TOP 5(SERIES):Best/Favorite "performer" in WWE history


Dark Match Winner
I saw the same concept in another thread concerning the best "technical" wrestler in wwe histtory.I wanted to do one concerning the best "performers" in wwe history.

Me personally,i enjoy "wrestling".not just for the entertainment that wwe tries to make it.but for wrestling me a good wrestler/performer was someone who could do just about everything.such as.....highflyer-rey rey;technical-benoit/bret.but i think in this day and time a wrestlers "performance" as a total package is being looked at more than ever before.nowadays we (iwc) judge a wrestler not just by his looks,his wrestling,promos,entrance(maybe thats just me.thats important,if your music or entrance sucks you have no chance),and the wrestlers aura (its like when you see a wrestler you just get a feel like there is something different about jr's debut on raw promo.when he said "priceless" i got goosebumps and was like he is going to be BIG).so in that thought,who is your top 5 "performers"?????

MY LIST (not in order):

-Undertaker (he has the have to be a bad man to be able to pull off a character like that that cannot be duplicated and/or done by any other person.he does the character perfectly.from the moves,to move names, to promos,to entrance,to most importantly the maneurisms he has in the ring that make that gimmick unique and believable and intimidating.)

-Bret Hart (the best there is,the best there was,the best there ever will be.....nuff said.he could just flat out give it to you.w/e you needed done in a match he could do it and "execute" it "excellently")

-HBK (he is my favorite wrestler of all time but hes not on this list b/c of that.he is nicknamed "MR. Wrestlemania".not b/c he has had alot of mania matches.but because there is NOT ONE wrestler alive that can out "perform" him on the biggest stage in pro wrestling.his match with taker just reminded me of how great he is.i kinda forgot with him getting caught up with dx.but i watched the match again the other day,and it still gives me goosebumps.)

-the rock (i know he's in the dg house with much of the iwc,and with me.but the rock is still one of THE best "performers" wwe has ever seen.he had the look,entrance music,entrance,promo,and most emportantly he could electrify the crowd,just by rasing his freaking eyebrow.thats the definition of a great performer.the subtle things is what makes a superstar a great "performer" to me.and the rock had it.)

-stone cold (the man could get such a HUGE reaction from the crowd with a finger.once again the subtle he could wrestle.i've heard some say his wrestling was overrated,but i beg to differ.wm vs bret....nuff said.austin could get a pop from saying "what?".i mean come on...."what?".....that screams performer.his entrance got you shatters......bassline hits...out he comes neck back and forth......jawing off.....up the steps to the four the time the match starts you are so jacked you cant even think to blink.austin was the man and still is.garauntee you let the glass shatter tonight and EVERYONE WILL MARK OUT!!!!!!,especially if he does something impactful.)
This list will be an easy one for me...

5. Randy Orton
This is one of the two guys that I tune in to Raw to see perform, that are actual Raw superstars. The way The Miz carries himself is just right. From the smack talking to the way he backs it up in the ring with the Skull Crushing Finale. And he's able to go outside the ring and put on great guest appearances, like in Dinner Impossible. And then there's the fact that even before his MTV stint, he was an indy wrestler that had "it" just no idea how to get "it" noticed. The guy's a great competitor and exciting to watch week in and week out.

4. Randy Orton
The other guy that I tune in to Raw to see perform, that are actual Raw superstars. The mic skills that he has are flawless, and the RKO that he pulls out of nowhere are easily breath taking. Like Royal Rumble 2008 for example. And plus, the way he continued to outsmart Cena when he was champ was amazing. Like when he struck the referee at No Way Out 2008 to retain the WWE Championship, or the way he managed to gain the championship in the Fatal Four Way earlier this year. AMAZING! And not only that, but when he "snaps" in the ring, it's always a pleasure to see him rip apart his opponent.

3. Matt Hardy
The biggest underdog in WWE today. This man gets fans off their feet and ready to go day after day. And he can easily play the roll as a heel or face. I mean, his short lived run on Raw as a heel, was perfect. I only wish WWE had done more. His reign as United States and ECW Champion last year, breath taking and exciting. And his ring skills are so crisp that you'd have no idea that he was once a backyard wrestler.

