Top Ten most powerful Villians

Twiztid Rodimus

Pre-Show Stalwart
This is my revised version of my list, Since the way I approached it originally didnt really go anywhere, I decided to revamp it. I will post scans OR links to descritpions of my picks and why they are where they are. Retcons tend to confuse things, so my list is not a ''Right now'' list, its for all time.

(One who stands above,living tribunal etc do NOT count as they are not hero or villian)

The main villian in Secret wars, Two of the most powerful, Omnipotent dietites in Marvel, Living Tribunal and Eternity, stated that they are much less powerful than the Beyonder. That in itself makes him my number one. He's also an inhuman.
Beyonder is able to shape worlds with a single thought, Be everywhere at once, and even the illuminati knew he couldnt exist in the universe as he upset the natural order of things. The only debate that could stop this is Marvel practically erasing his powers during his heyday. So this is debateable, If you use his after secret wars version, He wouldnt be my number one.

2) Anti Moniter

Its almost impossible to argue this point. Anti Moniter is the villian that was responsible for Crisis on Infinite earths, and was responsible for the destruction of the multiverse.
Although my number 3 pick, Superboy prime has defeated him, It was only after the lanterns tossed War World onto him, that Prime was able to take advantage of it and beat him.

3) Superboy Prime:

SBP was able to punch reality and change things in ways that are still being felt in DC today, such as Jason Todd's resurrection. Prime was able to take multiple punchs from Black adam stating that they only tickled. Black adam is able to rip people apart ALA Sentry, so thats a big deal. He wields MANY of the Silver age Superman's powers such as Super Ventriloquism,Mental Powers,Invulnerability (Survived the guardian of Universes explosion), Hearing Can hear everything everywhere)Kryptonite doesnt effect him

4)Dark Phoenix:Super strength with no limits, can burn and destroy anything she touches. Can travel in time and space, She has power over life and death itself with the phoenix force. The watcher itself stated that Jean grey was on the verge of a living God. Destroyed billions of planets in which caused the Shi ar to take notice.

5) Galactus:

The only entity survivor before the big bang. Able to create beings, Tyrant being his first, The ability to create life is a power that is very underrated in the Marvel U, and is a testament of power level. It takes a force like the infinity gems to drain him,

6) Thanos:

The fact that he could battle thor, and thing simultaneously is a great feat. But he was able to defeat ''Crazed Thor'' with the power gem, and was equal to Odin in a battle. The most powerful item, the infinity gauntlet wields Thanos his most powerful, And is the version most know. With it, at the snap of his fingers, Half of the lives in a universe were snuffed out. He was easily able to defeat Drax and Silver Surfer.

7)Darkseid: Can go toe to toe with Superman, and has in each incarnation of Each other. With Superman being the most powerful Hero in comics, Darkseid being able to do that is uncanny.

Not one to prey on weak, He only battles worthy opponents. His omega beams are able to destroy anything he sees. This in itself makes him worthy of this list.


Power of a million exploding suns, He fought Galactus to a stand still SINGLE HANDEDLY. He is able to rip foes apart, As he did to Carnage, and the God of war ares, He easily defeated Terrax, said by Emma to be one of the most powerful telepaths. During Dark Avengers, the molecule man type powers were revealed for him, He was able to get Molecule man to back down from the sheer power he had over molecules. As the void, his power range varies, but was never fully shown.


Eric has full mastery of Magnetism, He was once able to control the magnetic pull of the earth, which is INSANE. The only reason I have him so low, is the limits that his powers have on his body. The erection of Asteroid M (Shown in the picture) gives a small showing of his powers During Jim Lee/Chris claremonts run, it was shown that his feats were not without pain.

10)Scarlet Witch:

With three words, she was able to erase the mutant gene in 98% of the mutants on the planet. During House of M, we were able to see just how powerful her reality altering powers were. It wasnt simply a mind job that she did on the Marvel U, She made these things happen. And certain members were able to retain the memories, Ex: Spiderman
Yeah keep to the forum rules and give reasons why.....moved to spam section.
These are in no particular order:
Dark Phoenix
Unicron (remember Transformers exist within the Marvel Universe)

This is a hard list to make, because it really depends on how you define "powerful". I generally went with was can they meet the following criteria:

Do they have total planet destroying ability? I.e., is it within their power to completely devastate either the entire surface of a planet, or completely obliterate the planet, in the Death Star sense of the word?
Really, this list sucks. The sheer fact that you did not mention Anti-Monitor, one of the most powerful villains ever, and certainly a top 2 contender is staggering.

