TNA shot at WWE

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Louie Lips

Occasional Pre-Show
So I'm guessing that anybody that watched TNA tonight heard the direct shot that TNA took at WWE. When Mike Tenay mentioned Jim Ross' comments about tag team wrestling Bubba of Team 3D responded by saying something like "well maybe tag team wrestling isn't important in whatever company Jim Ross works for, but here in TNA it certainly is". So how long until TNA and WWE legitamately feud and what are your thoughts on these comments tonight?:bringit:
These comments were made to differentiate TNA from the WWE. They were made as a selling point for TNA and it was quite a good one in my opinion.
TNA will never have the promoting power WWE has. Its just not gonna happen, I really hope it does, but I just dont think its possible. Prove me wrong TNA!!
Nice comment and well, TNA can shot as much as they want because like it or not, WWE is the giant in the business. WWE probably won't respond, they know about it but for them is not that much of a threat, at least not yet.

Besides, comments like this has been going on since TNA exist, so I don't really thing they are going to feud anytime soon.
Nothing wrong with making a statement thats true. wwe won't respond directly, but they may feature tag teams more in the future.
To me, the whole segment was remenissant of back when Foley won his first WWF title (back when Raw was taped), and one of the WCW announcers mentioned this live Nitro, and WCW lost a shitload of viewers.

Sure, the situation is not exactly the same, but the fact that TNA continues to mention WWE says a lot about how the top brass feel about TNA itself. It basically says that TNA cannot stand on it's own two feet without a) hiring ex-WWE wrestlers, b) making mention of the "other promotion" on almost a weekly basis.
Now I didnt see the TNA episode, but if that was their way of taking a SHOT at WWE, it was the worst attempt I have ever heard of in my life. Wow, Bubba said WWE doesnt care about tag team wrestling, good one Bubba, it probably took the entire creative team to think it up, and I can come up with something better. Nobody cares what Bubba Dudley thinks anyway.

The VKM skits were a better shot at WWE, and they were a rip off of what WWE did years ago anyway. Their best SHOT taken at WWE was redoing something WWE already did. Any TNA fan who thinks that comment meant anything is holding onto falst hope that TNA will EVER compete.
Tna are allways taking shots at wwe.its not been working for years and only die hard tna fans like it.
every wrestling fan of all companys dont really care as i just see it as a cry for help.
what i really wanna see is tna do what wwe does and just blank them and preten they not even there.
I actually think it was quite a good "shot" as use would like to say, as someone mentioned it was them differing themselvs from WWE, and it may work as it is true. WWE dont give a rats ass about tag team wrestling just now, and everytime they get a good tag team they split them up just as there geting hot E.G Miz And Morrison as of late.
The "shot" they took at the WWE through Jim Ross was enitrely laughable. Why? Because sure they're promoting tag team wrestling in TNA with this entire Team 3D tournament, but the tournament itself is laughable. They have the same four tag teams TNA always has, add in a few mish mash, throw together teams that aren't even tag teams, and that's suppose to be promoting the best tag team wrestling has to offer? That's the best they could do? They couldn't get real, good tag teams to make up a credible tournament and really push tag team wrestling again.. instead they had to pretend to while giving us the same shit they have for the past year and using it merely to build up to a Team 3D vs. Beer Money rematch and giving us exactly what we've already seen before. Wow, that's really reinventing and reinvigorating tag team wrestling! TNA has it down! It was laughable, and they were trying to pretend they're doing something they're not. Its just another example of TNA trying to use the WWE to be edgy, and failing miserably at doing it. The match wasn't good, either.
They will feud when TNA stops being the special olympics of wrestling.

If only that made some sense. They're the second company in America, that's hardly the special olympics.

TNA has been doing this for a while. When they introduced the Knockouts they would mention how these girls don't lie around posing or have pillow fights, and that they aren't divas. Even when the Cruiserweight title was getting dropped by WWE, they hyped up the X-division more and said it's the only place on national television where you can see these guys.

