Top 5 Things That Annoy Me About Wrestling and WZ

George Steele's Barber

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In order:

5. How stupid is TNA? You don't bring out Robbie E and talk about the Jersey Shore at 10:15 when the actual Jersey Shore Show is on. It is telling people to change the channel so they can see real violence and crash television. I know Sumner Redstone owns both shows but it is still stupid.

4. I don't care how "hard" a guy works off camera, I am just a viewer and I just care about what a guy does on camera. Just because we are told that a guy is a hard worker doesn't mean the other guys are not hard workers as well. They may do less noticeable things but they are not necessarily spending all their down time snorting coke off of the bare breasts of Waffle House waitresses.

3. The idea that Michaels could throw himself in to the HHH/UT match is going to be a complete distraction for me from now until WM. And I was really enjoying their segments. Thanks for putting this idea in my head Shattered Dreams.

2. Cena - Rocky ruined your WM title match last year then Rock Bottomed you after SS and you still haven't punched him in the mouth. No one is going to seriously say you embraced hate if you take a physical shot at the guy. You've taken enough cheap shots at guys like Ricardo to realize that we accept that these are the type of actions that go with the territory.

1. Feud is spelled F-E-U-D, not F-U-E-D. I can understand spelling it F-U-D-E since that looks like "dude". I blame Cena for this since he once called his finisher the FU people must have started to think, "Cena FU'ed that guy hard" and just got that spelling stuck in their heads.

Here remember this:
- U before E except after F.

In order:

5. How stupid is TNA? You don't bring out Robbie E and talk about the Jersey Shore at 10:15 when the actual Jersey Shore Show is on. It is telling people to change the channel so they can see real violence and crash television. I know Sumner Redstone owns both shows but it is still stupid.

4. I don't care how "hard" a guy works off camera, I am just a viewer and I just care about what a guy does on camera. Just because we are told that a guy is a hard worker doesn't mean the other guys are not hard workers as well. They may do less noticeable things but they are not necessarily spending all their down time snorting coke off of the bare breasts of Waffle House waitresses.

3. The idea that Michaels could throw himself in to the HHH/UT match is going to be a complete distraction for me from now until WM. And I was really enjoying their segments. Thanks for putting this idea in my head Shattered Dreams.

2. Cena - Rocky ruined your WM title match last year then Rock Bottomed you after SS and you still haven't punched him in the mouth. No one is going to seriously say you embraced hate if you take a physical shot at the guy. You've taken enough cheap shots at guys like Ricardo to realize that we accept that these are the type of actions that go with the territory.

1. Feud is spelled F-E-U-D, not F-U-E-D. I can understand spelling it F-U-D-E since that looks like "dude". I blame Cena for this since he once called his finisher the FU people must have started to think, "Cena FU'ed that guy hard" and just got that spelling stuck in their heads.

Here remember this:
- U before E except after F.



I'm done here.
I disagree with everything you said, except for number 3,4,5,1, oh and 2.

If i was Cena, i would have decked the Rock. He is making himself look like a pussy.

TNA can be stupid, I am a fan tho. :shrug:

Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud.
Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud.
Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud.
Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud.
Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud.
Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud.
Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud.
Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud.
Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud. Feud.
5. How stupid is TNA? You don't bring out Robbie E and talk about the Jersey Shore at 10:15 when the actual Jersey Shore Show is on. It is telling people to change the channel so they can see real violence and crash television. I know Sumner Redstone owns both shows but it is still stupid.

It's TNA. But, it is Eric Bischoff...the same guy who told Tony Schiavone to announce that Mick Foley was going to win the WWF title...

4. I don't care how "hard" a guy works off camera, I am just a viewer and I just care about what a guy does on camera. Just because we are told that a guy is a hard worker doesn't mean the other guys are not hard workers as well. They may do less noticeable things but they are not necessarily spending all their down time snorting coke off of the bare breasts of Waffle House waitresses.

Are the Waffle House waitresses hot?

3. The idea that Michaels could throw himself in to the HHH/UT match is going to be a complete distraction for me from now until WM. And I was really enjoying their segments. Thanks for putting this idea in my head Shattered Dreams.

Because Vince McMahon answers to Shawn Michaels? Even if the idea was HBK's it's still gotta be signed off on by the man. I think it actually makes it more interesting. Is HBK going screw the Undertaker out of the streak, is he going to call it fair, or does he refuse to let HHH do something he couldn't, even if it's done with his help? Plus, I am in favor of anything that utilizes Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania.

2. Cena - Rocky ruined your WM title match last year then Rock Bottomed you after SS and you still haven't punched him in the mouth. No one is going to seriously say you embraced hate if you take a physical shot at the guy. You've taken enough cheap shots at guys like Ricardo to realize that we accept that these are the type of actions that go with the territory.