2. Owen Hart
A man who literally gave his life putting on a show for the crowds. Week in and week out, Owen Hart was an amazing wrestler and showcased amazing talent. He was a phenomenal mat technician, and had great promos. Like when he rivaled Bret and was trying to go out from underneath Bret's shadow. Or when he beat Bret Hart at WrestleMania to actually get out of his brother's shadow. An inspiration that got me to get out of my older brother's shadow as well.

1. Bret Hart
He's my favorite wrestler, of all time. I don't care if others think other wise, Bret Hart is WWF's best performer EVER! Just the way he helped mold the careers of great athletes like Stone Cold, Shawn Michaels, Owen Hart, and others. His match with Curt Hennig for the IC title, perfect example of terrific mat work. His match against Benoit in WCW in honor of Owen, even better. The best thing to ever happen to professional wrestling, was Bret Hart. The man who bounced back from being made to look like a joke in Hogan's eyes. The man who made professional wrestling shine in the light when it needed it best. And quite frankly, there has yet to be a submissionist to come along since then that can make me believe they weren't at least partially influenced by the best there was, the best there is, and the best there ever will be.
this list is all to easy for me.......

5: Vince McMahon: Any list that has the words "Most Entertaining" in their title has to include the boss, the chairman, the MAN, Vince McMahon. First, his interviews are always entertaining as he is willing to say things that are both extremely funny and extremely offensive at the same time. He has one of the best catchphrases in "You're Fired!" He has an amazing walk to the ring that makes him look like he is made of jelly or something, and finally, his matches are always always entertaining, and provide some very memorable moments. Who can forget Linda standing up out of that chair, or him doing Hogan's Legdrop off a ladder at Mania 19, and lets not forget the look on his face when he gazed over the apron, leadpipe in hand at Mania 19. Oh, and he was also one half of the most incredible feud of all time: Austin vs McMahon.

4: The Undertaker: Why is Taker only 4th? Its because as phenomenal as Taker is, his interview/mic work is a little bit weak. That is just My Opinion Though. His mic work is easily overshadowed by his matches though, and the simple fact that Taker doesn't need to talk to be entertaining. His mere presence is enough to send goosebumps down your spine, and he has the most iconic, the most badass entrance of all time.

5: Stone Cold Steve Austin: The man who brought Pro Wrestling back into the mainstream, Steve Austin is the reason why many people even began to watch wrestling in the mid-late nineties. His interviews were some of the most intense, and entertaining anyone has ever seen, and his feud's with The Rock and Mr. McMahon are the stuff of is he only 3rd? First, his matches got a little stale to me as they turned into the same thing over and over again. Secondly, and more importantly, was of course his famous "Taking his ball home" incident in which he left the arena of Raw one night, and quit on the fans and the company because he didn't like the match he was booked in. A true entertainer doesn't do that. A true entertainer shuts their mouth, and goes out and wrestles because it is what the fans want to see.

2: The Rock: Now you might wonder "How can the Rock be number 2? Didn't he abandon the fans by going to make movies?" Um......NO! How can anyone say he abandoned the fans when the rock simply evolved as a person, and an entertainer, and simply decided to entertain in a new medium. Not only that, but it wasn't truly his decision to leave, as WWE simply let his contract expire with the company in 2006 without any attempts to talk to The Rock about what he wanted to do. Thirdly, The Rock is hasn't even really left as he still does things with the company, and if he ever guest hosts RAW, he will easily be the best guest host ever!? Why? Well, its time to talk about what makes him so damn entertaining, and that is his mic skills. let me say this plainly: NO ONE IN THE HISTORY OF WRESTLING HAS EVER HAD MIC SKILLS THAT COULD COMPARE OR SURPASS THE ROCK'S MIC SKILLS! in plain speech: THE ROCK HAS THE BEST MIC SKILLS OF ALL TIME! Now, granted, his matches also got a little stale, but he more than made up for this with his interviews. Whether is was humiliating The Coach, his segments with Mic Foley as part of The Rock and Sock Connection, The Rock Concerts, him insulting anyone and everyone in the locker room, nobody had more entertaining interviews than The Rock. There is a reason why "Rock: This is Your Life" is the highest rated segment in the history of Raw(As claimed on the Raw: 15th Anniversary DVD Set). Yes part of that segment was Mic, but a huge chunk of it was The Rock's reactions to the parade of people brought out. So yeah, the rock is definitely the second most entertaining wrestler of all time

and that brings me to number one, a man who I believe to not only be the most entertaining wrestler of all time, but also THE best wrestler ever........

