TNA Sacrifice - Abyss v. Desmond Wolfe


  • Abyss

  • Desmond

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Plump, Juicy User
So this is apparently a Chelsea vs. Ring match, whatever that means. I suppose if Abyss wins he's be allowed to do anything he wanted with Chelsea. With Lauren gone, I'm sure there's a lot he'll want to do.

Not sure how there could be much interest here. These guys have went from being decent midcarders to lackluster main eventers over the last few months. I'm not sure anyone really cares about them. This match is probably more about Hogan/Flair than either of the competitiors. Likely will be shit.

Abyss has to win here, since Wolfe is a jobber who hasn't won a match in months. Like I said, wouldn't be surprised if he participated in live sodomy with Chelsea, or they could just use it as a way to get her off TV for some reason. Nothing good will come out of this.
...The fuck? When was this booked? And why? Damnit TNA, come the fuck on, how out of touch with your audience can you be guys? You think your fans want to see Desmond Wolfe/Nigel McGuinness jobbing to fucking Abyss on a PPV? No. They want to see what you initially gave us---Wolfe going toe-to-toe with the best guys in TNA, like he did with Angle upon his arrival. Wolfe should be feuding with the likes of Joe, Styles (if he wasn't a fellow heel), Jeff Hardy, Rob Van dam, etc. He should not be fighting Abyss. There's almost no way that match will be good. Seriously, who the fuck is it that is booking Desmond Wolfe in TNA right now? They're an absolute moron whoever they are.

This will be a shit match with a shit stipulation, probably a comedy match with more Flair and Hogan fun. I'm losing more and more faith in TNA with every day. How can this possibly be the same company that only 5 months ago was giving us main events of Styles-Daniels-Joe and Wolfe-Angle? This added with the push and then random burial of MCMG has really left a sour taste in my mouth over the past few months when it comes to the booking of the midcard/upper midcard in TNA.
Eko i couldnt agree more,Wolfe is easily one of the best wrestlers they have there, and they put him in shit with fatass abyss, theres no way this goes well, wat a waste, all i ever do when i watch TNA is ask why, why do they do this shit, who thinks they are doin a good job?
I can't say I'm really looking forward to this one. Abyss will most likely dominate Wolfe, and it's a shame because Desmond could be a top player in TNA......I still can't believe this is the same guy who had all those awesome matches with Kurt Angle a while back. Anyway, Abyss should win this match because I think Hogan's pupil will continue to be a force a little while longer. Even if Wolfe manages to hold on his own in this match, Abyss will probably hulk-up, and destroy him.
Hey guys, you're all saying Abyss will win. TNA has listened to their fans...a little bit. WTF would abyss do with chelsea?! He tried to save her from Ric last monday and look what happened. I see Wolfey winning this and FINALLY ending the Abyssamania shit we've been forced to endure.
Eko I couldn't agree with you more. I'm starting to get the impression that Hogan and Bischoff didn't even watch the product before they came into power in TNA. Wolfe should be a top player in TNA, and should be booked as strong as he was when he first arrived. IMO Wolfe is the 2nd best heel in the company (yes, he's better than Anderson). My only concern is that the new little horseman group they are building, Wolfe will continue to play 2nd fiddle to AJ. TNA management needs to get their heads out of their asses and realize what talent they have. They had a chance to listen to the fans and book Wolfe properly in his match with RVD last night. Instead the match was rushed, and there was no build up or hype to RVD's first title defense. Let's hope Wolfe beats Abyssmal, and gives the ring to Chelsea. Hopefully this would mark the end of the ring nonsense and push Abyss back to mid-carder for life.
Nice. Now that poll exposed that we actually like Wolfe, it's time to correct that mistake by using any credibility he has in the fans' eyes to continue Abyss' push to nowhere that nobody asked for.

