Too Many Managerial Roles?

Tha Wolfpac

Hey Yo...
First and foremost this is not a hate on TNA thread. Now i love TNA and don't have much of a problem with it but one thing that bothers there is too many people with an authorotive role, too many people in power. We have Jeff Jarrett, Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff, Dixie Carter, Mick Foley was one but recently it has been dropped.

Now although they have potential to create many storylines and things of the sort. It just makes everything look a little out of hand. Now i know im probably going to get flamed for this, but it just bothers how many people are able to make matches it becomes a little overwhelming.

Maybe it is just me, but do you think there is too many authority figures in TNA? State Your Reasons.
There isn't to many people that can make the big decisions. Yeah theres jarrett, hogan, bischoff, and carter. Thats only four people. If you look at WWE they have more than they should. Yeah they have 4 shows but they have the 2 gm's, Vince himself, plus I'm sure stephanie and linda have match making abilities. then you have to think about HHH. I'm sure he has a hand in it as well. I know I am gonna get blasted for this but WWE needs to cut back on some match makers NOT TNA.
There isn't to many people that can make the big decisions. Yeah theres jarrett, hogan, bischoff, and carter. Thats only four people. If you look at WWE they have more than they should. Yeah they have 4 shows but they have the 2 gm's, Vince himself, plus I'm sure stephanie and linda have match making abilities. then you have to think about HHH. I'm sure he has a hand in it as well. I know I am gonna get blasted for this but WWE needs to cut back on some match makers NOT TNA.

theey have 2 gms with no real power hell one just a laptop Vince, Stephanie and the voice in her ear HHH shane is gone and Linda is too remember she stepped down as CEO to focus on her senate run or what ever it is she doing
I don't remember the last time Double J 'made' a match. The only people who seem like they are on screen every show are Hogan and Eric. Dixie has not rfeally had that big of an on air role till recently. But I don't think 4 is too many. Big companies have multiple people in charge. So I never found it weird. Even at my job I have 3 people who I answer to and they can make decisions on things fine. I would really say WWE has 3. HHH doesn't play the match making role. Steph hasn't the last few times she has been on TV. She is just there. So we have the 2 GMs and Vince.
There isn't to many people that can make the big decisions. Yeah theres jarrett, hogan, bischoff, and carter. Thats only four people. If you look at WWE they have more than they should. Yeah they have 4 shows but they have the 2 gm's, Vince himself, plus I'm sure stephanie and linda have match making abilities. then you have to think about HHH. I'm sure he has a hand in it as well. I know I am gonna get blasted for this but WWE needs to cut back on some match makers NOT TNA.

Vince shows up once in a blue moon, same with Steph, Shane is gone, and so is Linda. So really there are only three people with power in WWE, at least on TV. Vickie, Raw GM, and Teddy Long.

Now for the topic at hand. There are way too many people in TNA who have power. Which makes for interesting TV though because you never know whats going to happen. The balance of power is really being shown in TNA, and with Hogan overthrowing Dixies suspension of Ric Flair, I think we will finally see some cracking down as far as the power struggle goes. Dixie has got to be sick and tired of people thinking shes incapable of running a business, and soon enough she puts everyone on notice. I don't know really. I do think that's what they are going for though.
Are we talking real life power or on screen power? If its the latter then the OP may be right and this will cause another discussion of why another show is needed for TNA, too many chiefs. The E on the other hand only has 3 on screen chiefs (TL,VG, and the laptop) spread over 2 shows, and of course Vinny Mac who makes decisions for his own purposes. Knowing how Bischoff works though I'm sure TNA will turn this all into a storyline pitting one side against another. BTW wasn't JJ stripped of his authority?
Are we talking real life power or on screen power? If its the latter then the OP may be right and this will cause another discussion of why another show is needed for TNA, too many chiefs. The E on the other hand only has 3 on screen chiefs (TL,VG, and the laptop) spread over 2 shows, and of course Vinny Mac who makes decisions for his own purposes. Knowing how Bischoff works though I'm sure TNA will turn this all into a storyline pitting one side against another. BTW wasn't JJ stripped of his authority?

