To Push or Not To Have At All

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
The WWE has a myriad of Superstars that either needs to be pushed or gotten rid of entirely. With the new reign of Triple H I feel that we will see the beginning of bright futures for many stars, but also the end of careers that never began. Here is my spin on who should stay and who should go in the future. They are organized into a push section and a fire section. Feel free to discuss my opinions and make opinions of your own.:)

Zack Ryder​
It sort of pains me to say this but this guy deserves a push. Even before his internet show he was a good performer in the tag team division. He is decent in the ring and decent on the mic. He knows what he is doing in the ring and has some exposure. Overall he gets a decent reaction which is more then a lot of the other mid-card talent can say. I think that a little more screen time for him would not hurt anyone and even if he is used to push main event talent this is still a step up for him. He can look good in front of a crowd and overall does well as a crowd pleaser. He may be pretty generic in that he is neither a spot monkey nor a big man but with that being said neither is Randy Orton. Zack Ryder is talented and for that reason deserves somewhat of a push, instead of this ridiculous win streak on Superstars.

Brodus Clay​
I’m guessing a few people may have forgotten big old Brodus, however I haven’t and I also haven’t forgotten of how much talent this guy has. He is a big man who has the size and shape to become a world champion. He also has the heel persona that would allow him to get over with the crowd very fast. The WWE is lacking in the big monsters category only really having Mark Henry currently. And as most would say Mark Henry’s push will die down pretty fast it seems. Clay is young, strong, and overall a good talent. I think if WWE was smart they would allow Brodus some air time on Smackdown who would thrive on having some additional superstars. I think he is a perfect fit in the McMahon criteria and for that reason should get on T.V as soon as possible. Also, how about a Del Rio feud in his future????

Drew McIntyre​
It is a shame that this guy isn’t used properly. He has all the talent but still finds himself barely getting on television. In the words of Bret Hart “this guy has potential.” He won the Intercontinental Title and the Tag Titles early on in his career and then all of a sudden he vanished. This guy would be a very solid mid-card talent on Raw and I truly believe he could be used either as a heel or face. They hinted at a possible face turn when he teamed up with Ziggler and I think this would work. He could easily face Ziggler for the title and have a solid feud with him. I think if he can find a way to be recognized back stage and have the opportunity to get on T.V and prove himself then he will have a very good career. However, I don’t what Creative to get lazy with him and because of their lack of effort end up cutting him due to him not performing.

Ezekiel Jackson

The current IC champion needs a push? Am I crazy? Doesn’t he have a push right now? Let’s see after winning the title all he has done is lose. Okay he had one win over Ted in a singles competition. He has been one of the most boring champions I’ve seen as well as one of the most losing champions I have seen. At Summerslam I see him losing the title to Rhodes and then him going back into the shadows. This guy has what it takes to be a dominant star but they just fail to do anything creative with him. Had there been no Nexus and then no Corre I don’t think he would have a contract with WWE right now. He may be the most misused Superstar right now and that is a problem. He needs an actual push instead of a transitional title reign. Hell I’ll even say that he was better used in ECW. Please WWE use this guy to the best of his abilities and not to get over Ted and Cody.

Tyson Kidd​
He has the skills he has the talent he just needs the push. He is currently feuding with Yoshi Tatsu on wait for it….NXT. And no he is not a rookie. Tyson Kidd is a gifted wrestler. He has had training from the all time greats such as Bret Hart. He is one of those “ring technicians” that really knows how to work a match. He has made a feud over a doll’s foot seem interesting on a show that has less views then a few Ryder episodes. Allow him to get into some good matches with people like Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, Kofi Kingston and I think people and wresting fans will be impressed. As long as he gets somewhat of a push I think people will like him. He has that heel look and I think would find ways of getting over. Maybe give him an Angry Canadian gimmick?

