Top 10 Old-School ECW Wrestlers


Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
10. Sabu - I have a really tough time putting Sabu this low, but aside from being a 6-time tag title holder, he was more known for his death-defying offense, than his number of titles. He did have 1 ECW title reign, and 1 TV title reign, but his time holding the tag belts with Taz and RVD were his best days. He also turned his back on the company for a larger payday, which while understandable, is a big no-no to the hardcore legions of ECW fans.

9. Jerry Lynn - Lynn is my favorite wrestler of all-time, but even I'll admit that his time at the top of ECW was too late in the company's existence to really have an impact on the history of it. He came in with tons of fan support, and carried a great feud with RVD, making him bigger than he already was. He also had a very lengthy feud with Justin Credible and the Impact Players, and then even had a semi-successful heel turn towards the end as a member of The Network.

8. Taz - Whether it was as the Tazmaniac, or simply known as Taz, he always seemed to find himself around gold. Whether he was feuding with Sabu, or brawling around the building with Bam Bam Bigelow, he was constantly in the spotlight. He almost never had a bad match. The reason I rank him so low is because he worked extra stiff with guys he didn't like, and turned his back on ECW, just as they were getting a little national recognition.

7. Sandman - I must be out of mind ranking him so low. Sandman was the ultimate character in ECW, and the fans ate it up like it was laced with crack. It was so simple, yet so genius. He made Tommy Dreamer into the Hardcore Icon that he became, and also made the Singapore Cane the official weapon of hardcore. His feuds with all of the top guys are part of what kept the business going.

6. Tommy Dreamer - I'll justify putting Tommy Dreamer at 6 by saying that the top 5 are pretty damn good, and trying to hold it against him that he rarely had any gold around his waist. Tommy didn't want the gold though. He just wanted to fight and entertain, and since when is that a bad thing? He started as a dweeb, and feuded with Sandman to become the man we all cheer for now. Without his blood being spilled in the ring, woh knows where ECW would have gone.

5. Terry Funk - I'm really torn as to where Terry fits on this list, because he could either rank as #1, or be off it completely. He went to ECW to put over people, and nothing else. They gave him the respect of winning the gold on the first ever PPV, and inducted him into their HoF. But, he did it all to make people into stars. He wanted to see guys like Mikey, Dreamer, Raven, Richards, and Sandman become headliners, and he made it his job to do that. Because he put over just about everybody, I plop him right in the middle. He put every singles wrestler ahead of him over, so I have no problems with this.

4. The Dudley Boys - They are not #1, because they are not singles wrestlers, but they deserve a spot on this list. Not only are they among the greatest tag teams ever, but they rank among the greatest stables ever. Whether you want to take Buh-Buh and Big Dick, Buh-Buh and D-Von, or Buh-Buh, D-Von, and Spike, you have a great tag team. They got more heat than even Shane Douglas at the height of the angle with the Pitbulls, and always had fans diving into the ring ready to fight them. It just doesn't get better than that.

3. Raven - Raven is another guy that spent his time in ECW putting people over, and creating some of the best angles ECW had ever seen. He was also the most controversial, and is a big part of the reason ECW got the hardcore reputation that it did. Whether it was brainwashing Lori and Tyler, or crucifying Sandman, or brawling with Dreamer, Raven was there to entertain. He was a great champion, and without his time spent as Raven, his career would have been over.

2. Shane Douglas - I really wanted to put Shane at #1, but I just couldn't do it. He'd like that too much. Simply put, there is no memory of ECW for almost any of us without Shane throwing down the NWA belt. There is no memory of ECW if Shane doesn't legitimately break Gary Wolfe's neck. There's no memory of the TV title without Shane's impressive run. He was gold on the mic, and he could work with anyone in the ring. Love him or hate him, you have to give him credit for the survival of ECW.

1. Rob Van Dam - RVD was my original choice for #2, simply because he never won the big one. But, as we all know, he held the TV title belt longer than anyone on ECW ever held any gold. He made the "midcard" belt more relevant than the main title, and was the most exciting performer to watch in the ring. He could be in a tag team, in a cage, or fighting backstage, and everyone ate it up. He was a heel, but no one was silent when it was time for an "R-V-D" chant. He is the best known face from the company, and he is the main reason ECW was able to carry on for so long after the company was essentially belly up.

