Too Many Yearly PPVS?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
i'm sure WWE loves it cuz their just makin more and more money off it but do u think that their are too many ppvs year round in the wwe? if my math is right 2006 will have had 16 ppvs! remember when it use to just be once a month? then they added in taboo tuesday then new yrs revolution then one night stand andnow december to dismember. i dont really care cuz i just watch the main 4 ppvs during the yr live and buy the rest on dvd. but yea is 16 just too many.. or not enough? and you have to figure that once ecw grows a little bit their will be 2 or 3 more ppvs added for their brand in the future. so could it be possible that we have 18 pay per views in 2007???
yeah there are too many, but its been that way for ten years...i remember when it was just the rumble, WM, summerslam and survivor series...except fpr Wrestlemania every year, i quit buying them a few years ago because really there is no difference between a ppv and their free shows, except for a couple high profile matches, plus you see all the important stuff replayed on tv $30 a pop it is absolutely ridiculous to buy them all..

but you also can argue that its not bad, considering just 6 years ago you had 12 WWF ppvs, 12 WCW ppvs and like 4 or 5 ECW ppvs a year, so i guess that kinda puts in perspective...

but save for maybe 2 fights, and i highly stress maybe, ppvs arent worth getting.
I think they should drop new years resoultion and cyber sunday. Im ok with the ECW ones because they are different storylines. At $40 a pop my friends and I order them all but we all split the price so it's only like 5 bucks or so a person. It just seems better when there is only one a month, it lets them build the storylines up more instead of just throwing stuff together just to have a ppv. Thats also a good point about when they had WWE, WCW and ECW all doing ppvs. I never use to order the WCW ones because I couldn't afford them all and I liked WWE and ECW more.
WWE wrestlers work 51 wks a year (they have xmas off & show highlights of the year on tv.) Make Cyber Sunday for all 3 brands. Rename ECWONS as it looks like ECW is here 4 long run. This means WWE has 5 interpromotional PPVs. Add anova 3 PPVs 4 each brand & they have 14. I think this is enuff PPVs a year.
The fact is I can't afford every PPV, so I have to miss some shows, I think wwe should do 10 ppv's a year(plus the good TNA ones), thats about how many I get, and I think they would have a higher buyrate for each show
There are way too many PPV's. I truly think that WWE should scale the Raw and Smackdown brands back to six per year. Keep the original ones like: WM, RR, Summerslam, Series, and KOTR. Then include a floating ppv as a sixth one, like Starrcade or something since they own all of the WCW trademarks and use some of their old gimmick matches and setups like WarGames, Battlebowl, etc. This way every PPV is chock full of stuff and it gives more weight to the TV broadcasts, plus they have more setup time for each angle. Then ECW could put out a PPV in the between times every four months or so for a grand total of about nine per year. Either that or the smaller PPV's use a cheaper pricing like $19.99 or something like the old In Your House series used to. This way the diehard fan doesn't have to take out financing to get all of the goddamn things. Unless I'm really intrigued, I avoid paying the $40 or $50 bucks almost all the time.
Its complete overkill. They need ot tone it down. Not only does it hit the pocket for fans, but it doesn't leave enough time in between to build the feuds. Its all very rushed, and out of nowhere, all of a sudden, thrown together matches. Now I admit I have missed Raw for the last 2 weeks (and I'm told this was a good thing as they were the worst 2 in years, but anyway) but I have read the results on WZ and I cannot for the life of me tell you who other than K-Fed is challenging for the fkn title. Who's the #1 contender. Again they are gonna be forced to throw something together in the last second.

Also, with the additon of all these brands, they have to abandon the separate PPVs. Initially all the PPVs were together and as a result there was enough talent on any given show to provide a decent event. Everybody knows that pretty much ALL brand-only PPVs suck.

So why keep them? Just to make WM and Royal Rumble seem more important? Well when you have stars jumping between brands and showing up on the other shows almost evry week nothing will make the Big-4 seem more important. The only difference is people know they won't suck as bad as the other ones. There should be no more than 10-12 PPVs in any given calendar year. All brands should showcase their best stuff and use it to climax their hottest feuds. Each brand taking its turn as the main-event of the PPV.
It really doesnt matter how many ppv's they have, if stays at 12 or even more.. I would rather have a lot of PPV's just for the fact that WWE tends to put on good ppv's..

Not only does it hit the pocket for fans

Then just dont order it.. A lot of people order PPV's year round, so it just bring in the money for the WWE...

but it doesn't leave enough time in between to build the feuds.