Yoshi Tatsu​
Does anyone remember the amazing match that he had with Chris Jericho. He was allowed to shine in this match and overall had a great match. He didn't seem like he was too far behind Jericho in skills and for a second actually had people believe that he would pull of an upset. He has the wrestling skills however he lacks in the speaking department right now. With that being said if you give him a gimmick like Sin Cara then all will go well. His kick looks believable and overall makes a person intrigued to watch him. It’s not everyday that KB gives a match between two jobbers a B- but he was able to receive one and if he can do that on a show like NXT I can only imagine what he could do given a push.


Chris Masters
He just doesn't have what it takes these days. It seems his only real use was to entertain the guest hosts and now that that is over it would seem he has finished his purpose. He just isn't interesting anymore and isn't over anymore. If anything he is taking up space on Superstars that could have been used for other up and coming superstars. Masters now seems old and him being a "Masterpiece" just doesn't seem accurate anymore. Now all it seems is as if he is a steroid abuser. If WWE is smart they will cut him in order to hire somebody fresh who can easily take the role of body builder.

David Hart Smith
This is sad however David Hart Smith just isn’t over with the crowd. I was sort of expecting him and Tyson to have a match and the loser would be fired however that didn’t happen SO they should just fire him now. He has the wrestling ability but overall isn’t over with the crowd and any reaction he had in the past was simply because of him using Bret hart’s music. I say he is wasting space in the locker room, and that there are several other people who can wrestle AND get over with the crowd besides him. Yes, I am from Calgary and I said this.

Anyone who watches NXT at all knows why this guy is awful. As Cryme Time he was okay but now he is just stealing WWE's money, money, yeah, yeah. He isn't good in the ring, isn't good on the mic and in all honesty needs to go. He is not entertaining and hopefully gets axed before we have to see him ever again after NXT. He was a Pro however I truly believe that a few of the people on NXT right now are far better then him overall. Get this guy out of WWE and maybe if he is lucky he can linger in TNA.

Tyler Reks​
This guy had a run last year as a monster. Then disappeared and was basically never seen again. Considering he is still listed as a Superstar I think they need to change that. He can't get over is only okay in the ring and is currently kind of old. Get rid of him before you give him more money then he deserves.

Who would you push? Why?
Who would you fire? Why?
Give reasons, not just a list.
McIntyre has been given more opportunities then anyone on that list to shine so I don't understand why anyone should give him any more. He's boring, overly scripted and doesn't have anything more then what someone like Swagger, Shaemus, Rhodes, etc can offer.

If I could toss one guys name on that list it would be Swagger. Unlike McIntyre, Swagger took advantage of his opportunity and did a fairly good job when he was paired up with Cole during the Wrestlemania time frame. He got a good reaction and could of easily turned face. Not sure why they didn't pull the trigger, Swagger is a goofy looking guy, and can easily pull off the same type of gags Angle was doing years before. Similar to Angle, he is also solid in the ring. Unfortunately WWE just forgot about him and the momentum was lost. I still think given the right opportunity, Swagger would go far.

Zack Ryder- Hes over with the internet and has the charisma to carry out a rivalry.

Alex Riley- Has the potential to be one of the top babyfaces of the company if they keep on the right track with him.

Michael McGullicutty- He looks like US champ material to me. The Nexus thing will be over soon and they need a place to fit these guys.

Tyson Kidd- He looks like he has the potential to be a great heel.

Justin Gabriel- He has the look to be a great IC champ and an interesting moveset.

Wade Barrett- Ever since he lost the IC title to Zeke hes been stuck in limbo. The guy needs to be in the WHC picture sooner rather than later.

Kozlov- The guy looks really intimidating and has a really decorated fighting background to be teaming with Santino.


Santino Marella- Hes never going to amount to anything. His stuff is hardly funny anymore and after seeing him do all the comedy stuff I'll never be able to take him seriously.

Drew McIntyre- They gave him the push of a lifetime and he still didnt get over.

JTG- Hes not doing anything besides playing a black stereotype.

Chris Masters- I dont remember the last time I saw this guy anywhere besides Superstars. If they're still going to hold a grudge against him for taking steroids then they might as well just fire him.

Tyler Reks- Monster gimmicks dont work anymore.

Yoshi Tatsu- He doesnt draw and once again will not amount to anything.