So, what do you think? Agree? Disagree? Either way, I'm standing by my picks, which really could be numbered 1A-1J...
Damn NightShiftLoser...i read the title of the thread and the wheels started to turn in my head instantly. I agree with your list totally except for one person... Terry Funk. I would bump everyone else up a spot on it and have a tie in the 10 spot between The Impact Players and Francine. As far as the Impact Players go i think the blended great as a tag team as they could be technical and hardcore and Credible and Storm had great chemistry. During their run i truely believe they were one of the top 2 or 3 things going on in ECW. And Francine...ECW was hardcore and risque..more so than WWF and WCW and she was a staple of it. She wasnt afraid to get involved and was always involved with a guy in the title scene.
I'm a huge fan of the Impact Players, and really wanted to include them in my list, but I couldn't find out where to fit them. They were much better as a unit than as individuals, and remain as one the best stables of the last 10 years. I'm thinking about doing a Top 10 Tag Teams From ECW, but that's for another day. I'd have a lot to think about for that one.

I adore Francine, and she did a lot for the company, but I wanted to stick with just wrestlers. I could go on and on about all the managers and valets of the company, but I don't think any of them deserve a spot in a Top 10 for the history of the company.
I agree as a tag team Justin Credible and Lance Storm were far better. They were my favorite thing from ECW outside of RVD, but I am a realist and cant put them very high on the list of top ECW superstars. I also agree a list of top ECW tag teams would be one to think about. Easily have to include the Impact Players, the Dudleys, Gangstas, Eliminators, and Pitbulls. Thats a good one to think about. I think you need to add that thread. Long live ECW.
The tag team thread would definitely include the best and most influential. I tried to look at everything when compiling this list, factoring in titles, longevity, respect for the company, and impact they had on the company as a whole.

Guys like Taz and Sabu could obviously rank 1st and 2nd, but Taz left when they needed him most, and Sabu left in the middle of the build towards the debut PPV. It could have been devastating, and who knows what would have happened from there.
Exactly...i think Taz leaving had a bigger impact on ECW. They were starting to gain momentum and real popularity and then a guy they built as almost unbeatable gets up and leaves. He was a champion and couldnt be stopped and then gets ousted first in a triple threat match first. Losing him could have been the demise of ECW but it wasnt, which credit has to be given to the rest of the ECW roster at the time. That was right around the time where guys like RVD and Jerry Lynn became superstars in the ECW world.
I pretty much agree with the list. I would have slipped Raven ahead of Douglas just because I like him more. I always loved his character, that dark-ass psychopathic feel it had to it. The dark promos, everything. You just can't go wrong with Raven. A question for you though; Do you consider Jericho, Austin, or Foley ECW greats? Maybe not top 10 worthy, but great. I always enjoyed watching Foley and Austin's promo's in ECW, they were just so RAW and rugged man..
I definitely consider Foley among the greats. His promos were top notch, and his matches did nothing but push rising stars to the top. Austin was certainly good while he was there, and I loved the development of his future self, but he wasn't great. Jericho had some of the best matches of early ECW, but I can't include him on the list because he didn't have a lasting effect on the company as a whole.

If I went a little further, names like Mikey Whipwreck, The Eliminators, and The Pitbulls would have popped up. I might do another list in the future.
I definitely consider Foley among the greats. His promos were top notch, and his matches did nothing but push rising stars to the top. Austin was certainly good while he was there, and I loved the development of his future self, but he wasn't great. Jericho had some of the best matches of early ECW, but I can't include him on the list because he didn't have a lasting effect on the company as a whole.

If I went a little further, names like Mikey Whipwreck, The Eliminators, and The Pitbulls would have popped up. I might do another list in the future.

Yeah, That's why I was like they might not be top 10 worthy, but they at least made an impact. Mikey was another one of those dudes who had to earn the respect of the ECW fans, just like Dreamer. Well, not JUST like Dreamer, you get the general idea though. I can go back and watch a Foley or Raven promo from back in the day and still get chills. That shit was greatness.
There have been so many great names that can and went through the doors of ECW. Chris Jericho, Steve Austin, Mick Foley, Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, Eddy Guerrero, Brian Pillman, Bam Bam Bigelow, etc. While I loved the work these guys did while in that company, they are not what I consider to be ECW guys, therefore I'm not including them on my list.

10. Jerry Lynn - A tremendous talent right here. He certainly helped make RVD into "the man" in this company. While Lynn didn't really play a part in building the freight train that was ECW, he helped keep it moving when many of the top talent were jumping ship to WCW or WWE. Lynn's fued with RVD helped keep ECW in the fold.