1: "HBK" Shawn Michaels: There are several reasons why I put HBK as the number one most entertaining wrestler of all time. 1: His interview segments are hilarious, and he has been entertaining through ALL AGES! HBK was entertaining in the 80's with The Rockers. HBK was entertaining in the early 90's when he changed into a singles wrestler, and had some awesome stuff going with Sheri. HBK was entertaining when the attitude era began, and he created DX with HHH. HBK was entertaining when he came back after 4 years after a severe back injury. HBK was entertaining with the rebirth of DX in 2006 and he had to remodel himself because of his religious values, and HBK is entertaining today with the PG Era. Who else can say that? Taker: NO! He never went through the 80's, he debuted in 1990. Hogan: NO! I can argue that he stopped being entertaining a couple of years ago when he got his reality show, and his life started to go to crap. Austin: NO! His gimmick could only work in the Attitude Era, end of story. The Rock: NO! He came to late in the game. Only one man can say that he has been entertaining for the last 24 years in the WWE, and only one man can say that he evolved as a character and as a man during that time, and that is HBK. 2: His matches are 4-5 star matches every single time he goes out into the ring. As Chris Jericho put it "HBK is mozart in the ring. That is his form of art, and he is the best at it." Does anyone like to argue with that? HBK has a record NINE PWI Match of the Year awards (Soon to be 10 when he wins this year for his match with Taker at Mania 25). HBK is an innovator. There is a reason why he has been in almost every first of a match (Ladder, HIAC, Elimination Chamber, Iron Man). It is because everyone knows that the match will be a 5 star, entertaining match, and that is the point of Pro Wrestling. Yes, you need interview segments in order to sell a PPV and get butts in the seats, but once the fans are there, you need to go out into the ring, and prove that people spent their money wisely. HBK does both of those things because win or lose, it doesn't matter to him. The only thing that matters is at the end of the day, the match you are gonna remember the most is the match HBK was in. 3: To go along with 2, lets look at some of these matches. He got a 5 star, match of the year match out of John Cena. He had perhaps the best pure wrestling match Raw has ever seen when he wrestled Shelton Benjamin in 2006 (this match also provided the single most devastating Sweet Chin Music i have ever seen) and he managed to get a match of the year match out of a 50+ year old man in Ric Flair who, and let's be fair, hadn't really been wrestling all that well for at least a year prior to that match. Such is the power of HBK though, that he almost resurrected the old Ric Flair, and had a fantastic match with him.

So to avoid rambling some more, I will just end this now. That is my list, and yeah, I am sticking to it. :)
When I think of a "performer," I think of guys who didn't have the greatest technical skills, but were amazingly entertaining to watch. To me, a great performer could have been a guy who didn't know an armbar from a crowbar, but could make the crowd go wild with the way he handled himself in the ring. A great performer could wow you by telling a great story in the ring, doing things like taking nice bumps (Mick Foley), being totally involved in his character (Hogan/Warrior), or just being downright evil and cheating his way through (Ric Flair). I have always had more respect for great technical wrestlers, but great performers also have their spot. While my definition of "performer" may differ a bit from yours, here's my list:

5. The Ultimate Warrior- What a classic case of a guy who couldn't wrestle a lick,but still made the crowd LOVE him. He was so over with the fans at that time, they had no choice but to put him over Hogan at Mania 6. While his in ring skills were garbage and now a days he is thought of almost as a complete joke, the fans loved the guy because no matter how poor his skills were, he could keep the crowd interested because of his intensity. He was so intense in the ring, it was like you were almost there with him. Not a big Warrior fan now, but when I was like 6 years old, he was off the charts haha.

4. Jeff Hardy- Jeff is not a technical wrestler. He doesn't have the best mic skills. But he can put on a HELL of a match, and has been able to do so for years now. His character is right in line with how he works in the he is insane! He will take the biggest bumps and the biggest risks night in and night out, with no concern for his own well being, and that makes the crowd love him.