Alex Riley - He's a bit sloppy for me, but he has a lot of potential and if given the right feud off the back of his angle with The Miz he can achieve something pretty big. He has something that just looks like its waiting for the trigger pull, tamed potential almost. Hopefully though WWE don't screw him over because he has something, he has "it."

Jack Swagger - ...As a face. I'm tired of heel Swagger. The dude has the same routine he had when he first joined the main roster. Hes became boring and stale, and there is no point of making him some horrible Kurt Angle clone because he hasn't got the natural flair that Angle has, but Swagger does have good wrestling ability and a good build - but I just think he's one dude who needs to be pushed as something new. And him as a heel just isn't new.

Derrick Bateman - May be on NXT, and he may be there for Season Six too but once he comes off of it he needs to be seriously pushed as a legitimate top babyface. He looks like Andy Samberg on protein, he has a great build and a lot of personality, him hanging around Danielson is great because although they are both opposites in ways they are both two really nice looking guys. Derrick Bateman strikes me as a guy who can be pushed as a top babyface.


Tyler Reks - A mean looking big guy, original stuff right here. Seriously, Reks may have a good build and all that but anytime I have seen him he just shows intensity. The time period where big guys get these automatic pushes is really lacking now, because WWE have finally realized that they are not working like they'd hope. Don't see the need for Reks.

JTG - He has a job, that is currently the best position he can claim to hold currently. He needs to get out, develop and maybe come back in the future. He'd do well in somewhere like UWF or over in Japan, but he won't do anything else in the WWE. He's done for this run.

Zack Ryder
Easiest option for this thread, created a following for himself without any TV time, good mic skills, decent wrestling ability, goofy look but that could change. But most important, didn't Vince love hard workers so why didn't he give a look to a guy who work so hard to gain recognition?

Cody Rhodes
Should be the one who won the money in the bank instead of Danielson. Worked one of the best matches in Wrestlemania 27, carried the feud between him and Mysterio, has a great look and gimmick and most importantly improved tremendously for the past year. And we all thought Dibiase was going to be the bigger star of the two. Totally earned the right to garner a push and I hope it comes soon.

Michael McGillicutty
Given a stupid name and worked as a lackey, really the worst debut year for anyone in the WWE. Let's not forget who his roots were. Son of one of the best wrestler of the decade Mr Perfect, was promising in his time in FCW, good wrestling ability. Nexus is forgotten in the WWE and they really should split them up, let him be himself and get rid of the stupid name. I had high hopes for him when he was at FCW and I'm really disappointed at how WWE have used him.

Jack Swagger
He is not cut out to be a heel, get it WWE. He has a goofy look, "All American" gimmick, when he open his mouth it's hard to take him seriously at all. Give him the US title, have him act like Angle's All-American face run and I'm sure he will get over. Have been wasted time after time again and he certainly doesn't deserve that being one of the best wrestler in the roster.

CM Punk
I know suggesting to push the biggest star of the business right now sounds ridiculously stupid, but what I meant by push for him here is the megapush they had given to Cena and Miz during his run to Wrestlemania. The whole wrestling world revolves around him right now, the hottest commodity in wrestling right now. What I fear is WWE dropping the ball and burying him by letting Cena win at Summerslam like they did with Nexus last year to resume Cena quest to make his match with "Dwayne" a WWE title match. WWE seriously cannot afford drop the ball with this guy, their "youth policy" have produced little to no results but CM Punk can be their biggest success in the last few years, they just have to play it right.


Johnny Curtis
Debut this guy already or fire him. His stupid attempts at trying to be witty are not cool, his ripping off of Zack Ryder is pathetic, and he has an average look. Don't see any potential in him.

Always a tag team guy, splitting Cryme Tyme was a terrible decision. Now he is just terrible.

Tyler Reks
Who? Why is this guy still employed? When was he last on TV?

Alicia Fox
Constantly botching moves and boring. Waste of space.

