Tomko Leaving?

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Master of the Aussie kiss
There are roumors floating around that Tyson might be leaving TNA. How do you feel about this?

Personally i think this if its true is a long time coming. What in the hell has he done on TNA. then again what has he done in his whole career. I used to hate him when he was in the WWE. This guy has no charisma No Mic skills and his wrestling moves are in a word SHIT. I would prefer to watch Hornswoggle wrestle then this guy He was only ever Christian's Lacky. I honestly do not know why they hired him in the first place he wasnt over in the WWE.

Hopefully this is where TNA Wake up and think "Maybe we dont need these WWE Rejects." Seriously TNA would be much more succsesful if they was to Hire thier own guys that have never Stepped foot in a WWE ring.

What are your views on Tomko leaving if he is? Is he worth TNA trying to keep him or should they gladly let him go never to be heard of again?. Please post reasons.
WHile I'm not sure he's as bad as you say he is, he certainly isn't a great talent by any means. He did his purpose in TNA, and that was to be a monster heel and a bodyguard. Eventually they decided that for some reason there was a point in making him a bigger on camera character. What they were thinking is beyond me. Without A-Train, Tomko is destined to be a midcarder at best. He seems to have found a niche in Japan. I'm not a fan of Tomko, but I have nothing against him. He's just sort of there. I won't miss him as I don't even remember him being on tv in forever but I seem to remember reading about him being in a feud recently. Overall, this isn't going to hurt TNA at all and it looks like maybe they're finally getting the idea that their homegrown talent could do them better than their hired WWE rejects.
Well first off. Tomko is an amazing Super heavyweight. One of the best in the business. He has shown signs of brilliance and does not have bad charisma either. I for one think this is kind of sad. For once they are not utilizing somone who could be HUGE for them.

Then again this could be another thing like they are doing with KAZ. I doubt it though which is a shame, Tomko is good, he is damn good. At least in my opinion. Hopefully they didnt leave on bad terms and that TNA can come up with something for him before too long. This just seems like a wasted talent to me on TNA's behalf.
KlunderBunker said:
WHile I'm not sure he's as bad as you say he is, he certainly isn't a great talent by any means. He did his purpose in TNA, and that was to be a monster heel and a bodyguard
But thats what i Mean. the thing he was brought into do is the same thing he had been doing in the WWE it was old and had been done. Nobody wants to see the same thing over and over again. He should of been brought over with a new Gimmick instead of the excact same. one he was doing in the WWE.

KlunderBunker said:
Eventually they decided that for some reason there was a point in making him a bigger on camera character
Wich they shouldnt off. He is only good in the Bodyguard roll or as you said mid card Status. They shouldnt of hired him. Not when they could of found an unknown and built him up instead of thinking Oh he is from WWE we should hire him people would know him.
He seems to have found a niche in Japan.
I dont watch Japan Wrestling but if thats where he is better thats where he should of went straight away. Instead of wasting his Time in TNA where he was no use to anybody including himself.
Monkey_Mania said:
Well first off. Tomko is an amazing Super heavyweight
I wouldnt class him in the Super Heavywieght Class. and if we are going to he would have to be the worst Superheavywieght wrestler coming just short of Mark Henry. This guy after Moving on from the Bodyguard status he was supposed to wrestle instead of just a few punches. But all the moves he had didnt suit him.

From the sounds of it He is leaving on good terms. So hopefully later on when he has found the moves and or Gimmick that Suits him. He can return To TNA and be an entertaining Wrestler that will make people like me change thier opinions on him.
Tomko is average. He always has been. He never really got to break out in TNA as he was always around either Christian Cage or A.J Styles. Both of those men turned face and went their separate ways, leaving poor Tomko behind. While Tomko certainly isn't as talented as Styles or Christian, he certainly deserves to stay in TNA. As Monkey mentioned, he is wasted talent. He plays a decent heel in my opinion and he helped put over A.J and Christian from what I can remember.

I think he has a some charisma. He looks intimidating which is great since he is a heel. He has the look of a superstar but unfortunately he doesnt have the mic skills or the wrestling ability of a superstar. With that being said, I personally think he should stay with TNA so that his potential can finally be released and so Tomko can finally break out hopefully as a superstar on his own.
I like Tomko. I really do. On a good day, he can be pretty damn watchable. However, I don't think he has a place in TNA any more. In the US, he'll be a lackey, nothing more. With Angle with Team 3D and Cage as a face (complete with awful T-shirt) for the foreseeable future, he has nobody to be a lackey to. I fear guys like Hernandez have a similar weakness, but Hernandez hasn't had the chance to prove it just yet so we needn't worry.

