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Top 5 greatest submissions of all time


Getting Noticed By Management
I believe that the most over looked thing in wrestling is a good submission so therefore I'd like to hear your top 5 submissions of all time heres mine.

5. The Texas Cloverleaf - This is one of the best and most missed finishers in the business

4. Rings of Saturn - This move just looks like it hurts bad and trust me it does.

3. Reverse Figure Four and Regular Figure Four Leglock - Both are figure fours so I had to just combine them. By far the most famous submission in the past 30 or so years simply awesome.

2. Sharpshooter/Scorpion Deathlock - What can I say everyone does this damn move now but originally Bret Hart and Sting made this move a household name. Now I know they didn't create it but anyways thats the two who used it the most over the past 20 or so years as their finishers.

1. The Walls of Jericho - You may be saying "dude its a fuckin boston crab" but hear me out. When Jericho first came to the WWE he did an elevated version of it that looked very devastating and seemed almost unescapable.
Much more impressive than your run of the mill boston crab.
1. the sharpshooter- its a classic and looks pretty cool.

2. ankle lock- unpredictable and so suspensful

3. figure four- made famous by ric flair and shows the intensity well

4. crippler crossface- also unpredictable and and so violent

5. indian deathlock- looks awsome when applied properly, i wish triple h did it more
1) Sharpshooter -this submission seriously set the standards of matches being ended with submission. sure there was the figure four and headlocks. but this is the one move that has seriously tapped out so many wrestlers.

2) Figure Four Leglock - timeless, always will be used. but i always thought it was pretty gay when reversed. seriously how does the figure four leglock hurt the guy that is applying it when it is reversed

3) Lion tamer - as a blue belt bjj myself. this move is illegal in tourneys as this shit can break peoples spines if done correctly. when jericho used it in wcw that shit look like it hurt.

4) Anaconda Vice - this shit works and it is impressive when watching. but it is kind of flashy and in real life you could get out or not even tap out when put in it.

5) Crippler Crossface - just seeing benoit put it on someone makes me cringe.

* and for runner-up i think the leg triangle submission should be used more often. loved it when undertaker used it at no way out 06 against angle

oh and cant forget the ankle lock. but really like it that much
Well the only one I've been put in that hurt's is the Ring's of Saturn so that I.M.O. is the best.

The Crossface always look's painfull and the Anaconda Vice look's like it could be painfull.

The other two that look good in a wrestling match would have to be the Sharpshooter and the Ankle Lock. Neither look like thay would legitimatley hurt but in a pro wrestling sence thay look good.
5. ankle lock-easier to snap on to an unsuspecting opponent
4. figure 4 - need to say more? :) woooh!
3. liontamer/walls of jericho - looks kinda cool to me..and it will hurt the lower back really bad..
2. sharpshooter - famous enough to be remembered :)
1. haas of pain - foot/leg/lower back/neck destruction!

honorable mentions:
taker's triangle choke - kinda cool for a man his size to perform it.
torture rack - for the sake of being wiggled like a marshmallow haha
rings of saturn - as i'v read from your posts, i think it hurts bad.
STFU - just for a couple of laughs :shit: :wtf:
lasso from el paso - wish i saw it more =/
1-The Crossface, I've seen Benoit lock this in from just about every position he could be in, and he always hits it quick, not to mention it looks painful as hell

2-The Sharpshooter, timless and effective, IMO Bret Hart did it best

3-The Walls of Jericho, see all post above for the reason I chose this one

4-The Regal Stretch, surpirised no one else said this one, it looks paiful as hell and I have know idea how the hell anyone could get out of it

5-I can't remember the name, I think it's the Coheeda Clutch, any way it's the one Christopher Daniels used on AJ Styles in their first Iron Man Match, looks painful, unescapable, and devesting, someone should adopt this hold as their finisher
of course the crossface and the ankle lock, but after that i like Alex Shelley's Border City Stretch, the chicken wing, dragon sleeper, the original lion tamer, and dude that move that Daniels put on AJ in the iron man match i think is called the Koji clutch
5. Scorpion Death Lock/Sharpshooter
4. Crippler Crossface
3. Texas Clover Hold
2. Goku-Raku Stretch (used by Jinsei Shinzaki, and also featured on No Mercy for N64)
1. Swinging Full Nelson (Warlord, Chris Masters, etc.)
of course the crossface and the ankle lock, but after that i like Alex Shelley's Border City Stretch, the chicken wing, dragon sleeper, the original lion tamer, and dude that move that Daniels put on AJ in the iron man match i think is called the Koji clutch

Koji Clutch yeah that sounds right, thanks for correcting me, by the way what is the Border City Stretch? I don't think that I've ever seen it, and the Torture Rack should be added to my original list as a runner up, along with the Cloverleaf, Trantula, and the Steiner Recliener
This is my top five for my favorite finishers.

