Tommy Dreamer to TNA?


Getting Noticed By Management
Well, with things going crazy as far as new wrestlers added to TNA's roster, it appears that Tommy Dreamer may also be heading over the Cross the Line. I know Tommy is an acquired taste, me being a huge fan of everyone's favorite underdog, but do you think Dreamer would do better in TNA than he did in WWE? I know I am going to hear all the "He's Too Old" and "He's Too Fat" and "WWE Reject" comments, so for those of you that actually have something new to say, please post because I really think that WWE never did handle Tommy right. I was happy to see him get the ECW title one more time, but other than that, the WWECW Tommy Dreamer paled in comparison to the ECW Tommy Dreamer. And please don't get me started with the Tommy Dreamer that will eat anything. More proof that Vince McMahon has no clue what he is doing with talent he had nothing to do with from the beginning. I say let him come over and lets see if Tommy still has what it takes to be a great performer. I personally think he would also make a great manager as it seems that TNA might be leaning towards that kind of thing again.
More like Tommy Nightmare. I don't consider him a "WWE Reject", and I loathe the jackasses on this forum who harp on that bullshit, but no, I don't see a place for Dreamer in TNA. The main event is convoluted and complicated as it is, so bringing in someone of Dreamer's legacy would do little but to put more focus on the unimportant, IMO, especially if he came over as an actual in-ring performer.

TNA has enough veteran presence, IMO.
While I adore Tommy Dreamer, what about the many 'talent' that is just getting paid to hang out in the locker room and the jobbers that show up to job to the low carders like Shark Boy on the 1 in every 1000 shows he will show up and wrestle? I think as much as they want to try to give people a redemption here, they need to realize that taking on those who are 'soured' of the experience, they need to realize what is managable budgeting, and that does NOT mean taking on any jobber or 'retired' or 'semi-retired' or 'playboy' bunny with mediocre moving skills in the ring. Right now TNA is hemoraghing more than they can earn. Let's get rid of Bubba, Shark, Lethal, Lacey, Jimmy Hart, Jesse Neal, anyone who has not been seen in more than 4 episodes. If you ain't been seen, or not relevant to the athletic, you are GONE!! that will save the investors, and prevent the inflation on the fans in the long run. It doesn't matter if you bring Tommy Dreamer if he's just gonna be there for a few months and have it fall out, then you will have wasted millions just to have him there to job to someone, and he still gets soured. Then you're back in the same hole you were before, but still out more money and just as many wrestlers, if not more.
I think i am the one hundredth poster to say this since it comes up every time roster additions are made to TNA: THE VAST MAJORITY OF TNA WRESTLERS ARE ON A PAY BY PERFORMANCE BASIS. This means that with the exception of "high value talent" if you don't perform you don't get payed so Dreamer will fall into this roll if he shows up and if and only if they have something for him to do continually will he be given a contract that he gets a set pay in.

TNA, I want to like you. I really do. But there is no reason for Dreamer on the roster. You have a freakin' huge roster for a 2 hour show, that you is being run by idiots. You have athletes who haven't been on in months, and people with charisma aren't getting mic time! Where the hell is old Tommy going to go?

I like Dreamer but he has no talent TNA needs right now. You already have a ton of "veterans" on the roster, even a whole bunch of "ECW" veterans. Why are you hiring him! Please, somebody explain this.
Tommy Dreamer will not draw. Hell, Tommy Dreamer can barely work anymore...the guy's neck is in tatters. I have no idea what TNA are up to on this one, I truly don't.

Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with Dreamer, he did his thing in ECW and it worked, but that was over ten years ago now. It has been over ten years since Dreamer could be thought of as a top talent.

TNA already have to fit 2 hours of TV time with a talent count around the 70 mark, when will they stop flooding the roster and actually start introducing and developing the characters of the talent they already have?

In a company where Hogan, Flair, Angle, Hardy and RVD can only draw a 0.6 rating...not exactly sure where Dreamer is expected to fit.
Honestly it hasn't been confirmed yet if he would go. However, it seems more then likely he will since his no compete clause has expired. Also, its not like the guy has anything else going for him at the moment. I could take or leave Dreamer at this point. I guess they can dig up Stevie Richards and Raven and do another feud of that, but I don't know where they could put Dreamer otherwise.

Maybe he could be a manager or team up with RVD, Hardy, and Grease Lightning Young. I really don't think he belongs anywhere near the main event though. I just hope he is there as a stepping stone for young talent instead of a crutch for them.
So were does ot say that IF he does join TNA, he'll wrestle? He can do many things besides wrestle. He can do commentary. Be a Road Agent. Interviewer. Trainer. Ref? Tommy is versatile and somebody like him around would come useful. He can talk to the talent backstage, maybe coach them. He has lots of possibilities in TNA besides being a wrestler. If he does come in, I somehow doubt they'll make as big a deal of it as they did with Van Dam and Jeff Hardy. After all Sabu and The Sandman have been in TNA in the past, you didn't see them in the main event picture did you?

I would prefer to see Tommy as a broadcaster along with maybe Mick Foley or Kevin Nash. The commentary table is losing its taste a bit, maybe a back-up team can compensate. Imagine Tommy on commentary... "Thank you, sir. Can you hit him again?".
It really is baffling that people do not understand how the contracts work in TNA. Even crazier than that people routinely point to sharkboy still being on the roster as a major problem and a reason that TNA is going to go out of business. Do these people realize just how ignorant that makes them?