Probably one of my favorite parts of TNA are these shots. They're very subtle most of the time, but for those of you who say the writing is awful, some of the things that get mentioned are hilarious.
Ex. When Trevor Murdoch (Jethro something?) debuted as Eric Young's partner, the reason was because the original partner was having "plane trouble". The immediate rumor after seeing Murdoch is that Lance Cade is coming to TNA as well. Remember the Lance Cade plane incident that ultimately lead to his release? It's a cheap shot on that occassion but it's funny when they mention things like that. It's not in your face and offensive (like incorporating Jeff Hardy's house burning down and his dog dying, although I liked that WWE went there), it's subtle and most of the time goes unnoticed.
Unlike the hours of silence between sentences in WWE promos, I actually look forward to the TNA ones because I want to hear if something like this will come out.
The "shot" they took at the WWE through Jim Ross was enitrely laughable. Why? Because sure they're promoting tag team wrestling in TNA with this entire Team 3D tournament, but the tournament itself is laughable. They have the same four tag teams TNA always has, add in a few mish mash, throw together teams that aren't even tag teams, and that's suppose to be promoting the best tag team wrestling has to offer? That's the best they could do? They couldn't get real, good tag teams to make up a credible tournament and really push tag team wrestling again.. instead they had to pretend to while giving us the same shit they have for the past year and using it merely to build up to a Team 3D vs. Beer Money rematch and giving us exactly what we've already seen before. Wow, that's really reinventing and reinvigorating tag team wrestling! TNA has it down! It was laughable, and they were trying to pretend they're doing something they're not. Its just another example of TNA trying to use the WWE to be edgy, and failing miserably at doing it. The match wasn't good, either.

You know what they should've done? They should've got Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard, The Road Warriors, Demolition, Wild Samoans, the Free Birds, Harlem Heat, Hart Foundation, and steal Edge & Christian and the Hardyz to make this promo real. Are you a complete moron?

How do you expect them to debut top tag teams? They obviously have to work with what they have. Maybe this isn't so obvious as WWE decided to not work with what they had, and that lead to how many months of Colons vs Miz/Morrison, only to be capped off on the biggest stage of them a dark match? At least TNA does what a promotion is supposed to do and promote their talent, whereas WWE let their tag teams suffer until eventually getting released. Wasn't Miz and Morrison just a random pairing of guys? That worked out great. You say that these are the same 4 tag teams TNA has always had, but name 4 WWE tag teams currently on a roster 3 times larger. Stop finding every 'laughable' excuse to put down TNA.

No promotion has ever gone out there, even in the territorial days and said "our tag team is second to that one over there", they've always said theirs was the best and the greatest. You want a company to tell it like it is? Look up those random stats WWE pulls out of their ass every week. Half of them are just flat out lies. It's a TV show, and it's not real competition. Are you made that 24 isn't filmed in 24 hours?
Its amazing how this turned into a talk about tag teams divisions, funny thing is, nobody should think WWe has a better one. I love WWE, and I know their division sucks, everybody knows it, so TNA making fun of it MEANS NOTHING!!! Tell us something we dont already know.

Their diva comments were not bad, because they were jump starting a division, but even that one, everybody knows the Divas are not as good. Like i said, the only funny thing they did to take a SHOT at the WWE was the VKM skits, and it was a rip off of DX!!!

TNA needs some work to get better, and making useless comments about WWE isnt the way to do it. There is a chance they might do something more aggressive of a SHOT, then Vince will put them out of their misery.

As for TNA being the number 2, and thats pretty good, LOL, how many have national TV deals? TWO!!!!!!!
That's my point. The fact that they have a national TV deal means its not the "special olympics" of wrestling. The actual special olympics of wrestling would probably not have any tv deal anywhere. It was a dumb point that had no grounding. What does that make ROH and other promotions? It's like saying Apple early on was the ******ed version of Microsoft because it was different and marketed that way
You know what they should've done? They should've got Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard, The Road Warriors, Demolition, Wild Samoans, the Free Birds, Harlem Heat, Hart Foundation, and steal Edge & Christian and the Hardyz to make this promo real. Are you a complete moron?

