TNA X Division Championship: Homicide Vs. Samoa Joe


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So the rematch has been set for Hard Justice. Not much of a story or a feud going on here. Tha Mafia wants to hold every belt within the company, and the X-Division is one of the belts they're missing. So it's up to former X-Division champion Joe to get it.

I see this being a decent match. Although Joe is bigger then what he used to be, as shown in their previous match, he can still hang with a X-division star like Homicide. So I expect this to be a quick paced usual X-Division match. I expect Joe to pick up the title here. With the direction going in the Mafia picking up all the titles, I think the mafia will come to hold all the titles at one point, that being Hard Justice. So I see Homicide dropping to Joe.

A interesting Burke promo played tonight saying Burke would debut on August 16th, I wonder if he could be a factor in this match? I would assume he would go straight to the X-Division. So he may be some sort of factor in the match, or any match for that matter.
Mixed reactions about this match, tbh. While I think Joe & Homicide will be able to put on another good match, I just don't like how there's not really any storyline or a fued going on between them.

At the very least they should have had Homicide & Joe go at it, during the riot, instead of Joe & Lashley. Homicide could be having a sick feud with the Guns, Lethal, Red, ect but he's just waiting around doing nothing. It makes his reign look shitty but facing Joe, and having Joe in an X match could help elevate the title and make the division more worthy.

I would love for Burke to interfere and get launched into a feud with Homicide. I always like Burke, and the X-Division is where it's at. So hopefully they feud next. I'm predicting the win for Homicide, but sadly it won't be a clean one.
I think Homicide vs Joe will be a good match, and i think that those two for the belt will get the X Division back on a path of where it use to be.

IF anything i would expect Burke to bethe final entrant in the X Division Steel Asylum match.
Made so all the MEM can go into Bound For Glory with a title. They'll lose them in predictable fashion and then they'll split up the group.

Obviously the best think for Samoa Joe, after recently joining the MEM and turning heel, is for him to win a mid card title purely so BFG has some direction.
This match actually has some potential. Joe seems to have become complacent over the last few months in the ring, but perhaps with Taz as his new manager he'll feel the need to step his game back up to the old Joe we learned to love and respect. I'm legitimately excited about the Taz-Joe angle, one of the first things in a while that has intrigued me in TNA.

Homicide is great as well, and usually always brings his A game. This match could go either way really, either one makes a worthy champion. I get the feeling they're preparing to give Joe another main event run now that Taz is in his corner though. Atleast if they were smart that's what they'd do.

This match might make me actually tune into this PPV. Probably not, but maybe.
I’m not really sure about how I feel about this match. On one hand I’m excited to see how things go with Joe now that Taz is his manager. Will he step up his games or will he keep on doing what he does? While on the other hand I’m not expecting much out of it. There is a possibility that Homicide retains his title considering the fact that Joe has been getting disqualified a lot recently. But I kind of doubt he will retain since they apparently want to put all of the titles on the Mafia. Like I said, I’m not really sure about how I feel about this match yet but I’ll be watching it to see what happens. It should be a solid match and I wonder how Joe will be now that he is getting managed by Taz. I just hope that Homicide doesn't get squashed and they allow him to get in some offense in.
im just praying for a way to make joe looks like the baddass joe who's gonna kill you and keeping homicide with the belt. maybe a classic samoa joe beatdown. anyone remember elimination x 2005 when he beat the living shit outta chris daniels? maybe joe just snaps during the match and beats the holy hell out of homicide. this could add homicide to the frontline or whatever they're called now and a feud between joe and homicide. I doubt it will happen cuz they're leaning towards a possible joe and lashley fued.
I dunno, I don't really have all that much interest in this match. I think it'll be a solid match and all, but most everyone feels that the title is pretty much Joe's already, Homicide's just holding it for him. The fact that Joe made Homicide look pretty weak and that he could beat him at will during their match a few weeks back all but locks it I think. Ultimately, I think Joe will wind up taking the match and the title as the MEM will capture all the titles in TNA, then lose them rather predictably, and then have the group start to fall apart. At least, that's the feeling I have.

If Joe doesn't win the strap, it'll surprise me and will ultimately make me wonder exactly what the hell TNA is trying to do with him. Since the whole thing with Joe and Taz started, I have to say that I haven't seen anything about it at this time to make me get behind it at all. Taz doesn't seem to have that old spark he used to have and Joe is all but being booked as a wet behind the ears green kid that gets overly aggressive and somehow can't focus on what he's doing.
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Hopefully this match will be much better than their last match on Impact. Both of these guys are very talented and if given the time are capable of an outstanding match. I have to admit, I haven't been a fan of Joe lately. Ever since he joined the Mafia his matches have just been ok and he really hasn't done anything for me. If he drops the ball here, I may have to jump on the bandwagon and start calling him an untalented fat ass like a lot of others. I don't really have an opinion on Homicide, as he has been MIA lately. His run with the X Division Title has been awful, I think I've only seen him once with the belt. There is really no reason for him to have it, at least when Joe wins the X Division will get some TV, albeit in the background during a Kurt Angle promo.

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