Tommy Dreamer

"Cool Guy" Jensen

Undertaker for Champ!
In about a little over a year, Tommy Dreamer has basically gone from glorified jobber, to jobber vying to win the ECW Championship one more time before retirement, to becoming ECW Champion, to losing the championship, back to jobber.

Tommy Dreamer lost the ECW Championship at Night of Champions, in the city that made him famous (my hometown of Philadelphia). He then lost his rematch in what was supposedly "his match", an Extreme Rules match last week on ECW. This week on ECW, Tommy Dreamer loses to the #1 contender to the ECW Championship, William Regal (a man whom some would classify as a jobber as well).

In the matter of about 3 weeks, Tommy Dreamer has gone from the top of the (ECW) world, back to close to the bottom. I ask you all... what's next for "The Innovator of Violence"? Will he go back to jobbing into oblivion? Will he find himself back in the title hunt in the near future? Will we see Tommy Dreamer: ECW Champion Part 3? If he's here during the next draft, will he switch brands? Will he have a non-title fued with someone else on ECW? Will he turn heel? Will he leave WWE or retire altogether soon?

What do you think? Any thoughts at all would be greatly appreciated.
Do you even know what a jobber is? Does a jobber just lose an ECW championship match by the tiniest of margins? Does he hell. Does a jobber main event a show? No he doesn' do you justify that Dreamer is a jobber now?!

I think he will be in the hunt in the future, the announcers have mentioned that he has been doing extra training with Malenko working on his mat skills, which I think shows he's serious about the future.
Do you even know what a jobber is? Does a jobber just lose an ECW championship match by the tiniest of margins? Does he hell. Does a jobber main event a show? No he doesn' do you justify that Dreamer is a jobber now?!

I think he will be in the hunt in the future, the announcers have mentioned that he has been doing extra training with Malenko working on his mat skills, which I think shows he's serious about the future.

I do indeed know what a jobber is. I was not implying that Tommy Dreamer is a jobber now. I'm just saying that since losing the title, Dreamer is yet to win a match. I'm just hoping that this doesn't continue for too long. What I really meant is that Dreamer hasn't had many wins lately, not that he is a jobber per se, but coming on the losing end. Just wanted to clear that up.
I gotta say this, Dreamer's one of my faves, but even he has said before that he's the guy who, by all classic formula, shouldn't have made it this big, but did. He's more of a brawler than a wrestler still, but I have seen some of the more technical stuff sliding into his bag of tricks. He's a great character, easy to sympathize with, but has become a kind of...older wiser uncle who's been in a lot of street fights and survived.

It seems to me that Dreamer would do a better job in a kind of advisory role or at least a member of a tag-team. I saw a total of one match in which he tagged with Evan Bourne and I wished that they had developed this a little more. Bourne is a young, brash, talented but perhaps still rash man. ECW could have done a storyline that involved Dreamer taking him under his wing, helping him to develop a skill for focused violence. Taught him a bit about hardcore brawling in addition to the high-flying stuff he's known for. It would have been great! But this is ECW, the land of the one-hour show, so that was out.

Still, I'd like to see Dreamer at least used in a similar way with one of the younger...cleaner-fighting wrestlers, teaching them the value of fighting dirty (but all in a good cause.) It's not that I don't think Dreamer can last on his own, I just like him better in the mentor's role. I seem to recall he did something like this once...but the one he was mentoring turned out to be kind of a joke-jobber rarely ever seen not in a cast of some sort. Give him a decent pupil and he'll go far.
I do indeed know what a jobber is. I was not implying that Tommy Dreamer is a jobber now. I'm just saying that since losing the title, Dreamer is yet to win a match. I'm just hoping that this doesn't continue for too long. What I really meant is that Dreamer hasn't had many wins lately, not that he is a jobber per se, but coming on the losing end. Just wanted to clear that up.

Glad you cleared that up, because at the moment he's not a jobber, he's number 2 face on the brand and is getting a really nice rub. He's the link to the old ECW and is actually staring to improve his in ring work outside of the brawler/hardcore style...why would he do that if he wasn't intending to stay around for a while? I think he's pretty safe, and lets say something like a Christian injury happened he'd be back to number 1. There's no danger of him going back to jobber.
Well since his rise and fall from the Main Event scene, there is a whole new crop of young talent on the brand for him to work with. I liked his Championship reign, and he may not be out of the title picture just yet, but I get the feeling that it was purely for a nostalgic moment. Maybe he will be the one to finally get Abraham Washington in the ring. Maybe a program with Sheamus after he goes over Goldust. There's a lot of options available.
I see Dreamer getting a title shot after SS. Maybe teaching Abe Wash a lesson but thats it for now. I dont ever think he will switch brands before retiring, now that i think about he will be great if not perfect for ECW GM right? Take into account that he spend 20 for ECW.
I think Dreamer will hang around for a while helping the young up and comers. Getting the rub from a ECW legend could do wonders for some of the young talent in the WWE today. I see him getting a title shot after SS, maybe taking the title. I do not see him becoming a jobber.
Tommy will go back to doing what he did before he won the ECW championship. He will help the young guys get over, Probably with a little feud, ala Jack Swagger style.
Dreamer will stay for a longggg time. he is just entering the storyline with Christian and Regal, Zeke and Kozlov. i agree witha few here and he will stay to help younger stars.
Tommy Dreamer is one of the best wrestlers in WWE for making other people look good, if not the best. Nobody, not one single person, started having a cry when Jack Swagger won the ECW title a couple of months after debuting, and the simple reason for that is that Dreamer made him look good. Because of his history, Dreamer will always be a realistic candidate for ECW Champion, but literally no other titles in the company, so hes doing just fine. He was narrowly defeated in the battle royal this week, and I expect that he will be always in and around ECW main events.

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