TNA mentioned on NXT

I loved the promo Kaval cut, and the fact that he mentioned TNA doesn't really matter. Because it could easily have been an aspect of just using the topic for what it 's actually about. Kaval brings stuff to the table, and he does it whenever he steps into the ring. So really the definition of Total Nonstop Action really fits just fine, without associating it with TNA.

And even if it was a hit against TNA, it's really nothing big, just like the hits TNA have been making at WWE from time to time. It doesn't matter, because they're such small jabs only the IWC and a small part of the common casual fan will take notice.
Except nothing of the sort happened. Did you see the promo? All that happened was Kaval rapping and at the end he said people needed to get ready for some "Total Nonstop Action". It wasn't a shot, it wasn't an advertisement, and it wasn't even a direct reference. It was just something for the smarks to smirk about. Nothing more.

No, he said I'm the only reason for some total nonstop action. That is obviously a shot. Still only something for smarks to smirk about but when TNA does it people lose their mind and claim this is going to cause everyone to change the channel.

Ferbian, you are cracking me up thinking the choice of words is a coincidence, especially considering the "coincidental" impact use following. Just stick to your second paragraph, that accurately sums it all up.
Ferbian, you are cracking me up thinking the choice of words is a coincidence, especially considering the "coincidental" impact use following. Just stick to your second paragraph, that accurately sums it all up.

I'm not laughing Shattered.

I don't see how it couldn't possibly have been a coincidental point that made sense in the whole promo? We've already addressed it before with the TNA guys hitting on WWE, it doesn't matter worth a damn, so why would WWE go out of their way to hit on someone to do the same thing TNA is doing?

It was a fine little thing, and it wouldn't matter if it's coincidental or not. But it could very well have been, don't you try to deny that, unless you have the script to show me.
No, he said I'm the only reason for some total nonstop action. That is obviously a shot. Still only something for smarks to smirk about but when TNA does it people lose their mind and claim this is going to cause everyone to change the channel.

Ferbian, you are cracking me up thinking the choice of words is a coincidence, especially considering the "coincidental" impact use following. Just stick to your second paragraph, that accurately sums it all up.

Not sure how you can compare WWE fans pointing out how sad it is that TNA has to refer to WWE numerous times in each show to us finding it amusing that Kaval seemed to take one shot at TNA, the first time I have ever seen it happen.

If it becomes as common as on TNA I will be the first to call them on it (as I have no doubt others would as well), but to compare it happening once to it happening all the time is a pretty big reach.
I'm not laughing Shattered.

I don't see how it couldn't possibly have been a coincidental point that made sense in the whole promo? We've already addressed it before with the TNA guys hitting on WWE, it doesn't matter worth a damn, so why would WWE go out of their way to hit on someone to do the same thing TNA is doing?

It was a fine little thing, and it wouldn't matter if it's coincidental or not. But it could very well have been, don't you try to deny that, unless you have the script to show me.

Can you show me the script that proves that it was not a coincidence when Kaz said galaxy? You can get fired a lot of places for choking someone with a tie. Vintage is not an especially uncommon word for announcers and this seems to compromise about half of the times TNA references WWE "every" show and the best part is it is not even an open and shut case that it is a shot. Anything could have been anything but I find it extremely unlikely that such an exchange just coincidentally came together in an environment as tightly controlled as the WWE.
Can you show me the script that proves that it was not a coincidence when Kaz said galaxy? You can get fired a lot of places for choking someone with a tie. Vintage is not an especially uncommon word for announcers and this seems to compromise about half of the times TNA references WWE "every" show and the best part is it is not even an open and shut case that it is a shot. Anything could have been anything but I find it extremely unlikely that such an exchange just coincidentally came together in an environment as tightly controlled as the WWE.

Did I directly say that TNA purposely took hits on WWE? With the exception of the time that they did the Montpact Zone Screwjob, the Vince McMahon mockery, both which were obvious hits on WWE to mock them.

Also I don't get the rest of your post really. What the hell does my post have to do with the tie, as well as the vintage? Did I mention those things? Did I say anywhere that it was a wrong thing for them to take jabs at WWE? Did I not just say that I don't give a damn? Because it's such small insignificant things, yet enough to create a buzz on this forum.

Also it could've been created to come off coincidental. Do you honestly think that WWE would want to script a promo around mocking TNA for the final word? Something that very well could've made its way into a regular promo because it made sense in the post? Give me a break.
Can you show me the script that proves that it was not a coincidence when Kaz said galaxy? You can get fired a lot of places for choking someone with a tie. Vintage is not an especially uncommon word for announcers and this seems to compromise about half of the times TNA references WWE "every" show and the best part is it is not even an open and shut case that it is a shot. Anything could have been anything but I find it extremely unlikely that such an exchange just coincidentally came together in an environment as tightly controlled as the WWE.

All the "tie" and "galaxy" and "vintage" stuff is clearly not coincidence, especially since Tenay and Taz begin chortling each and every time they mention one of those things. Clearly inentional, not sure how you can think otherwise.

Not that the shots at WWE bother me that much though. Sure, it can be annoying at times, but it doesn't really take away from the show. The whole point here is this isn't the same thing as the WWE never does this while TNA routinely mentions the rival company.
Loved the whole little freestyle thing Kaval did, and especially loved the Total Nonstop Action comment, which I think was at least a small barb at TNA.
I'm sorry, but how deluded do you have to be to believe this was a genuine shoot on TNA? It's amazing how quickly the IWC dives on anything.