How do you expect them to debut top tag teams? They obviously have to work with what they have. Maybe this isn't so obvious as WWE decided to not work with what they had, and that lead to how many months of Colons vs Miz/Morrison, only to be capped off on the biggest stage of them a dark match? At least TNA does what a promotion is supposed to do and promote their talent, whereas WWE let their tag teams suffer until eventually getting released. Wasn't Miz and Morrison just a random pairing of guys? That worked out great. You say that these are the same 4 tag teams TNA has always had, but name 4 WWE tag teams currently on a roster 3 times larger. Stop finding every 'laughable' excuse to put down TNA.

No promotion has ever gone out there, even in the territorial days and said "our tag team is second to that one over there", they've always said theirs was the best and the greatest. You want a company to tell it like it is? Look up those random stats WWE pulls out of their ass every week. Half of them are just flat out lies. It's a TV show, and it's not real competition. Are you made that 24 isn't filmed in 24 hours?

I'm a moron? I disagree, and here's why: If a company's going to promote a tag team tournament and claim that its open to any and ALL tag teams from any promotion and from all over the world, and use that as a selling point. If they're going to imply that their tag team championships mean something and are important enough to be chased by tag teams from beyond just their little pond within TNA. If they're going to then go and make a sad attempt at slamming the WWE and implying they're taking tag team wrestling seriously and are better then WWE because of it... then they better make damn sure to prove it to me. Me, as in the viewer. Otherwise, I call bullshit and that's exactly what I'm calling. If you make all those claims and go to the effort of implying all those things, then you better then go to the effort of bringing in tag teams that prove those claims.. tag teams from around the world, well its from other promotions or from other countries. Instead they used the same tag teams we've seen over and over again (no different then WWE sorry to bust your bubble) or tossed together teams that aren't even known tag teams, and are simply made up of TNA wrestlers. So you know what that tells me? The only importance the this tournament and those TNA tag team titles have is importance to TNA, because no one else from anywhere else gave two shits to come and be a part of the tournament. the Japanese team was already there in TNA, same with the British team. Hell, if they were sticking to talent they had, then they could've tossed the New Age Outlaws back together for a one time thing, or AJ Styles and Daniels who are former champions and credible tag teams of the past. They could've tossed a tag team from the Main Event Mafia into the tournament. I watched a segment where the MEM specifically claimed that they'd yet to gain all the gold in TNA, implying they wanted to to prove they were the most dominant group in wrestling.. yet when the perfect opportunity is there for them to work to do just that they don't even go to the effort of putting a team into the tournament which is right there, given to them on a silver platter. You know what that tells me? A) TNA is as inconsistent as ever.. and B) Even those within TNA don't hold enough value in the tag team championships to enter the tournament and try to win them. If you're going to try to claim you're pushing the tag team division and making it mean something, and you go out of your way to try to slam the WWE, then you better not take short cuts or put half assed effort into it because you FAIL. That's exactly what this tournament has done. Its great if TNA cares about tag team wrestling, and its great if they want to try to invest and reinvent tag team wrestling in TNA, but prove it to me then. Otherwise you're doing the same half assed effort as WWE and pretending otherwise, and I can see (much like any other viewer) right through it. And all it is is a sad, pathetic attempt to insult the WWE or a way of building a feud we've already seen before. If they're going to claim the things they have then raise the bar, TNA! Set the standard.. instead of settling for the norm under a veil of something else.
wwe wont give a fuck to be honest. wrestling companys change direction the whole time. before the focus was on hardcore wrestling in wwe during the attitude era and now look at that the division. tag team wrestling isnt that big a deal anymore and hasnt really been for a few years now. the wwe want to focus on their main titles right now and thats ok, let them do what they want.
the x division title isnt what it used to be, maybe tna should think about that.
and the legends title? what they fuck is that all about? what seperates that from the x division title? as far as im aware there are no restrictions onto who can win that, if there is it would be appreciated if someone could point it out to me as i honestly have no idea what thats all about.
and tna's shots at wwe are pritty crappy tbh. they have yet to make me laugh or care to date.
Yet another tna remark that fails miserably at taking a "shot" a wwe. You know, Im not gonna defend wwe anymore, but this is just pathetic. tna is just further prooving that they are the number 2 company by doing this. Lets see tna, Raw gets 3 times your ratings. smackdown almost doubles your ratings and you have only beatin ecw a few times in the almost 4 years you have been on tv. Honestly do you really think wwe is gonna do anything to ruin that? Maybe if you start challenging Raw in ratings then maybe you would get lucky and get mentioned by wwe. But that is years off. Besides doing the cheap insults you are further prooving you are not a alternative but a wwe like company filled with wrestlers 20 years past their prime. You really want to get on wwe's nerves, lets see, how about beating them in ratings? Only reaction your gonna get from wwe officals is laughter in knowing that you are no threat but mainly a comedy act for them by your cheap insults. Only tna marks get the comedy, otherwise you are wastling everyones time. You were a alternative back in 04-05' by the wrestling you did, but that is over. In closing I would like to push you to keep making these "insults" because it further drives laughter from me, wwe and most wrestling fans around the world as to how desperate for attention you really are.
And TNA doesn't have a Tag Team wrestling if teaming guys like Amazing Red with Suicide and Trevo...I mean Jethro Holiday with Eric Young is your definition of a promotion that cares for Tag Team wrestling then I don't give a damn about you or your promotion, if you want to see a promotion that really cares about Tag Team wrestling and have a good Tag Team division watch ROH.
It was an amusing shot. I think it is true, TNA has better tag team wrestling than the WWE by far. Same with women's wrestling.