3. The Rock- The Rock is another guy who wasn't a great technician. Sure, he could throw a sharpshooter on or deliver a decent suplex from time to time,but he was mostly about big, over the top looking closelines, punches, and all the other stuff that fills in teh blanks for holes in your techinical game. He could make the crowd pop by doing just about anything in his not-so deep arsenal of wrestling moves. He was a great seller too.

2. Hulk Hogan- Hogan was almost as bad as Warrior in terms of wrestling technique. His matches were almost the same thing night in and night out, but by God he could drive a crowd wild. Granted it was a different time and place back in the late 80's, early 90's, but he was the guy because he was a CHARACTER in the ring, as well as outside the ring on the mic. The way he would involve teh crowd in his matches is still unmatched. By the time he got to WCW, the second time around for his nWo heel turn, the gig was up. People were onto the fact that he couldn't wrestle for shit. But still, even in light of the fans knowing this, he became one of the most successful heels we will ever see. Why? Because once again, he made the crowd feel like he was not only fighting his opponent, but he was fighting them as well, just like he made the crowd feel like they were fighting WITH him during his big days with WWF.

1. Shawn Michaels- Who puts on more exciting matches than Shawn Michaels? This guy is not a technical wrestler. Shawn did a few things that were top notch, but the biggest was.. He SELLS!! Next to Ric Flair, I don't think there has been a better guy in the history of professional wrestling at taking beatings. You could feel the pain sometimes, he sold so well. You would find yourself thinking (even though you KNOW it's fake), How is this guy going to come back from what has just happened to him. And he would usually do so when you least expected it. Things like that make a great "performer."
The lists that I have seen are mediocre at best. Did the guy above me really put Ultimate Warrior on his list? Here it goes....

1. Shawn Michaels: He is the Showstopper, the Main Event, Mr. Wrestlemania, The Icon. When it comes to in ring performances, there is no one, in the past or present, that has been better than HBK. He had the best matches night in and night out in the 90's, he was off for 4 years, and he returned to have some of the most storied matches of this past decade. He is great on the mic, too. People call him overrated and what not, but I want someone to show me a better in ring performer, in HISTORY, than Shawn Michaels.

2. Hulk Hogan: God I hate putting him on any of my, "best," lists but like it or not, the Hulkster deserves a spot on the list. He took a territorial, local show and made it into a nationally televised, billion dollar industry. He was colorful and really fun to watch. I didn't much care for him on TNA, mainly because he didn't say brother enough and his music sucked, but in the past he was cool.

3. The Rock: The Great One has to be on any one's list of best performers. He was the most electrifying man in sports and entertainment. Quite possibly the greatest talker in the history of wrestling. The man made you hang on to his every word and after doing that, he made you hang on to his every move. The Rock was truly one of the best ever.

4. Steve Austin: This man, along with The Rock (to a degree) saved the WWE from defeat in the late 90's. Fact is, without Steve Austin, we may still be watching the nWo on Monday nights (we kinda are on TNA). He would rank as the second greatest talker in the history of professional wrestling and he wasn't bad in the ring either. He may be the greatest WWE superstar ever!

5. The Undertaker: The Phenom. This man is 6'10" and moves like he is a lightweight. He has considerably good matches for his size and he has a knack for making the fans care about complete and utter shit wrestlers (See Giant Gonzalez). He has single handily kept the old wrestling gimmick alive and he is really the last remnants of the early 90's wrestlers. He has been a main event level performer since his debut in the WWE and he has kept it going for 20 years.

I would have put Bret Hart on my list but I'm going to be honest with you, Bret screwed Bret. I have no sympathy whatsoever for Bret Hart. He should have done as he was told.
The lists that I have seen are mediocre at best. Did the guy above me really put Ultimate Warrior on his list? Here it goes....

1. Shawn Michaels: He is the Showstopper, the Main Event, Mr. Wrestlemania, The Icon. When it comes to in ring performances, there is no one, in the past or present, that has been better than HBK. He had the best matches night in and night out in the 90's, he was off for 4 years, and he returned to have some of the most storied matches of this past decade. He is great on the mic, too. People call him overrated and what not, but I want someone to show me a better in ring performer, in HISTORY, than Shawn Michaels.

