TNA scores lowest rating in over a year - 0.9.

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Last weeks episode of Impact scored a 0.93 rating rounded to a 0.9 rating which is the lowest rating Impact has scored in over a year with 1.3 million viewers. Normally Impact achieves around a 1.2 rating so TNA has lost a quarter of its audience scoring a 0.9 rating.

TNA has introduced all this new talent and their ratings have decreased. Do you think it is down to the storylines? or do you think it is down to the burial of all the young talent or anything along these lines?
I know the ratings were down the week before too, but I wouldn't lose too much sleep over this. Two Thursdays ago was the start of college football and this past Thursday was the start of the NFL season. Raw's numbers traditionally go down once Monday Night Football starts and I imagine that Impact's will continue to dip when there are Thursday night games.
It has nothing to do with that, and everything to do with the first NFL regular season game going head to head with them. Ratings will be back up next week.

I always wondered if the ratings only factor in for people watching the show at its scheduled time, or if there is a way to account for people who DVR it. Honestly I watched the game Thursday, and then watched TNA on my DVR Saturday.
Definately due to the NFL even non football fans watch the opener alot. Plus you had the Steelers playing arguably the most popular sports franchise in America. They do however need to advertise more. I am a huge wrestling fan and enjoy TNA, however most of the times I forget when Impact comes on until I am flipping through the channels and find it 30 minutes into the show. Unlike raw which i see advertised about every 3 hours on t.v..
It was all due to the NFL its that simple. Heck I know I didn't watch and I hadn't missed a Impact in the past few months. NFL is just more important.
Last weeks episode of Impact scored a 0.93 rating rounded to a 0.9 rating which is the lowest rating Impact has scored in over a year with 1.3 million viewers. Normally Impact achieves around a 1.2 rating so TNA has lost a quarter of its audience scoring a 0.9 rating.

TNA has introduced all this new talent and their ratings have decreased. Do you think it is down to the storylines? or do you think it is down to the burial of all the young talent or anything along these lines?

It was due to the NFL and is nothing to worry about. And what do you mean burial of all they young talent? The young talent is being showcased more than ever right now in TNA. It has nothing to do with the product. Wrestling fans need to stop looking so much into ratings and thinking their is something wrong with the creative side of the product if they're not getting the numbers they were receiving prior.
The young talent is getting buried. Lethal is jobbing to The Pope and accompanying Creed, the machine guns are commentating and jobbing to Abyss. Nash Angle, Booker T and Steiner hold titles and you could include Doug Williams in that list too - all old guys.

Also Hernandez is now feuding with World Elite when he said he will be the next TNA champion.
The young talent is getting buried. Lethal is jobbing to The Pope and accompanying Creed

Isn't Pope considered young talent? Although I do feel like Pope should be jobbing to them. He's not anything special.

the machine guns are commentating and jobbing to Abyss.

And Abyss isn't young talent? I know you'll say a guy in his mid thirties isn't, but isn't he one of the younger wrestlers people want pushed?

Nash Angle, Booker T and Steiner hold titles and you could include Doug Williams in that list too - all old guys.

Doug Williams doesn't count. The argument's always talent jobbing to "rejects" and WWE/WCW has beens.

Also Hernandez is now feuding with World Elite when he said he will be the next TNA champion.

The WE storyline is building him up to ME status. I think you're looking too deeply into things.
We will see what happens this coming Thursday. If the rating go back up then it was just the NFL, if it stays down, then there is a bigger thing. Plus, I dont think the storylines are as appealing as they have been previously.
I'm pretty sure it was due to football. Raw's rating might even go down tonight due to the double header Monday Night Football games. I'm personally still trying to decide whether or not I should just DVR Raw and watch the games. Impacts ratings will most likely go back up this week without having to compete with the NFL.
It's obvious why the ratings are down. People heard that the fabulous Angelina Love was fired and now are boycotting. That's what I'm doing.

Anyways, it's probably a mix of the competition that's being aired against TNA, and the lack of general interest in the product. I personally don't find TNA any more staler than it has been, and the fueds are pretty decent. I like that they are elevating the world elite and the Homicide thing was cool.