As for Dreamer, I expect him to bring the Hardcore to TNA since they seem to be trying to bring aspects of the attitude era into their product. That would seem like one of the better ways to go about that so I am not sure what the problem is. How could you not mark out for the possibility to see Dreamer in at least one more extreme rules match where people are actually allowed to take bumps?
TNA has already crossed the line. You know, the line where they've already entered the point of return and you can't turn back. At this point, they can't be saved. So, does it really matter? Bring Dreamer in? Why the hell not? Gets Tommy a few more paychecks.

TNA has gotten so ridiculous, I'm tired of talking about it and dissecting it. If anyone likes a good plane crash, 8pm on Spike....
This, above all else, is more of an old school nostalgia then an actual addition to TNA talent.

Tommy Dreamer has always been a favorite of mine in the old ECW days. He was in the midst of great feuds and rivalries. But TNA does not need anymore old-schoolers. I do not see them using Dreamer to his potential and I do not want Total Non-stop Action to be accused of more WCW shenanigans like putting the older over instead of the new.

Now backstage, Dreamer could take part in many things that can put him over with fans and not have him taking his 1000th or so bump in the business of wrestling. He could manage and not be considered obsolete. Hell he could at least talent scout-he did so in WWE. But as far as it goes with putting Dreamer over on TNA...I just have to shake my head no. Raven, Rob Van Dam, Sabu, Rhino, Team 3D, and I think even Sandman has been over to TNA. TNA does not need anymore ECW Originals. They need to focus more on the younger TNA talent then worry about getting fans of the old.
Tommy Dremer has NEVER put 1 ass one seat. Tommy Dreamer will NEVER put 1 ass in one seat. WWE reject? Not really, but it doesnt matter. Im starting to think Cena wouldnt draw in tna. Ive been trying to give tna a chance for a little over a year now, and I gotta tell ya, if they arent bankrupt in 6 months, they will atleast have tucked their tails and moved impact back to thursdays.

Anyone that actually thinks that they are remotely close to the wwe is seriously lying to themselves. Good "wrestlers" that do fuking flippy-d-doos and big spots, will NEVER sell to the masses. They can have Matt Hardy, Shane Helms, Charlie Hass, Shlton Benjamin, so all yu ******ed marks can boast about how great their "wretlers" are, and they will contiue to fail. Their fucking main event had Hardy and rvd, and the drew a .6. I must admit, I really thought the move to mondays was a good idea, to maybe rekindle the ol wars, but wow was I wrong.
In my mind it'd be a mistake to push him.

You already have talent (IMO that are better than him) sitting around waiting for a angle. Your roster is already at 70 paid superstars.... There is no room for him... Unless he's coming in to maybe mentor somebody than I don't want to see it..

Loved Tommy in the past, but to be honest.. his promos in ECW a couple months ago always had me changing the Channel
if dreamer is working for TNA, i bet they'll bring him out just right before RAW goes live... in hopes people might stay.
So far, no Dreamer...

I would love to see TNA rekindle the Raven/Dreamer fued... Raven could accusse Dreamer of being a sell out for working in Vince's WWECW... I think it would be a great mic battle...

Also bringing back a hardcore division could be cool... Maybe even make a monster's ball championship... It would atleast give some of the guys on the roster something to do...

But, I agree that with two hours of TV, it would be hard to fit in TV time for a new division...

I wish TNA woulf move to 3 hours a week or have a second "b" show on thursday...
Well, with things going crazy as far as new wrestlers added to TNA's roster, it appears that Tommy Dreamer may also be heading over the Cross the Line. I know Tommy is an acquired taste, me being a huge fan of everyone's favorite underdog, but do you think Dreamer would do better in TNA than he did in WWE? I know I am going to hear all the "He's Too Old" and "He's Too Fat" and "WWE Reject" comments, so for those of you that actually have something new to say, please post because I really think that WWE never did handle Tommy right. I was happy to see him get the ECW title one more time, but other than that, the WWECW Tommy Dreamer paled in comparison to the ECW Tommy Dreamer. And please don't get me started with the Tommy Dreamer that will eat anything. More proof that Vince McMahon has no clue what he is doing with talent he had nothing to do with from the beginning. I say let him come over and lets see if Tommy still has what it takes to be a great performer. I personally think he would also make a great manager as it seems that TNA might be leaning towards that kind of thing again.

In the state TNA is in right now, I don't think any new wrestlers will be signed. Last weeks rating was terrible. This week will be bad too.
So far, no Dreamer...

I would love to see TNA rekindle the Raven/Dreamer fued... Raven could accusse Dreamer of being a sell out for working in Vince's WWECW... I think it would be a great mic battle...

Also bringing back a hardcore division could be cool... Maybe even make a monster's ball championship... It would atleast give some of the guys on the roster something to do...

But, I agree that with two hours of TV, it would be hard to fit in TV time for a new division...

I wish TNA woulf move to 3 hours a week or have a second "b" show on thursday...

Currently I don't think TNA is going to do another show. In one way they might move back to Thursdays as they can't win on Mondays. Tonight is going to be a rough night, if you watched the NCAA Championship. Butler vs Duke was a wrestling match with close pin falls :) Even WWE's rating will suffer tonight.
If Tommy Dreamer feels he has something to prove or just wants to entertain the fans one last time (crossing my fingers he doesn't hurt himself) TNA well probably welcome him with open arms. He has already cemented his legacy as a great/entertaining hardcore wrestler. It would be awesome if vince put the Innovator of Violence into the wwe hall of fame.

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