Anti-Monitor is the villain from Crisis On Infinite Earths, he at the beginning of it was equal to The Monitor, basically The Monitor(supposedly) is Mandrakk from Final Crisis. Now he became MUCH stronger, he would go to universes and destroy them, which would make his universe that he rules, the Anti-matter universe, bigger increasing his power equal to the universe he destroyed. Basically he destroyed every universe except a few and had the power of "Infinite" Universes. He was nearly equal to the Source at that point. The source is the All Powerful God of DC.

He is either as powerful, more powerful or slightly less powerful than Pre-Retconn Beyonder, however I noticed you simply said "Beyonder" and thus AM is more powerful than everyone on your list. Probably combined.
My List:
Electro (The Guy Has Just as Much Power as Magneto When He's at Full Power)
Bane (If We're Talking Brute Power Here, Bane is Practically Unbeatable)
Kid Miracleman (Seriously, Look Him Up)
Dark Phoenix

I Have Fairly Limited Knowledge Outside of Mainstream Comics and Very Limited Knowledge of DC Outside of Superman & Batman, so please be gentle.
My List:
Electro (The Guy Has Just as Much Power as Magneto When He's at Full Power)
Bane (If We're Talking Brute Power Here, Bane is Practically Unbeatable)
Kid Miracleman (Seriously, Look Him Up)
Dark Phoenix

I Have Fairly Limited Knowledge Outside of Mainstream Comics and Very Limited Knowledge of DC Outside of Superman & Batman, so please be gentle.

This is favorites....correct...:suspic:
Fury I like you, you are easily one of my favorite new posters, but you take your comic book list far far to seriously, lighten up
Really, this list sucks. The sheer fact that you did not mention Anti-Monitor, one of the most powerful villains ever, and certainly a top 2 contender is staggering.

Anti-Monitor is the villain from Crisis On Infinite Earths, he at the beginning of it was equal to The Monitor, basically The Monitor(supposedly) is Mandrakk from Final Crisis. Now he became MUCH stronger, he would go to universes and destroy them, which would make his universe that he rules, the Anti-matter universe, bigger increasing his power equal to the universe he destroyed. Basically he destroyed every universe except a few and had the power of "Infinite" Universes. He was nearly equal to the Source at that point. The source is the All Powerful God of DC.

He is either as powerful, more powerful or slightly less powerful than Pre-Retconn Beyonder, however I noticed you simply said "Beyonder" and thus AM is more powerful than everyone on your list. Probably combined.

I didnt specify which version, OBVIOUSLY meaning the strongest version is expected.

And I didnt forget AM, I forgot to put him on Scarlet witch was on a list of 11-15 and I mistakenly deleted AM. So hes on there. and would be BELOW beyonder.
I didnt specify which version, OBVIOUSLY meaning the strongest version is expected.

So Im a mind reader now am I? That would have been cool of I knew that, I would be a lot more prosperous right now.

And I didnt forget AM, I forgot to put him on Scarlet witch was on a list of 11-15 and I mistakenly deleted AM. So hes on there. and would be BELOW beyonder.

Well sorry I dont trust your judgement when you put everything in caps in the world "below", because you did put Scarlet witch on your list, and she doesnt belong in it. In an accurate most powerful list that is.

Lol I also just noticed how you had Sentry on here. Which is it gonna be? Because you sure were pissed about me telling you he was a villain and didnt belong on the Super Heroes one. You cant have it both ways bro.
I can't actually give a proper list because i don't actually read Marvel comics, but i'll give a top 5 of DC villains and i will actually give reasons (i'll get pictures later, when i'm not at work):

1. Anti-Monitor. You can't dispute Fury's logic here. The guy wiped out like a million different universes in order to have his own Anti-Matter Universe as the only remaining one, with him as the sole ruler. Nobody else in the DCU has even come close to achieving this level of destruction and death since.

