Today is the day.

Later today, I will finally graduate high school. I'm stoked but at the same time, I can't help but feel anxious and slightly fearful for the future. I'm probably sounding like your typical kid excited for adulthood. Most people in my school are 18 or 19. As a 17 year old, I'm one of the youngest seniors in the graduating class. I'm much more nervous for what the future holds than most of the older people.

My understanding is that most of the people who post on here are fully grown people who are either in college or in the work force. Any insight or advice from my fellow WZ posters on making the transition from a high school kid into an adult would be appreciated. Class of 2010 is rollin' out! :p
Walnut Creek... De La Sallee? Monte Vista? Congrats, I graduated from Cal High a good six years ago, good luck, you couldn't be in a nicer area to figure your life out.
Walnut Creek... De La Sallee? Monte Vista? Congrats, I graduated from Cal High a good six years ago, good luck, you couldn't be in a nicer area to figure your life out.

Thanks bud. I'm actually graduating from Las Lomas High. Bay Area's not a bad place to figure out my life. I'm going to SF State for the next Fall semester so I'm fairly optimistic about the next four years of my life at least. Of course, there's still that nervousness that still comes with an unknown future that will be adulthood.
The only advice I can give you is be prepared for any challenges life throws at you. Weather it's an asshole boss or an idiot teacher you have to be prepared for that.
Wow. Talk about having your graduation overshadowed by far bigger stuff...

Funny you should say that actually... after school gets out at around noon today, the seniors have to stay after to practice for graduation. Walking and stuff like that. Most of the seniors are pissed because they'd rather be watching the World Cup. Not surprisingly, of course.
Congratulations my fellow Filipino ;)

Just one year ago I was where you are now, nervous of the future. Plan for the future but make sure to live for the present.
Congrats buddy! The best advice I can give you at this moment is to enjoy college. It's going to be challenging at times, but enjoy it because it's a great time in your life. Don't declare a major until you are sure what you want to study. Take lots of different types of classes and figure out what you really like. Most of all, make great friends and enjoy it man, because you don't get it back. If anything, high school graduation is a happy time because you have so much to look forward to. Enjoy the ride!

The only thing you need to know is that the real world is not fair. You won't be given what you feel you deserve. You have to take it.
Ahh... and it's finally all over. I don't think it's completely sunk in quite yet. I think it will on Monday when I finally realize that I don't have to go to school that day. Haha. But yeah, I'm pretty optimistic about the future just slightly nervous. But then again, who wouldn't be? I'm pretty anxious about college.
Good times, I shall take you back to the graduation of The NorCal

We spent the last two classes of HS taking a nap, literally. Me and my best bud went to my other friends house (my friends seem to form triads, no?) We will call them The NorCal triad. Other friends house was a trailer, with an open door policy, we sorta just came and went. Coolest parents ever. Anyway

We went over there, I layed on one couch, he layed on the other, and we slept for the last 2 hours of HS. Woke up, beat Halo (for the first time, fucking crazy) then went to the cermony. Lulz.

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