TNA Should Have Midget Wrestling

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
No, really. They should. It'd be slap your aunt fantastic.

Want a new belt? What sort of really fucking dumb idea is a Legends belt? It'll just be Sting vs. The Invisible Man every week. Midgets, that's where you wanna go. It's not about weight limits, it's about height limits!

Let's be honest, the TNA product is ridiculous. And so it should be, it's men grappling in spandex being refereed by the world's most incompetent officials. Fuck all that "Let's go back to the Attitude Era" bullshit, let's go back to the cartoon era. Going on the theory that time is in fact circular and not a straight line, it could just work. See, I threw in science there. Futurama science. The best kind.

Just think about the ways this could work. Sure, you could bring in [Don West]the greatest midget talent from across the globe - we went to Mexico, Japan, England and through every company here in the US to bring you the best height restricted entertainment in the world!![/Don West]. But where's the fun in that. I want midget versions of all the wrestlers with pun names. Little Hernandez is the best I could come up with so far, help me out here. How to decide the midget title? I thought that was obvious...

I totally agree. Midget wrestling is just freaking fun. We watch wrestling to see thigns we wouldn't see in real life right? Tell me where you acn see somethign like little people that are parodies of the adults fighting over a title that no one cares about. Its been a staple of wrestling for years. There's been Midget matches at WM, so why not on Impact? Like Sam said, imagine West screaming about it. Could be great. I could see a little Abyss also, something like Little Black Hole or something. Definitely go for it.
Who's one of the most over wrestlers in WWE? That would be Hornswoggle. Imagine what it would be like for TNA if they had 10 of the little guys. I know what people might be thinking, you can't have a serious, competetive, division with only 10 wrestlers. I point you in the direction of the Knockout division. Deadly serious, and deeply competetive, most of the women in that division are just as shit as Super Porky.
You know, midget wrestling isn't a bad idea if TNA had more time. I know this is just to make fun at TNA's expense but I think it would get kids into the TNA Product while doing many other things.
:lmao: They really should have midget wrestling. Everybody loves midget wrestling, don't they? Its entertaining, and its fun to watch. And the midget versions of the wrestlers would be really good to watch, as you don't see it much anymore. If I remember correctly, the WWE did a midget version of Kurt Angle, and that was fun to watch. Wouldn't everyone want to see Little Rhino give someone else a gore? It would probably attract more viewers in the form of kids and drunk idiots looking for something funny. What's to lose?
TNA actually used to do midget wrestling, back in the days of the flying elvises, when AJ was actually phenomenal. Could have been around 2002...

The only thing I really remember about it was a little dude called Puppet, one really messed up dwarf. His gimmick seemed to revolve around jerking off in garbage cans and being pretty brutal to other midgets.

They did atleast one midget match per show, but it didn't really last too long so it couldn't have been that popular.

Good Times!
WWE has done that with Smackdown back on the day when Mr. Kennedy debuted as Ken Kennedy, and when Burchill was still a pirate.

It sucked. But that also describes TNA product in general, so why not? They can add some talent to the roster, I'm sick and tired of Team Fat 3D, or Rhichesseburgerno.

Now seriously, Hornswoggle is over because WWE fans are kids, simple. TNA fans are... stupid, not kids. It's totally different.
They could introduce the midgets by having the beautiful people insult midgets then a whole freakin roster of midgets come out.TNA could have a second show called TNM total nonstop midgets. That would attract a lot of people to TNA. Think of how awesome a Midget King of the mountain call king of the hill match would be or a midget steel cage called play pen of death or even Midget Monster's Ball A.K.A. Leprechaun's ball. Now that's a good idea.
Midgets are a good idea no matter what. Who doesn't love a good midget? Honestly. TNA is full of so many rediculous and pointless ideas, why not give it the ol' college try? Just think of a Terrordome full of midgets. It would make for great entertainment if nothing else.
It would add another type of wrestling to TNA. It'll also be very comical for TNA to install this. I would enjoy watching Midgets get thrown around the ring by Abyss or the MainEventMafia. Midgets also add a Humour to the show and make the show exciting to say the least. The only way this could go wrong is if TNA try to add a title and make this serious, I'd love a Midget to attack Don West. It'd add to the overall fell of iMPACT.
Lol this is actually a good idea. I used to watch it in WWE and laugh my ass of, and TNA can't really get much worse, so I think it would do nothing but help. It would entertain more fans then their regular wrestling does, and it could actully be a small draw. I think this would be a awesome thing for TNA to do.
The midget wrestlers in AAA/CMLL have names like:

Atomic Boy
Jerrito Estrada
La Parkita
Mascarita de la Muerte
Mascarita Divina
Mascarita Sagrada 2007
Mini Abismo Negro
Mini Charly Manson
Mini Chessman
Mini Histeria
Mini Kenzo Suzuki


Bam Bam
Bracito de Oro
Mascarita Dorada
Mini Maximo
Mr. Aguilita
Pequeño Damian 666
Pequeño Halloween
Pequeno Ninja
Pequeño Olímpico
Pequeño Violencia
Pequeño Warrior
Que Monito
La Sombrita
Último Dragoncito

The names don't need to be anything special or really creative. Hell in CMLL the min's are better than the regular roster a lot of the time. They work a lot harder than the regular sized wrestlers and are very entertaining to watch. It would be nice if they did so but TNA isn't that bright.
The only way Midget wrestling would be fun is if there was a title that went along with the brand or division. Was'nt there a midget Royal rumble in the WWE this year? I beleive that went rather well and all the midget wrestlers got huge pops.

It would extremely funny to see midget wrestling, and maybe it would gain fans too. Hornswoggle in the WWE for instance is now like a huge fan favourite because of his size. it would be great to have Midget Undertaker's and kane's running about in the WWE and for TNA Midget AJ Styles and Samoe Joe's. The possibilities are endless
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