Knockouts Championship Match:
Madison Rayne © vs. Angelina Love​

Singles Match:
‘The Icon’ Sting vs. Desmond Wolfe

Singles Match:
Rob Van Dam vs.'The Pope' D’Angelo Dinero

Tag Team Match:
British Invasion vs. Motor City Machine Guns

~ Bonus Questions ~

1. Who will be the partner for Kevin Nash?

I really have no idea so I'm going with Scott Hall, hope I'm wrong though.

2. Who scores the fall in the Angle/Joe vs Cage/Hardy match?


3. What part/if any will James Storm and Robert Roode have at Sacrifice?

Help out Kaz in his match.

4. Will AJ Styles walk out of Sacrifice as TNA World Champion?


Really solid first pay-per-view card you've set up mate, really looking forward to reading it. You have set up a great mix of each division as well as a couple of really nice non-title contest. While something like Pope vs. RVD hasn't been set up incredibly, it doesn't really have to - as the feud can really kick off in their first match, especially if it's on pay-per-view.
May 16, 2010

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match:
‘Phenomenal One’ AJ Styles © vs. Mr Anderson​

X Division Championship Match:
Kazarian © vs. Amazing Red​

TNA Tag Team Championships Match:
Team 3D vs. ‘Big Sexy’Kevin Nash and ????

Blockbuster Tag Team Match:
Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe vs. ‘Instant Classic’ Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy​

TNA Knockouts Championship Match:
Madison Rayne © vs. Angelina Love​

Singles Match:
‘The Icon’ Sting vs. Desmond Wolfe​

Singles Match:
Rob Van Dam vs. 'The Pope' D’Angelo Dinero

Tag Team Match:
British Invasion vs. Motor City Machine Guns

~ Bonus Questions ~

1. Who will be the partner for Kevin Nash?
Hall seems too obvious. I'll say Matt Morgan.

2. Who scores the fall in the Angle/Joe vs Cage/Hardy match?

3. What part/if any will James Storm and Robert Roode have at Sacrifice?

4. Will AJ Styles walk out of Sacrifice as TNA World Champion?

Really looking forward to the PPV Proph. The card is shaping up nicely and opening a lot of doors for you here. The guys that deserve being featured are. You'll be getting a big 'ole review/feedback from mwah. Can't wait my friend.
May 16, 2010

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match:
‘Phenomenal One’ AJ Styles © vs. Mr Anderson​

X Division Championship Match:
Kazarian © vs. Amazing Red​

TNA Tag Team Championships Match:
Team 3D vs. ‘Big Sexy’Kevin Nash and ????

Blockbuster Tag Team Match:
Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe vs. ‘Instant Classic’ Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy​

TNA Knockouts Championship Match:
Madison Rayne © vs. Angelina Love​

Singles Match:
‘The Icon’ Sting vs. Desmond Wolfe​

Singles Match:
Rob Van Dam vs. 'The Pope' D’Angelo Dinero

Tag Team Match:
British Invasion vs. Motor City Machine Guns

~ Bonus Questions ~

1. Who will be the partner for Kevin Nash?
Eric Young?

2. Who scores the fall in the Angle/Joe vs Cage/Hardy match?

3. What part/if any will James Storm and Robert Roode have at Sacrifice?
They'll interfere in the World Title Match.

4. Will AJ Styles walk out of Sacrifice as TNA World Champion?
I believe so.
Sacrifice Video #1
AJ Styles vs. Mr Anderson

The video begins with a shot of Mr Anderson’s face as he sits inside an interview room. Anderson is the main figure for this interview and the interviewer himself, which is JB, is not visible. It’s all about Anderson for this video and that’s how it should be.

Mr Anderson: This isn’t just about winning a match anymore. This is personal.

Quickly the scene flashes back in time to the debut of Mr Anderson in the early months of 2010.

Mr Anderson: AJ Styles is by far the biggest name this company has ever produced but that’s the thing. He’s the biggest star this company produced; I’m bigger than this company. I was more important the day I walked in and I’ll still be bigger the day I exit this place. AJ will never be able to stand alongside me as an equal and he knows it. That’s why he left, that’s why he decided to go off on his little anger trip.

Anderson sits back on his chair and lifts up a bottle of water which he places it on his lap.

Mr Anderson: Some people have said I’ve taken this a little too far.

Haha! Anderson laughs.

Mr Anderson: I haven’t even started. AJ Styles is the more selfish wrestler in this company. He’s anti TNA and the company knows it but they still employ him. It shows the stupidity of this federation to employ a guy that is against going the right thing by the fans and the guys in the back. He’s against working with guys who are coming up and he’s against helping others to the same level he is at. Instead of wanting to share the spotlight AJ wants to keep it all to himself. That’s why I’m here. I’m going to take it from him. That bitch isn’t going to keep pushing guys like me down anymore!

Shots of Anderson standing alongside his Fortune team mates on Impact.

Mr Anderson: Slammiversary isn’t just another event for TNA. This is a life changing moment for everyone involved. This is going to be my defining moment and it will be a moment in time that everyone around the world will remember.

Suddenly the video cuts from Anderson across to a shot of AJ Styles sitting in an empty Impact zone. He’s on the edge of a seat in the audience area looking around at the arena.

AJ Styles: I can’t remember the last time someone got under my skin the way this guy has. He’s rattled something inside of me that I didn’t remember I had. It’s strange.

AJ connects with the Styles Clash on Kurt Angle to win the TNA World Heavyweight Championship back in the early months of the year.

AJ Styles: One thing that Anderson fails to understand is that this isn't my first time under pressure. He's calling me out and trying to get me angry. Sure he's made me mad but he hasn't caused me to lose focus. I'm ready for this match, I doubt he is. If you ask him this isn't even going to be hard for him. It'll be a walk in the park. He's so confident about this match and the result of it.

A photo of AJ embracing Ric Flair is shown. It then begins to burn from the edge.

AJ Styles: They say pride comes before a fall. I guess Anderson's is going to be a long one!

The video comes to an end with a graphic appearing on the screen promoting the up coming PPV event.


Coming Soon!

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