But I guess if TNA want's to remain relevant and be able to withstand the competition they really are going to have to up their game. Better matches, better shows, better feuds, better promotion, better advertising, because if the product is amazing, and the word is out, TNA could be doing better.
Regardless of whatever the cause is, the point is that viewership of the show has dropped significantly.

TNA Impact doesn't have a huge television audience to begin with, so losing over 450,000 homes out of 1.5 million in less than a month isn't exactly something to be fine and dandy about. Whether it's due to lack of interest in their product, competition from the NFL or a combination of both, TNA may have to step up their game if they want to be able to stay competitive right now.
I'm pretty sure it was due to football. Raw's rating might even go down tonight due to the double header Monday Night Football games. I'm personally still trying to decide whether or not I should just DVR Raw and watch the games. Impacts ratings will most likely go back up this week without having to compete with the NFL.

Well, even if you DVR Raw, I think it's still counted as "watching" Raw. Somehow, the DVR and the Nielsen Media Research is all hooked up together now. I'm sure there's all sorts of technical jargon involved that I wouldn't really understand or care about anyhow. So even those homes that are DVRing Raw will still be listed as watching it. Screwed up DVR listings were thought to have been a cause for TNA's drop in ratings. TV listings have the show listed as "TNA Wrestling" rather than TNA Impact.
This thread is a great post by somebody who doesn't understand ratings.

Sure the .9 rating is lower than normal, but TNA still had around the same 1.3 million people watching as they normally do. The reason the rating wasn't as high was because there was more people watching tv (the NFL season opener).

TNA isn't in any trouble. This is no reason to change anything. TNA needs to stay the course.
Ratings, it's all about ratings now. Don't you guys old enough to remember Hulk Hogan's Rock and Wrestling miss the days when ratings weren't even a factor? Seems that things were more natural for the industry back then.
Seriously i dont care to much about ratings. I dont rate a show by it. Plus like everyones said about NFL.

Seriously? If any time to say tna is burying young talent you pick now? Given a bit ago i disagreed with it but understood the arguement but now is the dumbest time to say that. Your proof is machine guns doing commentary,lethal jobbing,and super mex going against world elite?

Guns commentary-Great team but they have had backstage heat on them for a while. Its been easing up but sometimes you have limited spots and some guys have to be left out. WWE does it to. Putting them on commentary is a great way to showcase some of the humor they have as a team. Maybe when they get the new show if its a X-division show or something they will get more air time. Right now they are getting pushed more then they were say like 2 months ago though.

Lethal jobbing-To another up and commer in dinero? Sorry but Burke,i mean Dinero is a very talented guy and so is lethal thats true but sometimes like i said guys get lossed in the shuffle. WWE has guys like Haas,Noble,Wang,Masters,Chavo and many more talented young guys job on a daily basis. Someone has to do the job to put over other guys who are in the light at the time. Its getting another young guy over at the same time

Super mex-Him going against world elite is bringing many young up and comming talented guys up the ladder at once. EY,Kiyoshi,Bashir,Williams,Magnus,Homicide and Hernandez all are getting spot light time from this. Its making World Elite look stronger as a real stable and making hernandez look more and more like a star for taking on a whole stable at once. Its win win on both sides. You cant expect Tna just to throw Super mex in the main event for good right away. When that happens you get bad results as WWE has shown in the past when they have tried to.

Also id like to point out Beer money getting the super push,Joe vs Daniels fued being huge right now,Aj and Matt Morgan both main eventing for the belt,and Abyss fighting Kevin nash in a fued. The young guys are at the core of what tna is doing right now so now isnt a reasonable time to say they are burying their young guys
I don’t think this is anything for TNA to be freaking out about, instead they should be looking for ways to increase the ratings once again and keep them up or consistent.

This just doesn’t really come as much of a surprise because of the NFL games, so what else could you expect? So, it’s not because the storylines are bad, even though I strongly dislike some, or because anything having to do with the talent. I just think that the rating decrease has more to do with them facing very tough competition from the NFL. Like I said, what they should do now is figure out different ways to get that rating over a 1.0 again and try to keep at that or a little higher. It’s really nothing to be freaking out about or worrying about as long as they don’t continue to decline in ratings.
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