TNA... should go home

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
Ok before I get attacked by the Florida resident here, allow me to explain my topic before you attack me. Please?

The iMPACT Zone is a great location, for an indy company. But this is TNA here, a promotion that has both Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair. The only indy promotion to have ever done that was High Spots, and that's not even a promotion. I mean in the iMPACT zone, TNA will sell about 3000 tickets, and barely have enough seats. So here's the solution.

Go home, TNA! The Asylum is calling your name.

Incase the people of WrestleZone don't know, TNA left the Asylum because they weren't producing enough fans (even though the arena was doing extremely well) and also couldn't afford it. However, now that Hogan is in TNA, going back to Nashville wouldn't be such a bad move. I mean Tennessee is a huge place for Professional Wrestling. Just look at the legends that went there: Jerry Lawler, Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair, Brian Lawler, Steve Austin, Undertaker, Ted DiBiase (HoF Inductee :) ), and even Hulk Hogan.

TNA's home is the Asylum, and it's time for them to treat it as such. I mean seriously, go look at the crowd in TNA Year 1 and compare it to the crowd in the iMPACT zone... the Asylum crowd trumps the iMPACT zone.
Isn't the problem with that idea that the fairgrounds that were the TNA asylum is located is scheduled to be closed within the next year?

I now the Impact zone isn't perfect, but it's a guaranteed full house and it's a smart business decision until TNA has the funds to move out and go live every Monday night from a different city every week.
Agreed with Pedro. Keeping TNA in the "Impact Zone" for now is at the very least, smart marketing. It's not hard to sell out and as long as they don't do wide crowd pans that reveal how small the place is, it'll still look good on TV for awhile to come. TNA's main focus now should be establishing credibility and focusing on it's strengths.

That said, if TNA is really going to make a go of it they need to get back on Monday Night again. In my opinion, the dumbest mistake they made was broadcasting the "special 1/4 Impact" and doing nothing to follow up on that shows success in that time slot. If it was going to be a once a month thing, tell the fans for crying it loud. If the greater plan is to broadcast every Monday night, build up the war on TNA programming that culminates in the "big announcement."

For me, the arena is less of an issue than the time slot right now. Thursdays are fine. Mondays show a little more that TNA is for real and that they are indeed in the hunt.
I thought the Asylum crowds sucked. Sometimes, they were too silent but when they were good they were really good. I don't think they should go back though. To me, that is digression. I think they should go to NYC or a place that will appreciate wrestling.
Home or not, Universal Studies is a better place to film a show. Nashville doesn't get too many tourists. They're more inclined to get nation-wide viewers at the Impact Zone than they would anywhere else simply because they're somewhere people around the country go.
Hmm.... well i dont know about going back home.... but they should definitely change thier current location.... I watch both wwe and tna... and just by looking at the tna crowd it makes me change channel...!! Not just their crowd even their production has to improve... ( i know its unfair comparing wwe and tna but hell.. thats what everyone is doing when it comes to product value and their wrestlers)
TNA might not need to go to back to the Asylum but it should probably leave the Impact Zone. Right now, they are making $0 from attendance there, and if they stop doing house shows, they'll only have merchandise and PPV as a source of revenue, which might well bring trouble further down the line. TNA needs to attract the maximum possible audience, and I don't feel that it is doing that right now when it is in a small arena without paying customers. Moving to a paying audience may be a risk, but it is a risk that has to be taken if TNA want to reach WWE's level.
The Asylum will be no more soon so they cant do that but i do agree that TNA needs to get out of the iMPACT Zone. The fans there are killing me and with the new look and new stars, the iMPACT Zone just looks too small now.
TNA is hardly an indie company because they have a weekly television show and PPVs so I don't know where that branding has come from. There's a lot of down points to the Impact Zone but I'm pretty sure they get to use it for free and they can control it a great deal so from that standpoint they're likely to stay. Everyone else has pointed out the Asylum will be gone soon but hell, you wouldn't really recognise it if you saw it anyway, any arena would do the trick, I just don't think TNA are confident enough in selling out consistently and being able to afford to pay the wages of their talent, the cost of making television AND renting arenas.
As others have pointed out, TNA can't go back to the same place if they were to come back up here since the fairgrounds are being closed down. Stupidest thing I've ever heard >_>.

If they got a bigger arena, then staying down in Orlando would be fine. They just need a bigger arena and they should be fine, but coming back up here the Nashville would be fine. :)
Yeah, the Asylum was a bigger shithole than the bingo hall in Philly. They should get outta the Impact Zone, but they don't need to take 8 steps backwards in doing so. A bigger arena is needed at this point.
Even if they can't go back to the fairgrounds, they should leave the Impact zone, especially if their gonna switch to mondays. For their thursday shows, maybe staying there is fine. But mondays are supposed to be whats big for them right now, monday is supposed to compete with the WWE. The crowds at the Impact zone are kind of flat. They don't have to pay to view the show and on top of that it's all comprised of tourists. My point being there is, when WWE travels and people goto view their shows, its people who are driven to see the shows. It's people who decide they want to go see a wrestling show, they paid money for their ticket, and their vested in the event. TNA Impact! right now, the audience is people on vacation, visiting Universal Studios who decide it would be fun to take time out to go see a wrestling tv show. They didn't go there to see wrestling. They went there to enjoy Universal Studios, and wrestling is just a part of it. A lot of times the audience interaction is what makes the show so great. At the Impact Zone, the established names seem to get cheered regardless of whether their heel or face. I think this would change if they started to travel, because it would allow a more passionate fan base that is vested in the product to come across on tv.
i believe the impact zone is a little small for TNA now. i personally would like to see them type impacts at house shows i think the fan would make the show 10x better because when i go to house shows for tna its unreal how into the matches the fans get. Yes they do use backstage passes but ive been to wrestlemania and other wwe ppvs and yes of coure WM was awsome but wwe house shows are so boring. The impact on the road will bring more cred to TNA because itll show that people around the world love the show not just the same people every week with different clothing on
I'm not of the mindset that TNA has to leave the Impact Zone, but if they do, and they want to stay in one main taping location, The Asylum is the best bet. As stated earlier, Tennessee loves their wrestling. They'll get larger crowds, and because they've grown since the first run there, there won't be a problem with getting the crowd amped up, or worried about their voice not being heard. They'll also be able to charge for admission, and a few extra bucks in the pocket never hurt anyone.

Yeah, the Asylum was a bigger shithole than the bingo hall in Philly.

Screw you. I happen to love that Bingo Hall.

It's not like the Impact Zone is anywhere near as bad as it's made out to be. Other than a few select places, an arena is an arena. The Impact Zone works just fine and it's a safe haven for TNA as they don't have to pay massive rental fees to the big time places that they'll hardly ever fill. It's fine where they are and they don't need to go back to the Asylum. It's the same as the Impact Zone, just a bit further north.

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