2. Darkseid. The tryannical ruler of Apokolips has enslaved more worlds than the majority of all the other space empires in the DCU put together. With his last attempt he came stupidly close to enslaving the Earth using a spoken form of the Anti-Life Equation, but was ultimately defeated by one man and a gun, followed by a Kryptonian whistling..... actually, that death makes him seem pretty lame doesn't it?

However, i've 'seen' Darkseid go toe to toe with Thanos in the DC/Marvel crossovers, and since loads of you think Thanos should be #1, then surely Darksied should be hovering around his level too, right?

He's also one of the few individuals to ever escape the Source Wall after being imprisoned on it by Supes, and his power to corrupt the innocent is seemingly limitless, having corrupted both Supergirl and Mary Marvel amongst others.

3. Brainiac. The living computer system that turned out to be a power mad Coluan who wanted to increase the value of all knowledge, by becoming the only entity in the universe that knew it. How do you do that, you ask? By killing everything else that knows it. Brainiac's MO is to assimilate all information about an entire civilisation, and then wipe it out, having done so to countless worlds across the cosmos, including Krypton.

Seemingly every time Brainiac is 'defeated' it turns out that the hero just beat a probe or a droid, and the real Brainiac is sitting comfortably in his mothership. The real Brainiac is centuries old and rarely ever even moves from his bio-construct unless it's truly necessary, say for example, to kill the 'last' Kryptonian.

So no matter who does what, the question remains, will the universe ever be truly free from this form of evil? And for that reason, Brainiac's #3.

4. Doomsday. The near indestructible Kryptonian killing machine known only as Doomsday claims the #4 spot for The MoZEA. Despite not being a super-genius, or a cybernetic tyrant, or an all powerful God, Doomsday has achieved one thing that no one else in the DCU has ever done. He 'killed' The Man of Steel. (Now, i say 'killed', because in reality, Supes wasn't dead, his body simply shut down and put him into a Kryptonian coma, and he was only able to come back thanks to his service droid reclaiming his remains from Metropolis and regenerating his body.)

On top of that mighty feat, he is also ridiculously difficult to kill, and even if someone does manage to kill him, he somehow manages to be rejuvinated shortly afterward, even more powerful than before, and now completely impervious to that which killed him previously.

So that's why Doomsday gets the #4 spot.

5. Superboy Prime. The young Clark Kent grew up on Earth Prime, constantly being bullied for his love of comics. One fine day he discovers that he is his universes version of Superman, and is saved from destruction during the Crisis On Infinite Earths when Earth Prime was wiped out by the AM.

He then spent several years watching the DCU ruin the peace and prosperity he had worked so hard to give to them, seeing Hal Jordan destroy the GL Corps after Parallax infected him, seeing Superman get killed, watching Wonder Woman commit murder, the JLA lobotomise certain villains, and Batman spying on his own allies, and all that just for starters!

So the kid goes skitzo and becomes obsessed with restoring his own universe, even if all others must die to achieve it.

In his short villainous career, Superboy Prime has killed several members of the Teen Titans including Conner 'Superboy' Kent, killed over 30 Green Lanterns, one of the Guardians of the Universe AND gave Sodam Yat (the host for the Ion entitly at the time) a near fatal beating that resulted in him being permanently poisoned by lead (which is deadly to Daxamites, Yat's race), he also killed Superman of Earth 2 (although he'd just flown through Rao ((a red sun)) and a debris field of Kryponite, so take that for what it's worth), he killed The Monarch, a version of Captain Atom who'd gone rogue and become a Multiversal Warlord (This is significant because several versions of Superman working together were shown to be incapable of even hurting Monarch previously, and then Supes Prime kills him on his own, which resulted in Earth 51 being wiped out!), and also multiple members of the Legion of Superheroes. He's even been shown to keep Mr. Mxypttlik (or however you spell it) bound and helpless.

The only reason Supes Prime isn't higher on my list, is because like the majority of people who wear the 'S-shield', he's a fuckin idiot, and is usually responsible for his own defeat/demise.

