Tommy Dreamer To WWE 24/7?


Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
If it's true that Tazz is leaving the WWE, then Joey Styles will be left without a co-host for the ECW portion of WWE 24/7. The only person I can think of is Tommy Dreamer.

Why? His wrestling contract is up soon, and I doubt he'd go anywhere else. He isn't the type to do commentary, but he's still good enough to work in some capacity. He could work as a backstage guy for ECW, and help the younger talent, while still co-hosting the semgents on 24/7.

They're going week-by-week, and are almost to his feud with Sandman, so tossing him in would look good for anyone watching anyway. It's just an idea, but I'd like to see it happen more than I want to see him get the title for no reason over more deserving people.
I think thats an excellent idea
but i have to disagree with your point about Dreamer not commentating I actually think Dreamer would be quite good on commentary as he knows what hes on about and has excellent wrestling knowledge

like cmon he cant get any worse than Mike Adamle lol
dude you are so late with that. taz hasnt been on ECW in months. neither has joey styles. on ECW they have todd grisham and matt stryker. i beleive they will stay. as for SD! they will need to find someone..maybe josh matthews lol its a longshot but it could work
I think Dreamer is going to the front office when he retires as he was the one who put the One Night Stand PPV together and was working as a talent scout for the WWE in OVW for awhile. So I see Dreamer going to the front office and maybe doing the WWE 24/7 thing. Personally I would want to see Dreamer as ECW Champion, but I hear that he never wanted to win a title in his career as he wanted to always be a “dreamer” of what could have been.
I personally think that Dreamer will remain with the WWE as part of the creative team for ECW but I honestly don't know.
It can't really hurt Tommy Dreamer at this point. He's already finish not by choice with the company the way he's been treated the last couple of years. I don't know why he was never given the ECW title and have the younger stars chase him for the title. Believe it or not but Dreamer could teach them a thing or two and unlike Sandman he can actually carry a wrestling match if he needs too. And yes by wrestling match I mean No Weapons!
"Personally I would want to see Dreamer as ECW Champion, but I hear that he never wanted to win a title in his career as he wanted to always be a “dreamer” of what could have been."

Check your facts before posting. Dreamer is a former ECW World Champion and Tag Team Champion with Raven
i know what Dreamer won! I'm talking about WWE's ECW! He's never won the title under WWE's reign. Originally the plan was to have Benoit win the title at Vengence and be like a mentor character to the younger guys. But all that went out. They could have done that with Dreamer is what I was saying.
Honestly, Dreamer will probably be done with the company once his contract expires...that will leave just Joey Styles as the last ECW person working for the company.

It'll make the Last November 2 Remember reunion show that much better with a Dreamer match though...

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