Zack Ryder - Obviously. He is an internet darling. The fans love him. He is entertaining on the mic and not bad in the ring. He deserves a push for all the hard work he did to gain his fan-base, err... should I say... Zack Pack.

Chris Masters - I really like him. He has the look, and he is good in the ring. I don't remember the last time I heard him on the mic, but when he was a heel back in 2005 with his Masterpiece gimmick, he really stuck to me. But if the WWE is still going to keep him low because he violated in Wellness Policy in the past, then I guess they should just let him go.

Justin Gabriel - He looks like a future Intercontinental champion. His move-set is exciting, his look isn't too generic, and I'm not sure how his mic skills are, but that can be worked on. Also, he recently turned face when Slater turned on him, but it seems like Slater has been getting a decent push, so why not have Gabriel chase the I.C. Title as well as Slater and have them meet up in the future.

Dolph Ziggler - He is entertaining. He isn't too bad on the mic, and he has a big arsenal of moves. He is the current U.S. Champion, but he had a good feud with Edge and held the WHC (for 8 minutes). It wouldn't be bad for him to feud with people like Riley, have him drop the belt to him, then move up towards main event status.

Alex Riley - Like I said above, Riley is ready to hold a singles title. He had a good match with Swagger on Superstars, and I think it's time for him to chase the U.S. title. He is very entertaining on the mic, and good in the ring.

Cody Rhodes - Seriously, his gimmick is annoying. His face is obviously fixed, I can see through his mask. He really needs to rise up in the rankings and possibly start an intense feud with Randy Orton.


Tyler Reks - Who? He looks like Tarzan on steroids. Unless they give him a complete overhaul on his look, I just don't see him getting big in WWE.

Drew McIntyre - I know his the "Chosen One," but there are two things wrong with that now. 1. He has never shown any sign of WHY is is the chosen one. Sure he was I.C. champion, but Arquette was WCW Champion at one time. I think he is too stale and his matches don't catch my attention. 2. He was chosen by Vince. Now, since (kayfabe) Triple H is running things, I don't see how his "Chosen One" nickname can really mean anything.

Brotus Clay - I don't know why he is still here. He is ugly, and I don't think he is all that scary. I don't remember him on the mic, and his matches are dull to me.

Jinder Mahal - Back to FCW. I don't see anything special about his in-ring ability, and 75% of the mic time that he gets is full of him speaking his language.
Cody Rhodes - Seriously, his gimmick is annoying. His face is obviously fixed, I can see through his mask. He really needs to rise up in the rankings and possibly start an intense feud with Randy Orton.

Uh dude, everyone can see that his face is fine. A four year old could see it. It's to portray him as a bitter, disturbed young man. :)


Drew McIntyre: What happened to this guy? I knew that moving him to RAW was a mistake. Since then, he has fallen off od the radar. The only thing he did on RAW that was memorable to me was his McMahon Walk(That was hilarious, and he could probably work as a face). Just give McIntyre something.

Cody Rhodes: I couldn't have been more wrong thinking Rhodes would win Money in the Bank. He's great in the ring, has good mic skills, and seems to be able to play about any role they give him. Unless Orton & the world title are involved, I don't see much for him & DiBiase anytime soon. Just give Cody some freakin' kneepads.

Kofi Kingston: I may get some heat for this one, but Kofi has proven that he can hang with the prime-time players. If it wasn't for Orton, he would probably be a former world champion. Nothing needs to be said about his ring skills. Just give him an actual character(Seriously, what is Kofi supposed to be? An ordinary black man who longs to be Jamaican?)

Curt Hawkins: Remember this guy? He used to team with that internet guy everyone loves so much. Anybody see any of those matches he had with Trent Barreta. They tore it up on Superstars. Maybe pair him with Trent Barreta and add them to the tag team mix.

Justin Gabriel: If nothing else, he could be an Intercontinental Champion.

Yoshi Tatsu: The match he had with Jericho alone is means to give him SOME type of push. Maybe if he were more quiet, had entrance music that suits a wrestler, etc etc, I feel Yoshi could be a great midcarder.

