TNA Working with Shine, DragonGateUSA and Evolve?

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This from TNAInsider and TNAMecca:

Drew Galloway has revealed in an interview with TNA Mecca that a working relationship between TNA and Gabe Sapolsky (and his respective promotions including Evolve & Shine) is “very likely.”

“Once I made my deal, an agreement was made to bring in a couple of other guys from TNA to Evolve and a working agreement is very likely. If I had or can have any part in wrestling growing then I have truly succeeded. All I want is wrestling to grow while living my dream and if I can help then that’s beyond my dreams.”


It's been a while since they've had a working agreement for talent exchange with anyone, let alone anyone worth exchanging with.

Lets of talent to work with in all three companies. Gargano, Riccochet, Nese, Chuck Taylor, etc.

And then there's guys they've already worked with in the past like Jigsaw and Baretta.
I know this sounds good on the surface, but I don't think this goes as well as it sounds.

Here's my major issue with it: TNA has two hours of TV a week. Two hours. They're already cramped with getting in everyone they have and now they might be bringing in even more names? I'm not sure where they're going to find the time. I mean, clearly we can't put them on Xplosion or something. Where would they fit in the discussions of random topics like clothes and first kisses?

Second, I'm not sure how wild I am about seeing TNA work with companies that draw only a few hundred fans per show. It comes off like a step down, but I've heard of worse ideas.

I don't hate this whatsoever but it really doesn't do much for me. It comes off more like TNA is trying whatever they can to stay relevant but it's just not clicking.
At this point I'm not really interested in new people coming in. I think their roster is damn good right now, the balance is so well done and everyone has a storyline, and none of the storylines are bad currently. One or two new guys would throw that balance off, unless they were part of a stable or directly inserted in one of the ongoing storylines.

I don't mind partnerships between promotions, but talent exchange is pretty tame. If you're going to partner, then do something big. Mix two shows in one, promote these guys, introduce them to the TV audience and pull off a cool show. Never been done before - why not? Or better yet, host some kind of PPV-type event where you gather talent from a few different promotions and you pitch them against eachother. The indie promotions would be foolish not to jump on it since it'll likely be the only time their name is mentioned on TV, and TNA gets to do a cool thing no one's done before.

I hate that indie companies simply don't exist in TV wrestling. Not a mention of them, not a mention of indie wrestling as a whole. My question is why. If you're a casual viewer you probably don't even know indie wrestling has an infrastructure.
Fellas, this doesn't mean, or have to mean, that these guys are all coming in at once, or coming tomorrow. It's just the kind of thing they can tap into, should they choose to, for future dates. Perhaps once these stories have all run their course it would make sense to freshen things up with a new face or two. If this report is true, they'll have a talent exchange to tap into that probably wouldn't cost them as much as trying to score free agents.
I'm all for this, especially if it means them putting an end to their relationship with Dreamer & his House of Hardcore crap. Also if Destination America ever decides to add a second show this could be a good way to fill out the extra roster space they would need to support two shows (not saying they should add an another show, just if/when they get to that point).
I think this is great news for TNA. Sure They only have two hours of TV a week and a already packed roster, but I think any working agreement between the Company's would be for wrestlers from both Shine and Evolve to appear at TNA's One Night Only Events like Jokers wild, World cup of wrestling and X travaganza, Where TNA more often then not bring Indy talent in just for those taping's. Also it gives TNA a chance to view some up and coming talent from the Indy scene and see how the fans react to them.
I'm all for this, especially if it means them putting an end to their relationship with Dreamer & his House of Hardcore crap. Also if Destination America ever decides to add a second show this could be a good way to fill out the extra roster space they would need to support two shows (not saying they should add an another show, just if/when they get to that point).

If Destination America is smart they'd find a way to get these promotions which have a hightened interest a TV deal. They're treating TNA like kings, why not add one more to the weekly schedule.
If Destination America is smart they'd find a way to get these promotions which have a hightened interest a TV deal. They're treating TNA like kings, why not add one more to the weekly schedule.
If they wanted, they could something like what the UK once had and do a different promotion every week for an hour between Shine, DGUSA and EVOLVE.

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