9. Mikey Whipwreck - ECW's very own superhero. I simply could not make this list without including Mikey Whipwreck. This is a kid who was there because he wanted to help set up the ring. Instead he became one of the most popular wrestlers in the company despite not landing his first offensive move until almost a year into his in ring career. Mikey made people care and stood for everything that ECW was all about.

8. Sabu - One of my favorite wrestlers. I wish I could put him higher up on the list, but the guys in front of him just had more of an impact. Sabu gets a bad rep for being simply a high spot guy who wrapped barbwire around himself. Not true. Sabu could wrestle, and he did have some very good wrestling matches in ECW. But honestly, who the hell wants to see Sabu mat wrestle? This guy put on some of the greatest hardcore matches ever.

7. Sandman - He could be on this list for his entrance alone. He took the entire 5:32 of Enter Sandman to get to the ring. He was drunk and bloody by the time his match started. The gimmick was something everyone could relate to and wanted to see. The Stone Cold gimmick was influenced by what Austin saw during his time in ECW. Sandman was a company man, living his gimmick and continuing to stick with his storylines even when at home.

6. Taz - He was booked to be a sawed off monster. And it worked. No one was badder than Taz in the mid 90's. For a while, he was the face of the company. The human suplex machine was so intense and put on good matches with just about everyone. He had memorable fueds with Sabu and Bam Bam Bigelow.

5. Terry Funk - What I can say about Funk....He was just amazing. He was willing to put anyone over and he did. He made alot of young talent into main event guys. He worked some of the greatest matches in ECW from the infamous barbwire match with Sabu to the 3 way dance at the Night the Line was Crossed. Funk was also the last man standing at the end of ECW's very first PPV as he beat Raven for the title at Barely Legal.

4. Tommy Dreamer - Loyal as an old dog. Dreamer saw ECW through from beginning to end. He was such a hard worker and was unbelieveably valueable to the company. He was involved in some of the greatest fueds in wrestling- Dreamer v. Raven and Dreamer v, Sandman. To this day, if you say ECW, people will think of Tommy Dreamer.

3. Raven - One of the greatest minds in wrestling. He understood psychology better than just about anyone else. Raven cut some of the best promos of the 90's and was responsible for the gimmicks of many of the wrestlers on the ECW roster. He was also the man responsible for my favorite angle of all time- the Sandman Crucifixion. It doesn't get anymore controversial and edgy than that. Raven knew how to put together a storyline and a match. In turn, he was the top guy during ECW's highest point.

2. Shane Douglas - In my opinion, the greatest heel in wrestling history. What he could do in a wrestling ring was amazing. Not specifically his skills, but the way he delivered it. His in ring work was always solid and his promos were second to none. He could make the crowd do whatever he wanted them to. He was totally in control everytime he worked. it's a shame that his attitude hindered what could have been complete domination of the wrestling business.

1. Rob Van Dam - Is there really another choice for #1? He emerged as the diamond in the rough once top talent had left. RVD took the ball and ran with it. He had the longest title reign of the 90's as he held the TV title for 2 years. During that time, he made that belt more important than the ECW title. As the TV champ, he was the main event at every show. Innovative and incredible to watch. I love this dude...
Im ashamed nobody put Too Cold Scorpio here. I admit im a lazy typer so I wont go into detail, but when ECW died part of me as a Wrestling Fan did, then ROH somewhat resurrected it. I was always a Tommy Dreamer mark, his emotions top any Wrestler ever! I remember Dreamer in the locker room going crazy after The Dudleyz just put Beulah out of the business and he deserved a Oscar for his performance. Im a bit wasted as im typing this so im sorry if im out of sync at all. Im just gonna state a few opinions here...I cant think of a definite #1 ECW Wrestler of all time but here's a quick top 10 for me.

#10- The Sandman- He's only on this list because he personified ECW with the attitude and being a rebel before SCSA ever was. A terrible Wrestler but the whole gimmick made him a legend in Philly.

#9- Too Cold Scorpio- In my opinion the best Black Wrestler ever along with Booker T. Ive always felt that Scorpio and Brian Pillman were the best original high flyers in American Wrestling. Some great-classic ECW TV Title Matches with Malenko/Eddie and Taz.

#8- Sabu- Not the most polished Wrestler but like The Sandman his character and persona made him a legend in Philly. Full of botched spots but always gave a hell of a hardcore match for the people.