Also, do the divas count? If so, I find it sad that Beth Phoenix, Natalya, and Melina are doing nothing, and Eve is thrown into every single thing done with the divas.


Heath Slater: I can't believe nobody has mentioned him. He's average in the ring at best, and he sounded muffled when he speaks. His lisp is worse than Swagger's & Cody's combined. When he was with Gabriel, I thought they could be something.

The Great Khali: Sloppy in the ring, can barely walk, and no mic skils.

Johnny Curtis: What exactly are they doing with him? The promos aren't gaining my interst; they're making me lose it.

JTG: Unless they bring back Cryme Tyme, I see nothing for him.

Zack Ryder- Hes over with the internet and has the charisma to carry out a rivalry.

Alex Riley- Has the potential to be one of the top babyfaces of the company if they keep on the right track with him.

Michael McGullicutty- He looks like US champ material to me. The Nexus thing will be over soon and they need a place to fit these guys.

Tyson Kidd- He looks like he has the potential to be a great heel.

Justin Gabriel- He has the look to be a great IC champ and an interesting moveset.

Wade Barrett- Ever since he lost the IC title to Zeke hes been stuck in limbo. The guy needs to be in the WHC picture sooner rather than later.

Kozlov- The guy looks really intimidating and has a really decorated fighting background to be teaming with Santino.


Santino Marella- Hes never going to amount to anything. His stuff is hardly funny anymore and after seeing him do all the comedy stuff I'll never be able to take him seriously.

Drew McIntyre- They gave him the push of a lifetime and he still didnt get over.

JTG- Hes not doing anything besides playing a black stereotype.

Chris Masters- I dont remember the last time I saw this guy anywhere besides Superstars. If they're still going to hold a grudge against him for taking steroids then they might as well just fire him.

Tyler Reks- Monster gimmicks dont work anymore.

Yoshi Tatsu- He doesnt draw and once again will not amount to anything.

Kozlov was horrible in the main event picture a few years ago. He headlined Survivor Series with Triple H and the crowd chanted BORING! FIRE HIM and let Santino run solo. He is way over and works well in the ring and great on the mic. He had a good IC run as well. As far as Joe Hennig, he sucks period. I had hopes for him but I do not see any progress. Riley IS in the middle of his push and I would agree with your statement on Wade.

Zack Ryder- Hes over with the internet and has the charisma to carry out a rivalry.

Alex Riley- Has the potential to be one of the top babyfaces of the company if they keep on the right track with him.

Michael McGullicutty- He looks like US champ material to me. The Nexus thing will be over soon and they need a place to fit these guys.

Tyson Kidd- He looks like he has the potential to be a great heel.

Justin Gabriel- He has the look to be a great IC champ and an interesting moveset.

Wade Barrett- Ever since he lost the IC title to Zeke hes been stuck in limbo. The guy needs to be in the WHC picture sooner rather than later.

Kozlov- The guy looks really intimidating and has a really decorated fighting background to be teaming with Santino.


Santino Marella- Hes never going to amount to anything. His stuff is hardly funny anymore and after seeing him do all the comedy stuff I'll never be able to take him seriously.

Drew McIntyre- They gave him the push of a lifetime and he still didnt get over.

JTG- Hes not doing anything besides playing a black stereotype.

Chris Masters- I dont remember the last time I saw this guy anywhere besides Superstars. If they're still going to hold a grudge against him for taking steroids then they might as well just fire him.

Tyler Reks- Monster gimmicks dont work anymore.

Yoshi Tatsu- He doesnt draw and once again will not amount to anything.

FIRE SANTINO!!!! Are you insane? He's one of the most over guys on the roster. "Never amount to anything"? You mean he won't ever be world champion and turn serious? probably not, but that's not everyone's role. If you have a million fat sluggers that bash the ball but no speed, you don't score as many runs. You MUST have variety in a show and Santino pulls off his comedy gimmick as well and is as over as anyone else with a comedy gimmick in history. That's insane. You'll never be able to take Santino seriously? Who gives a shit, that's not the point. Do you want every single guy to be a serious character? That'd be boring as hell. Then you say Koslov should be pushed because he's intimidating and has a decorated fight history? So what, is he over? Not really, and he wasn't before. A monster intimidating Russian won't get that over. As the odd couple with Santino it's entertaining.