What's even more amazing is how people come into a thread, don't even bother to read the opening post, and then shit on some of us for things we haven't said. Did I say this was a real shoot? Sure as shit didn't, in fact I said several times in the LD and in my post that this was not a real "shoot" but a worked one, as anything that ends up on TV is.

So hey, how about next time actually reading the opening post before making assumptions and shitting on people for things they haven't said? That would be real dandy.
I thought Kaval's Freestyle was funny and his mention of being Total Nonstop Action was pretty clever. Was it a dig at TNA? Maybe,Maybe not if it was it was funny. TNA needs some cheap shots once & while since they do it to WWE constantly. I hope Kaval or Joe Hennig win NXT Season 2.
I thought it was pretty funny as was the rest of the promo, it certainly caught me off guard though as WWE dosent usually do those kinda things, or reference TNA in anyway but I suppose if your gonna do it do it on your C show where no one will see it. TNA does it every week so I supppose Vince wanted to fire a shot back, no biggie.
I thought it was fantastic! For the record, I don't mind when TNA does it to WWE either, I find it humourous either way around. Definitely the best promo I've seen from Kaval since NXT started, I found it genuinely funny. I'll agree with the OP too, it is in no way a shoot I'd say, it's not like he is promoting TNA either, just a little jab for people like the IWC to laugh at. Incredible!
All the "tie" and "galaxy" and "vintage" stuff is clearly not coincidence, especially since Tenay and Taz begin chortling each and every time they mention one of those things. Clearly inentional, not sure how you can think otherwise.

I don't. I was making the point if that I took ferbian's show me the script or it is just as likely a coincidence nonsense approach then I could claim that they were not even though that is clearly not true. Just like it is clear that what Kaval said was more than a coincidence.

ferbian said:
Also it could've been created to come off coincidental. Do you honestly think that WWE would want to script a promo around mocking TNA for the final word? Something that very well could've made its way into a regular promo because it made sense in the post? Give me a break.

So what is the argument here? They wanted it to be fake coincidental and somehow that makes it not pre-meditated? Weird logic. If they created it then it was obviously not coincidental. I do not get why you insist on digging this illogical hole deeper. They did it.
So what is the argument here? They wanted it to be fake coincidental and somehow that makes it not pre-meditated? Weird logic. If they created it then it was obviously not coincidental. I do not get why you insist on digging this illogical hole deeper. They did it.

The fact of the matter is that you couldn't possibly prove to us that it wasn't coincidental. We've often speculated to what extend NXT is unscripted in terms of promos. We certainly did in season 1, so where in the world does it state that this promo is not unscripted? WWE has done it before, with a multitude of talents allowed to cut an unscripted promo. Why couldn't this be the case as well?

So you can continue to quote me Shattered. You can continue to throw stuff at me, but until you've proved that it was in fact coincidental, I'll keep on digging this so called "illogical hole".
The fact of the matter is that you couldn't possibly prove to us that it wasn't coincidental. We've often speculated to what extend NXT is unscripted in terms of promos. We certainly did in season 1, so where in the world does it state that this promo is not unscripted? WWE has done it before, with a multitude of talents allowed to cut an unscripted promo. Why couldn't this be the case as well?

So you can continue to quote me Shattered. You can continue to throw stuff at me, but until you've proved that it was in fact coincidental, I'll keep on digging this so called "illogical hole".

I think we might be talking about different things. All I have been saying is that Kaval intentionally used the words he did to take a shot at TNA, thus it is not a coincidence. I could care less about scripted or unscripted. Just because something is unscripted, it is not a coincidence when you say it. I am under the impression you have been suggesting Kaval just so happened to on the spot say those words, in that order, the way he did, yet the idea of TNA being associated with them had never even entered his mind. You are correct that it cannot be definitively proven but neither can anything else we debate about. Hiding behind a remote improbability is silly. Especially when you are representing something so unlikely as almost equally probable as the much more obvious implication.
I think we might be talking about different things. All I have been saying is that Kaval intentionally used the words he did to take a shot at TNA, thus it is not a coincidence. I could care less about scripted or unscripted. Just because something is unscripted, it is not a coincidence when you say it. I am under the impression you have been suggesting Kaval just so happened to on the spot say those words, in that order, the way he did, yet the idea of TNA being associated with them had never even entered his mind. You are correct that it cannot be definitively proven but neither can anything else we debate about. Hiding behind a remote improbability is silly. Especially when you are representing something so unlikely as almost equally probable as the much more obvious implication.

Yet you keep pointing it out like it's something WWE specifically did, hence why I mentioned it as potentially unscripted Shattered.

Also, sure I'm not saying that the fact that Kaval mentioned it like the way he did, never once that he thought of TNA as a whole, but I don't think it was necessarily something that he scooped to a level of using it as a hit against TNA. But I guess either way you and I have already agreed that Kaval's mention of TNA truly doesn't matter jack shit, because it's a ridiculous small comment either way.

And I agree, nothing can truly be proved in this context to say the least. But to say that in anything we debate, is untrue, but that's for another subject. However that would also make it impossible for us to settle in this matter of whether Kaval did in fact use it as a coincidental hit or not.

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