2. Hulk Hogan: God I hate putting him on any of my, "best," lists but like it or not, the Hulkster deserves a spot on the list. He took a territorial, local show and made it into a nationally televised, billion dollar industry. He was colorful and really fun to watch. I didn't much care for him on TNA, mainly because he didn't say brother enough and his music sucked, but in the past he was cool.

3. The Rock: The Great One has to be on any one's list of best performers. He was the most electrifying man in sports and entertainment. Quite possibly the greatest talker in the history of wrestling. The man made you hang on to his every word and after doing that, he made you hang on to his every move. The Rock was truly one of the best ever.

4. Steve Austin: This man, along with The Rock (to a degree) saved the WWE from defeat in the late 90's. Fact is, without Steve Austin, we may still be watching the nWo on Monday nights (we kinda are on TNA). He would rank as the second greatest talker in the history of professional wrestling and he wasn't bad in the ring either. He may be the greatest WWE superstar ever!

5. The Undertaker: The Phenom. This man is 6'10" and moves like he is a lightweight. He has considerably good matches for his size and he has a knack for making the fans care about complete and utter shit wrestlers (See Giant Gonzalez). He has single handily kept the old wrestling gimmick alive and he is really the last remnants of the early 90's wrestlers. He has been a main event level performer since his debut in the WWE and he has kept it going for 20 years.

I would have put Bret Hart on my list but I'm going to be honest with you, Bret screwed Bret. I have no sympathy whatsoever for Bret Hart. He should have done as he was told.

First and foremost, how can you say these lists are mediocre, when yours is very similar to the ones that you are bashing.
Yes, I did put the Ultimate Warrior on my list, it broke my heart to do so, but I had to, and I think you would understand where I am coming from if you would have paid attention while reading my post. I gave what I feel is the best definition of a "performer." Like it or not, this guy was over with the fans, in a big way, maybe even more so than Hogan when he took the WWF championship. He was a shit wrestler, no doubt. I wouldn't put the guy in my top 50 wrestlers, maybe not even top 100. His mic skills were god awful, no one knew what the hell he was talking about half the time. But as a "performer," he would light the crowd up. From his entrance, where he ran like a maniac down to the ring, shook the ropes, and cleared his opponents from the squared circle like a plague was in there, to his over the top freak outs while wrestling, he was, in his own way, entertaining. WOuld he get over today? No chance in hell. But for the 1980's, that guy was perfect. A lot people liked that crazy, roided out type of guy who looked good, moved fast, but couldn't wrestle for shit. I think the Warrior is/was an idiot, but come on, he was huge during his prime. The fans found his matches to be some of the most exciting entertainment around due to his extremely high level of intensity, no question about it.
First and foremost, how can you say these lists are mediocre, when yours is very similar to the ones that you are bashing.
Yes, I did put the Ultimate Warrior on my list, it broke my heart to do so, but I had to, and I think you would understand where I am coming from if you would have paid attention while reading my post. I gave what I feel is the best definition of a "performer." Like it or not, this guy was over with the fans, in a big way, maybe even more so than Hogan when he took the WWF championship. He was a shit wrestler, no doubt. I wouldn't put the guy in my top 50 wrestlers, maybe not even top 100. His mic skills were god awful, no one knew what the hell he was talking about half the time. But as a "performer," he would light the crowd up. From his entrance, where he ran like a maniac down to the ring, shook the ropes, and cleared his opponents from the squared circle like a plague was in there, to his over the top freak outs while wrestling, he was, in his own way, entertaining. WOuld he get over today? No chance in hell. But for the 1980's, that guy was perfect. A lot people liked that crazy, roided out type of guy who looked good, moved fast, but couldn't wrestle for shit. I think the Warrior is/was an idiot, but come on, he was huge during his prime. The fans found his matches to be some of the most exciting entertainment around due to his extremely high level of intensity, no question about it.

My list may have some similar names on it, yes, but ALL of my names are legit candidates for such a title as, "best performer ever". Some lists have names on it like, Vince McMahon, Jeff Hardy, Randy Orton, Matt Hardy and so forth. I stick by my comment that the majority of lists above mine are mediocre.