1. Cattle Mutilation - Bryan Danielson's finisher that looks so damn painful I can barely watch a guy try to wiggle out of it. One of the premier submissions that a wrestler doesn't have to work at selling because it's so painful.

2. Dragon Clutch - Low Ki popularized this and basically took Ultimo's coup de gras' and made it three times more painful and devastating.

3. Scorpion Deathlok - Household finisher that is the signature of two of my favorite wrestlers of all time, Sting and Hart. Thankfully Konnan knew how to put it on so he could teach Hart how to do it. When applied right and sat into deeply it is extremely painful on the spine and the knees (if you have bad knees, anyway).

4. Figure Four - Solid old-school finisher that when applied right makes your leg feel like it's being hyperextended into next week. A move that always draws applause in any promotion and that Ric Flari built a career around.

5. Rear Naked Choke - Legit shooter's move that is a real-world-type of finisher that when properly applied spells the end of a UFC or Pride encounter. It brings legitimate credibility to wrestling through its use and is the equivalent of having a human boa constrictor stuck to your back.
Well here are my favorite's in no order at all:

1. Cattle Mutilation: I can't believe this was only mentioned once as it is agruebly the sickest submission in the world right now.

2. Tazmission: Say what you will but this looked like a painful submission to me and Taz is one of my favorite wrestlers of all time.

3. The Angle/Ankle lock: The reason I put Angle's name there is because noone has ever done a better Angle lock then the one he's using right now.

4. The Brock Lock: One of the sickest looking submission I ever seen and I know he didn't use it very much but when I think back to agruebly Smackdown!'s greatest match ever Beniot vs Brock for WWE title I just remember Beniot passing out to the hold screaming in pain.

5. The Haas of Pain: This is a great finishing submission it's too bad Haas doesn't get to break it out to ofton as it looks very painful.

As my runner up holds I pick, Sharpshooter/Scorpion Death Lock, The Beast Choker(Dragon sleeper with scissiors), The Lion Tamer(not that watered down verision the Walls of Jericho), The Crossface Chicken Wing (don't sleep on this classic submission Bob Backland and Syxx-Pac(Buzzkiller CFCW with scissiors) used them as their finishers very effectively it looked like a very painful hold, and last that sick full nelson/camel clutch combo i've seen used at times.
1) Sharpshooter. Looks cool and paiful at the same time.
2) Walls of Jericho. Painful, it works on the lower back and it actually does hurt somewhat if applied and you not trained for it.
3) Masterlock/Full Nelson. this is a very dangerous move and the only way out of it is through shear brute strength.(trickery don't count if someone else is involved)
4) Crippler Crossface. This just looks real cool whenever it is applied.

and Finally

5) The figure Four. What more do I need to Say. Whoooooo
In no particular order...

Dragon Clutch - My personal favorite submission to use; cuts off the opponents breathing, and puts pressure on the neck and back. Very hard to escape and quick to apply.

Haas of Pain - Painful for an opponents leg, knee, back and neck. Wish it could be seen more often on tv.

Koji Clutch - Tough professional looking hold. Puts pressure on the head and neck making it difficult to breathe and is very tough to get out of. Why this hasnt become a legit main finisher i dont know.

Crippler Crossface - Looks very painful for one's face, neck and arm. Can be quickly applied from almost any position.

Ankle Lock - Done right it is devastating to a person's ankle. As Angle has shown it can be very quickly applied in a lot of positions and shaking the agressor off can be very difficult.

Honorable Mention goes to the Cattle Mutilation, Figure 4, and Sharpshooter.
I believe that the most over looked thing in wrestling is a good submission so therefore I'd like to hear your top 5 submissions of all time heres mine.

5. The Texas Cloverleaf - This is one of the best and most missed finishers in the business

4. Rings of Saturn - This move just looks like it hurts bad and trust me it does.

3. Reverse Figure Four and Regular Figure Four Leglock - Both are figure fours so I had to just combine them. By far the most famous submission in the past 30 or so years simply awesome.

2. Sharpshooter/Scorpion Deathlock - What can I say everyone does this damn move now but originally Bret Hart and Sting made this move a household name. Now I know they didn't create it but anyways thats the two who used it the most over the past 20 or so years as their finishers.