In classic Abyss fashion, he'll falter in the upper midcard at best, never reaching his potential, and being booking in an illigoical manner the whole way. Why are Hogan and his buddies pretending otherwise? Abyss is a fine asset at times, but he's not a long term main eventer. He's just too silly. Of course we still have a few months before the people in the back wake up in regards to this, so the Abyss train will likely keep rolling here.
While half the stipulation is just silly (Chelsea, really!?) I actually think this could be a match that will lead to something a bit more interesting. Remember that there are reports of Abyss eventually turning on Hogan and returning to his monster heel role that made him famous. If these reports are to be believed, there are more than a few ways for Abyss' heel turn to take place after losing Hogan's HoF ring. Hogan could get upset at Abyss, shun him, Abyss gets pissed, Abyss turns heel. I realize that's a bit weak, but off the top of my head that's something that could happen.

So I see Wolfe winning and hopefully....hopefully he will get the push he deserves, though I wouldn't put all my eggs in that basket. Here's hoping.
Another weird TNA match, Chelsea vs Ring...

Okay, i want wolfe to win, that man has been here since November i think(correct me if im wrong), tna hasn't put him in the title picture, i agree he has been jobbing since new year and a loss in this match would send him through the gutters IMO...

Abyss needs to take time off, overrated, only enjoys his own matche types, and abyssamania just isn't working...does he even point to the ring anymore??
Fuck it, I'm throwing one last pitch of hope over the plate. Either TNA can smack it into oblivion by letting Abyss win this match, or they can let it go past the plate into the waiting glove of reasoning and logic and just let Wolfe win.

What in the ever living hell known as Hogan's booking mind would Abyss do with a women?
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Originally posted by It's Damn Real!: Hold his homeless man jacket.
Originally posted by Tiger Suplex: Drown her in his ketchup and Mustard shirt.

I'm hard pressed to even believe Abyss has reproductive organs so you can throw sex slave out the window.

There is no, and I mean none at fucking all, justification for Abyss winning Chelsea here. None.

For this reason (yes, I am putting all my hope on the fact that TNA has some sense of logic) I am choosing Desmond Wolfe.
Desmond has to win this. Abyssamania or whatever the hell it is, is completely stupid. Im a huge TNA fan. I love them. But i kid you not.... Whenever Abyss cuts a damn promo Or hogan comes out I HAVE TO MUTE MY TV! I cannot stand them on the mike. Im glad he went to "jail" Maybe he'll come back pissed off and sun through everyone... Completing the rumors of a heel turn, God how i want that heel turn. Just to see the BHS on Hogan would be both hilarious and Amazing. I would cry laughing when i see that. I want Desmond Wolfe to win this very badly. I cannot tolerate this red and yellow, ring wearing, hogan wannabe. I just cant. Im not saying....Im just saying.
Great.... another random filler match. I honestly don't care who wins this. I picked Wolfe to get the win because he would get a lot of heel heat for defeating Abyss if Abyss is still in the "Hogan clone" mode that he's been in. Abyss has absolutely nothing to gain from winning a random filler match like this one. Maybe this will lead into Abyss turning heel and put a stop to his act of trying to be a Hogan clone. I doubt the match is going to be all that great, perhaps I'll use this as a time to go to the fridge for a snack.

Desomond Wolfe will defeat Abyss.
Umm not quite sure what to think fo this match. It seems thrown together but there is an actual story. The best part of this "feud" is Chelsea being gorgeous. The match should be okay probably because Wolfe is great but Abyss's shitness might ruin it.

Hopefully Wolfe wins as he needs a win or else I think he'll end up as a jobber and he deserves a lot better than that. Plus Chelsea doesn't deserve to be molested by that Monster.

Anyway, probably a passable match with Wolfe hopefully get the win.
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I am sorta looking forward to this match. To my knowledge they never had a match before so this really is a fresh dream match for me. I see Desmond Wolfe going over here Desmond has been looking weak the last couple of monthes and he need this win to get him back on track. Beside they just gave Chelsey somewhat of a personality so I dont think they would seprate them this fast.
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