Top Ten Super Heavyweights

Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
1. The Undertaker- standing nearly 7 feet tall, and over 300 pounds, Taker is dominant after two decades in the WWE, including his streak at Wrestlemania. He as defeated many other super heavyweights, such as Kane, Khali, and Gonzales.

2. Vader- A tank of a man, wearing his mask, hiding his pain suffered, and holding the pain he can deal. He has battled some of the meanest men in wrestling and powered through.

3. Andre the Giant- The loveable giant, who would become the first WWE Hall of Famer. We will always remember himfor his heel match with Hogan.

4. Bam Bam Bigelow- New Jersey's bad boy (Bon Jovi not included). His agility and size made him a huge threat in the wrestling world.

5. Yokozuna- crushing size. Unlike many of the others, he did not get over by being agile, but on the single fact that he could crush you. Multi time WWE champion as well as main eventer in multiple big shows.

6. The Big Show- The biggest man ever (not really) in wrestling. Over his 15 years, he has shown his skill, including his great tag team with Jericho we see now, back to his first appearance against Hogan.

7. Abdullah the Butcher- He will probably keep going until the end of his life, and how it has not happened shocks me. His name is well earned, as he is a bloodbath wreslter.

8. Hansen- How can I have Vader and not Hansen, I cannot. Is he a super heavyweight? I count him, well over 300 pounds of grit. He was the man who knocked out Vaders eyes, and caused more bruising than any other man in wrestling.

9. King Kong Bundy- Do the people keep getting bad assed? Yes. Buddy, the man against Hogan at Wrestlemania 2. He carried a mean streak like carry a pair of swimsuits. Yes do swim a lot.

10. Haystacks Calhoun- One of, if not the biggest super heavyweights of all time. He had a hard time getting into the ring, he couldn't do much in the ring, But if I were not to put him as number 10, Khali would have been, and that means I would have written this: "One of, if not the biggest super heavyweights of all time. He had a hard time getting into the ring, he couldn't do much in the ring, But if I were not to put him as number 10, Haystacks Calhoun would have been, and that means I would have written this: (well you know the story) Haystacks was literally bigger than many piles of hay, and believe me, I lived on a farm, I know how big hay bales can get. He did what all wrestlers need to know how to do, he drew. People would come from all around to see the hairy animal, with paws the size of Calhoun's, and after seeing the grizzly bear exhibit, they would get to see Calhoun himself! Sitting on cousin Jimmy for the three count. That is what I call a good day at the wrasslin' ring.
Define super heavyweight? Bacause although I think Undertaker is the greatest "Big Man", I would never call him a super heavyweight.

So with that said here is my list:

1) Bam Bam Bigelow - Numero uno when it came to SHW's. Why? Cuz he could fly. Leaping headbutts from the apron into the ring, moonsaults, etc etc. Bam Bam could move very quickly for a big guy.

2) Yokozuna - Another quick, big man. He was a phenomenal athlete for someone that heavy. Greatest leg drop of All-Time, NOT HOGAN - YOKO.......

3) Umaga/Jamal - Man could he fly. Intense is not even the word to describe him, just an animal in the ring.

4) The Big Show - He really has become a great wrestler over the past few years. He put in a ton of hard work and it really show's (No pun intended). I used find watching his matches unbearable, but he put in the effort and made me a believer - now I support him 100%.

5) Vader - A Hall of Famer in my book. Much like Bama Bam, very agile and very quick. Great look and persona that was all his own. When he wanted to, he could have great, great matches.

6) Earthquake/Golga/John Tenta - No list is complete without Earthquake. Devastating in the ring. Another quick big man, with an impressive arsenal of maneuvers.

7) Fatu/Rikishi Phatu - Highly skilled. Used to love when he'd get clotheslined and turn inside out. Very quick for a big man as most Samoans are (just look at the list thus far), and highly underrated and misused.

8) Akeem/One Man Gang - Another SHW who was surprisingly quick. Great in-ring presence, better than he gets credited for being.

9) Big John Studd - A much better wrestler than Andre, more capable and very charismatic.

10) Andre The Giant - You might ask why so low on my list? Well, Andre was not a very capable wrestler. He had shear size and was dominant. But he really wasn't very graceful as some of the other guys before him. He may be more popular or well-known, but that does not make him better. I'm not knocking him, I know he had injuries and was getting on in years during his most successful part of his career. But I can't put him higher, I don't have many great memories of Andre in the ring. A few, but not nearly enough to justify ranking him higher. As JR put on a Legends of Wrestling segment about heavyweights: "He was an attraction." And what an attraction he was.