1. The Walls of Jericho - You may be saying "dude its a fuckin boston crab" but hear me out. When Jericho first came to the WWE he did an elevated version of it that looked very devastating and seemed almost unescapable.
Much more impressive than your run of the mill boston crab.

u hit it on the head bro.. im also thinkin tongan death grip.. meng in wcw used this.. i mean its not too legit.. but if youve ever been in it in real life youd understand
1) Cattle Mutilation
2) Haas of pain
3) Surfboard
4) Sharpshooter
5) Rings of saturn

special mention goes to walls of jericho, anglelock, regal stretch and the crippler crossface.
5. tazmission/ koheed clutch. their in a tied cuz when taz or samoa joe put you in them it either tap or get choke out.
4. tequila sunrise. konnan old move it just look like it hurts
3.crippler crossface. when chris hooks it right always a win.
2ankle lock. simple but affective
1.sharpshooter. best there is, best there was, best there ever will be.
First off to the person that remembered Brock Lesnars "Brock Lock" Kudos to u as i just did that move to my brother and i did it watching Brock when he did that to Rey Mysterio

1. Brock Lesnar: Brock Lock(The leg version not the bear hug)
2. Bret Harts Sharpshooter(I say Brets version; His actually looked liked it jacked u up unlike the rocks and others versions
3.Kurt Angle and Ken Shamrock: Ankle Lock
4.Undertakers version of the dragon sleeper(when someone 300 lbs and strong as taker bends your neck and back backwards its going to hurt)
5. Samoa Joes Rear Naked Choke
1. Rear Naked Choke- Near inescapable and can cut off your oxygen supply pretty quickly.

2. Ankle Lock- The pain in this one is legit all the way, very easy to apply and maintain and very practical

3. Sharpshooter- Again, legitametly painful and very hard to break out of, harder to apply than the ankle lock, but easy enough

4. Figure Four Leglock- Another painful submission, very fun to see apply and is oe of the most well known submissions out there

5. Fugiwar Armbar- Underrated but still a good submission, this is so wicked that you can break someones forearm, dislocate their rotator cuff, dislocate their elbow or any other pain full arm injury
My 5 favorite Submissions

5-Figure 4 Leg lock-For people that havent been put in the hold but I'm thinking that your all thinking ''Wdf how could that hurt'' trust me it hurts

4-Walls of Jericho The best boston crab i've ever seen

3-Extreme Cobra Clutch trust me that could break your fking back and your neck

2-Scorpion Deathlok Sting and Hart I love them both they would be in my top 10 of fav wrestlers

1-Stfu all bbody parts=Death
in no order mine are
scorpian deathlock/sharpshooter. trust me this has screwed up my back alot due to my brother putting me in it. not fun to be in

liontamer. and i quote "DAMN"

Rear Naked Choke. thats crazy i read about it and i wouldn't even try to do it to someone because if i did it write i could do serious damage.

the camel clutch. this is anotha move wich hurts so much. my neck hurt 4 4 days after having it done to me for a couple of minutes

the regal stretch. ive had the stfu done to me. it hurt. i cant imagine the pain the regal stretch done to me.

honorable mentions are figure four and reversed figure four (really hurts your thigh), keylock, torture rack, takers dragon sleeper, ankle lock, haas of pain and the lasso from el paso
dammit, the post above mine by Swanton4Life is baisically what i was gonna say, ah well, ill have a turn.

5-Regal stretch, only seen it once recently, dont know why he doesnt use it more often, that running knee lift is too much of a shoot fighters finisher, the tapout would be better.

4- equal: Lasso from El Paso and Haas Of Pain - both hurt when properly applied

3- Camel Clutch, the ultimate heel finisher, and when the matches are made properly, seeing the ultimate good guy escape out of it, its good as too.

2- Ankle Lock. I like this cause 1) it can be applied so quickly and unpredictably, and, 2) It hurts like hell

1- equal - Sharpshooter. I realised i love this finisher in the 2005 elimination chamber, having j.r yell his loungs out "SHARPSHOOTER (x4)". Used by Trish too retire as well, very well done, just a classic, classic manuevoure.
Tazmission. Very unpredictable and yes, you do tap when being put in it. my mate and i were play fighting out side science class, 5 minutes before when i was in yr.10, he put me in the tazmission, i taped like in 15 seconds and for the rest of calls my vision was blury and i felt incredibly woosy. i got him back the next day however, he didnt escape out of my vripler crossface - haha.

i dunno why, but ivenever really been a fan of the figure four - id just try and move my legs around and start punching the guy applying it.

Konnans tequiler sunrise is good also.

Rear Naked Choke is the best painfull submission

also, who did the cattle mutilation and rings of saturn cause i have absolutly never heard of em? they sound painfull as hell however?
I personally like the ankle lock, the crossface, and the tazzmission. There is also a judo choke called the crucifix choke, or jigoku jime, which is a sick looking manuver. I'm surprised to find that there isn't a single pro wrestler anywhere who preforms this move or other variations of it.
#5 full nelson
#4the sharpshooter
#3the walls of jerchio
#2the ankle lock
#1 the crossface
1.Rear Naked Choke
2.Ankle Lock
3.Figure Four
4.Scorpion Death Lock
5.Crippler Cross Face

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