What i'm most curious is Vince McMahon's reaction backstage to the fact that one of his own commentators (Jim Ross) had his blog quoted and used against the WWE on a TNA broadcast. Vince has to be pissed at J.R. for sure.
Haha TNA needs to give it up. Work on their own product instead of constantly trying to compare and put down somebody else. I find it hilarious they keep taking these so called "shots" at the E and then sign up any former WWE wrestler they can get. Their biggest stars were made by Vince.
To me, the whole segment was remenissant of back when Foley won his first WWF title (back when Raw was taped), and one of the WCW announcers mentioned this live Nitro, and WCW lost a shitload of viewers.

Sure, the situation is not exactly the same, but the fact that TNA continues to mention WWE says a lot about how the top brass feel about TNA itself. It basically says that TNA cannot stand on it's own two feet without a) hiring ex-WWE wrestlers, b) making mention of the "other promotion" on almost a weekly basis.

This is the best statement that i have ever read, the fact is TNA needs to stop firing shots at the WWE, the reason why WWE takes no notice is because of the fact that they don't want to give promotion to a competitor who steals talent and basically makes itself a home to drug abusers and disgruntled WWE employees.

TNA keeps showing people that they need the WWE, that they keep taking shots to say that they are different from their competitor and they are the premiere brand, the fact is they are one in the same, overused booking angles, ex wwe and wcw stars, they have no homegrown talent, anymore, the guys they do have they keep throwing them into crap storylines with with even worse talent, they even push non wrestling talent over their own, yes their tag division is better then the WWE's but they need to stop taking shots at the WWE and start fixing whats wrong with their own talent that includes outdated wrestlers with no talent hogging the spotlight pass their prime.

Will TNA actually improve, I hope so, will they ever stop bashing the WWE but if they dont they may end up promoting the product and start having fans switch over due to interest.
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