TNA Sacrifice- #1 Contenders Match: Motor City Machine Guns v. 3D v. Beer Money


  • Motor City Machine not Gonna win

  • Old people

  • Beer nothing clever to say about them Money

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Tiger Chaos Theory

You ain't drawin' shit!

So here we are yet again, the MCMG in a #1 contenders match. Does it really matter if they win? It's not like they'll ever get the titles any way. Yes, I sound jaded, and for good reason, but I'll save my bitching for another day.

MCMG: Just got a shot two months ago, and lost to Morgan and Amazing Red. Could conceivably win with the constant push/bury/push booking TNA's given them.

3D: Old and slow, but still semi-entertaining. Has highest probability of winning if they plan to give the Tag titles to Ink Inc.

Beer Money: From being in a prominent heel stable to feuding with the guns to losing this match. Unless they plan on continuing the heel stable idea, which they don't seem to be, they'll lose then hopefully continue their feud with the guns to give it an ending.

My pick: 3D
Depends where they get the shot. If it was on Impact, the Guns will win and then put The Band over to set up a feud against a "better" team. If it's on PPV, Team 3D will get the go-ahead, because that allows another dream match ten years too late in Team 3D vs The Outsiders. TNA adore these matches, see 3D vs Steiners and 3D vs Nasty Boys for proof.
I think 3D wins this match. They put on a good show with Hall and Nash at Lockdown and I think TNA is counting on them to do it again down the road. I think Beer Money needs to win this match more than the Guns or 3D. Ric Flair's little stable is starting to look pretty weak and throwing Beer Money into a feud with Hall and Nash for the titles could help Team Flair look like major players again. As for the Guns, I think they are destined to just "hang around" and never really accomplish anything. That is a damn shame.
Sadly I think Team 3D will win this match. For some reason TNA isn't going to let the Motor City Machine Guns win any match and Beer Money has become a bunch of jobbers since they turned heel. We will probably see a boring Band vs. Team 3D feud for the belts at Slammiversary. I hope I'm wrong, but I seriously doubt Motor City or Beer Money will pull off the win.
I'm going to have to pick Team 3D to win this match. I would love to see the Guns win, but it seems as if they never get their run with the titles in TNA. The glory days of Beer Money have been gone for a long time, and I don't think they even have a shot at winning this match. I can see Team 3D winning this match, and having a feud with one of their apprentices(Jesse Neal), if Ink Inc. can capture the tag titles.
So assuming The Band wins their match, which they will, this one is pretty easy to predict. Band/Beer Money isn't happening, because it's just not. The MCMG would be a possibility, if TNA actually cared about them. But they don't, so they're out.

That leaves 3D, who've been sort of feuding with the Band for awhile now. Looks like they'll be entering a program with them that likely will have its ups and downs, with more downs, especially in the ring. O well, could be worse, I suppose.
Yet another #1 Contenders Match betgween these three teams? I don't really care all that much about this match because its highly unlikely the Motor City Machine Guns are going to win. It's been quite a while since the Guns won any sort of match. I'd have to say that Team 3D will come out the winner and try to win their 987th World Tag Team Championship.
Really, TNA? REALLY!?

I hate it when they do #1 contendership matches on PPV. I find VERY few things more pointless than that. All #1 contendership matches should be on tv, leading up to matches that actually mean something on PPV. It's not rocket science!

Rants aside, I think it will be decent as far as pointless filler matches go. I think that MCMG will get the win because they have been ready for a tag title reign for a LONG time. 3D have been tag team champions a million times, and Beer Money.... well I'm a bit sick of them at the moment. MCMG would be something new, and getting put over by The Band (assuming they retain) would help MCMG even further. Hopefully that's the way it will play out, and I'll go with that as my prediction here. MCMG's going to win because they have far more to gain from it than the other two teams put together.

MCMG will defeat Team 3D and Beer Money.
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