TNA needs Jeff Jarrett in the title picture.

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The best creative direction for TNA to go is to give Jeff Jarrett title matches, preferably against Kurt Angle. This has nothing to do with how he drew when he was champ. It has everything to do with the creative direction of the company.

First of all, Jeff vs. Kurt has been a blood feud which has basically been for the life of the company. Angle has digressed a bit to wrestle Sting, but JJ keeps the feud bubbling in his TV time. Kurt has been fighting to fulfill the need to hurt JJ, however, Jeff's emotional attachment to the company is far greater motivation. If you put the belt on Kurt Angle, then he has something equal in his mind to fight for, which gives the matches more of an intense set up.

Secondly, Sting's reign is not going well, and the Frontline have been made out to be weak. If Jeff beats Kurt, then he can use that to take control of the MEM from Kurt. After he dismisses Kurt, the Frontline should be built up enough for AJ to challenge JJ. Kurt could be feuding with Foley over something, and wind up putting over someone young that Foley picks to fight for him, possibly Eric Young. Joe would feud with Booker T. This sets up three top flight matches for consecutive PPV's. Beer Money can fight the Dudleyz, and Matt Morgan can fight Abyss. If you add a women's match and put Ultimate X on the card, TNA would have their best PPV ever.
Putting the title on Jarrett could work, as I don't think in the modern TNA era that he's had a face title run. He's certainly a legit enough talent and since its his company it would be hard to tell him no. His stuff with Angle shows that he's still got it. Matches with AJ and Joe agaisnt Jarrett should work. As long as the belt's not on Sting it's better. Don't think I'd have Jarrett be a long term champion though. He's better in his commissioner kind of role.
Agreed. It's really hard to imagine TNA without Double J in the title picture. He was away from the ring long enough to make the fans want to see him again. Put the title on the guy and let him run with it. A championship run means an inevitable heel turn, which is what Jarrett truly excels at- making people hate him. I get that Angle is the company's #1 heel right now, but even he can't draw the heat that Jarrett can from the TNA fans. Jarrett for champion- make it happen.
I think it could work as it gives Jarrett more reasons to beat Angle. Let's face it Sting's reign is horrible & maybe out of this we can get another Jarrett-Styles feud or Jarrett-Joe feud that only lasted 1 match. Jarrett is better in his current role but don't make him a long term champion.
I think they should have Jarrett take Stings spot in the mafia. They should have him smash Sting with a guitar costing him the title at the next PPV. Sting then can go face join the frontline giving it more credibility and then feud with the Mafia. I think Jarrett would be better for the mafia hes a good heel and would has "Stroke" within the company. I dont think they need him in the title picture right now.
I think Jarett should come back, kick Sting out of the mafia, and then bring back the Planet Jarett, but Sting should keep the title. While he's there he could kick Angle out as well, forcing Sting to ask for Angle's help to keep his title by forming another alliance to fight Planet Jarett and the weak frontline.
I gotta admit .I write this with a bitta prejudice .Jeff was never my fav WCW champ.He was obviously their last big nick from WWE & natch got title shots for it.It was like ,here comes shorty with his guitar,ref distracted,bam! match over,Jeff wins,where,d this firewood come from.
The thing is.Its SO well known TNA is his & daddies gig (sorry & Dixie) that he,s in a no win situation.Natch,you own the firm,you want the BiG chair.But last week,TNA had three kayfabe bosses (Cornette.Foley & Jeff).If it works it works but,,.When do you say,Theres enough talent here,I think III step down from the title scene.OR off come the trunks,on comes the suit-for good.Can Jeff DO that?!
To sum it up.To the average joe watching,its always dodgy looking & Yeah Right! when the wrestler/owner of a promotion,good or bad is always its World Champ or thereabouts.
Just out of interest,has Dixie ever been kayfabe GM/boss? Would solve a few probs if she could.
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