TNA Should Push ODB


King Of The Wasteland

Yeah I said it.

TNA for lack of a better term is lacking a dominant Knockout. Tara is always said to be a dominant Knockout, and in the ring yes she is, but she doesn't really look it.

I believe TNA should push ODB the way they pushed Awesome Kong, a dominant woman who doesn't take shit from anyone.

I missed the majority of Kong's TNA work but I know she was dominant and it took a lot to beat her. ODB fits that mould. Heck during her wedding to Eric Young when Rosita and Sarita were trying to seduce him she even said she wasn't like other girls.

She's not bad looking (maybe that's just me) and her drinking schtick is interesting for a woman and she can wrestle and isn't terrible on the mic. Even if she doesn't dominate the division a decent fued would be good enough.
They have. Late 2009. She's not really that good. Kong was dominating. ODB is more on the disturbing side. More of a running gag who's big than a genuine big time performer. At least in my book.
I'm not convinced that they should pushed her on the potential of her being a dominant knockout. I think she could pull it off, sure, but I don't think it's even necessary.

I agree with the premise. Why? Because ODB is over. She's been over for a while now ever since she got involved with EY (marriage angles work), and based solely on that I see no good reason for not giving her a good run. She's fine in the ring, and she's got an individual down-to-earth style that people can, and do, relate to.

So, yeah.
ODB is amazing. Pushing her would be cool in a Division where she can feed off of other performers who are as talented as her and have a character as good as hers owaitdisisnotrue.

So TNA pushes ODB. Big fucking deal. Does it make up for a Division completely lacking of any TRUE talent? ODB is a colorful persona, she needs people to work with. Austin would've been nothing without Rock, 'Taker, Trips and Angle. Same with ODB.

Yeah, it's gonna be cool for a while, just like it was almost 4 years ago. Then what? She fails to work well with others because THEY suck, she gets depushed and married to a mentally challenged EY.

Rinse and repeat. That division is dead, have more ****s in there so it's AT LEAST something good to look at.
I always had a soft spot for ODB. I think Kresa is cute as fuck, because I have mental problems.

Apart from that, I really think she has the charisma to (at least) compete in the title picture. Like at the "wedding" I was really moved by her performance.

She's not awful in the ring and she could have great feuds with uppitty, dainty women like Kim or Tara.
ODB needs to be released. She's terrible in the ring and has more testosterone than her tag team partner. TNA should be pushing Tara as the dominant force in the Knockouts Division.
While I agree that TNA needs to re-invent the Knockout Division I just can't see ODB being the dominant force. ODB overall isn't terrible in the ring. But I believe that there's a reason that she hasn't been pushed as much as Tara, Gail Kim and Madison Rayne at times. That reason is because she is more of a comedy act like her current tag partner. Just my opinion
Out off all the knockouts ODB is probably the last one I would push. I'm one of those guys that thinks the knockouts champ should be sexy and can wrestle. She's only one of the two and that's up for you guys to decide which one she is.
They have pushed ODB. It can't hurt to give her a big push again, but it's not gonna help anything either.

ODB is kind of just one running gag that's been dragged out for years. Her character is basically the ultimate redneck barfly in which she's crass, vulgar, drinks too much and will hump anything that gets within reaching distance. At times, she's been pretty damn entertaining. Other times, she's been embarassing to watch. Basically, she's got all the standard positives & negatives for comedic characters. It was fun for a while but, all in all, it's just kind of stale. If anything, her character has only become more ridiculous since being paired with Eric Young. She doesn't seem edgy so much as she just seems like someone that can generate a cheap laugh.

None of the Knockouts in TNA strike me as being particularly interesting right now. Mickie James' "hardcore country" bit is old. Tara's playing the Hollywood cougar. Gail Kim is...well she's just dull as dishwater Gail Kim. Madison's beauty queen character is possibly the stalest of any Knockout right now. Sarita & Rosita are pretty much gone at this point.

The appeal of the Knockouts Division as having its champion be a top notch talent in the ring isn't as high as it once was. When it comes to sex appeal, Velvet is clearly the top Knockout In my opinion as she's really one of the only characters on the roster that uses the fact that she's extremely hot as part of her character.

At this point in time, however, I think whomever gets the push to be the next KO champ will ultimately feel like someone that's just carrying the strap for a while. Like the X Division and Tag Team Division, the KO Division needs fresh blood injected into it. I think that's the only way things have a shot of truly picking back up for the KO Division as a whole.
Tara is the complete package IMO, she can wrestle, and is gorgeous as well as HOT! I've always said that she and Mickie James have the 2 best arses in women's wrestling.

ODB is just Stone Cold Steve Austin in female form.
I wouldn't want to see her pushed again. I'm pretty bored of her now after the whole ODB/Eric Young thing. Maybe if she becomes less comedic on the mic and in the ring I would change my mind.
They have pushed ODB before, but the division is weaker now than it was then so I say why not. I think it would be a lot better than the stuff with EY. She seems like a decent talent in the ring, and I could see her having decent matches with Tara and Mickie james, and I am sure with her experience she could help some of the newer and less talented knockouts get over. I have always been a big fan of TNA's women's division, and it has fallen into a bit of a rut. I am not saying ODB will revive the division, but giving her a push could spice things up if even in the short term.
They've pushed her before and it was semi successful. I think they should push her again, same gimmick, but more serious. But as others have said, it really doesn't matter how good they push her. The Division is in a mess now so her pushing won't automatically save it.
Well it seems I had a premonition as TNA are pushing ODB again seeing as she's actually wrestling again and seems to be heading into a program with Gail Kim (possibly)

ODB can bring something new to the table. Her gimmick is fairly unique (especailly for a female westler) and she's not in the typical female wrestler mould either so it would be pretty interesting to see her be prominent in the Knockouts division.

Am I the only one excited at the possibility of ODB kicking ass or not
I can't imagine people thinking ODB is attractive, unless one likes the tranny type.

I'm OK with ODB being the Knockouts referee, but don't even have interest in seeing her wrestle. even though the Knockouts division is thin, they still have enough to get by for now. most of the time lately the division has centered around 2 or 3 Knockouts out a time.
The Knockouts division is thread bare right now and the two top stars are both heels. With Taryn out for at least a year Velvet is going to need someone to tag with and Mickie is going to need someone to beat between now and dropping the title to Velvet at BFG. So while I'm personally not a fan at all, I think pushing ODB makes sense right now
You know what, just push her like the female Austin. I mean ala female Austin.

There are very few people in pro wrestling who just give that redneck vibe and she's one of them. She can be a drunk mouthy who just causes ruckus for the heck of it. I dunno if it should only limited to the female's division.

She is pretty entertaining to me. But she can't do what Kong did. Kong was like a lady Lesnar. She brought this serious 'I'll fuck you up' ambience to the party.But ODB, ye embrace the redneck.
I can't imagine people thinking ODB is attractive, unless one likes the tranny type.

I'm OK with ODB being the Knockouts referee, but don't even have interest in seeing her wrestle. even though the Knockouts division is thin, they still have enough to get by for now. most of the time lately the division has centered around 2 or 3 Knockouts out a time.

With all due respect I think this is the attitude that gets models jobs as Divas in WWE and leaving some of the actual female wrestlers to the side because they're not considered really 'atttractive'

I don't see why someone like ODB can't be pushed to the top. Everyone loved Awesome Kong in TNA and were salivating at her kicking most of the Divas asses when she came to WWE. PaperGhost is right in the fact that Kong was more of a fuck you up person, but ODB also has that sort of vibe, the Steve Austin comparisons are justified and he would fuck shit up as well.

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