Too many failures.


Getting Noticed By Management
Bray Wyatt's first important program was against Bryan back in late 2013/early 2014. From that program, everyone remembers Bryan turning on Bray inside the cage and the victory from Bray over Bryan at RR in that outstanding match. The thing about that feud is that, even though Bray won the match, he "failed" to incorporate Bryan into his family. Bryan didn't "follow the buzzards".

Next is a mini-feud with the Shield, that was done mostly to cover the EC PPV, but we got an excellent match, possibly match of the year. The Wyatt family went over in what was supposed to be simply a "who's best" match, rather than Bray Wyatt preaching his message, which brings me to his feud with Cena.

They had three matches. The first one, Bray lost clean, even though the rest of the family tried a lot of things to make Cena lose. It kinda hurt Bray in my eyes, because through all the outside help, he didn't beat Cena. But I guess, he kinda got his point across with Cena being a monster. Still, Cena didn't "follow the buzzards".
At Extreme Rules, we got Cena vs Bray 2, inside a steel cage. Bray techncally got the win,but in most fans' eyes, Bray lost. He still didn't get his point across.
Payback, Bray vs Cena 3, this match seemed much more balanced than the steel cage, even though the Wyatts still attacked Cena a couple of times, but these are not so important, since the Usos balanced it out for Cena in some way. Cena still managed to beat Bray clean. Bray lost again (which makes it 0-3 in the fans' eyes) and didn't get his point across.

I like Bray, I like what he is trying to do and this gimmick and I don't give up on him, no matter if he loses, how he loses, if he gets his point across. Other people might not feel that way. Bray needs a big win over an established guy soon to get his point across somehow. Batista could be a good choice. Bray could decimate him, getting a big win and sending Batista packing, since he is leaving soon anyway. He needs something big, because so far, he doesn't "really" win and he doesn't "really" get his point across.
Wyatt beat Daniel Bryan clean at RR. That's a win. If you thought Bray was going to come out on top in a last man standing against Cena, you are out of our mind.

Bray Wyatt is Kevin Sullivan. Bray Wyatt is Hollywood Hogan. The bad guy, pulling the strings of his goons that constantly cause havoc for the hero. At the end of the day, the hero has to win.

I beg of you to find me, in the vast history of pro wrestling, where evil triumphed over good (at the end of the feud).

The rarest of occasions are Lesnar/Yokozuna/Vader types. Even then, they eventually did the honors for the good guy.

It is the way it is and the way it always will be. As Ned Stark would say, our ways are the old ways.
I think they're doing a great job with Bray. They're having him work with established talent. You're witnessing his character development and he's consistently put on great matches on pay per views and television.

It's a good thing he didn't win against Cena, would have propelled him to the main event. His feud with Cena is a good measuring point on how he could get better versus facing jobbers every week like Rusev.
I personally feel Bray has been putting Cena over, not the other way around. Bray was already established as a threat when he beat Bryan clean at RR. His character and promos are top tier in the company as of now. Cena was the one going stale. I don't think that creative intended to use Wyatt to put Cena over, surely their intention was the converse of that. I just feel my enthusiasm towards Cena was regenerated in his match with Wyatt at Payback.
Wyatt beat Daniel Bryan clean at RR. That's a win. If you thought Bray was going to come out on top in a last man standing against Cena, you are out of our mind.

Bray Wyatt is Kevin Sullivan. Bray Wyatt is Hollywood Hogan. The bad guy, pulling the strings of his goons that constantly cause havoc for the hero. At the end of the day, the hero has to win.

I beg of you to find me, in the vast history of pro wrestling, where evil triumphed over good (at the end of the feud).

The rarest of occasions are Lesnar/Yokozuna/Vader types. Even then, they eventually did the honors for the good guy.

It is the way it is and the way it always will be. As Ned Stark would say, our ways are the old ways.

Punk prevailed over Cena at MitB and Summerslam that ended their feud, then the next year he also prevailed over Cena multiple times in one on one or multi-men matches.

You are right about the hero having to prevail in the end, but don't we all need change? Don't we all need different stuff? This was the best opportunity you could have. Finally a heel that has some appeal on the crowd and has a gimmick that could work in some sort of "dark age". You know, he could beat Cena and spread his "kingdom" and all. Sure, eventually some face would beat him to "break the spell" or whatever, but it didn't have to be Cena (again). They could have done a really good story out of this, with Bray being the top heel with his "dark age" thing. He could technically own the entire WWE, dictate how thigns are going, until a face stands up to him and eventually prevails. In my eyes, they missed a great opportunity.
Punk prevailed over Cena at MitB and Summerslam that ended their feud, then the next year he also prevailed over Cena multiple times in one on one or multi-men matches.

