To Those Who Said I Was A Bad Poster:


2-Time WZCW Mayhem Champion
well well, it seems everyone's so touchy about this subject, the ones who's a Hogan fan, and the one's who's a Shawn fan, need I say, I am a fan of neither really! I am a fan of Cena (all those Cena hypocrite haters, you just wait, wait till, or if he ever turns heel, all of you will be riding his bandwagon pretty much like you all did with the rock,) (I am surprise no idiot fan are telling John Cena to die like they did the rock, again I for one like the rock when he was just Rocky) (sorry lost track there for a bit) I am also a Taker, Bret, Kane (so underrated) Matt Hardy (Underrated as well) Edge, Jericho, Orton, and Rhodes (I like em better than Dibiase) Anyways back to the parasite Shawn, I am not judging Shawn for his actions then, It's his action now, because his action then is still now, he's all for himself, lets look at it this way, Shawn is the type of guy who plays politic all the way up to the point until he knows it's not gonna do him any good, than he has no choice but to just play it out!
Fact 1; the new age outlaws, remember how they got way over it with the fans, they were popular and there was at first rumor of them joining DX, but knowing Shawn and HHH's ego, they said the new age outlaws didn't didn't have class, they're not good enough, but by being so over with the fans, they were the one's asking the new age outlaws to be part of the group!
Fact 2; In TNA, the road dog and bad ass billy gunn, literally blast them about their politics, I mean LITERALLY, they even challenged them with their own money, they told it like it is they told us about HHH banging Steph, Shawn on HHH's shaft as well!
Fact 3; Now if you're being blasted live (not scripted) and it wasn't the truth, shouldn't you at least defend yourself? (I would) (All you Shawn fans stop being denial, you would too)
Fact 4; Triple H is your best bud, but you want a person you hated and disliked to induct you into the wwe hall of fame? Now lets use a example here, If I was to steal a girl from a hated enemy, do you think I would want him TO BE MY BEST MAN AT MY WEDDING, hell no, I would want my BEST FRIEND to be!
Fact 5; Again not a big fan of Hogan, but yeah look at Shawn and how he tried to sell Hogan's move at the pay per view event, I, along with the rest of Shawn haters thought it was funny and bad for the wwe industry!
Fact 6; Bret put over Steve Austin, again Bret isn't afraid to put over new generation, Shawn (parasite) he didn't want to put over Austin, crying, bitchin, complaining, and it wasn't until the Undertaker (unscripted of course) drag that little backstabbing leech idiot to the back and says he had no choice but to do it because it was for the better of the company (and if he didn't he was gonna get knocked out by the Undertaker himself)
Fact 7; as to all those says that he put over quite a bit of new generations of superstars, you again would not admit to the truth that he plays politics until the very end and has no choice but to either win his match or lose, the only one to over power hhh's power would be Vince himself (which I am glad that he is starting to do)
I have to say yeah, he does perform great, he is a great performer, no doubt about it, Why does he want a (so called) rematch with the Undertaker, whose to know this time around he won't screw the Undertaker, we've seen the first match, it was epic, the second time around, it won't! Let's not forget, Shawn has screwed people over, what if he does it again, does it take for Shawn to actually "do the screw" before you Shawn fans admit it? (yeah right, even if he does screw the undertaker over you'll be in denial as you are all now)
If I am not right about Shawn as a performer and as a person than, why would the road dog and Bad ass Billy gun said all those things about DX? Those were personal TRUTHFUL UNSCRIPTED SHOTS at them, not lies!!

Now go fuck yourselves.
I don't understand. Are you saying there is worse posters? We know that. You're still awful.
You two take Zero. I'll take Areo. The WZ Society. Making WZ a better place.*

*We bring force if necessary.
Nah, I'll leave Zero alone. I'll take care of the moron in that thread with pyrusane. It is extremely fun to poke at his "points".
And this is one of the reasons why I barely post in the wrestling forums anymore. WAY too much Bullshiit by idiot marks who have no idea what the fuck they're talking about.
I swear, I like you Zero, but sometimes I wanna grab you by the leg and toss you around like a ragdoll. Chill, dude!
That guy is full of bullshit. Why the fuck is he talking about Cena and Sheamus?
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Fucking hell no! I am crying from laughing my balls off at that. What a fucking tool.

I honestly could not believe that that's all he said to your post.

Wait, wouldn't that be considered spam in a non-spam thread?
Zero is not a bad poster. Leafy, don't you DARE call him horrible. Am I going to have to delete your sig from my Photobucket? ;)

FalK, I reported that Man On Planet guy. Almost all his posts are spamtacular.
I honestly could not believe that that's all he said to your post.

Wait, wouldn't that be considered spam in a non-spam thread?

Probably. I'm not worried about it now. He already had one that I reported. Maybe I should report it now.
Oh fuck. Doc threatens the safety of the almighty sig! Zero is less than average but above Areo. Barely
They were so spam they were funny. "asdasdfsasd", "k" "yes *picture of R-Truth*"
Especially since I'm going to burn down your house next time you make fun of Zero. I have taken him under my wing, just as Tenta took me under his.
The only thing this proves is that there's someone worse than you on these forums. I have some good news for you: you're only the second worst poster on these boards :lmao:.

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