Honorable Mentions:

Hillbilly Jim
Haystacks Calhoun
Bull Nakano - I had to put her on here. Great wrestler, she could put on a suplex clinic in the ring. I really enjoyed a lot of her matches.
My list is
1. The Undertaker: If you watch WWE Legends or whatever its called tehy discussed SHW's and it came donw to two wrestlers Andre and Undertaker and when your next to Andre in a list about SHW you are amazing, and he can fly over the 3rd rope suicide dive anyone, he has power, adn he can sell and will lose.
2. Andre The Giant: Made history and will be remembered forever as bieng in "The Slam Heard 'Round teh World", and great wrestler and only lost 2 matches in 15 years contrary to popular belief, he also had a draw, but still only three not wins in 15 years amazing.
3. Vader: How many SHWs can do a moonsault, only one and he's Big Van Vader, He is a legend in Japan and known around the world. Hell you've seen how good he does in the tournies around here.
4. Yokozuna: Quick, agile, and not mention he benchpressed 'Macho Man' Randy Savge over the top rope and had the mos devastating legdrop.
5. The Big Show: As said before he has improved and is a great SHW eventually he may be even higher, but for now he's no. 5.
6. John Tenta: Awesome SHW, no tto mention a legend in his own right, no tto mention he used teh dropkick the only othe rSHW I've seen do that is BIg Show and he did it once.
7. Awesome Kong: She may not be a giant by normal standards but compared to other women she's huge, and a good wrestler. That's why she's 7.
8. Rikishi: One of teh best Somoans, as Sgt. Slaughter I think said it, Samoans aren't taught to wrestle they know it's in their blood.
9. Umaga: RIkishi just not given the chance to shine.
10. Haystacks Calhoun: Giant man who when in tag matches didn't have to stand on the apron because he couldn't, that's how big he was but that's about it so he's no. 10.
Andre is one of the most over rated wrestlers of all time. He was just a circus act that makes Big Show look like Kurt Angle!!
1. The Undertaker: What more can really be said about this guy. He has a diverse moveset for a big guy, which is pretty rare. He can go for a decent amount of time, and has been a mainstay in the WWE for two decades, and rarely gets stale. Add to this the titles and streak, and I can't say anyone else is better.

2. Andre the Giant: I've had the conversations with people about wrestling that don't know anything about the wrestling world. They usually only know 3 names, The Rock, Hulk Hogan, and Andre the Giant. That alone should be a reason to say Andre is one of the best, but this guy could draw like very few others could. 90,000 plus at Wrestlemania 3 for his match with Hogan proves just that.

3. Vader: I'm not a huge Vader mark, but I have to give this guy his props. He was a BEAST. Other than the Undertaker, I haven't seen a guy this big pull off such athletic feats. Vader is perhaps one of the most underrated big guys ever, and that puts him in my top 3.

4. Kane: Another athletic big guy, though he has slowed over the years. I can remember the Kane of old; the monster Kane that ate damage and no sold moves from the best. He was nothing if not entertaining, and I always felt he deserved more than a 1 day title reign. Regardless of my personal view, Kane is one of the better big guys to come along.

5. The Big Show: Ok, I might get some grief for this, but I give massive points for consistency. While in recent years he has slowed, he has been a face in wrestling for some time, and has been able to work good matches with the top guys in the business, like the Rock or Triple H.

6. Hansen: When I think of this guy, I think of pain. Does he know how to not be stiff? I don't know, but he could entertain with the best of them. What really sells The Lariat to me is just the sheer force he could display in the ring, making wrestling look dangerous and real to almost a scary degree. He is definately one of the better big guy workers ever.

7. Umaga: Another agile big guy (notice a trend here? lol). I wish Umaga had another run before his time was cut short, but even as a monster heel that didn't talk, he got more than the point across. His matches with John Cena and Jeff Hardy tell a very visual story of his capabilities, and how much damage he could deliver in such quick and lethal fashion.

8. Rikishi: He is a slight variation of Umaga, really. Slightly slower, and with a different moveset, Rikishi became more of a comical character with his Stink Face. However, he still could work some good matches, with guys like The Rock, Kurt Angle, and Stone Cold. He even had some main event pushes, which big guys don't always get.