He was. Long time ago. He has no say in anything. So it's three people really, Hogan, Bischoff and Dixie. The company is ran by Hogan and Dixie, and Bischoff does something. Is that much? I don't think so. Especially with the current state of the storylines. Everyone's involved in something.

But I would love them to have just one guy that makes the decisions. Preferably Dixie. Let Hogan and Bischoff do their crap somewhere, but if they're about to push Dixie as an on-screen character with some authority, that bitch needs a wardrobe change, an attitude change and a script change. Make her seem like a powerful woman. It's interesting 'cause we've never had a female president of a company before. The closest thing we ever got was Stephanie McMahon and she was awesome as a GM.
First, as has been stated, JJ has no power on air or in reality sooooo... one down. Next, Easy E, Hogan and Dixie... Dixie should limit her role to VERY RARE tv time, love her but she jus does not have the charisma to be a mainstay character, as a supreme boss role who occasionally comes in to set shit right she doesn't like, she could be fine, but way too much tv time the past couple of months, then you just have Hogan and Eric which is fine by me
WWE has 3 on air personalities in charge (Vickie, Teddy, and RAW GM) so does TNA (Dixie, Eric, and Hogan) so whats the issue?! both shows really have only two as Eric and Hogan work together just as Vickie and Teddy. So two on air heads of authority isn't seems like the IWC constantly picks away at every little thing about TNA. If you actually watch the show and give yourself time to get involved with storylines, its really not as bad as people make it out to be.
Despite the fact that JJ and Foley have no authority I still have to agree with you. Now I know they have the same number as WWE but it is spread out across different shows as opposed to one. The problem in TNA is the lack of defining what role each authority figure plays.

I still can't forget how ridiculous it was that one night RVD, Joe, Abyss, and AJ (I believe) were brawling per usual and Bischoff comes out and puts them in a tag team match. RVD says "Nah brohamster, make it a fatal fourway cuz no one gets higher than R-V-D!" To which Bischoff responds "Oh, I don't know if I can do that. Let me talk to Hulk and see."

..... What the cock!? So he has the power to make tag matches but not fatal fourways? I know he can make Stairway To Janice matches but maybe standard one-on-one matches aren't in his jurisdiction either.
I have to agree that there are to many people in power in TNA. There isn't (as far as I know of) any singular person who is in complete control. As far as I'm concerned Dixie Carter, Hulk Hogan, Eric Bishoff, and Jeff Jarrett all have equal say. It's kind of confusing on who's really in charge there.

Basically it's if something is successful they all want credit for it. If it's not successful than they blame the others and they say they don't have that much power to begin with. So I don't know who has what role backstage.

As for the WWE you might have a lot of people in charge but you have one leader, one decision maker, and one person who is completely in charge. That being Vince Mcmahon. He has the final say in everything. Vince is the one and only person who is truly in charge.
I have to agree that there are to many people in power in TNA. There isn't (as far as I know of) any singular person who is in complete control. As far as I'm concerned Dixie Carter, Hulk Hogan, Eric Bishoff, and Jeff Jarrett all have equal say. It's kind of confusing on who's really in charge there.

Basically it's if something is successful they all want credit for it. If it's not successful than they blame the others and they say they don't have that much power to begin with. So I don't know who has what role backstage.

As for the WWE you might have a lot of people in charge but you have one leader, one decision maker, and one person who is completely in charge. That being Vince Mcmahon. He has the final say in everything. Vince is the one and only person who is truly in charge.

That is true and they do every so often make sure the WWE fans know Vince has the power. Just look at when Teddy Long 'suspended' Drew, Vince overturned it immediately. The two GM's simply look after the respective shows in the absence of Vince. That's it to them, Vince the character doesn't care for a lot of elements to the show so it does need someone to take on that role. The only time you will ever see Vince being overturned a McMahon (two are gone and the other one just works backstage) as shown by Austin.

