Too Many Superstars, So few mainevents spots


Occasional Pre-Show
I was watching SummerSlam and I was kinda shocked to notice that Jack Swagger, Drew Mcintyre, Cody Rhodes, etc. didnt even make it onto the PPV.And had it not been for the Nexus 7-on-7 matchup, half of team RAW wouldn't have been booked on the PPV.With talk of WWE possible scapping the Money In The Bank Ladder match at Wrestlemanias, it seems alot of guys are about to lose out on they PPV spots in the WWE.

With the introduction of the Nexus & the NXT II rookies, the roster has become even more bloated, and big-match booking for some wrestlers even more scarce.The are a few possible ways to address the problem:

1. Brand Exclusive PPVs. Apparantely the reason they scrapped Brand Exclusive PPVs was because they felt a SD! or RAW only PPV didnt draw as much as the combined PPV(i.e Royal Rumble,SummerSlam, Survivor Series and of course Wrestlemania) because combined PPV obviously had more star-power. But I feel that each brand, especially RAW, no has enough stars( or guys who can be promoted to mainevent level) for them to generate good buys at a Brand exclusive PPV. This year's SummerSlam was carried mostly by the RAW brand anyway.
The key advantage would be that it would also allow for superstars who usually get cut from PPV to also get their PPV payday.While in the past, it was lower-midcard guys who would get cut from PPV, these days even former World Champs, like Swagger, arnt being booked because the cards are already overloaded.

2. Rotation System. The argument that superstars can't be given time-off becuase it will hurt business doesnt hold water anymore because over the years major talent have been out of action due too serious injuries yet attendance has rarely suffered.In fact, whenever a big-time wrestler gets injured, it often opens the door for new talent to step-up.(e.g When Cena got injured, Randy Orton & Jeff Hardy moved up the ranks and Taker's inury in 2007 helped give rise to Edge's dominance on SD!) Basically, a Rotation System would see guys wrestling only 8-9months of the year.They're schedules would overlap so that when one wrestler goes on break, another will return
For Example: Orton would wrestle fulltime from January-September, and then he could be written of TV(maybe due to "injury" or "suspension") which would lead to HHH return to fill the void created.
Not only would this give wrestlers a chance to heal, it would give equall opportunity to big names to have the spotlight and headline PPV.

Big name superstars would have their schedules overlap in the first six-months of the year.This is obviously to ensure that all big names are available at Wrestlemanias.

As it stands, even at 4hrs, there is still little room to accomodate all the wrestlers at Wrestlemania.If the MITB had been scrapped at WMXXVI, then ten superstars would have been out of the loop on the grandstage of Wrestlemania.As it stands, there isnt even enough space to book mainevent wrestlers in good matches, let alone worry about mid-card jobbers like Matt Hardy & MVP.So if Wrestlemania ultimately becomes a PPV for "mega-stars" only, then perhaps by implementing the suggestions above, other wrestlers can at least have a better "showing" during the rest of the year.
Although it's not too realistic, I do like the rotation idea. Brand payperviews isn't a good idea because no one would buy for Smackdown.

The rotation idea would also lengthen careers and help reslove alot of family issues some wrestlers have since they're always away from home. While I'm sure it'll be a cold day in Hell if WWE were to use this idea, it defitely has it's benefits.
I totally agree with what your saying it feels. The thing that really bothers me is that they are advertising such a low card for their PPV's for example Night of Champions has currently 4 matches..... Now jus to add on to your idea here's one idea i thought might work

WWE Super Pro's for NXT
imagine if John Cena, Randy Orton, jEricho, Edge, Big SHow, Taker, Mysterio all decided to be a pro on NXT. WWE could write it off as that the Superstars are realy trying to focus on NXT and not worry so much about fueds and reigns. Considering in the past when a lot of pros were on NXT they weren't involved in many feuds. This would give mid carders about 14-18 weeks to get into the spotlight. Just an idea
I totally agree with what your saying it feels. The thing that really bothers me is that they are advertising such a low card for their PPV's for example Night of Champions has currently 4 matches..... Now jus to add on to your idea here's one idea i thought might work

WWE Super Pro's for NXT
imagine if John Cena, Randy Orton, jEricho, Edge, Big SHow, Taker, Mysterio all decided to be a pro on NXT. WWE could write it off as that the Superstars are realy trying to focus on NXT and not worry so much about fueds and reigns. Considering in the past when a lot of pros were on NXT they weren't involved in many feuds. This would give mid carders about 14-18 weeks to get into the spotlight. Just an idea

I doubt WWE would ever take the risk to move that many top level stars out of the spotlight.And the reason wrestlers who where on NXT weren't in tangible fueds was not because they were Pros, but rather; They were Pros because they had nothing to do.
But I do like your idea though.The concept of Big name wrestlers "not being around" is pretty cool.Imagine if they did a kind (PG Version) serial killer angle where big superstars disappeared, forcing the mid-carders to step up.Obviously they would depleted the entire mainevent roster, but it would build upon your great idea of giving midcarders room to shine.
WHat the hell happened to wrestling, only the top few guys should be ME. There is no shame in the mid card, and I personally think that all this who should be ME talk needs needs to stop, just watch and enjoy the show. WHat ever happened to the IC title being a perfectly good ME to a show, and the World Championship only brought out on big occasions such as PPV. Were have feuds gone, they are not as personal in the mid card as they were, and that lack of quality scripting is what is wrong, instead lets have the belts, which are props be above the product. A feud should be bigger than the belt.
I like the whole super pro idea but agree that losing tom much star power would be bad. I could defiantly see some of the big names going to NXT to be pros with guys lower on the card. If they did something like this, lower card guys would be showcased more and could get a rub from one of the bigger names in say a tag team match. Like imagine Zack Ryder(that's my boy WOO WOO WOO!) pinning someone like Randy Orton's rookie in a tag team match. He may not have beaten Orton directly but e got the better of Orton. Be cause Orton is now like Cena in the sense that he absolutely CANNOT lose a match I don't see something like this happening but I wouldn't mind seeing something along the lines of this. *cough WOO WOO WOO! cough*

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