Tomko can just do Japan full-time, they love big Americans over there. I expect he'd also make a pretty penny headlining UK events. He's certainly a better alternative than Doug Basham.
I'm actually pretty bummed out about this. Tomko is a lot better than people seem to give him credit for. It's true that he wasn't that great in the WWE, but his skills grew by miles when he went to Japan and teamed up with Giant Bernard (A-Train). Japan has whipped both of these guys into shape, and made them very good wrestlers. The only problem is that the Japanese and Americans watch a different style of wrestling. Americans (average viewers anyway) like to see more brawling and less technical skill (i.e. Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold, The Rock, John Cena, etc.).

When Tomko first came to TNA, he had the same gimmick as he did in the WWE, with the same "client", Christian. I certainly don't think this helped him out, because it just made him seem like the same guy. I think TNA dropped the ball with him. He showed that he had charisma, and could even play a face. He even got a victory over Kurt Angle. But apparently TNA just couldn't figure out how to capitalize on him. Sadly, he got less and less TV time, until he left.

I think he'll make a big splash in Japan, and who knows, maybe he'll end up back in either TNA or WWE. He left both on good terms, so who knows where his future lies. I don't think we'll be seeing the last of Tomko.
Good for TNA. Tomko is yet another generic musclehead. He was a waste of TV time in WWE, but in TNA he actually came off a little better. I liked it when he worked together with Christian Cage but ever since he quit that gig he's become just another brick in the wall. TNA should be giving time to their actual talent rather than someone like Tomko.
I have to disagree - I think that he really was starting to come into his own with the whole Cage/Angle/Styles feud. He was starting to get momentum as face, but TNA killed it by having him turn heel. His move to Japan really shows, that a midcard guy doesn't do that great in TNA.

I would not be surprised to see Tomko in the WWE within the next year or so. He's made a lot of progress since his tenure with the company a few years ago, and I am sure that they'll take notice.
I'd actually accept Tomko as a TNA World Champion. While I don't think he's some wrestling wizard, he's improved a hell of a lot over the years. So much so that I don't consider him to be out of his league when he's in the ring with Cage, Angle or Joe. It's a loss for TNA. They probably just don't know it.

But going to Japan is great for him. Look what it did for Umage. He left WWE as a wreckless worker, and came back great.
I think Tomko was a big wrestler in TNA. I don't want to say superstar cause TNA doesnt have stars they have wrestlers. Anyways Tomko leaving is an upset, but now matt morgan has a chance for being that big 7 feet mid carder instead of fighting jobbers every week. Tomko will be missed,but at least there's someone to take his place. Also you can see him in new japan.
i ll be upset if this is true. tomko was definately one of the former wwe guys who had improved tremendously. he has a cracking look, one that makes you wanna she him in the ring. my missus even looks up at the tv when he's on. just cos his ink is sooooo cool.

he is better on the mic than he's perhaps given credit for. his promos/backstage segments were always pretty intense, and his acting helped to sell the whole angle'aj'christian angle, especially the break up of those teams.

in ring, he's not the greatest, but hey, variety is the spice of life. loved him taggin with aj, there was a whole old skool big guy/small guy dynamic going on that worked well, and kinda took my mind off the fact that aj should be main eventing..

anyways, if he's gone, the roster will definately be weaker for it
I have to disagree with the guys who keep saying Tomko sucked. When he left AJ and Kurt and became "his own man", he was good. I believed he was legitimately angry at everyone for holding him back. I have no idea why TNA put him back with Kurt, as he was gaining as the tweener-style face they were making him.

I hate it now, as a feud with Matt Morgan could be what both guys need. Their styles matched and, while Morgan would have gone over in the feud, he could have made Tomko look good. Morgan squashes everyone he is in the ring with, and Tomko could have at least hurt him, realistically.
IMO Tomko isnt worth keeping around in TNA. Like you said TNA would benefit from not having WWE rejects such as Tomko. Although some like Cage, and Rhino for example are worth it. They are because they can be used in different ways unlike Tomko. Back to the point, Tomko IMO can really only serve as a body guard. He cant be a singles worker because he doesnt have the talent wrestling wise or on the mic. WWE got it right with him keeping him as the body guard for the most part. Last week on Impact when he went against Morgan , I took Morgan more seriously than Tomko. I dont care for Morgan that much either but he seems like he could go farther than Tomko. There are other guys in TNA that deserve the spotlight a lot more, and TNA would benefit more if those guys did get more of the spotlight. With that said Tomko leaving wont hurt TNA.
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