Honourable mentions

Alexander Luthor - Not higher because he's dead, plus played puppet master rather than all powerful destroyer, and was ultimately foiled because he underestimated Lex Luthor and the Joker. Come on! If you're not smart enough to keep your eyes on those 2 at all times, you can't be the genius you think you are!

Nekron - The Lord of the Dead, Nekron has the power to re-animate anyone from any distance, and can instantly end the life of anyone who has been re-animated in the past without even touching them. His ultimate goal is to rid the universe of all life, however, he can't actually stay in the realm of the living without a 'tether' i.e. a dead individual who surrenders himself to Nekron and embraces death, like Black Hand did in Blackest Night.

Parallax - As much as i like the scary yellow cricket known as Parallax, he gets beaten far too easily more often than not.

UltraMan (Antimatter version, not Earth 3 version) - One of Furyof5's recurring reasons why Supes should be #1 hero was that he, with Capt Marvel's help, once lifted a book containing The Multiverse. Well UltraMan did it on his own, so......

Black Adam - If this guy gets pissed off, countries die. Simple as.

Amazo - Is like 7 JLA members rolled into one.

Prometheus - Another guy who can duplicate other people's abilities. This one guy nearly destroyed the entire JLA. Dead now thanks to Green Arrow of all people, and spent a while as Hush's bitch so he's relegated to the 'honourable mentions' category.

Zoom - An evil Flash who wants to improve the heroes by causing them to fail and knowing they'll eventually get over it. Unless there's a speedster present, you won't beat him.

Lady Styxx - BELIEVE IN HER! Enslaves millions without ever setting foot in their star system and can be reincarnated through any of her female slaves.

Cyborg-Superman - Wiped out Coast City and has travelled beyond the Source Wall and into The Bleed, knowing all the secrets of the Multiverse. Has also become the Grandmaster of the Manhunters, the Guardians of the Universe's old genocidal android police force. Hank Henshaw can't be killed (despite wanting to), but then again is a lot easier to incapacitate than Doomsday is, so that's why he's in the 'Honourable Mentions list.

Despero - Telepathic tyrant who's come very close to wiping out the JLA several times but is usually defeated by means of not being able to use his powers on an individual i.e. Red Tornado, or someone else's telepathic abilities.
So Im a mind reader now am I? That would have been cool of I knew that, I would be a lot more prosperous right now.

Well sorry I dont trust your judgement when you put everything in caps in the world "below", because you did put Scarlet witch on your list, and she doesnt belong in it. In an accurate most powerful list that is.

Lol I also just noticed how you had Sentry on here. Which is it gonna be? Because you sure were pissed about me telling you he was a villain and didnt belong on the Super Heroes one. You cant have it both ways bro.

Since this time, its MY thread, if your going to be such a prick, I would like you to NOT involve yourself in the conversation. I clearly stated, that unlike your arrogantly based list and approach, that I wanted to see people's list. I dont CARE if you disagree, I dont need my ego soothed as you do, so as stated, Leave this thread if you just trying to prove your dick size.
Since this time, its MY thread, if your going to be such a prick, I would like you to NOT involve yourself in the conversation.

How is it you consistently flame me yet not get infracted or bant? I will involve myself when you make such egregious errors. I also like comics.

I clearly stated, that unlike your arrogantly based list and approach, that I wanted to see people's list.

Thats not what my thread is about and you know it. My thread is about using canon feats to change an original list to what an accurate list would be, you were unable to do so.

I dont CARE if you disagree, I dont need my ego soothed as you do, so as stated, Leave this thread if you just trying to prove your dick size.

What does ego have to do with anything? I created a list I believed is accurate and asked people to perused me to change it to what would be more accurate, not supply their own lists. Its perfectly laid out IN THE OPENING POSTS. You either are illiterate or didnt read the post. The point of the thread is to contribute to the first list, and to change it accordingly. That is if you can PROVE CERTAIN PLACEMENTS WRONG USING CANON FEATS!
I can't actually give a proper list because i don't actually read Marvel comics, but i'll give a top 5 of DC villains and i will actually give reasons (i'll get pictures later, when i'm not at work):

1. Anti-Monitor. You can't dispute Fury's logic here. The guy wiped out like a million different universes in order to have his own Anti-Matter Universe as the only remaining one, with him as the sole ruler. Nobody else in the DCU has even come close to achieving this level of destruction and death since.

