Top 10 in mic skills


Pre-Show Stalwart
okay this thread is purely about mic skills - i was thinking who are your top ten and why ? Nothing to do with wrestling purely promos. Hers mine.
1. The Rock - just better and better everytime he came out witty and funny enough said
2. Stone Cold - edgy and at times funny
3.Triple H - particulary in the attitude era to play the foil to the above
4.VKM - face or heel always over the top
5.Chris Jericho - sometimes out of the spotlight in the attitude era due to the Rock but none the less funny - prefer him as a face
6. Ric Flair - naitch - just a total out of control loony
7.William Regal - great heel in whatever capacity
8. Hulk Hogan - as both heel and face .. what you gonna do ..
9.Kurt Angle - loved his promos in wwe ... your olympic hero
10. Road Dogg - great entrance
Special mentions to CM Punk , getting better and better and not far of top 10,Stephanie Macmahon,Mick Foley,Eric Bishoff, Paul Heyman, John Cena , Edge , Christian and of course Roddy Piper
1. The Rock- The greatest of all time. Hands Down.
2. Stone Cold Steve Austin- When Austin's Speaks Everybody Listens. "WHAT"
3. Chris Jericho- He can go from face to Heel quicker than the click of a remote and makes everybody Hate Him.
4. Road Dogg- The Entrance Line Said It All. Very Chrasmatic for his own good. Deserved more than the midcard push he got.
5. CM Punk- In the words of Eric Bischoff, Controversy creates Cash. And so far lately, he kept everybody in their seats, and anticipating the next week to see what was going to be said next.
6. Roddy Piper- You never know what that guy was going to say or what was going to go down with this guy.
7. Ric Flair- Not only did he talked about it, but he been about it, and now all he needs to do is retire and we good.
8. Shawn Michaels- My favorite Wrestler hands down. But he always put on good promos.
9. Edge-Don't care too much for the guy, but they ain't give him 15 mins of fame for nothing.
10. Triple H- Just like Jericho, he made you hate him.

Honorable Mentions:
Superstar Billy Graham
Bret Hart
Owen Hart
Kurt Angle
The Miz
R-Truth.- Forreal he did stepped his game up. lol.
1. the rock- could only be the rock. he could destroy everyone on the mic, and his segments could also be the funniest when he wanted them to be.
2. roddy piper- great talker, and only slightly behind the rock imo
3. chris jericho- the only guy who has ever been able to go toe to toe with the rock and still come out looking great
4. hhh- he could make anyone hate him. one of the best heels of all time. i truly hated him when i was a kid
5. scsa- what?
6. ric flair- if he retires soon he will be remembered as one of the best ever. right now, its starting to get really sad. some of the best promos ever
7. cm punk- the guy is bringing reality back to the wwe, and he is on fire right now. i think he is going to slowly climb up this list
8. kurt angle- the guy could play the doofy good guy/heel. the cocky wrestler. and the guy that you knew was going to kick your ass
9. hulk hogan- not really the best, but his promos are still some of the most remembered of all time
10. john cena... not. its vince mcmahon. people seem to forget that vince played a pretty big role in the vince vs scsa feud. the guy can play an evil boss like no other. one of the best characters of the attitude era of all time.
I just want to say Ric Flairs Promos are even more interesting these days. They are actually borderline vulgar!
Jake Roberts
Dusty Rhodes
The Rock
Stone Cold
Ric Flair
Roddy Piper
Paul Heyman
Bobby Heenan
Arn Anderson
Buddy Rogers

In no order, but thats my top ten.
Umm if we are talking all time then this belongs in another forum clowns. I'll go with the current roster.

CM Punk
Triple H
John Cena
Randy Orton
The Miz (could very well be ahead of Orton)
Alberto Del Rio
R Truth
Cody Rhodes
Zack Ryder
Dolph Ziggler
Daniel Bryan
this is in no order bc i think each are great in different ways
cm punk (check out the promo after he beat aries in roh)
roddy piper
arn anderson
ric flair (before he went bankrupt and got beat up by his daughter)
shane douglas (ecw)
the miz
chris jericho
Present day :
1 - CM Punk
2 - John Cena
3 - The Miz
4 - R-Truth
5 - Christian
6 - Alberto Del Rio
7 - Sheamus
8 - Alex Riley
9 - Dolph Ziggler
10 - Jack Swagger

If you're talking about the greatest mic workers of all time then this thread should've been in the old school wrestling section.
Of the current roster:

1. John Cena (not my preferance but I lament the fact no one gets a reaction like him).
2. Miz
3. Punk
4. Christian
5. Rhodes
6. Truth
7. Orton (taking heel persona into account)
8. Delrio
9. Ryder
10. Ziggler

I`m actually going to leave it at 10 because even that is about half the same number of guys as you see competing every week. To push it to 12 wouldn`t really make it a ``top`` IMO
Ill go with the Current Roster as well, because I mean thats what we all actually care about

1. Triple H - he may not be and active wrestler, be hes still a king on the mic
2. CM Punk - he's been cutting great promos for a long time, shame most people just caught on to it
3. John Cena - love him or hate him, hes great on the mic
4. The Miz - its a shame he's paired up with R-Truth because he's much better by himself
5. Cody Rhodes - who knew that when Legacy dissolved Rhodes would be the break out star
6. Randy Orton - he's better in the ring than he is on the mic
7. Dolph Zigger - he improves every week
8. Sheamus - you know what fella, thats all he needs to say to get over
9. Christian - hes been cutting some of the best promos of his career recently
10. Alberto Del Rio - I get wet the second his music starts

Honorable Mention
Vickie Guerrero - she gets more heat than almost every heel on the entire roster, and she's made vast improvements since her debut.
1. The Rock (Greatest of all time, but - CM Punk is closing in :p)
2. Shawn Michaels
3. Chris Jericho
4. John Cena
5. Edge
6. Kurt Angle (at least in the old days, I don't keep up enough with him in TNA to judge fairly)
7. Booker T
8. Stone Cold
9. Triple H
10. Mr. Kennedy (Man, do I hate WWE for how they handled this guy. When I first saw his angle, I told myself. HE will be the next Great One in the WWE. Damn.)
Present day :
1 - CM Punk
2 - John Cena
3 - The Miz
4 - R-Truth
5 - Christian
6 - Alberto Del Rio
7 - Sheamus
8 - Alex Riley
9 - Dolph Ziggler
10 - Jack Swagger

If you're talking about the greatest mic workers of all time then this thread should've been in the old school wrestling section.

Oh I'm sorry. I was in such a hurry that I put Ziggler and Swagger instead of Barrett and Rhodes:banghead:

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