Jesus Christ. That's like saying "Fire the Godfather character" or "Fire Val Venis" yea, never world title material, but very over and added a different spice to the show.

So you don't want to push a guy who is very over with a ton of charisma but you want to push JUSTIN GABRIEL?!?!? Why? "Interesting moveset"? Translation, he does cool shit and even though he isn't over worth a fuck and looks like a sissy and people would believe Santino as a world champ over him you still want to push him.

Goddamnit this kind of shit frustrates the hell out me. I really don't understand it. Gabriel isn't over and is generic as fuck. Koslov is pretty generic too, he's very good and convincing, but pretty generic. Santino adds variety to the show and is more over than either one of them and you want to fire him?

Here's the answer, anyone who is in the top half of "overness" you DON'T FIRE. Everyone else, you give little chances, if it doesn't catch on at all, then fire them. It isn't "Fire X because he doesn't do flips" or "push X because I like him" you don't push guys that YOU like, you push guys the audience likes.

Tyson kid/david hart smith: in the tag division. STILL dont understand why WWE likes to break up successful tagteams after a year. :shrug: Same thing happened with the WGTT. God they were soooo over but were broken up in 2 seconds. They couldve been the start of a new tag generation. :(

Zack ryder: Push him to mid card already.


90% of the current roster as they all suck. Let me know when ANY of them have an interesting storyline instead of just having matches(shelton/kofi/swagger/ted/evan bore(lol) etc).

Seriously. Raw= Cena/CM punk/Triple H talking for half the show....then they show a couple wrestling matches but dont hype them up or let the wrestlers speak. You know your booking must suck when we see doplh vs kofi for the 50th time. Same thing happened to smackdown a couple years back when it was literally rey vs mark henry for 3 fucking weeks in a row. Quit being lazy writers!

Smackdown= suck because they have no one worth watching for. Hence poor ratings. Im sorry but watching orton as champ for the next fucking 5 years is not my idea of entertainment.:disappointed:

Alex Riley - Love this guy's in-ring work, his mic skills are getting better, and he gets over well. very likeable character, tons of potential.

R-Truth - great character, easy to hate, draws heat VERY well, and extremely entertaining on the mic AND in the ring. Has the potential to be a HUGE heel.

David Otunga - Would love to see him get a push as a singles guy. His mic work is pretty good, he's got a great look, and his ringwork is good.


Sin Cara - Love the guys look and abilities, but frankly, he's dangerous. He botches way too much and im afraid he's gunna hurt somebody. At LEAST send him to FCW to work a while.

Drew McIntyre - he's boring, ringwork is decent, no mic skills (as far as we can tell), can't draw.

Vickie Guerrero - Sick of seeing her, tbh. She's annoying and adds nothing to the show. Can't wrestle, her voice makes me vomit, and her love affair is disgusting.

Santino Marella - He's boring, not funny anymore, and his inring skills arent great.

Hornswoggle - shouldve been released years ago. Not funny or useful anymore.

David Otunga - Would love to see him get a push as a singles guy. His mic work is pretty good, he's got a great look, and his ringwork is good.


Drew McIntyre - he's boring, ringwork is decent, no mic skills (as far as we can tell), can't draw.

Vickie Guerrero - Sick of seeing her, tbh. She's annoying and adds nothing to the show. Can't wrestle, her voice makes me vomit, and her love affair is disgusting.

Santino Marella - He's boring, not funny anymore, and his inring skills arent great.

Hornswoggle - shouldve been released years ago. Not funny or useful anymore.

I had a problem with the above. Not the opinionated parts but more of the things you make seem factual which are not.

Otunga looks live everypone else to me. I see nothing exactly about him that says he got the look. With that being said I think nobody has the loo. And personally I feel his wrestling ability is just average at the very best.