2. Darkseid. The tryannical ruler of Apokolips has enslaved more worlds than the majority of all the other space empires in the DCU put together. With his last attempt he came stupidly close to enslaving the Earth using a spoken form of the Anti-Life Equation, but was ultimately defeated by one man and a gun, followed by a Kryptonian whistling..... actually, that death makes him seem pretty lame doesn't it?

However, i've 'seen' Darkseid go toe to toe with Thanos in the DC/Marvel crossovers, and since loads of you think Thanos should be #1, then surely Darksied should be hovering around his level too, right?

He's also one of the few individuals to ever escape the Source Wall after being imprisoned on it by Supes, and his power to corrupt the innocent is seemingly limitless, having corrupted both Supergirl and Mary Marvel amongst others.

3. Brainiac. The living computer system that turned out to be a power mad Coluan who wanted to increase the value of all knowledge, by becoming the only entity in the universe that knew it. How do you do that, you ask? By killing everything else that knows it. Brainiac's MO is to assimilate all information about an entire civilisation, and then wipe it out, having done so to countless worlds across the cosmos, including Krypton.

Seemingly every time Brainiac is 'defeated' it turns out that the hero just beat a probe or a droid, and the real Brainiac is sitting comfortably in his mothership. The real Brainiac is centuries old and rarely ever even moves from his bio-construct unless it's truly necessary, say for example, to kill the 'last' Kryptonian.

So no matter who does what, the question remains, will the universe ever be truly free from this form of evil? And for that reason, Brainiac's #3.

4. Doomsday. The near indestructible Kryptonian killing machine known only as Doomsday claims the #4 spot for The MoZEA. Despite not being a super-genius, or a cybernetic tyrant, or an all powerful God, Doomsday has achieved one thing that no one else in the DCU has ever done. He 'killed' The Man of Steel. (Now, i say 'killed', because in reality, Supes wasn't dead, his body simply shut down and put him into a Kryptonian coma, and he was only able to come back thanks to his service droid reclaiming his remains from Metropolis and regenerating his body.)

On top of that mighty feat, he is also ridiculously difficult to kill, and even if someone does manage to kill him, he somehow manages to be rejuvinated shortly afterward, even more powerful than before, and now completely impervious to that which killed him previously.

So that's why Doomsday gets the #4 spot.

5. Superboy Prime. The young Clark Kent grew up on Earth Prime, constantly being bullied for his love of comics. One fine day he discovers that he is his universes version of Superman, and is saved from destruction during the Crisis On Infinite Earths when Earth Prime was wiped out by the AM.

He then spent several years watching the DCU ruin the peace and prosperity he had worked so hard to give to them, seeing Hal Jordan destroy the GL Corps after Parallax infected him, seeing Superman get killed, watching Wonder Woman commit murder, the JLA lobotomise certain villains, and Batman spying on his own allies, and all that just for starters!

So the kid goes skitzo and becomes obsessed with restoring his own universe, even if all others must die to achieve it.

In his short villainous career, Superboy Prime has killed several members of the Teen Titans including Conner 'Superboy' Kent, killed over 30 Green Lanterns, one of the Guardians of the Universe AND gave Sodam Yat (the host for the Ion entitly at the time) a near fatal beating that resulted in him being permanently poisoned by lead (which is deadly to Daxamites, Yat's race), he also killed Superman of Earth 2 (although he'd just flown through Rao ((a red sun)) and a debris field of Kryponite, so take that for what it's worth), he killed The Monarch, a version of Captain Atom who'd gone rogue and become a Multiversal Warlord (This is significant because several versions of Superman working together were shown to be incapable of even hurting Monarch previously, and then Supes Prime kills him on his own, which resulted in Earth 51 being wiped out!), and also multiple members of the Legion of Superheroes. He's even been shown to keep Mr. Mxypttlik (or however you spell it) bound and helpless.

The only reason Supes Prime isn't higher on my list, is because like the majority of people who wear the 'S-shield', he's a fuckin idiot, and is usually responsible for his own defeat/demise.

