Later today, I will finally graduate high school. I'm stoked but at the same time, I can't help but feel anxious and slightly fearful for the future. I'm probably sounding like your typical kid excited for adulthood. Most people in my school are 18 or 19. As a 17 year old, I'm one of the youngest seniors in the graduating class. I'm much more nervous for what the future holds than most of the older people.
My understanding is that most of the people who post on here are fully grown people who are either in college or in the work force. Any insight or advice from my fellow WZ posters on making the transition from a high school kid into an adult would be appreciated. Class of 2010 is rollin' out!
My understanding is that most of the people who post on here are fully grown people who are either in college or in the work force. Any insight or advice from my fellow WZ posters on making the transition from a high school kid into an adult would be appreciated. Class of 2010 is rollin' out!