#7- Shane Douglas- The Franchise! I always he was a bit overrated but that's all just an opinion. However it's clear Douglas was a key player for ECW and a very solid wrestler even better on the mic, when he wasent talking shit about Flair. I loved the Douglas/Taz feud, as it made Taz THE MAN in ECW and showed how great of a heel Douglas was. I also really enjoyed the Douglas/Credible feud for some reason.

#6- Lance Storm- From Calgary...Alberta...Canada! The Impact Players were the shit! But Lance was by far the better wrestler in my opinion. To damn bad that he never got the ECW World Title though.

#5- Jerry Lynn- The New FN Show! His battles with RVD are legendary! Multiple awesome matches in 98-2000 with RVD/Credible/Storm/Corino ect ect. Probaly the best pure wrestler ever in ECW to have a lengthy stay.

#4- The Dudley Boyz- I know this is a tag team but what they did in ECW I dont think I will ever see another tag team do in ANY promotion ever again, closest being The Briscoes in ROH and E&C in WWE. Classic antagonists to the crowd even going to far at times, Oh I remember ECW Heat Wave 99 I believe it was lol. Bubba/Devon/Sigh Guy/Big Dick/Spike/Joel FN Gertner! The greatest heel Tag Team ever in my opinion, screw that it's a fact!

#3- Taz- The Human Suplex Machine indeed. Possibly the best technical long stay Wrestler in ECW History.

#2- RVD- The WHOLE FN SHOW! ECW wouldent of made it to 2001 if it wasent for Rob...Van...Dam! People paid to see this guy and they always got their money's worth. A very underrated wrestler often classified as a spot monkey, what bullshit lol. RVD was to ECW what HBK was to WWE in 95-97.

#1- Tommy Dreamer- I had to do this because even as a not much better then average Wrestler Dreamer was the heart and soul of ECW, his feud's will never be forgotten of course especially Dreamer/Raven. Im not sure if it was his idea but why he was ECW Champion only once and for what 10 mins? Well that sucked! Anyway...Tommy Dreamer deserves sooooooo much more then he's been given. I always wished Dreamer/RVD and Heyman made their own company after ECW went under so we could keep it all going...sighs.
I think everyone's list pretty much nails it. I like the idea of Tommy as number one because he truly was the heart of ECW. I am surprised no one is putting Joey Styles down, because even though he wasn't a wrestler he was a HUGE part of every ECW show. Him and Joel Gertner calling the action on TNN was at the time the best commentary team in wrestling. I know everyone loves JR but i'll take Joey Styles over any commentator ever, except maybe Bobby Heenan. I think honorable mentions should go to Guerrero, Malenko, Benoit and Jericho. They Had great though short runs in ECW.
10. Sabu- This man put his life on the line for some ECW matches. He was the champ for a while but when he left is the reason he is at number 10

9. Mike Awesome- This may be a personal bias since he's in my top 5 favorite wrestlers but Mike could go out there and put on a hardcore match as brutal as they get. I only give him 9 for again betraying ECW

8. The Eliminators- How can you have a Old School ECW list without them. The were the best tag team in ECW history and that's saying something. Bonus with the Total Elimination, brutal move

7. Mikey Whipwreck- The ultimate underdog, the kid who was behind the scenes who went to ECW champion. This kid didn't land a punch forever but could take a bump like... a thing that takes bumps :shrug:

6. Bam Bam Bigelow- Might not call him original ECW but he put on some classic matches while he was there. From taz to RVD, you wanted to see what the beast would do next

5. Mick Foley- Came from ECW to fight the ultimate hardcore match and ended up playing a major role in getting ECW mainstream. Anti-hardcore promos were gold.

4.Raven- Heyman's creation who could been one of the greats of wrestling but his demons got to him. Made a great heel champion and who doesn't like the Dreamer feud.

3.Sandman- Perfect example of a horrible wrestler with charisma oozing out of him can become a legend. Best entrance ever ONS 2005

2.Shane Douglas- The man who started the revolution, when he threw down the title the wrestling world changed. NWA was officially dead and the ECW spark was ignited. That man could promo it up as well.

1.RVD and Dreamer- I couldn't decide between them. You have the most talented and famous ECW wrestler. And the man you think of when you think of Old School EC-Dub. These man were the summary of ECW, great athletes mixed with men who would bleed gallons for ECW.

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