Are you serious? Your telling me Edge vs Cena, Booker vs Batista, Nitro vs Hardy, DX vs McMahons, Chavo vs Rey all werent long enough? Those fueds were built up and so were a lot of other ones that I dont feel the need mentioning.. Besides, WWE Raw and Smackdown! are the only 2 brands/promotions in wrestling that have carried fueds.. In ECW and TNA, they have a fued for 2 months max, and then its done... There are some exceptions like RVD and Show, Sabu and Show, Cage and Rhyno, and Sting vs Jarrett are the only ones I can think of... The amounth of PPV's doesnt determine the fueds and there length... If you havnt noticed, the WWE tends to put some of the same matches on cards, so thats not a legit exuse imo.

Again they are gonna be forced to throw something together in the last second.

There isnt a legit #1 contendor as of right now.. I missed Raw myself, but it isnt hard to know what happens.. Right now, theres a Team Cena vs Team Big Show match at Survivor Series.

Everybody knows that pretty much ALL brand-only PPVs suck.

I dont think everybody thinks they all suck.. I sure dont... I actually liked WM22, I thot Summerslam was under rated, and Survivor Series is looking like a great PPV.. So you cant speak for everyone.

You said something abut getting rid of the 1 brand PPV's... That would be so dumb imo.. I mean, they have so much talent on each roster that they cant fit in, in a all brand PPV... What I dont get is that first you said:

Also, with the additon of all these brands, they have to abandon the separate PPVs

And then you said:

Everybody knows that pretty much ALL brand-only PPVs suck

I dont know if your basically saying that basically the WWE and there PPV's suck, or are you just condriticting yourself.. Like I said, I realized all TNA fans are marks.. I really dont understand why a person cant like both branches of wrestling, without talking shit about the other.. Proves that wrestling "fans" are now critics..
what he meant to say was that all the brand only ppv`s suck, like unforgiven ,gab,armegadon,no mercy, the brand only ppv,he ment all of them suck not that all brand ppvs suck,lol i guess its all in the context that you read it
Brand exclusive pay per views are hit or miss, depending on the matches they put on them some people will love them and some people will hate them. WWE tends to hit well on the big 4: Rumble, Mania, Slam and Series and then has a few brand exclusive pay per views per year that I enjoy. All in all, I think their pay per view setup is just fine and they seem to be doing well and someone must be buying them so I say, keep it up WWE.
what he meant to say was that all the brand only ppv`s suck, like unforgiven ,gab,armegadon,no mercy

Thats just wrong.. I know everyones entitled to there opinions, but single brand PPV's are almost always good shows.. I think GAB was very under rated.. Like honestly, would you rather of seen Taker vs Show or Taker vs Khali? Or even Batista vs Mark Henry or Batista vs Kennedy? The cnages they made were for the better.. Unforgiven was a great PPV same goes for No Mercy.. As for Armageddon.. Has that even happened yet?

Now moving onto joint PPV's there also pretty good as well.. I think its just the fact that people over hype them, and then when they see the slightest thign went wrong, they nit pick.. Once again.. Thats a critic not a fan.. I choose to watch wrestling as a fan, this way its a lot more enjoyable.
Maybe I would think there's to many if I did'nt live in England, but as it stands I get half of them for free off Sky Sports. The only problem I have with WWE P.P.V.'s is Smackdown ones. They might have a few months between each P.P.V. for example Judgement Day then The Great American Bash. Instead of building towards the next P.P.V. after J.D. they wait until after the next Raw P.P.V. before they build up any feuds.
All brand PPV's do not suck...Smackdown struggle lately because of that flurry of injuries they had so that made a few of their PPVs during the summer really shitty. Unforgiven was probably the best PPV of the year or at least in the top 3...behind WM22 and ONS 06...Smackdown's talent is growing and I think they'll start to put on some good PPVs soon. And yes, Survivor Series is shaping up to be a GREAT show
PauLwaLL said:
Thats just wrong.. I know everyones entitled to there opinions, but single brand PPV's are almost always good shows.. I think GAB was very under rated.. Like honestly, would you rather of seen Taker vs Show or Taker vs Khali? Or even Batista vs Mark Henry or Batista vs Kennedy?

I agree..the Great American Bash was one of my favorite pay per views of the year. From top to bottom it had an outstanding card starting with the London/Kendrick vs Pitbulls match and then the awesome display of wrestling between Finlay and Regal..the start of the huge feud between Matt Hardy and Greg Helms. Booker winning his first world title since 2001.

Every pay per views have it flaws and you can critique all you want, but it isn't going to change everything. Also, what one person may find to be awesome, another may find boring and vice versa. There is the right pay per view for everyone and all shows are different in some way and can be viewed howver by the viewer.
Actually the problem with wwe ppv's isn't that there is too many, it's that they don't use the time they have to build a ppv properly. Like Y 2 Jake said, when Smackdown or Raw gets done with a Brand only ppv they wait until after the other show's brand only ppv is done before the start coming up with a card for their next one.