I can see your point about the Ultimate Warrior, I really can. However, I don't believe that he is among the top five in best performers in wrestling. Sure, he ran out, shook the ropes, and he was electric, however, I can name several guys from that era that were more electric and that were far better to watch. Let's see, Dusty Rhodes was a better performer. Ricky Steamboat, Ric Flair, Sting, Randy Savage, and I could go on. Point is, they were all better performers than the Ultimate Warrior.

I hope that you don't feel like I took a shot at you, but the fact is, I don't think that the Ultimate Warrior deserves to be on this list at all.
5) Macho Man Randy Savage: Randy Savage at his peak would captivate audiences. Whether he was a bad guy smashing Ricky Steamboat’s larynx, or become a tournament champion over Ted DiBiase, or as the jilted tag-team partner of Hulk Hogan, this man knew how to bring it when he was in the ring.

What makes this man number five on my list was the storylines behind his matches. He had some of the most intriguing stories ever told in the squared-circle, and mixed that with some great in-ring ability to bring you a level of entertainment rarely seen. No matter what your taste, he’ll always entertain you.

4) Stone Cold Steve Austin: Stone Cold was the quintessential badass that you alwayscheered for. Even when turned on the fans andhe aligned himself with Mr. McMahon, fans wanted to cheer for him.

The character that Austin’s portrayed was one that everybody could relate too. He possessed in-ring ability, as well as a certain “it” factor, and one hell of a finishing move that managed to solve every problem that arose in the 90s.

3) Hulk Hogan: Hulkamania. What else need be said? Hulkamania wasn’t only seen inside of the squared circle, its presence was felt on the streets, in movies, on magazines, everywhere. Hogan was a blend of the MTV generation that was just starting to form, and the large wrestlers of yester-year, making him just the guy to make these early events special. Nearly everybody who watched the WWF during the 80’s has their “Hulk-Moment”, whether it be a good one or a bad one. From slamming Andre, to defeating Sgt. Slaughter/terrorism, the man was able to do it all.

2) The Rock: One of the most charismatic stars to have stepped foot inside of the ring and often considered, by many, to be one of the best talkers. The Rock had the ability to hold the audience in the palm of his hand by merely lifting his eyebrow. The Rock is the total package when it comes to being a wrestler. He had the look, and presence to know how to sway the crowd exactly how he wanted them too. As a heel or a face, The Rock was able to gather a crowds reaction.

1) Shawn Michaels: Shawn Michaels is to wrestling as Michael Jordan is to basketball. HBK is always raising his game to new levels when it comes to putting on an exciting and entertaining match for the wrestling audicent. Whatever needs to be done, whether it be raise the level of the talent around him, or steal the show with a superkick, Michaels always has stepped up to the plate and delivered.
Peformers are a dying breed now in WWE but here goes

5 - John Cena - I may not like Cena, infact i really don't like him, but the performances he gives to the fans is second to none. he really knows how to work a crowd, just if he had a gimmick change, perhaps to his old Heel Rapper, then maybe i might find a liking for him.

4 - Randy Orton - Amazing because you never know what side of Randy is going to appear. One night he could be a Punting- Madman, and other nights he could be a saviour to others. it makes him a great superstar to watch.

3 - Sabu - The Resident ECW Pyscho, but really knew how to go extreme, and give the audience what they wanted to see. Whether it's Diving through a table, or peforming a Triple-Jump moonsault. He knew how to work a crowd

2 - The Miz - Loved By many, Hated By More, the miz is just fantastic in and out of the ring. One of the very few real RAW superstars in WWE (Randy orton being the other) He is great to watch. He can talk Loud, but canback it up with The Skull-Crushing Finale. A true superstar.

1 - Santino Marella - The Most obscure pick to be my number 1, but since debuting as a 'fan', and building his fanbase to new highs. make him the best peformer in the WWE.
He may lack in the ring, but when he peforms, he as just brilliant to watch.
From his Splits combo, to hitting 'The Cobra' and the diving headbutt. He is just the best superstar to watch in all of the WWE, it's just a shame The Creative staff don't know what to do with him!

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