You do realize that Punk pretty much instantly turned face, or anti-hero if you will, with "pipebomb", right? I mean, if you're going to use an example, then pick one that is actually a good. That one is terrible. He was not even close to a heel.

And how can you bitch about Cena winning matches when you instantly write off Wyatt winning his match? Double standard much? They're heels. They cheat. Stop being a complete and utter dumbass and accept that fact.

And back to your original point about "following the buzzards." Bryan is the absolute worst example you could've used. Would you rather have DB "follow the buzzards" and kill every ounce of momentum he accumulated before that, or would you rather he go on to have one of the best WM moments in recent history? Don't answer. It's rhetorical. He was the most over thing WWE has seen in a while. WWE was smart not to destroy that.
I beg of you to find me, in the vast history of pro wrestling, where evil triumphed over good (at the end of the feud).

The rarest of occasions are Lesnar/Yokozuna/Vader types. Even then, they eventually did the honors for the good guy.

Are you out of your mind? I think heels win feuds way more than faces do. Bad News Barrett just won a feud against RVD. There's no way RVD will ever beat him again further down the feud.

Daniel Bryan lost both his feuds to The Authority and The Wyatt Family. AJ won every feud she had as champion. Orton won his feud against Cena. And the one against Big Show. Del Rio won his feud against RVD. And Ziggler. And Christian. Etc. Heels win A LOT.
You do realize that Punk pretty much instantly turned face, or anti-hero if you will, with "pipebomb", right? I mean, if you're going to use an example, then pick one that is actually a good. That one is terrible. He was not even close to a heel.

And how can you bitch about Cena winning matches when you instantly write off Wyatt winning his match? Double standard much? They're heels. They cheat. Stop being a complete and utter dumbass and accept that fact.

And back to your original point about "following the buzzards." Bryan is the absolute worst example you could've used. Would you rather have DB "follow the buzzards" and kill every ounce of momentum he accumulated before that, or would you rather he go on to have one of the best WM moments in recent history? Don't answer. It's rhetorical. He was the most over thing WWE has seen in a while. WWE was smart not to destroy that.

And why would you have the most over guy who was gonna go to main event WM lose to Bray Wyatt? There are more than that that meets the eye. Sure, you couldn't have Bryan enter the family and miss out on such a huge opportunity, but on the other hand, Bray seemed like he couldn't get the job done, evne though he won.
And about Cena winning matches, yes, I said that Bray won. But it's one thing for one guy to interfere ONCE, and then you win the match, and another to have 2 grown men stop Cena MULTIPLE TIMES from escaping and then having a small child sing to Cena WHILE HE WAS READY TO ESCAPE and beat him. Those are two completely different situtions, moron.
It's a different dynamic for a heel. If the character is strong enough, that performer can suffer losses to the top players and not lose credibility. It's the test of how strong a performer you are. Bray took Cena to the limit and looked equal to Cena.

Monster heels who win clean have a very short shelf life because once they get beat, they lose their appeal. Lesnar right now is the only monster who can overcome that. All time heels lost many times yet still were credible because they had a strong character.

People love The Joker. Sometimes they loved him even more then they love Batman. Batman still beat the shit out of him in the end and Joker was still viewed as a major threat.
Are you out of your mind? I think heels win feuds way more than faces do. Bad News Barrett just won a feud against RVD. There's no way RVD will ever beat him again further down the feud.

Daniel Bryan lost both his feuds to The Authority and The Wyatt Family. AJ won every feud she had as champion. Orton won his feud against Cena. And the one against Big Show. Del Rio won his feud against RVD. And Ziggler. And Christian. Etc. Heels win A LOT.

I was under the assumption we weren't talking about the JV team. Of course mid-card guys can win mini-feuds. That is how you get them over to feed them to top good guys.

When I talk about feuds, I mean actual feuds. Having three matches doesn't make a feud, it makes three matches. That's like saying Rusev won his feud with Xavier Woods/R-Truth. BNB needs someone to put him over to raise him up. RVD is perfect in that role. RVD isn't Cena. Bo Dallas can wrestle Kofi on Raw, Smackdown, at a PPV and lose all three matches, doesn't really make it a full-fledged feud. Adam Rose and Jack Swagger might wrestle a couple times, not necessarily a ticket-selling feud.

When you shine the spotlight at the top of the card, the good guys always get the win (in the end), as they should.

**I'd like to make a note that I'm specifically talking about the top guy (with a stacked roster, maybe the top 2 or 3). Sure, heel HHH can win a feud with Mick Foley (in whatever form), because Mick isn't 'the guy'. Rusev can decimate Big E in a feud, Big E is not 'the guy'.

