"To Be The Man, You Gotta' Be The Man Again ??"


The Future Mr. Kelly Kelly
If you haven't read some of the recent posts on WZ, it appears as if Ric Flair wants to wrestle again.

According to JR, "he's tired of the autograph tours and has the itch to get back in the ring".

First, should the Nature Boy bust his glitter robe out of mothballs ??

IMO, if he does, it has to be with the "E". There's no way in hell Ric Flair can make his return to the ring for TNA or ROH. For some strange reason, it just doesn't seem right.

Secondly, when and if he does climb back in the squared circle, how should the "E" handle the storyline ?? We all know HBK "retired" Flair, so does he have to wrestle HBK again ?? The "legend bashing" storyline was already done and Flair didn't suit up, so they can't possibly go there again - can they ??

Thoughts ??
I was at Wrestlemania 24. Being there while he got that standing ovation was surreal. I really hope he doesn't tarnish the great send off he had that weekend. Flair's career was on the line so many times in WCW, that it just became unbelievable he would retire after a while. His match with HBK was a perfect way to end his career. I hope Naitch doesn't ruin a storybook ending. Now if he does come back to wrestle again, I think his opponet should be Chris Jericho. Anyone who saw wrestlemania 25 could clearly see Flair had the itch again. Of course the feud wouldn't be long and drawn out like last time. I could see Jericho saying something like,"you just couldn't stay away Flair could you. You just had to come back into the spotlight again for all these parasites".
I wouldn't rule out Flair wrestling for ROH. He is Ring of Honor's new ambassador. He's appeared on several episodes of the ROH t.v. show on HDNet. Ric even made his first appearance in ROH prior to Wrestlemania. I'm beginning to question the relationship between WWE and ROH. Vince may use ROH the way he did the old ECW, as a feeder fed. Anyway, I don't know whats left for Flair to do in WWE, but I'd be fine with him returning.
The guy should know when to quit. He's too old to go and by sticking around he'll either be making young guys look bad by winning or making himself look bad by losing. There is no glory left for him and he'll never get a better send off than the one he had.
as far as i am concerned, a star of flair's calliber (however you spell it) has the right to do whatever the hell he wants. i wouldn't see the nature boy in the ring again. i actually kind of wish he didn't go in the first place. for a guy his age, that guy can fuckin wrestle! seriously, he moves and wrestles and sells as good as anybody. he is still a good wrestler. watching a good wrestler as far as i know is always cool. haha, duh i know. but ya, bring him back. why not?
If Flair returns to wrestling, then I don't really know what to say. Not only is it stupid of him due to his age, and not only is it selfish of him to take that spot away from someone that can actually do more than chops and punches, but its also rather rude to negate the send off that he had, which truly was something special. That's very greedy to be given something as big as that, and then just throw it all away a little while later because you're bored and you have the itch again.

Give it up, Ric. You've been past your prime for over a decade. You have NOTHING to offer except advice to the younger guys, so why not use your free time to lecture your kid on how not to screw up his life before he gets arrested for a fourth time, rather than living in the past and making an ass of yourself?
If Flair wants to be close to the action, why not become a manager? You can see he has a burning passion for this business, why not use it to help some young buck rise up through the ranks? He can still get his hands dirty with even making it a match, which would totally make the HBK match pointless. And I got to admit, everything about that match really gave respect for the guy.
Think about it, managers these days just suck. Look at Hornswaggle and Mark Henry's manager (damn it, why can't I think of his name). They didn't really give that much excitement. BUT what guy wouldn't want to have 'the dirtiest player in the game' at their corner. Distract the referee whist Flair runs in and low-blows the other guy, WHOOOOOOO!
What do you guys think?
As NoFate said, it'd be stupid for Flair to come back. What more does he need to do? He had a great ending at WM 24 and the send off on Raw was amazing. He too old and just doesn't have the ability in the ring anymore and hasn't for a few years now (WM 24 was the best match I'd seen from him in years). I'd argue for a Ricky Steamboat return before even considering a Flair comeback.

If Flair wants to be close to the action, why not become a manager?

YES! If he really wants to be involved, this would be perfect role for him. Ric would be an awesome manager; I loved him when he was like Triple H's mentor/bitch. Put him with an new guy who has a lot of potential to help really get him over. Since he wants to get in the ring, he can get the occasional "manger beatdown" to quench that thirst. If I had to put him with anyone, I'd put him with Dolph Ziggler. Could you imagine the promos those two would have?
the great send off:the build up to WM24 between flair and HBK, then the WM match where hbk "retired" flair and then the farewell the next night on raw...basically, after all of this, it really wouldn't be nice to the fans for flair to return...

now, if the whole retiring angle was just a storyline from wwe but in real life was flair's contract coming to an end and him wanting to work with another promotion(i doubt it was an angle), then yes, i guess ric flair's return to the ring would be great but if his words of retiring and the storyline to WM was made to give a great legit retirement send off(wich i am definately sure it was true), then yes, flair should not return to the ring.

it would be like this example from a thread i read about dx reuniting, if dx reunites again this year, just like they did in 2006, then it would be horrible to see it becuase nowadays dx is not like back in the 90's dx., they are completely different and no one(who watched dx back in the 90's) would want to see ANOTHER dx reunion where trips and HBK, who are well on their 40s are doing lame jokes...

so straight to my point(i apologize for going in circles) flair should not return to the ring coz if he does, i would not want to see him(even though i never liked him) and that great send off they gave him would go down the drain

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