Honourable mentions

Alexander Luthor - Not higher because he's dead, plus played puppet master rather than all powerful destroyer, and was ultimately foiled because he underestimated Lex Luthor and the Joker. Come on! If you're not smart enough to keep your eyes on those 2 at all times, you can't be the genius you think you are!

Nekron - The Lord of the Dead, Nekron has the power to re-animate anyone from any distance, and can instantly end the life of anyone who has been re-animated in the past without even touching them. His ultimate goal is to rid the universe of all life, however, he can't actually stay in the realm of the living without a 'tether' i.e. a dead individual who surrenders himself to Nekron and embraces death, like Black Hand did in Blackest Night.

Parallax - As much as i like the scary yellow cricket known as Parallax, he gets beaten far too easily more often than not.

UltraMan (Antimatter version, not Earth 3 version) - One of Furyof5's recurring reasons why Supes should be #1 hero was that he, with Capt Marvel's help, once lifted a book containing The Multiverse. Well UltraMan did it on his own, so......

Black Adam - If this guy gets pissed off, countries die. Simple as.

Amazo - Is like 7 JLA members rolled into one.

Prometheus - Another guy who can duplicate other people's abilities. This one guy nearly destroyed the entire JLA. Dead now thanks to Green Arrow of all people, and spent a while as Hush's bitch so he's relegated to the 'honourable mentions' category.

Zoom - An evil Flash who wants to improve the heroes by causing them to fail and knowing they'll eventually get over it. Unless there's a speedster present, you won't beat him.

Lady Styxx - BELIEVE IN HER! Enslaves millions without ever setting foot in their star system and can be reincarnated through any of her female slaves.

Cyborg-Superman - Wiped out Coast City and has travelled beyond the Source Wall and into The Bleed, knowing all the secrets of the Multiverse. Has also become the Grandmaster of the Manhunters, the Guardians of the Universe's old genocidal android police force. Hank Henshaw can't be killed (despite wanting to), but then again is a lot easier to incapacitate than Doomsday is, so that's why he's in the 'Honourable Mentions list.

Despero - Telepathic tyrant who's come very close to wiping out the JLA several times but is usually defeated by means of not being able to use his powers on an individual i.e. Red Tornado, or someone else's telepathic abilities.

I just want to ask, is this most powerful, favorites, or most dangerous? Because if its most powerful some changes would probably be in order.
For example Darkseid in normal form, or even in most powerful form in nowhere near #2. Also you left out characters such as Krona(though he may no longer be canon), Mandrakk(The ultimate enemy from Final Crisis), and there is no way that you should put SBP below Brainiac or Doomsday, whom probably shouldnt even be on this list.

But if its not meant to be accurate in terms of power its understandable.

Also you left out the fact that Darkseid escaped the source wall because Superman pulled him off of it.
I just want to ask, is this most powerful, favorites, or most dangerous? Because if its most powerful some changes would probably be in order.

It's based on the amount of destruction they've caused across Universe 0 and New Earth mainly. I choose not to use these one shot villains like Imperiex or Krona who are used in one story every 20 years or so and then put back on the shelf. Otherwise i'd have included Libra in this list, but he was in one story years ago and then appeared as the herald of Darkseid and that's it!

So yeah, only regularly appearing characters make my lists.

For example Darkseid in normal form, or even in most powerful form in nowhere near #2. Also you left out characters such as Krona(though he may no longer be canon)

The guy's not been used in a meaningful way in ages and his powers had to be boosted by Nekron, whereas the other guys i've mentioned are using their naturally born abilities (except Prime during his murdering across the Multiverse, since he'd been souped up on Guardian power). Plus his main claim to fame other than creating the Multiverse was during a Marvel crossover, and then being part of that god awful Trinity series where he lost because he refused to believe that life was meaningless and is now trapped in the centre of an alternate Earth.

Mandrakk(The ultimate enemy from Final Crisis),

Who did sweet fuck all. He killed his ex-girlfriend, by mistake i might add, and that was about it. He couldn't beat the rusty Superman robot, and then when he appears immediately after Darksied's rule is ended, all the heroes gang up at once and kill him. He doesn't even land a punch on anyone in the second encounter. Despite having a Vampire Ultraman at his side and also having drained the 'lifeforce' from The Spectre and whatever the other one is called, he loses in a fraction of the time he lost previously.