Drew McIntyre has talent. We saw that in his title runs however he is doing nothing to stick out. Which is his fault. I think if WWE gave him an inkling that he would be pushed he might be more motivated to get on T.V.

Vickie gets more heel heat then the majority of heels on T.V. She is what gets a lot of wrestlers over. She may be annoying but damn does she do her job well.

Santino also is one of the most over superstars anywhere. He won't be world champion but he can put on a high quality match and always is very fun for the audience. One of those stars that people watch without fail.

Hornswoggle usually appears at house shows and is a crowd pleaser. Also is currently featured on NXT.
I like these threads, really does show who are the most popular and talented guys. Anyways:


Wade Barret- Obviously talented. Nearly a year ago he was a main eventer on Raw. Since dropping the IC title he hasn't done much at all. I think he would already be a main eventer if Smackdown would Drop the Orton/Christian feud.

John Morrison- I know, he is kinda in the middle of a push. But how much more does WWE need. His push started in Mid 2009. I realize he has had a 1V1 Title match, in which he fully proved himself, so why not let him feud with Punk (If he's still champ) after the R-Truth feud?

Alex Riley- Yes, most of us are Riley marks. But who cares? He is talented. I'll admit, he's a little green at times, and needs a more impactfull finisher. But i say, let him work on the Mid Card level for a long time, perhaps hold a title and whatever. Then slowly build him up to the main event level after he has become more confident in the ring, he obviously has the look, charisma and if the push works, he'll have the experience.

R-Truth- Admit it, he's entertaining on the Mic. Now i don't think he should be on the WWE championship level. I think he should be the mid card level. Have him feud on Raw with Mid carders, and let him have a US title reign. Or if he must be a main eventer, move him to smackdown, he could suit the main event there.

Zack Ryder- Thing is, nobody would want this push if he didn't have his internet show. He is talented in the ring, good on the mic, and generally entertaining. And im sure it's becoming obvious that WWE is listening to the fans, because this week he was on Raw....and Smackdown. Let the era of Ryder, begin.

Kofi Kingston- I saw his name in the thread, and i completely agreed. I dislike this guy. But he has amazing in Ring ability! Some of the moves he has done have made me look in awe. Okay his mic skills are bad, but he makes up for it with his in Ring ability. Why not give him a WWE title match at a crappy PPV like over the limit? Or Capitol Punishment? Or put him in a triple threat match with two top guys? Atleast you can see what he can really do!

Daniel Bryan- He won the money in the bank! Good. But now WWE really needs to work on Bryan. They actually need to give him meaningful matches if they want him to be at WM28. He obviously has the wrestling ability, but he hasn't really had a rivalry with anybody who can establish him as a main eventer. I realize the Miz when he had the MITB briefcase was hardly in PPV matches, but he had the mic skill to make sure people never forgot him!

There are more, but there's too many to mention.


JTG- It's been said already, after he's done on this season of NXT i hope he's gone.

Drew McIntyre- I hate saying this. This guy has soo much potential. But he's had 1 maybe 2 matches on Raw this year, and lost them both. People are starting to get bored waiting for the push, so im afraid that when it happens, people will have lost interest. That's why i say fire him.

Chris Masters- I don't even follow superstars but i know that when he's on there, he loses. I donno, maybe TNA will pick him up and he'll be a main eventer! Ha!

Jinder Mahal- Seriously not impressed. Unless they start giving him matches against guys who actually appear on Smackdown on a regular basis, i doubt he'll mean anything in 2011.

Hornswaggle- This is more of a wish. Does anybody find him entertaining? I mean, he makes the PG era look like something off Nickelodeon! He makes it even more kiddy!
Cody Rhodes - He's my favorite wrestler in the WWE today and has had a phenomenal run on SmackDown and he has what it takes to be a world champion. A feud against Orton would be awesome! Rhodes has the in-ring ability, mic skills, and the look. I've been a fan of him since he debuted. Very impressed with him and he deserves all the success he can get.

John Cena - Just kidding.

Wade Barrett - He screams main event. And after Orton/Christian ends after Summerslam, I suspect. He will finally get into the world title picture.