9. Earthquake: If we could only have more guys like Earthquake... Not the most athletic or gifted guy at all, but could work a match well. He carried himself well during his career, with a great moveset, decent gimmick, and a monsterous look that could really put him over as a giant. Unfortunately, this is someone else I wish I could see more of, as he was vastly underrated.

10. Bam Bam Bigelow: I'm not a huge fan of Bam Bam, but again I have to give him some credit. He main evented a Wrestlemania against a damn football player, and somehow kept it interesting. However, Bam Bam's other feats are often overlooked because of this, which is a shame. I can't rate him higher, mainly because of personal preference, but he definately deserved a spot on this list.

On a side note, I don't follow Japanese guys, but am slightly suprised to not see Giant Baba on anyone's list. Again, I don't know his work to know if he deserves a spot, but I know he has a legacy in Japan.
For me:

1)Stan Hansen.
2)Bruiser Brody
3)Terry Gordy
6)Andre the Giant
7)Bam-Bam Bigelow
8)John Studd
9)Don Leo Johnathan
10)The One Man Gang
Taker is the best Super Heavyweight. Its his Ringpsychologie and the way he tells a Story in the ring that makes him great. Hes doesnt always follow the traditionall 4-step match rules, hes a great In-Ring performer and tells a great story. Calaway is arguably one of the greatest Mainstream Pro-wrestler ever. I have alot respect for him.

Other great guys would be Gladiator Mike Awesome. This guy was incredible. His work in Japan was nice, just take a look at some matches in FMW against Hayabusa and Masato Tanaka. Also the one against Tanaka in the old ECW. The Masato Vs Tanaka rivall lasted a little over a decade and spanned two continents. Those matches were epic.

And id say Vader was good too. His matches against Kobashi, Misawa and other greats from Japan were awesome. Also his matches in WcW. He was a great Monster-heel.

Stan Hansen was pretty good too. He is the most famous Gaijin Wrestler of all time, and he could work!

Sorry, but right now i dont want to make a Top Ten. Sorry im too tired, LOL.
10. King Kong Bundy- This guy was a freaking boulder in the ring. He weighed somewhere in the 490's I believe. Also, his finisher looks like it could really hurt someone. Imagine you about to be hit by "The Splash"(Ultimate Warrior's finisher), but instead of the 225 lb Warrior, it's the 490 lb Bundy. Ouch. Also, main eventing Wrestlemania against Hogan wasnt too bad for him either.

9. Abdullah The Butcher- If you say people like RVD, Sabu, The Sandman, and Tommy Dreamer defined extreme, you are extremely wrong. Abdullah was the epitome of hardcore wrestling. He could take any object and turn it into a deadly weapon. He loved bloodying his opponents, and loved bleeding himself too. Any match he was in, you could expect blood. Lots of blood.

8. Jerry Blackwell- One of the best guys ever to be in the AWA. He was so over as a heel and a face, it was crazy. Not only was he a super-heavyweight, he was pretty agile for his size too.

7. Yokozuna- A former WWF Champion obviously makes it to this list. Yoko was no stranger to fame, also having legendary manager Mr.Fuji at his side doesnt hurt a guy now does it?

6. Big Show- Yes, he's a slow, boring fuckwad now, but back in the late 90's/early 00's, he was a huge name in both WCW and WWF. Former member of the nWo in both companies. He is also a former WWF champion. He headlined Wrestlemania 2000 in the Fatal Four Way title match. He also one of the most destructive men we have ever seen.

5. Bam Bam Bigelow- He is one of the most athletic SHWs I know of. He could perform moves from the top rope like no other SHW could. Of course he makes it to this list.

4. Kane- I'm talking about fully masked/ Just unmasked Kane. In those 'forms' he was a freaking monster. He was willing to destroy anybody in his path, and god dammit he did just that. Not to mention, he scares the living shit out of people.

3. Stan Hansen- I think everyone else here has said it best. He's a monster.

2. Andre The Giant- Multi-time word champion, faithful to the WWF, and a terrifying man in general. He weighed over 500 lbs! Main evented many Wrestlemanias. Yes he wasnt too good in the ring, but a lot of SHW's arent either...

1. The Undertaker- The deadman himself, a legend in this business. 17-0 at Wrestlemania, and a fan favorite. No matter who you are, when you step into the ring with this man, all I can say is one thing.... Welcome to hell.

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