To Klunderbunker and People Who Care


Cody Rhodes Is Top Dog
Note: KB; I Really Respect Your Opinion

The Iowa results are in, and my predictions in earlier threads were solid, but not exact. My predictions were:

1) Romney 23-25% (Moderate White Collar Vote)
2) Paul 20-23% (Highly Enthusiastic Under 30 Vote)
3) Santorum 16% (Evangelical Vote)

The actual results:

Santorum: 25%
Romney: 25%
Paul: 21%

My predictions on the exact Romney/Paul votes were 100% on target.
How-ever, Santorum way over preformed any available information. Under my analysis, Santorum placed 3rd, but Bachman and Perry under-preformed. Those votes went to Santorum, and only showed up in the data when we found out that 31% of the uncommited voters were switching to Santoum, in the entrance polling.

Romney has the organization and money, but Santorum seems to have the "grass roots" support. Do you see that eroding with front-runner scrutiny and a loss in New Hampshier? Will his fire-wall be the culturally conservative South Caralina? And what other forces do you see at play?
Lulz, New Hampshier.

And before you cry ********* foul, yes, I really do derive enjoyment from mocking the stupidity or laziness of anyone who would like to appear as educated and yet can't type better than a failing high school student. Who the fuck are you to judge me, eh?
DirtyJosé;3622568 said:
Lulz, New Hampshier.

And before you cry ********* foul, yes, I really do derive enjoyment from mocking the stupidity or laziness of anyone who would like to appear as educated and yet can't type better than a failing high school student. Who the fuck are you to judge me, eh?

It was a fucking typo you asswhole. I accidentally put the "E" before the "R". I don't have edit power in prison and I type W/O "spellcheck".

And If you had a clue as to what I was talking about and could give an informed answer that would satisfy the question asked, your first reaction would have been to want to share your opinion on the substance, and not concentrate on a spelling mistake. The fact is, you had NO good answer or analysis.
Here is what I said 5 day before the Iowa results:

Iowa: Organization and enthusiasmn go to Ron Paul here. That is paramount in a caucus system. How-ever, his wacky positions of "go it alone" social policy, and isolationist views on foreign policy, will prevent him from going any further. He gets about 20-23%. Romney has put very little effort here, but will grab a 23-25% share, making up the moderat vote, but will probably carry the state by 2 or 3%. Santorum Places 3rd, grabbing the evangelical vote with 16%.

Since you guys like proof
And Romney DID carry the state like predicted. But Santorum way out-performred the data.
So my prediction for Romney's path to the nomination is still intact. But it doesn't mean that Santorum isn't going to give him fits. Romey's problem is NOT substance, it is STYLE.

The optics on his politics is pandering, changing of positions to fit the voters he is trying to reach, looking like a Wall Street elitest, and coming across as somewhat "Fake".

This should make him a very weak Republican nominee, and his support will NOT be "grass-roots". Right-Wing conservatives and the ingnorance of the tea party will be his downfall. They do not trust him and it is evident in the fact that 75% voted against him last night. He got the "White Collar" moderates but lost the conservative and evangelical vote.

In an election year where Obama by every indicator, should lose, will instead win this thing B/C the Republican base has been moved so far to the right be their own leaders, that the center electorate will abandon them.

Somebody give their own analysis. I'm interested in other people's take.
So all I got from this thread is that you are still unable to spell. Were off by almost 10% on your prediction for Santorum which is a pretty big percentage. Plus, you like to suck up to KB.
So all I got from this thread is that you are still unable to spell. Were off by almost 10% on your prediction for Santorum which is a pretty big percentage. Plus, you like to suck up to KB.

Everybody was off on Santorum. Go find me a poll 5 days before the damn thing and show where Santorum pops up above 20%. Nobody had him above 18%.

Why were so many professionals off? Because half of the participants were not commited going in. So it didn't show up in the entrance polling either. Of those half who were not commited, 31% went to Santorum, which explains his 16% rise to 25%.

Other than making the same mistake as everybody else, Romney won Iowa with the % I said he would. And paul got the exact percentage of the vote I said he would as well. Thats a solid predicion in the world of politics and B/C you have nothing intelligent to add, you just join in with the others' immaturity.

But atleast THEY are just poking fun at me.

YOU sound like a punk kid with no smarts...
Everybody was off on Santorum. Go find me a poll 5 days before the damn thing and show where Santorum pops up above 20%. Nobody had him above 18%.

Why were so many professionals off? Because half of the participants were not commited going in. So it didn't show up in the entrance polling either. Of those half who were not commited, 31% went to Santorum, which explains his 16% rise to 25%.

Other than making the same mistake as everybody else, Romney won Iowa with the % I said he would. And paul got the exact percentage of the vote I said he would as well. Thats a solid predicion in the world of politics and B/C you have nothing intelligent to add, you just join in with the others' immaturity.

But atleast THEY are just poking fun at me.

YOU sound like a punk kid with no smarts...

Rise. Above. Hate.

Or embrace the Dark Side and cut off Mace Windu's hand.

Make a decision.
KB said he would "Cum-By-Me", if I was rough enough around the edges sooo....

I want to take you by the movies and the bar
A quiet place for you to do me in the dark
Now that's passion, hold me tight
Don't need lights I can see you by the moon-light.

Do you wanna fall off in heaven?
Don't worry I'll let my-self in

And all I heard was "Heeeeyyyy"... Riiiiiiiiiight..... Riiiiiiight

Was that rough enough around the edges?
KB said he would "Cum-By-Me", if I was rough enough around the edges sooo....

I want to take you by the movies and the bar
A quiet place for you to do me in the dark
Now that's passion, hold me tight
Don't need lights I can see you by the moon-light.

Do you wanna fall off in heaven?
Don't worry I'll let my-self in

And all I heard was "Heeeeyyyy"... Riiiiiiiiiight..... Riiiiiiight

Was that rough enough around the edges?

I don't know but I am beginning to believe you have an unhealthy obsession with KB that should be looked into :confused:
I don't know but I am beginning to believe you have an unhealthy obsession with KB that should be looked into :confused:

LOL, It was a "kum-By-Ya" joke that turned into a "Cum-by-You" Joke. I think you need to re-evaluate your humor...
Everybody was off on Santorum. Go find me a poll 5 days before the damn thing and show where Santorum pops up above 20%. Nobody had him above 18%.

Why were so many professionals off? Because half of the participants were not commited going in. So it didn't show up in the entrance polling either. Of those half who were not commited, 31% went to Santorum, which explains his 16% rise to 25%.

Other than making the same mistake as everybody else, Romney won Iowa with the % I said he would. And paul got the exact percentage of the vote I said he would as well. Thats a solid predicion in the world of politics and B/C you have nothing intelligent to add, you just join in with the others' immaturity.

But atleast THEY are just poking fun at me.

YOU sound like a punk kid with no smarts...

It doesn't matter if 100 people agreed with you or a MILLION people agreed with you. You are still 100% dead wrong.

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