Trent Barreta - I'm very impressed with the matches I've seen him in. Sure, he's not over with the crowd, which is why he should be pushed. He's entertainment in the ring, not sure about mic skills, who knows? Maybe he'll surprise us and pull a Punk (yeah right.) PUSH HIM!

Drew McIntyre - Yes, like many, I am shocked of how this guy just dropped out of the scene and is now on the Superstars brand. Seriously, he has the ability to be huge in WWE.

Zack Ryder - Another common choice, but it's true. He needs more spotlight. The people love him and he's not bad at all. He certainly can be big in the future.

Michael McGillicutty - Give him his real name back. Joe Hennig is short, cool, and it's out of respect to his father. Who the hell thought up McGillicutty? Not a name that could draw at all. He's good in the ring too, don't know about mic skills, but if he's like his father, no worries about that.

Tyson Kidd - It was stupid of WWE in the first place to disband The Hart Dynasty. They were on the verge of reviving tag team wrestling but some bullshit idea to get rid of them came to mind for some reason. It's really ashame, they could've been huge. Any who, Kidd is a phenomenal athlete and has great skill in the ring and could become a dominate heel. And if they don't have anything for him, the least they could do is pair him back with DH Smith. Why disband them to do nothing with them? I don't understand that.

Dolph Ziggler - He is great. Good on the mic and in the ring, really deserves to be in Raw's main event scene soon. He's even brought some well deserved prestige to the US title.

Heath Slater - Oh my God. Very poor mic skills, fails to entertain in the ring. But at least he has some sort of personality with the One Man Rock Band.

Chris Masters - I don't see anything for him at all. He's just there to put over talent which WWE has plenty of those types that have a better chance than him.

Hornswoggle - Seeing him teaming with Cena at Royal Rumble 2011 was unbearable for me. I was happy when the little shit got his ass kicked by Sheamus and eliminated. I'm sure if he was released, even the lil jimmys would not care.

Zack Ryder - He has the 'IT' factor. This dude is The Internet Champion. People are going crazy for him ! Every time I watch RAW I see a sign "Push Ryder" or something like that. I see him as US/IC champion and maybe in the future World Champ.

Alex Riley - Just give him the right push and this dude would be the biggest Face of WWE. He would overcome Cena by miles. I see him as the future World Champ. I hope he gets the right push and not falls to jobbers.

Wade Barrett - He was the started of the NeXus that was Domination. He should be Pushed and become a Face because I think it's about time. He's got the talent.


Tyler Reks - I've heard about his return and turning Face. After all he will stay a jobber. This dude has no Mic Skill, No 'IT' factor. Nothing, Why the hell he should return?

The Great Khali/Jinder Mahal - These two are epic fails. Khali was a World Champ he was one of those Monsters. But now? Teaming up with Jinder Mahal... All he does is Speak in his language and the point is? ... These two are nothing in My Eyes. Should be fired soon.

JTG - Chea ! Biggest jobber in the company. Cryme Tyme? That was nice but after splitting up JTG is nothing aswell as Shad. I don't know if shad is still in the WWE. It's worthless to keep dude who has nothing so good in the WWE.

Santino - What the Hell? Stupid cobra finisher. It's a stupid finisher and a failed Wrestler. I don't see him as champion. He's a coward and he is dedicated for small kids who likes some worthless guy with no skills. Fire him all the way.

By the way. I'm sorry for My English I'm from Lithuania (Aksana's Hometown) I don't speak very good.

Zack Ryder: He's obviously talented and gets a good pop from the crowd. He's energetic, charismatic and is good both in the ring and on the mic.

Tyler Reks: I like him unlike a lot of people. He's got a unique look, I don't know if he's good on the mic and has got a sick finisher. You can easily get him a manager that can 'control' him.


JTG: I hate him. I hated him as a face and I hate him as a heel. Nobody likes him and not because he's a heel but because he sucks.

Primo: He's pretty good in the ring but he's not doing anything so it's a waste of talent. Let him go to another company to get the best out of him.

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