Also, if wwe actually took advantage of the brand extension they could be making tons of money via 16 ppvs instead of what they actually do. If wwe made the wrestlers on each brand exclusive to that brand and don't switch them out like they do. If they do away with the promoting the other show that they do a lot(ie Michael Cole promoting Armageddon on an ECW PPV) while giving each brand their on developmental territory, and if they can make each show different from each other(ie, Raw= edgier/attitude era show like wwe in late '90s, Smackdown=family friendly show like WCW was before Russo, and ECW=Extreme! Extreme! Extreme! like ECW before it went under) then they might be able to reach a combined audience among the three shows that equal the amount of viewers that at the height of the Monday Night Wars=a 10.0 rating.

Think of the money that could be made if wwe made that effort. As shown in this thread we don't all like the same stuff. Some like Smackdown over Raw, while some like it vice versa. If the wrestlers were exclusive and if the shows were different and the people behind the scenes spent all their time thinking of that brands weekly show and ppvs and not in promoting the other brands show and ppvs then it would give us the fans a clear choice as to what we want for a weekly show and from a PPV. The shows and ppvs would feel special again.

Sorry for the rant, but I am passionate when it comes to arguing against the whole too many ppvs a year argument.
I've been reading this forum for a while on a friends account, but it's time to ask a few serious questions about the WWE PPV's.

1) Why do they STILL have them on Sundays only? UFC has their PPV's on Saturday, and look at their buyrates! A party for a PPV is hard to do on a Sunday night when most people have to work the next day..

2) Why do they keep adding more PPV's? They're already thin enough, not long enough, and don't have enough matches built up enough to make them truly worthwhile.

3) Why are there so many single-brand PPV's? When they created Smackdown and ECW, I thought they were hopefully going to use the PPV's as a time to have inter-brand matches more. Besides the multi-brand PPV's, inter-brand matches just don't happen very often.
I dont know about the rest of you but what I do is go down to my local sports bar and watch the PPV there. I get an order of wings and a drink or 2 and watch the ppv. It comes out to about 15 bucks and I am around other wrestling fans having a good time and watching the PPVs. Saves some money.
I dont know about the rest of you but what I do is go down to my local sports bar and watch the PPV there. I get an order of wings and a drink or 2 and watch the ppv. It comes out to about 15 bucks and I am around other wrestling fans having a good time and watching the PPVs. Saves some money.

every town needs a sports bar like this one.
I think this is the main reason the PPV buys aren't as high as they could be. Because some people can't order a WWE PPV every month because they dont have that type of money. Also with TNA having their A and above graded PPV's I dont expect PPV buys to by at all high for WWE.

Some people can only order one PPV every 2 months are so. They need to cut it down. We are not rich. Also the price is another problem. $40 for a ppv! Are you kidding me? Thats why I only order a WWE Pay Per View when it has a good card. An extremely good card.
WWE needs to plan PPV's precisely. Feuds need to be built up correctly. A one-month "mini-feud" might be good here and there, but not all the time.
There should be no more than 11 ppvs so the Main Event specials can generate more ratings rather than these brand-exclusive PPV's

Jan: Royal rumble
Late Feb/Early Mar: Main Event
Late Mar/Early Apr: Wrestlemania
May: Judgment Day (Draft Day, announcement of King of the Ring brackets)
June: King of the Ring
Jul: Vengeance
Aug: SummerSlam
Sep: Unforgiven
Oct: No Mercy
Nov: Survivor Series
Dec: Main Event

I put the 2nd Main Event in December so most wrestlers can have time off, preparing for the next year.
That'd be fine, Bronxmet. A lot less than they're currently stretching themselves to. More than one a month right now is just ridiculous. But put 'em on Saturday night! At least try a PPV on a Saturday and see what kinds of ratings they get! Not on NBC or something like that, but a full-blown big PPV!

And put 'em in high-def! :-D
Yeah! They at least tried moving a PPV to a new slot, but it was during the week on a Tuesday(Taboo Tuesday 04 and 05). They should try either a Friday night or Saturday night one. At least once.

As for the too many PPVs, as I said earlier in this thread there really aren't. If WWE would take to the original concept of the Brand Extension then they would have more than 3-4 wks to build up feuds. For example, say WM23 is over and Backlash is a 4 wks away, what should Smackdown do? Should they have four throw away shows that only serve to promote Raw and Backlash, or should they begin building up for their next PPV Judgment Day. Well according to Vince McMahon's philosophy, you use those four shows to shill for Raw and it's PPV. And once that PPV is over you then start focusing on Judgment Day, w/ Raw doing nothing but shilling this time.

If WWE wants better buyrates they either reduce the PPVs and do away with the brand extension(combining both rosters to Raw and Smackdown), use Raw for the top tier guys and Smackdown for the mid to lower card guys. Or they take away all the synergy that goes on between the brands and have the writers for those brands put all there efforts into that particular brand's weekly-show and every other month PPVs.
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