Rock hasn't physically touched him since then either. This match has been developed more like a prize fight, boxers talk an awful lot of shit about each other, but they don't physically attack each other before a fight.

1. Feud is spelled F-E-U-D, not F-U-E-D. I can understand spelling it F-U-D-E since that looks like "dude". I blame Cena for this since he once called his finisher the FU people must have started to think, "Cena FU'ed that guy hard" and just got that spelling stuck in their heads.

Agreed. But spelling has never been a strong point of the majority of the IWC.
Because Vince McMahon answers to Shawn Michaels? Even if the idea was HBK's it's still gotta be signed off on by the man. I think it actually makes it more interesting. Is HBK going screw the Undertaker out of the streak, is he going to call it fair, or does he refuse to let HHH do something he couldn't, even if it's done with his help? Plus, I am in favor of anything that utilizes Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania.

I wasn't clear enough about this. SD put the idea in my head that Michaels may come out of retirement and end up as a competitor in the match thus making it a triple threat HIAC. My nostalgia boner is ripping a hole through my pants at this idea. Anything less would be a huge disappointment and any time these guys meet for a promo from now until WM all I will be able to think about is the addition of Shawn in the match and not what is actually happening. It is a huge distraction.
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I wasn't clear enough about this. SD put the idea in my head that Michaels may come out of retirement and end up as a competitor in the match thus making it a triple threat HIAC. My nostalgia boner is ripping a hole through my pants at this idea. Anything less would be a huge disappointment and any time these guys meet for a promo from now until WM all I will be able to think about is the addition of Shawn in the match and not what is actually happening. It is a huge distraction.

GAWDAMMIT. Now you put the idea in MY head. I was content just to have HBK as the guest referee, just to see him at Wrestlemania. I never entertained the thought that he would actually wrestle, I took him at his word that he was fully retired...but now, I am gonna be thinking about that on Monday too. Thanks a bunch.

In order:

5. How stupid is TNA? You don't bring out Robbie E and talk about the Jersey Shore at 10:15 when the actual Jersey Shore Show is on. It is telling people to change the channel so they can see real violence and crash television. I know Sumner Redstone owns both shows but it is still stupid.

TNA is always stupid. When is TNA not stupid? I personally would love to see that episode of impact.

4. I don't care how "hard" a guy works off camera, I am just a viewer and I just care about what a guy does on camera. Just because we are told that a guy is a hard worker doesn't mean the other guys are not hard workers as well. They may do less noticeable things but they are not necessarily spending all their down time snorting coke off of the bare breasts of Waffle House waitresses.

I couldn't agree more. I don't just feel this way about wrestlers but about all forms of entertainment. I don't care about what they do in their spare time, I just care what they do in front of the camera or on the mic.

3. The idea that Michaels could throw himself in to the HHH/UT match is going to be a complete distraction for me from now until WM. And I was really enjoying their segments. Thanks for putting this idea in my head Shattered Dreams.

Agreed. Ever since Monday the match is more about what Michaels will do instead of the match at hand. Either way its intriguing and makes me want to watch. As long as they get people to watch the match it doesn't matter.

2. Cena - Rocky ruined your WM title match last year then Rock Bottomed you after SS and you still haven't punched him in the mouth. No one is going to seriously say you embraced hate if you take a physical shot at the guy. You've taken enough cheap shots at guys like Ricardo to realize that we accept that these are the type of actions that go with the territory.

Yeah I haven't figured this one out either. There's a big difference between rising above hate and not retaliating when someone screws you over like The Rock did. The Rock literally screwed Cena out of the title and he has done nothing. He will physically retaliate against anyone else in the locker room but not The Rock? It seems pretty odd to me.

1. Feud is spelled F-E-U-D, not F-U-E-D. I can understand spelling it F-U-D-E since that looks like "dude". I blame Cena for this since he once called his finisher the FU people must have started to think, "Cena FU'ed that guy hard" and just got that spelling stuck in their heads.

Here remember this:
- U before E except after F.


Thanks for the english lesson.
You're right on the money, especially with two and three.

I've been an advocate of Shawn becoming involved in the Triple H/Taker feud for weeks, but as a participant, not the ref. There's literally no logical explanation in the realm of kayfabe for why Shawn was made the special guest referee. And here's another thing... didn't Triple H book this match? With how much air time the feud between Johnny Ace and Teddy Long is getting, you'd have to imagine one of them booked it right?

I mean, Cena vs. The Rock was booked by Vince McMahon, or whomever was in charge after WrestleMania 27. CM Punk vs. Jericho was booked by Ace when he made the Battle Royal for a title shot at WrestleMania. Sheamus vs. Bryan was booked by default when Sheamus won the Royal Rumble. And I can only assume that Teddy booked Cody Rhodes vs. The Big Show, as that just has "Teddy Long match" written all over it.