So sorry, Mandraak doesn't belong on a list of 'Top' anything imo.

and there is no way that you should put SBP below Brainiac or Doomsday, whom probably shouldnt even be on this list.

Doomsday killed Supes, something no one else has ever come close to doing without kryptonite or red sun rays or magic, so why does he not belong on the list? Plus he's seemingly indestructible. Even if someone does kill him, he regenerates even more powerful than before. He's DC's equivalent of Vegeta or Goku. When he comes back, he's stronger.

And Brainiac has destroyed worlds across the universe for centuries and the true scope of his reach is still undisclosed. Even if Supes killed the main body of Brainiac, he could easily just download into something else within a second and the menace would continue.

Superboy Prime has eliminated himself in every battle he's been in, apart from Infinite Crisis. He took himself out of the Sinestro Corps War by killing the Guardian, he took himself out of the War over Earth 51 by killing Monarch, and he took himself out of the battle with the Legion of Superheroes by killing the Time Trapper. Despite being superpowerful, he's also super stupid, which takes away from his rating overall.

But if its not meant to be accurate in terms of power its understandable.

Yeah, it isn't.
How is it you consistently flame me yet not get infracted or bant? I will involve myself when you make such egregious errors. I also like comics.

Thats not what my thread is about and you know it. My thread is about using canon feats to change an original list to what an accurate list would be, you were unable to do so.

What does ego have to do with anything? I created a list I believed is accurate and asked people to perused me to change it to what would be more accurate, not supply their own lists. Its perfectly laid out IN THE OPENING POSTS. You either are illiterate or didnt read the post. The point of the thread is to contribute to the first list, and to change it accordingly. That is if you can PROVE CERTAIN PLACEMENTS WRONG USING CANON FEATS!

My point to YOU directly, is why do you feel the need to come onto MY thread and try to take it over with your ''facts'' and very self centered opinions. This was NOT meant to involve aruments, but you brought your bullshit over to MY thread, Stick to your own, Mine isnt as detail driven, I dont need someone to post pretty little pictures to get they're point across.

You didnt agree with my list, Cool, Im okay with that. My problem with you is the way you approached it. Your list is NOT definitive and NOT perfect. And the fact that your stalking my threads is getting real old
My point to YOU directly, is why do you feel the need to come onto MY thread and try to take it over with your ''facts'' and very self centered opinions.

If youre going to make a list that states "these are the most powerful supervillains" you should have to base it on something. I wouldnt place Sbertooth at #1 now would I? Furthermore you obviously made this thread as a stupid attempt to spite me, which can be noticed by the wording in which you used. Of course you still have yet to understand what my toher list was about, but thats not my issue any more.

This was NOT meant to involve aruments, but you brought your bullshit over to MY thread, Stick to your own, Mine isnt as detail driven, I dont need someone to post pretty little pictures to get they're point across.

Scans are important as they provide proof of what a hero has done. Your idioitic attempt to constantly undermine them only shows your true ignorance of the subject. And if you plan on making a list at least attempt to do it based upon facts. As we just had a thread on here before, opinions can be wrong, so base them on facts. Also my main issue was you not having Anti-Monitor on here whom you still have yet to add.

You didnt agree with my list, Cool, Im okay with that. My problem with you is the way you approached it. Your list is NOT definitive and NOT perfect. And the fact that your stalking my threads is getting real old

Im not as a matter of fact. I was done and figured this was dead until you replied. You seem to have some idiotic and twisted world view. YOU made two threads in spite of ME. And yet Im stalking your threads? Give me a fucking break.
Ever think perhaps he was basing his list off of his personal opinion, seriously the two of you just need to chill out, you're arguing over fictional characters, they can literally do anything if the writers write it

also I have never in my life heard the terms "canon" or "scans" used when talking about comic books before Fury started using them
Never heard of scans, but canon's quite a common one.
Scans are scanned pages from comics, they are used as proof of feats that a superhero/villain has done. Its evidence used for debating on the subject.

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