Heels are, for the lack of a better analogy, those feeder mice they sell at the pet store. No matter how much you like the mouse, it is in that store for one reason and one only, to be fed to 'the guy'. When you see a top heel win the blow-off against 'the guy', 'the guy's' days are numbered and there is another 'guy' ready to take over the top spot. Clearly, HHH/VKM don't feel their next 'guy' is ready. If they did, and smelled money in a Wyatt/'next guy' feud, the outcome of the Last Man Standing match would have been different.
The thing I don't like about Bray is his inability to get heat. He's supposed to be a "mega heel" but all the fans love him. If you look at what Punk did in 2012-2013, people cheered him on his way to the ring but once he started talking EVERYONE was booing him. That's something Bray fails to do and I think you're right. He's not really doing anything he said he would which if that keeps happening then eventually he'll lose believability. I'm not saying he has to win every feud but at least have win some so he doesn't look like a joke in a year when he's still trying to make people follow the buzzrads and hasn't won a single feud yet.
Wyatt beat Daniel Bryan clean at RR. That's a win. If you thought Bray was going to come out on top in a last man standing against Cena, you are out of our mind.

Bray Wyatt is Kevin Sullivan. Bray Wyatt is Hollywood Hogan. The bad guy, pulling the strings of his goons that constantly cause havoc for the hero. At the end of the day, the hero has to win.

I beg of you to find me, in the vast history of pro wrestling, where evil triumphed over good (at the end of the feud).

The rarest of occasions are Lesnar/Yokozuna/Vader types. Even then, they eventually did the honors for the good guy.

It is the way it is and the way it always will be. As Ned Stark would say, our ways are the old ways.

Besides all the examples others already stated, HHH won like all the time when he was a heel. Edge too.
Bray really needs to come out on top in his next feud and I could see somebody like Sheamus being a great opponent for the Cult leader. Sheamus is a established star and while he has only just won the US title, having him drop the belt to Wyatt could very well be the thing Bray needs to get back on track.
I have never understood the love for Wyatt. The failure is simply because it is a poor character. You can't throw a bunch of unrelated things together and call it a character yet that is what they are doing. "Follow the buzzards" is supposed to refer to death yet really, what has he accomplished in his feuds? Of sure he beat some people but Bryan, The Shield and Cena have all bested them. But they just keep ignoring that and pushing him. People complain about wwe protecting Cena but they are doing the same sort of thing with Wyatt right now.
I can't understand how it's a failure if the arena is completely lit up with cell phones out of respect. I love how one person dislikes something, and brands it as a "failure," irregardless of the obvious support from everyone around them. Internet fandom at it's finest.
Don't let the lit arena fool you - he is going against Cena so people will support him just to screw with the wwe. And wwe has done a good job over the last few years of training their audience to do what they want and weed out the people who might think for themselves. Look at the signs in the audience - they make sure and remove any negative signs to show all their talent is great. So yeah, the arena goes dark and all those lights come on but will it last? Put him up against someone else and will the audience still think he is cool? Also make their losses count for something and see if they get the same reaction. If I was a superstar there, I would challenge them to a "loser leaves wwe match" at a ppv as they have proven they can't win when the pressure is on. Wyatt has lost to Cena a couple times now - for anyone else new, that would kill their career but it won't matter here as wwe will just keep cramming them down the audiences throat.
Time will tell if Bray Wyatt remains over with the crowd. This is only my opinion, but because of Cena and his character, I think really until you feud with some other top superstar that isnt Cena and do good there, you arent over. Sure Bray is over, and without Cena he still is, but will he still be over to the extent that he is once this feud is done?

Starting your first interesting feud with John Cena is asking for trouble in a way. Cause Cena is the shit. You can only go lower now, unless they push you like they push John Cena, which they won't.

I really hope the feud is either over or just 1 more match and done. I want to see Bray move on and see how he is in another feud. The feuds before Cena were all wasted and booked terribly.

I'm really curious about what he can do when he doesn't have all those easy jabs at Cena. Because every Cena feud is the exact same thing. "Embrace the hate" "You're a monster" "Insert Rock insult from twice in a lifetime feud" " Vince kissass" etc etc etc.

What's really bad about a feud with Cena, even though int he end it will most probably elevate the talent feuding with him, is that no matter how much they try and make the heel credible and John Cena vulnerable, you just know Cena is always gonna win and come out of it unscathed with his morale way too up. There are exceptions sure, like Punk but Punk was not really a heel in the Summer of Punk.

I'm really curious who will they pick to feud with him next. Cause the Shield seems to be occupied for the next few months. And that's about it for main event talent.

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