So who's booking Triple H/Taker? Who decided to add Shawn Michaels as the special guest referee? Literally NOBODY has been involved in that feud except the three of them.

As for Cena/Rock... I get why Cena hasn't socked him one yet, but it's awfully hard to be rooting for Cena when he took so much abuse from The Rock around Survivor Series time. Sure, he's gotten verbal revenge for it, but I won't be totally satisfied until Cena lays The Rock out.
Boners are a major distractions.

And to be honest I would rather see HBK compete here. I know he is happy retired and all but if there was one match that was an exception and a special case, it is this.

Cena/Rock- I don't have an issue with Cena not manssaulting The Rock yet. This is THE time for talking. Build it up. Make it personal and shit. His goody-two-shoes is fine by me at the moment. To be honest he has shown that he can chump The Rock with just his words, and doesn't need to FU him.

I think they are building for that big FU and finish at 'Mania and holding off the physicality till then to make us want that first punch that much more.
Boners are a major distractions.

Maybe you stay out of bath houses?

Cena/Rock- I don't have an issue with Cena not manssaulting The Rock yet. This is THE time for talking. Build it up. Make it personal and shit.

It's been personal and professional for over a year.

His goody-two-shoes is fine by me at the moment. To be honest he has shown that he can chump The Rock with just his words, and doesn't need to FU him.

Cena is a modern day Matlock.

I think they are building for that big FU and finish at 'Mania and holding off the physicality till then to make us want that first punch that much more.

Great, let me get my purity ring because waiting makes everything better.

We all know what WWE is trying to do. My problem is that it is not working for me. I try to turn off the logic part of my brain but this goes too far. Your not a professional wrestler yet even you must have a point where you're going to take a shot at a guy. That point was hurdled at WM 27.
Maybe you stay out of bath houses?

I'd like to see you try and stop me.

It's been personal and professional for over a year.

It's not as if its been Cena/Rock non stop for a year. In the middle of their buildup which now amounts to 'over a year' Cena and Punk tore the house down and had a feud way better than anything in recent times. The feud was lit, died, relit, died, and now ready to burn. Maybe. We hear all this goobaldy gab about 2 more encounters between the two floating.

Cena is a modern day Matlock.****e-mouth.jpg

Great, let me get my purity ring because waiting makes everything better.

We all know what WWE is trying to do. My problem is that it is not working for me. I try to turn off the logic part of my brain but this goes too far. Your not a professional wrestler yet even you must have a point where you're going to take a shot at a guy. That point was hurdled at WM 27.

I see it. I see your sentiments about Cena not doing the right thing and punching Rocky in his face. But it's too late. I'm sorry. It's too late for that first punch to happen now. There will be a lot more talking and maybe on the last Raw before 'Mania we have this brawl where all the superstars and VKM himself comes out himself to break it up to make it look 'legit'.
The VKM idea would satisfy me. I don't need to see a full WM 28 preview, just some legit emotion, not the too cool for school Republican debate #27 that we have had.
My top 5:

People who use sig quotes of others complimenting them. It's like they have to prove their worth using other people's words instead of showing it with their posting. Possibly related is shit like Snakey telling D-Man recently...

Yes, I am considered unlikable by some posters but very few think that I am anything but solid in the wrestling sections.

Pretty much it comes down to this: if you have to say it yourself, or show off when others have said it, YOU'RE TRYING TOO HARD.

"Race" as a gimmick, especially non-whites. It's like McMahon has Cody Rhodes, Daniel Bryan, and Zeke Jackson in a row; he stops at Cody and is like "You're gonna be a pretty boy starlet, only something's going to happen and cause you to hide like you're the Phantom of the Opera.". He moves to Bryan and is like "You're gonna be wholesome, but you're gonna hold that over people like you think you're better than them because you're Vegan.". He gets to Zeke and is like "'re gonna be BLACK!". Extra minus points for race based tag teams like Mexican America.

Non-spam can be a breeding zone for dipshits, but some of the worst are people who can't use full stops or even fucking's like they think "..." is ok to use instead of making a point in a clear and precise manner...they just keep going on...and it doesn't ever stop...and they get kinda mad when you call them out on it like "hey...that's i's my...right to...".

Most uses of the term "IWC". Specifically, use that tries to imply that the user is not also part of an internet community discussing professional wrestling and sports entertainment. You're here talking about this shit with the rest of us, pal. Get the fuck over yourself.

When announcers state that a wrestler kicked out of a pin attempt "on instinct alone, perhaps". If I'm going to let myself slip into kayfabe and "buy" that guys really travel the world engaging in combat where the usual method of winning is pin fall, YOU BETTER DAMN WELL HAVE IT HARDWIRED INTO YOUR CENTRAL FUCKING NERVOUS SYSTEM TO KICK UP OR RAISE AN ARM IF YOU ARE BEING HELD DOWN AND HEAR SOMEONE SLAPPING THE MAT.

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