TNA sends Konnan a legal letter....

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Mad Metal

Getting Noticed By Management
TNA sent Konnan a legal letter because he was being suspended for missing the two past shows without giving word. In a sense, telling people that he quit would be given word, but suspending someone after he quit is just a technicality anyway. TNA also requested for Konnan to pay the company back the money they lent to him for his hip replacement surgery. They also told him that while under suspension he cannot denigrate the company in a public setting.
Honestly I think TNA is going little over the line with Konnan. Even though I think TNA should pay for his hip replacement since his hip got somewhat worse while working for TNA (but started prior to then) but I guess he must pay seeing it is not a surprise fee and he knew he would have to pay back. The only thing that confuses me is the suspension part and the fact he quit. I also think Konnan should be able to speak his mind freely seeing he separated from TNA.

What do you guys think?
i dont know... i guess konnan can say whatever he wants about TNA.. as long as its 100% true.. we dont know what he might be making up just because hes pissed

personally i think TNA just needs to let this go, i dont know whats going on with konnans contract, but if he is legally separated from TNA, then i think TNA should just forget him, the longer they keep asking him to pay them back the more hes gonna bad mouth TNA, thats how i see it

TNA is a company thats just starting to grow, they really dont need bad heat right now, they just have to take advantage of the fact that WWE is buried in heat and is losing some viewers.. try and get those viewers to TNA, but with konnan talking shit it will only get harder...

plus how expensive could that surgery have been?? o_O
I like it. TNA is teaching that ungrateful bastard about letter of the contract. Konnan might have quit, but that's the thing, he quit, TNA did not let him go from his contractual obligations, therefore, as much as Konnan says he "quit" it means nothing. He is still under contract to TNA, and slamming the company that has given him a job for the last 5 years is the last they he should have been doing.

Konnan's health problems are self induced. His internal organs are destroyed thanks to an admitted use of drugs and alcohol, his hip was degenerating long before his tenure in TNA. TNA lent him the money, now TNA wants the money back, nothign wrong with that.

I'm glad to see TNA sticking it to this ungrateful son of a bitch. Konnan is getting what he deserves, and I hope TNA takes every thing from this guy, rock on TNA.
ya, im not saying TNA is wrong, im just thinking that maybe it would be better to avoid these things so they dont get a bad public image.. but its true if konnans still tied to his contract than TNA has all the right to fuck him up lol
If Konnan had saved the millions of dollars he's earned through his career, he never would have had to gone through this mess with TNA to begin with. Any surgery he would have needed would have been paid for, either by being saved, or smartly invested. It's not TNA's fault that Konnan was irresponsible, and decided to screw himself up with drugs, alcohol, steroids, and whatever else he got himself into where he got in a position where millions were lost.

I have absolutely no sympathy for him whatsoever. How can you sympathize with someone that blew that much money and brought their problems onto themselves? Hopefully TNA gets their money back.
I like it. TNA is teaching that ungrateful bastard about letter of the contract. Konnan might have quit, but that's the thing, he quit, TNA did not let him go from his contractual obligations, therefore, as much as Konnan says he "quit" it means nothing. He is still under contract to TNA, and slamming the company that has given him a job for the last 5 years is the last they he should have been doing.

Konnan's health problems are self induced. His internal organs are destroyed thanks to an admitted use of drugs and alcohol, his hip was degenerating long before his tenure in TNA. TNA lent him the money, now TNA wants the money back, nothign wrong with that.

I'm glad to see TNA sticking it to this ungrateful son of a bitch. Konnan is getting what he deserves, and I hope TNA takes every thing from this guy, rock on TNA.

I agree, Contracts are made for a reason, there would no point in contracts exsisting if people could just Quit them, hell i would be in alot less debt. Konnan broke the Law essentially maybe if he had just talked to TNA in the first place told them he wasnt happy and then worked out a release instead of walking out, buggering off down to mexico trying to take Killings with and poach other guys and promote AAA on the back of it all... he wouldnt be in a situation where he feels hard done to... and is set to get sued over.

Good luck trying to find a way out of it Konnan.
Interesting facts everyone. I am big on sticking with contracts until they expire. It's a way of life, if you have a contract to be with a company for a certain amount of years and you break that, then you gotta pay to get out of it. It's like that with cell phone companies, with lease agreements, and with sport contracts. If Konnan simply just walked out, and is still employed with them, and he is slandering the company he is employed with on TV, then he deserves the treatment he is getting. Konnan just walking out is immature, and it is very unprofessional. Just like when Austin walked out on WWE, very unprofessional. Austin was lucky he was well liked, and that the WWE was welcoming him back. Konnan isn't so fortunate. It's a shame, don't know if Konnan has any kids, but if he does, then he just screwed them over with this because now not only does he have to pay the loan back, but he could be paying even more money if TNA sues him.
Fudge Konan. He spent years complainin and bitchin and moanin. He got his way several times and still threw his money away. Hell, he should still be sittin pretty on his WCW money, but is he? Nope. So why come and blame TNA for you being broke? Because you're disgruntled that they LOANED you the money for your hip operation? Did AAA (who you rep to death) even go THAT far? Nope. Did TNA put you in the spotlight with your team of indy guys on their program? Yep. Did AAA? Nope. And that's in Mexico. The fact of the matter is this. Konan signed a contract. i could see if he honored that contract and then skipped town afterwards, but he didn't. He quit. And then he bad mouthed the company as well. TNA has every right to go after his ass. Maybe if he would have left quietly, something could be worked out behind the scenes. But when you leave and then take a big shit on the hand that feeds you, expect the same shit to get fluung back in your face. Konan didn't act professionally when he left. So why should TNA? He showed no loyaly when he left. So why in the hell should TNA. You reap what you sow and it comes back twice as hard.
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