However I would agree with certain things about the WWE having too many. Just look when we had Bret Hart as GM, we had him, the guest hosts and Vince on one show. Luckily that balance has somewhat calmed down a lot.
At this point, Dixie is running the show. Don't be fooled by Hogan and Bishoff's presence in the company. They are paid performers like the rest of the talent. They were brought in to bring credibility to TNA....for good or worse depending on how you feel about them. Next year, when their contract's are up, we'll see if they even re-sign. I personally like then around but yes, the illusion of so many people in charge is just one of the many problems with the product. A lot of people want Dixie to be like Vince and that's just not the case. We are talking about two completely different kinds of wrestling products here....Just deal with it!:hogan::flair:
TNA in fact has too many retired wrestlers on staff, as Managers or Agents. It isn't that good of business model as well. Now, I'm not going to talk about on screen roles. I don't care about that non sense. Well, actually it makes it the show horrible, just like the company.

So many chiefs not enough Indians! It's one of the many causes of a business not running well. And TNA is doing it. TNA has almost made up jobs and managerial roles it isn't even funny.

Now people, don't bitch about the WWE, and it's jobs. They have a good grasp of reality. They don't make up jobs for someone in the company, because Vince wants a "Happy Family," like TNA. In fact they have downsized, especially talent wise.

Most staff members in TNA have said it best. It's chaos. The reason why? Too many managers changing the booking before a match. This is a fact. You may make fun of me for. But it is a fact.
TNA in fact has too many retired wrestlers on staff, as Managers or Agents.

It isn't that good of business model as well. Now, I'm not going to talk about on screen roles. I don't care about that non sense.
on screen roles are nonsense? Ok.

Well, actually it makes it the show horrible, just like the company.
this clearly isn't a biased account.

So many chiefs not enough Indians!
I believe accepted vernacular is Native Americans.

It's one of the many causes of a business not running well. And TNA is doing it. TNA has almost made up jobs and managerial roles it isn't even funny.
Wait a second, you have a list of TNA's staff and their jobs? Where'd you get it? The same imaginary land you get your "facts" from?

Now people, don't bitch about the WWE, and it's jobs. They have a good grasp of reality. They don't make up jobs for someone in the company, because Vince wants a "Happy Family," like TNA. In fact they have downsized, especially talent wise.
Polly want a cracker? You're a parrot. What jobs has TNA "created"? Stop reading articles and just basing your opinion on them. Actually take a look from both sides and form your own.

Most staff members in TNA have said it best. It's chaos. The reason why? Too many managers changing the booking before a match. This is a fact. You may make fun of me for. But it is a fact.
Wait what? Too many managers changing booking? Don't bookers book? Please tell me who these managers making the changes are? Or these staff members saying TNA has lots of "managers", or better yet why not explain how you somehow found out the roles and positions of every TNA employee, because I can guarantee you're full of shit.
Yes they have WAY too much authority power and it irritates me and it doesn't work

Mick and Double J theirselves worked great and I was in love with the idea, u know why? Cause one was a face and the other was a heel, and it was new a GM to use his position and win a title!

NOW, Hogan, Eric, Dixie and I will say Tommy Dreamer (both backstage and onair and add vince russo), have authority power, all are faces. If hogan can overrule dixie's decisions on air, but both are face as he will overrun for nearly nothing worth mentioning. If he was a heel, he can overrule Sting's supsension, how nice would that be.

WWE however is much better that way. Vinnie Mack and Stephie All the power!!Teddy, Vickie and a laptop have on air power on a combination of 4 shows. Backstage some whispers from HHH, Orton and Cena, that's it. If you count them their seven, but three has near to no influence in big decisions and aren't authorized on air (how much john cena helped with Daniel Bryan).

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